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The Christian Crusades
Billy Williams
Amridge University
Michael Strickland
For my paper I will be doing research and talking about the Holy Wars also known as the
“Christian” Crusades. During this paper it is important to note that I will be referring to those who
participated in the crusades not as Christians but as crusaders. The Crusades were more or less a bloody
pilgrimage war that lasted for 022 years or better. In this paper it is my intent to give some information
in general for the wars, but most of my concentration will be focused on the first crusade or assault .
Generally the crusades are known to may as a war waged by the catholic church to those who
opposed them. This at times was true, however, the main intent of the war in it's begging had nothing to
do with other Christian groups that were teaching and opposing the Catholic church. There were
literally hundreds of crusades many in which didn't have anything to do with M uslims nor go hear
Jerusalem at all . In general there wasn't just one war there were about 7 major campaigns that started
in 5201 and Ending in or around 5005. The first crusade, which we will discuss in detail in just a
moment started with Pope Urban II and was lead by Peter the Hermit primarily and some other
individuals we will mention in a moment. The second crusade started in 5517-5510, lead by King
Louis VII failed and thus resulted in the loss of one of the four Latin Kingdoms. The third wave was
from 5511-5500 and lead by Pope Gregory VIII. The fourth was in 5020-5021 in which the all
important city of Constantinople was attacked. Damietta was taken in the fifth crusade in the years of
5057-5005, Fredrick the II led the sixth in 5001 and it lasted until about 5000, The seventh was lead
by Louis IX of France 5011-5012 and there were other fightings and smaller wars until about 5002.
It wasn't until the 1 crusade that many other Christian sects were attacked, so what in the
world started the great crusades? A council had been called, the same council who had created and
renewed “the truce of God”, which was designed to limit fighting. The knights were forbidden to fight
from Wednesday evening until M onday morning and on holy holidays. This same council later helped
launch the first crusade. The Crusade was seen as a way to bring peace and also moved everyones
attention away from Europe. M uslims had already conquered large territories, much more and larger
than the “Christians” had, far into 5811 M uslim forces had pushed into central Europe. King Louis IX
spent more than six times his normal annual income to combat the M uslims. In the 55 th and 50 th
Centuries Jews were being persecuted. Even Crusaders in the first Crusade killed Jews along the Rhine
River. For 122 years in Spain and Portugal Crusade like wars known as Reconquest continued, and
ended in 5100. The Crusades took place in just about every country in Europe and in the near east . Out
of all the Crusades only the first truly met it's goal to free Jerusalem from M uslim Control. So let us
turn our attention to this crusade.
Pope Urban II gathered church leaders at Clermont, which is in south east france in November
5201. This session would last for about 0 days, during which Urban invited the public to listen in on
his speech. Urban called the men of France to defend their Greek Brother who were already been
invaded by the Turks. Urban also called for Liberation of Jerusalem and more importantly the Church
of the Holy Sepulcher from the M uslim Control. As the speech ended the crowed would yell “God
Will's it, God wills it!” Immediately volunteers came and knelt before him, and in the months that
followed this message of liberation was preached throughout France and Germany. Crusaders, mostly
knights and dukes would sew a cross on their battle attire to show loyalty and the vow to God that they
would undergo this upcoming pilgrimage. This pilgrimage would be about 00222 mile journey and no
one knew of what lay ahead. M any who went on this journey did so because they feared the M uslims
and other religious groups. At that time M uslims had taken control of major parts of land in Asia M inor
and were very close to Constantinople. For approximately 122 years M uslims had Control of Jerusalem,
which was considered then, and still today, the most holy of Lands. During this time Christian
pilgrimages were allowed to take place and even tho Jerusalem at this time was no longer a God fearing
nation and were under M uslim control. M uslim Worship was held at The Church of the Holy Sepulcher,
which Constantine mother had built on the spot thought to be the very tomb Jesus was buried in, and
thus it was also the resurrection site. Another reason these crusaders decided to make this journey was
the fact they desired forgiveness of sins, and they wanted to touch history and gain at least partial
forgiveness of sins. Urban II also announced that those taking part in this pilgrimage would receive
remission of all past sins and he would remit the sins caused by the crusades themselves, and that all
past sin would be forgiven as well.
Along the way the crusaders faced many troubles and hardships. Some would include but
certainly not limited to starvation, death, victories. They were successful at taking some of the Lesser
cities like Nicea, and Antioch. On June 50 th the crusading armies made the journey and went up to
the mount of olives. Once they were there they met a man, a hermit man of old age. Here this man gave
a prophecy of sorts and declared that if the crusaders would attack the city tomorrow, the 51 th, they
would be victorious in their attack. After much debating and consideration, they agreed. M any of the
time as mentioned before, would see certain natural occurrences, and mistook them for divine approval
and blessings. For example on or around October and December, after the siege of Antioch, there was
an earthquake with a lunar eclipse. M any also claimed to have seen many saints like Saint George and
Saint Demetrius leading their armies to victory. Some even claimed to see angels and other dead
crusaders riding white horses. So with all these unexplainable events they, as I mentioned, took these as
signs that the hermit's prophecy would be correct.
After they returned to camp they ordered their troops to prepare for battle. At this point they
were strategically camped around Jerusalem with armies on the North, Northwest, and the South. On
the 51th early in the morning the trumpets let out a whale as the voices of the crusaders yelled “God
Will's it, and God help us!” They began to storm the city from all sides using what few ladders they had
to try and scale the walls. The issues that they face now were they had to few ladders or other means to
get across the walls. As knights scaled the walls they were quickly defended by the M uslims. The
crusaders just wasn't getting up and over the walls fast enough, thus not a lot could go up at once. After
several hours the crusaders were forced to retreat and come up with another game plan.
