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Just Think!
Vermont K-12 Standards: 1.3, 1.4, 1.15, 1.20 2.1, 2.7, 2.13, 5.14, 5.15, 6.3
July 2010
Meeting the Standard
By successfully completing this project, you will demonstrate your ability to:
Observe critically
(VT K-12 Standards 2.7, 5.14)
Attend to visual sources of information, including television and other media.
Determine the purpose for communication, and use strategies appropriate to the purpose.
Monitor comprehension and adjust strategies.
Analyze the accuracy, bias, and usefulness of the information.
Integrate it with prior knowledge to address viewing purpose.
Speak so others can understand
(VT K-12 Standard 1.15, 1.16, 5.15)
Determine the purpose for communicating.
Organize and relay information to effectively serve the purpose, context, and listener.
Pay attention to conventions of English communication, including grammar, word choice, register,
pace, and gesture in order to minimize barriers to listener comprehension.
Use multiple strategies to monitor effectiveness of the communication.
Advocate and influence
Define what one is trying to achieve.
Assess interests, resources, and the potential for success.
Gather facts and supporting information to build a case that takes into account the interests and
attitudes of others.
Present a clear case, using a strategy that takes into account purpose and audience.
Revise as necessary in response to feedback.
Listen Actively
(VT K-12 Standards 1.11, 1.15, 1.20, 2.13)
(VT K-12 Standards 1.13, 1.14)
Attend to oral information.
Clarify purpose for listening and use listening strategies appropriate to that purpose.
Monitor comprehension, adjusting listening strategies to overcome barriers to comprehension.
Integrate information from listening with prior knowledge to address listening purpose.
VADP – Just Think 710
Understanding Advertising
Advertising is all around us. In 2006, MSNBC estimated that American children watch
about 40,000 TV ads each year. USA Today studied programming on one network
station and found a minute of advertising for every two minutes of programming
(10/11/2005). A recent issue of National Geographic (July 2007) had twenty full-page
ads, while an issue of Glamour (July 2004) showed 93 full-page ads. Advertisements can
influence our thinking and behavior. Companies and organizations pay to advertise
because it works.
This project asks you to explore the various techniques used in advertisements to
influence what we buy, what we think, and what we value. During this project you
will distinguish fact from fantasy and identify what to trust as truth. You will have the
opportunity to explore how advertising is created and how it affects our culture. If we
think critically and evaluate advertisements, we can make informed decisions about
what actions we take and what products we purchase.
Sources for Introduction: msnbc.msn,com. 9/27/2006; 10/11/2005
You will complete the following steps during the project:
1. Observe and Understand How Advertisements Work
2. Explore Advertisements and Freedom of Speech
3. Develop an Advertising Plan
4. Design and Present an Advertisement
VADP – Just Think 710
Step One: Understanding Advertisements
VADP has published lessons on critical thinking about advertising. These lessons were designed
to provide information and build critical observation skills that will help you as you work on this
project. Some of the lessons are quick reviews of a specific subject, while others require you to
look at advertisements and answer questions about the selling techniques you observe. Before
you begin Just Think, work with a teacher to complete the VADP Critical Thinking lessons
you need, or complete them on your own. When you have a good understanding of critical
thinking about advertising, begin Step One of this project. You can refer to the lessons as you
work on the project.
One of the lessons, “Observe and Understand Ads,” asks you to collect advertisements from
several magazines. Other lessons teach advertising techniques and critical reading or listening
skills. Use the advertisements you collect, the information about advertising techniques, and your
critical thinking about advertising messages from the lessons to guide you as you complete the
worksheets in Step One.
Pages 5-8: Follow project directions on each page to show critical understanding of television,
magazine, internet, and radio advertising.
Page 9: Use magazine ads to illustrate your understanding of advertising techniques and
Hand in pages 5-9 and discuss your work with your assessor.
If you need help with your project work, consult a teacher or review the lessons in the Critical
Thinking lesson packet.
