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Internet advertising
in Bulgaria
10 May, 2017
Internet users
Internet advertising in numbers
Internet advertising in Bulgaria has seen significant growth
Research shows that for 2007 the volume of web advertising was over
12 Mln BGN Net. This represents 60% growth from the previous year
It is expected that for 2008 the volume of internet advertising will
increase by 80%, with most experts believing that this is
conservative estimate.
Despite the dramatic growth of ad volume, internet advertising
remains only a small part of the whole media mix. For 2007 it was
just 4%
By 2010 internet advertising as part of the media mix will cross the
10% threshold
Internet advertising budgets (gross)
Source: Piero 97
The number of companies finding Internet advertising as a viable
channel is continuously growing. Most of the traditional biggest
advertisers are already present on the internet
The budgets allocated for Internet remain significantly smaller than
for TV, Press, Outdoor, Radio etc.
The average budget invested in one internet campaign ranges from 15
000 to 30 000 BGN, which is inadequate to achieve good results
Few major advertisers know who the biggest web publishers are,
what they can offer or which are the most appropriate and effective
web marketing instruments
More and more SMB are beginning to understand the advantages of
advertising on the Internet and are increasingly using it as their
main media channel
Advertising and Media agencies
Very few agencies currently offering internet advertising solutions
There is a lack of qualified internet professionals
Few agencies recognize the need for a person responsible only for
internet marketing and advertising
For them the internet market is uncharted territory hence they
make very little effort and investments from the budgets of their
The Internet provides unlimited opportunities and variety of
marketing instruments
Internet media planning
Position, size and weight
Ad impressions
Cost per 1000 ad impressions - CPM
Price per day
Advertising formats
Banner ads (CPM) or Text ads (CPC)?
or utilize both CPM and CPC price models?
Internet publishers
Internet metrics
Currently two companies (Nielsen Online and Gemius) provide
audience measurement tools on the Bulgarian market
Gemius – measure unique consumer. The Internet media part of
their surveys are:, Investor BG, Web Ground, Web group 24
and others
1 700 000 unique consumers per month
Nielsen Online – measure unique browser. The Internet media
part of their surveys are: Netinfo, Investor BG,,
Economedia, Web Media Group, Atol Media, Darik Web, Media
Group 24, Rezon Media, Sanoma Bliasak Bulgaria, Digital Media
Group, Web Ground и др.
770 000 average daily unique browsers
Nielsen Online
The Future is Internet Advertising