After the first attack they awaited assistance from the Egyptian reinforcements. They waited for
food, and water. M any of them would suffer before and especially after the attack with finding good
decently clean drinking water. When they did they were often ambushed by the M uslims and at times
would travel up to five or more miles to search for water. The pool of Siloam was one source just
outside the wall they tried to use but often times when they were there gathering water the M uslims
would often fire arrows at them forcing them away. M ost of the time the water they were able to get
was muddy and smelled horribly and not very safe for human consumption, however this would be sold
at very high prices back at camp . Remember, temperatures could reach temps of over 522 degrees with
very little shade and very hot dry wind during the summer months. Animals such as their horses would
often die of thirst and just lie and rot. So one can only imagine the smells.
Aside from basic essentials like the food and water, crusaders also lacked sufficient weapons
and tools that would help them. Since the fail of the first attack they decided to make better and more
useful tools. One of the most important things they looked into building was a siege tower, which could
be rolled right up to the walls and allow many more crusaders to get over the walls. They also looked at
building catapults that would take up to 12 or more men to operate, and it could sling 122 or better
pounds of stones 512 yards. Another thing they looked into building was a M ongonel which would hurl
large balls of fire over the walls. Even though they knew the types of weapons they needed, they lacked
supplies in order to build these weapons. At last help would eventually arrive and they would be able to
build and obtain these weapons. It wouldn't come without cost, the first party who were sent to get the
supplies were ambushed so they had to send a second. The next problem was the lack of wood so they
sent expeditions many miles to find wood. Wood was carried back and construction began.
Now with all the troubles and the let downs the crusader's spirits were crushed. As if they had
not yet faced enough problems fights would break out amongst themselves, M any fighting over
buildings and property and some fighting and quarreling about the future of Jerusalem. Some wanted a
king appointed while the priest would argue that no one man should call himself king in the city that
Christ was King. Some soldiers would disregardful the vow they had made and deserted the cause. At
the beginning their were approximately 110222 knights and soldiers and by this time it had went down
to only about 510222 in just about 1 years time.
There was another prophecy that was reported during this time. On July 8th Peter Desiderius
who was a priest claimed to receive a vision from Adhemar the bishop of Le Puy, who had already been
dead for some time now after the victory at Antioch. In this vision Peter reported Adhemer stated that
they needed to turn from their wicked ways, and went on to say that if the crusaders would march
around Jerusalem barefoot and praying to God as well as fast , then their attack of the city on the 0th
day would be victorious and they would capture the city and all the terrible things they experienced
would be returned and multiplied to them. On July 1th they started the walking barefoot around the city,
religious leaders went first bearing crosses and other relics. As they did this the M uslims stood high
atop the walls laughing and making fun of them. In the next 0 days crusaders readied their weapons,
catapults, and siege towers, crossbows, axes, rams, and swords. The next afternoon the wooden towers
were put into position one on the North wall, south wall, and a smaller one to the North west corner.
On Wednesday evening the trumpet sounded again, soldiers charged up the towers and over the
walls, attacking mainly from the south and northeast, as a division attacked on the North West corner.
A day and a half later as arrows whipped through the air and huge stones crashed down the battle raged.
On good Friday again when the trumpets blasted with banners flying and crusaders screaming the walls
of Jerusalem were rushed and the battle truly began. It was as early as mid morning when the towers
were badly beaten by M uslims and some were even set afire. For nearly 0 days they battled and the
crusaders who were worn out eventually became discouraged that there were just to many defenders to
get a good hold of the walls. As the battle went on, a withdrawn council came together, soldiers who
met with Godfrey and as they met they claim they saw what looked like a Knight waving to advance
and attack. This caused the crusaders to be encouraged and take heart. The Assault continued and new
attempts were made to scale the walls. Godfrey was then able to bring down a draw bridge of sorts thus
making a bridge to the walls allowing for more crusaders threw. Godfrey and 0 knights lead the charge
storming the walls and with it their armies. As this was happening other crusaders were then able to
take smaller ladders and use them to get over the walls. Iftikhar who was the M uslim leader retreated
to the tower of David and began to try and negotiate a surrender. He offered large amounts of treasures
in exchange for himself and his body guards lives. They were some of the only Muslims left alive.
Crusaders would rush the streets into houses and mosques and killing everyone they saw including
women and children. By evening the soldiers pushed their way through the dead bodies to the Church
of the Holy Sepulcher and began to sing and praise God. One week after the attacks the princes met and
elected Godfrey as ruler, not king, of Jerusalem. Shortly after on August 5st a Roman Catholic Bishop
was Elected, and by the end of that month the crusaders being true to their vows then headed home, and
once again the holy City was in Christian Hands.
This was just one of the many attacks and crusades along the way. It would be almost
impossible to place all the important information in this paper as to show the importance and how this
war changed the face of modern day religion. Some say these wars were of great importance, while
many, like myself, feel these were senseless acts. However it is interesting to wonder at times what the
world would have been like if M uslims still controlled this area. As we have looked at many hardships
came their way but yet they prevailed. Thanks for reading!
Works Cited
Galli, Mark. "Bloody Pilgrimage as the crusaders assaulted Jerusalem, the holy and savage joined
hands."Christian History, 5001 , 12.
Galli, Mark. "T he Crusades:From The Editor- The good, the bad, and the ugly." Christian History , 5001 .
Marshall, Caroline. "T he Crusades: Did you Know?." Christian History, 5001 .
Accessed November 51 , 0251 . .