VADP – Just Think 710
Understanding Advertisements
Magazine Ad
1. Select one of the magazine ads you clipped in the “Observe and Understand Ads” lesson, and use it
to complete the chart below. Attach the ad to this page to give to your assessor when you discuss
your observations and conclusions.
1.Name of Magazine
2.Brand + Product in Ad
What do you SEE in the ad?
5. Which part of the ad caught your
attention first?
4.What messages are implied by the words and
images in the ad?
6. How does the ad make you feel?
7. Do you like the ad? __________ Do you think you are the target customer? _________ Describe
the target customer and explain how this ad could attract or influence this customer.
8. Identify and list two selling techniques used in the advertisement. Explain how the advertiser uses
each selling technique in this ad.
9. Identify and list any facts provided in the ad.
10. Does the ad give you sufficient evidence to make a decision to buy the product? Explain.
11. What additional facts or information (if they were provided in the ad), would help you to make a
decision to buy the product?
VADP – Just Think 710
Understanding Advertisements
2. Select one of the television ads you watched in the “Observe and Understand Ads” lesson, and use it
to complete the chart below. Complete this page and then discuss your observations and conclusions
with your assessor.
1. Name of TV Show
4. Brand + Product in Ad
4. What did you SEE and HEAR in the ad?
6. Which part of the ad caught your attention
3. Time ad aired:
5. What messages are implied by the words and
images in the ad?
7. What did you think or feel when you saw this
8. Did you like the ad? __________ Do you think you are the target customer? _________ Describe
the target customer and explain how this ad could attract or influence that customer.
9. Identify and list two selling techniques used in the advertisement. Explain how the advertiser used
each selling technique in this ad.
10. Identify and list any facts provided in the ad.
11. Did the ad give you sufficient evidence to make a decision to buy the product? Explain.
12. What additional facts or information would help you to make a decision to buy the product?
VADP – Just Think 710
Understanding Advertisements
Internet Ad
5. View several ads that appear on an internet web site. Select one ad and if it includes video or
movement, watch it several times. Print your ad if possible. Think about your answers to the
questions about magazine and TV ads as you complete the chart below. How are ads on the internet
different from other ads? Complete this page and then discuss your observations and conclusions
with your assessor.
1.Name of Website
2.Brand + Product in
3. What did you SEE and HEAR in the ad?
Describe the location of the ad and everything
you saw and heard.
5. Which part of the ad caught your attention
4. What messages are implied by the words and
images in the ad?
6. What did you think or feel when you saw this
7. Did you like the ad? __________ Do you think you are the target customer? ______ Describe the
target customer and explain how this ad could attract and influence that customer.
8. Identify and list one or more selling techniques used in the advertisement. Explain how the
advertiser uses these selling techniques in this ad.
9. Identify and list any facts provided in the ad.
10. Did the ad give you sufficient evidence to make a decision to buy the product? Explain.
11. What additional facts or information would help you to make a decision to buy the product?
VADP – Just Think 710
Understanding Advertisements
Radio Ad
6. Listen to several ads on different radio stations. Select one ad and record it if possible. Listen to the
ad several times or take notes. Think about your answers to the questions about magazine, TV, and
internet ads as you complete the chart below. How are ads on the radio different from other ads?
Complete this page and then discuss your observations and conclusions with your assessor.
1. Name of Radio Station
2. Time ad aired:
3. Brand + Product in Ad
4. Why do people listen to the radio?
5. What was your purpose for listening to this ad?
6. What did you HEAR in the ad?
7. What messages are implied by the words and
Describe the ad in detail.
images in the ad?
8. Which part of the ad caught your attention
9. What did you think or feel when listening to the
10. Did you like the ad? __________ Do you think you are the target customer? _________ Describe
the target customer and explain how this ad could attract and influence that customer.
11. List one or more selling techniques used in the advertisement. Explain how the advertiser uses
each selling technique in this ad.
12. Identify and list any facts provided in the ad.
13. Does the ad give you sufficient evidence to make a decision to buy the product? Explain.
14. What additional facts or information would help you to make a decision to buy the product?
VADP – Just Think 710
Critical Thinking about Ads
When you turn in this worksheet to your assessor, bring in magazine ads to illustrate each answer.
Advertisements may show us stereotyped images. Define the word stereotype, as used in
a) Select two advertisements that portray a similar stereotype.
What is the stereotype?
b) List the traits and qualities your advertisements give to this stereotype.
c) Why do you think the advertisers choose this (stereotyped) image?
2. Choose an advertisement that gives little or no information about the product.
a) What might a viewer think or feel when looking at this ad?
b) How does this ad promote a product without providing much – or any – product information?
3. Are advertisements biased or unbiased sources of product information? ___________ Using an ad as
an example, explain your answer:
4. Find a magazine ad you think is effective.
a) What is the main advertising technique you see in this ad, and how is it used?
b) Explain why you think this ad is effective.
VADP – Just Think 710
Step Two: Advertisements and Freedom of Speech
Advertisements bombard us each day selling everything from toothpaste to politicians. We may not like
all the advertisements, but the Constitution gives advertisers freedom to communicate with us. In the
First Amendment, freedom of speech protects the rights of individuals and organizations to express their
thoughts and feelings.
We can use this right to express our thoughts and feelings about advertising. We can inform companies
when we are insulted by ads that use images and messages to which we object (such as violence or
disrespect for women). We can also speak out on whether certain places should be "advertising free."
For example, a Vermont law prohibits advertising billboards along our highways. Are there other places
where you think advertising should be restricted? Some countries prohibit advertising during news
broadcasts. They fear news broadcasts dependent on corporate advertising money threaten citizen access
to unbiased information. Many corporations now approach schools for advertising space. Do you think
advertising should be allowed on school property?
This step asks you to speak out about advertising in two persuasive oral presentations – one of them
informal and the other one formal. Before you prepare your oral presentations, read the guidelines for
giving a “Persuasive Oral Presentation” in the VADP Critical Thinking lessons.
Informal Persuasive Speaking
SPEAK PERSUASIVELY: Informal Persuasion
Select and save an advertisement that you find objectionable or offensive. You may choose a
magazine, newspaper, or internet ad. If you choose an ad you saw on the internet, print it. The ad you
select should be objectionable because it sends a negative message – not because you object to the
product being sold.
Look at your ad as you complete the Objectionable Advertisement Worksheet (page 11) to prepare for
your presentation. Your assessor will collect your ad and this worksheet with the rest of your work.
Give an oral presentation to your assessor that explains your objection to the ad. Your presentation
should convince your assessor that the ad is objectionable and identify possible negative consequences
of the ad.
VADP – Just Think 710
Objectionable Advertisement Worksheet
(Clip your magazine, newspaper, or internet ad to this page.)
1. a) Product advertised: _______________________________________________________
1. b) What is the purpose of your presentation?
2. Describe the ad.
3. How do you feel when you look at this ad?
4. Who is the target customer for this ad? _________________________________________
How does the ad try to attract its target customer?
5. What are the stated messages in the ad?
6. a) What is the ad’s implied message?
6. b) How does the ad convey this message?
7. What do you find objectionable or offensive about this advertisement?
8. How could this product be advertised effectively without being objectionable?
9. Your assessor will ask you questions at the conclusion of your presentation. Think about what
your assessor might ask and how you could respond.
VADP – Just Think 710
Formal Persuasive Presentation
SPEAK PERSUASIVELY: Formal Presentation
This is a more organized type of persuasive communication, in which you will organize your
thoughts in advance and speak as if you were addressing a group.
Pretend that your local school is considering an advertising contract with a fashion or food company that
will pay $50,000 a year to have 1000 square feet of advertising space(s) on school property. As a
community member, you have a chance to give your opinion to the school board at a public hearing.
After listening to all the opinions, the board will make its decision.
Use the Persuasive Presentation Outline on the following pages to make an outline of your arguments
with supporting information in favor of or against advertising on school property. Then use the outline
to guide your oral presentation to the “school board” (your assessor) to persuade them that the
advertising contract is, or is not, a good idea. You may stand or sit when you give your presentation.
You may use charts, pictures or other props to help you make your point. Hand in any props used in
your presentation, including your outline, to your assessor after your presentation.
My topic:
Advertising on School Property
Purpose of my presentation:
My opinion:
Three reasons for my opinion:
What might be some of the needs, values, and interests of the school board members as they
listen to my presentation?
VADP – Just Think 710
Formal Persuasive Presentation Outline
Write an outline of your presentation. Use key words and phrases, NOT complete sentences.
Attention grabber (an interesting fact or example):
Statement of my opinion:
Why this issue is important:
Arguments (with examples and information) that support my opinion:
One or more opposing arguments listeners could give (and how I would respond to
VADP – Just Think 710
Summarize my main point:
Ask listeners to take action to support my position:
Ask if there are any listener questions.
Listen carefully and respond.
What visual aids could help reinforce my presentation?
VADP – Just Think 710
Step Three: Choose a Product; Create an Ad Plan
Each year, thousands of products enter the marketplace, and consumers spend money to buy
them. Some of these products use new science or technology to save lives, clean up the
environment, etc., but many new products are not introduced to meet any real need. The most
famous such product at one time was a rock in a box with holes. Thousands of people paid
several dollars to own a small rock. Someone had the idea that a properly packaged and
marketed stone could be a moneymaker. Amazingly, this idea was successful.
Look around your home and locate several items you bought that you do not really need. Do
you find a ceramic unicorn? Pumpkin candlesticks? How about a miniature basket or lava
lamp? How do people choose to make a purchase? Often the answer is effective marketing.
Marketing includes advertising – and more.
Have you ever daydreamed about a product you think you could convince people to buy? It
could be an existing product in a new flavor, style, or material, or with a new feature. Or you
could invent something new that people would truly appreciate. Think of a product you
would like a lot and think you could effectively market. It would be useful or attractive to a
group of customers, and you believe you can persuade those people to buy it. Brainstorm your
ideas with a friend or relative, and then pick one.
Name your product. Describe it and explain its value.
Study the information about advertising and marketing in the Critical Thinking unit.
Identify a (new or improved) product that you will advertise.
Identify similar or related existing products and view ads for the products.
 Use the outline that follows to create an advertising plan for your product.
VADP – Just Think 710
Advertising Plan
Use this form to describe your product and plan how you will get your target customer to buy it. What is the
image and message of your brand, and how will you promote your brand’s image with potential buyers? What
advertising media and techniques will you use to reach your target customer? How will you connect your product
or brand with a positive feeling or need? Be bold. If a rock sold as a pet can earn millions, your product can be
successful, too.
Product Name: ________________________________________________________________
Product Description: ___________________________________________________________
Product Use or Purpose: ________________________________________________________
Target Consumer Group:
Age __________________________________________________
Sex __________________________________________________
Occupation ___________________________________________
Other characteristics (list): ______________________________
How will the target customer learn about the product? (Choose one specific type of ad from the
categories below).
1) Print ads (magazine, newspaper, billboard, etc.) __________________________________
2) Other media (TV, video, internet, radio) _________________________________________
3) In-person promotion _________________________________________________________
4)Other promotion (discounts, coupons, prizes, packaging, etc.) _________________________
5)What are your target customer’s needs and wants? How will your ads and promotion appeal to
him or her?
6)What is the competition? ________________________________________________________
VADP – Just Think 710
7)How does the competition advertise? ______________________________________________
8)Observe an ad, if possible, for a similar product, and critique it by answering these questions.
Why will a consumer choose your product over the competition? _____________________
9)Where will the consumer purchase your product? _______________________________________
10)Content of your ad – brainstorm with your target customer in mind:
a)Images that might appeal to your target customer: ______________________________________
b)Colors: ___________________________________________________________________________
c)Action? ___________________________________________________________________________
d)Heading or key phrase: _____________________________________________________________
e)Product information or highlights: ____________________________________________________
f)Other information: _________________________________________________________________
g)Other ad elements: _________________________________________________________________
11)Sometimes advertisers enlist a group of consumers to view new ads and comment on them.
They may choose not to release an ad if the consumer group does not like it.
If you wanted to get feedback on your ad, to whom would you show it first?
VADP – Just Think 710
Step Four: Create and Present an Ad for your Product
Effective advertising can take many forms. In this project you have looked critically at magazine and
TV ads. An ad can be posted on a billboard or website. It could be a short video, a small box of
information in a newspaper, or a voice on the radio. Here are some general guidelines for advertisements
of each type.
Print Ads: Magazines, Newspapers, Displays, Packaging, Billboards
See guidelines for print ads in the Critical Thinking unit.
TV Ads (Video)
Ads on TV are very expensive, so they must send a convincing message very quickly. TV ads are videos
that use visual effects, music and sounds to generate interest and stay in the viewer’s memory.
Generally, a TV ad is 30 seconds or less. An ad can be directed to a specific group when it runs with a
TV show popular with that group.
Radio Ads
Radio ads are usually 15 or 30 seconds in length. Prime times for radio ads are the commuter times,
when many working people are listening. Each radio station has a target audience, so advertisers may
choose specific stations to reach those same groups. Since there is no visual contact with the product,
advertisers often use catchy music or a verbal twist or surprise.
Website Ads
Website Ads may include motion or flashing to get the viewer’s attention. A website ad may be a short
video. It may pop into view. Some website ads appear to be part of the regular website information, but
they may be listed under a heading such as “Sponsored Links” or “Ads.” A click on that part of the
webpage opens the ad.
Create a finished advertisement for your product. If you choose to create a print ad, your ad must include
the four components. For your presentation, your print ad may be larger than its intended size but not
smaller. If you choose a radio or TV ad, you may record it or act it out in person. Give an oral
presentation in which you introduce the product and “sell” it with your ad. During and after your
presentation, respond to your assessor’s questions about your ad and your product. Show and
persuasively describe (or demonstrate) the virtues of your product and your ad; then address the
following questions:
1. What type of ad is it, and why did you choose that type?
2. What advertising techniques did you use, how, and why?
3. Who is the target customer? How does your ad appeal to your target customer? How will the target
customer feel when he/she views your ad?
4. Is there an implied message in your ad? Explain how it will attract buyers to your product.
VADP – Just Think 710
Completed Project Checklist
Complete the VADP Critical Thinking lessons, as needed. Use your learning and the information in
the lessons to complete the project.
Complete Understanding Advertisements worksheets for a magazine ad, a TV ad, an ad that appears
on a website, and a radio ad (four worksheets).
Complete the Critical Thinking about Ads worksheet.
Identify an ad that is objectionable or offensive to you. Complete the Objectionable Advertisement
worksheet and use it to explain your view and reasoning orally to your assessor.
Formal Presentation: State and defend your viewpoint on advertising in schools. Complete the
Preparing My Persuasive Presentation outline and use it to guide a formal persuasive presentation, in
which you state a viewpoint with several reasons, supported by examples, details or evidence.
Invent or improve a product, following project directions.
Write an advertising plan for your product. Discuss your plan with your assessor.
Using your plan, create an effective advertisement for your product.
Use the Persuasive Presentation Outline format to organize your thoughts for a persuasive
presentation of your ad.
Oral ad presentation: introduce and promote your product, present your ad, and explain how your
ad will be an effective way to market your product to a target customer group.
VADP – Just Think 710
Just Think!
Assessor Pages
Presentation Notes : to be completed by assessor
Informal Persuasive Speaking
Formal Persuasive Presentation
Presentation of Advertisement
Page 21
Page 22
Page 23
Oral Reflective Interview
Page 24
(included in Speak and Listen standards)
Assessment Summaries
Pages 25-28
Note: Step One asks students to study the Critical Thinking lessons, as needed, before
beginning the project. You are not expected to check whether a student has completed every
lesson. However, student responses to project questions are expected to be supported by
information in the lessons. Use the information in the lessons as a reference to determine
whether a student has correctly and adequately answered questions and demonstrated
For example: The lesson on page 33, “Basic Human Needs and Desires,” guides a student as
he/she answers questions about how a specific ad appeals to a target customer. There are
other basic human needs, such as food, shelter, and avoidance of pain, that are not mentioned
in this lesson. If a student determines that an ad focuses on a basic need that is not in the
lesson, ask him/her to explain on the worksheet how the ad appeals to that need of the target
VADP – Just Think 710
Just Think!
Step 2: Informal Persuasive Speaking
Date _______________
When the student has finished his/her persuasive presentation, ask the following questions, and any
other questions you have. Record the student’s responses.
1. Do you think you convinced your assessor (me) to agree with your opinion? _____
2. What was your best argument? _________________________________________
3. Where did you find your ad? ___________________________________________
4. Why did you choose this particular ad? ___________________________________
5. Do you think you are a member of the target customer group for this ad? Yes/No.
Why, or why not? _________________________________________________________
6. In general, what kinds of ads are offensive to you, and why? __________________
Why do you think advertisers publish ads that offend some people? ____________
8.If you could, would you advocate for laws that restrict advertising that is offensive?
Yes/No. Explain. _________________________________________________________
Other questions:
VADP – Just Think 710
Just Think!
Step 2: Formal Persuasive Presentation Notes
Date ___________________
1.Topic: ______________________________________________________________
2.Student’s Position: ____________________________________________________
3.Does presentation follow the student’s written outline? ________ Explain.
4.Part of the presentation that initially captured your attention: ____________________
5.Student’s strongest message or theme: _____________________________________
6.Closing summary: _____________________________________________________
7.Did student make eye contact with you during the presentation?
8.Did student speak at a comfortable pace?
9.Did student ask if you had questions?
10.Did student encourage discussion?
11.The student could improve his/her persuasive speaking by: _____________________
12.Describe your oral feedback to student: _____________________________________
Additional comments? _____________________________________________________
VADP – Just Think 710
Just Think!
Step 4: Presentation of Advertisement
Audience Notes
Date ____________________
1. Product:
2. Type of Advertisement:
3. Describe student’s presentation of ad.
4. Student’s answers to the assignment questions:
1) What type of ad is it, and why did you choose that type?
2) What advertising techniques did you use, how, and why?
3) Who is the target customer? __________________________________ How does your ad appeal to
your target customer?
How will your target customer feel when viewing your ad?
4) Is there an implied message in your ad? Explain how it will attract buyers to your product.
5) (Optional) Did you observe an ad for a similar product? If so, critique the ad and compare to your ad.
5. The student could improve this presentation by:
6. During this project, the student demonstrated effective oral communication skills by:
VADP – Just Think 710
Just Think!
Oral Reflective Interview
In this project, advertising provided a context for you to demonstrate and improve your critical thinking
and oral communication skills.
1. What is critical thinking?
2. List and describe two advertising techniques.
3. Explain one way an ad could be offensive to you and a different way an ad could
offend someone you know.
4. Describe one way an advertising message could be implied.
5. How do you look at advertising differently now that you have completed Just Think?
6. Describe an ad that would not convince you to buy a product and explain.
7. Name two active listening strategies and describe how you used one in completing this
VADP – Just Think 710
Just Think!
Assessment Summary: Observe Critically
Student _______________________________
Date __________________
Standards of Performance
To meet the standard, you will
follow project directions to:
Attend to visual sources of
 Observe television,
information, including television and magazine, and internet
other media
advertising and document key
elements observed.
Determine the purpose for
Observe and document
observation and use strategies
critical understanding of
appropriate to the purpose
advertising content, (facts,
opinions, implied messages,
images), and advertising
Show understanding of
advertising stereotypes.
Monitor comprehension and adjust
Analyze the accuracy, bias, and
usefulness of information
Integrate it with prior knowledge to
address viewing purpose
Discuss observations with
assessment specialist and
receive feedback and
information, if needed, to
adjust observation strategies
and improve understanding.
Identify facts and useful
information in advertisements
and compare to advertising
Define bias as applied to
Suggest ways to improve an
ad by adding facts and
information and by noting
advertising’s appeal to human
needs and desires.
Design an ad to effectively
promote a product.
Complete an oral
reflective interview in which
you integrate your learning
and demonstrate knowledge
of critical thinking concepts.
To exceed the standard,
you will
Write a detailed and
comprehensive description
of the oral and visual
content of advertisement.
Write detailed
descriptions of implied
messages in ads.
Demonstrate in-depth
understanding of
advertising techniques used
in selected ads and ways
that ads target a specific
Written and oral
responses demonstrate indepth understanding of
implied messages, ad
stereotypes, target
customer, bias, and
advertising techniques used.
Demonstrate in-depth
understanding of
advertising techniques when
suggesting ways to improve
an ad.
Give a detailed
explanation of advertising
techniques used in own ad.
Overall Skill Assessment: ______________ Standard.
(Meets, Exceeds)
VADP – Just Think 710
Assessor: ___________________________
Just Think!
Assessment Summary: Speak So Others Can Understand
Student ________________________________________________ Date _______________
Standards of Performance
Determine the purpose for
Organize and relay information to
effectively serve the purpose,
context, and listener
To meet the standard,
you will follow project directions to:
 For each oral presentation, identify
purpose for presenting.
 2.Prepare presentation notes and use
to present clear view with support on an
objectionable ad.
 2.Formal presentation: state a clear
main idea.
Organize an outline listing arguments
and supporting information to explain
main idea. Use outline to effectively
present and defend main idea.
4. Effectively present advertisement
for product, in which you show
understanding of target customer and ad
Pay attention to conventions of oral
English communication, including
grammar, word choice, register,
pace, and gesture in order to
minimize barriers to listener’s
 Use vocabulary appropriate to topic.
Speak with no errors in grammar,
word usage, etc., that interfere with
listener comprehension.
Speak with appropriate volume, rate,
tone, and gesture to enhance listener
Use multiple strategies to monitor
the effectiveness of the
Anticipate and address listener views
and concerns.
Solicit and respond to listener
questions and ideas.
Clarify any listener misunderstanding.
To exceed the standard,
you will:
In all presentations:
supporting information is
well organized and
presented in detail,
including more than three
relevant arguments with
detailed information to
support each. Include
information of interest to
audience. May show
evidence of research. Use
visual aids in presentation.
 Presentations are
interesting, focused, well
organized, and convincing
and your opinion is very
well supported. Credit
your sources.
 Use advertising
vocabulary correctly
throughout presentations.
Use varied volume,
tone, pace, inflection, and
gesture to enhance listener
Effectively use oral
techniques such as eye
contact, good posture, and
 Present in detail and
respond to one or more
opposing viewpoints.
In responding to listener
concern, refer to research
or visual aid.
Overall skill assessment: ________________ Standard. Assessor ____________________________
(meets, exceeds)
VADP – Just Think 710
Just Think!
Assessment Summary: Advocate and Influence
Student _____________________________________________ Date ____________________
of Performance
Define what one is trying to
Assess interests, resources, and
the potential for success
Gather facts and supporting
information to build a case that
takes into account the interests
and attitudes of others.
Present a clear case, using a
strategy that takes into account
purpose and audience.
Revise as necessary, in response
to feedback.
To meet the standard,
you will follow project directions to:
 Presentations: State a clear purpose
for presenting.
 Define goal for advertising plan,
considering interests, resources and
target customer.
(See above.)
To exceed the standard,
you will:
Complete Critical Thinking
lessons, as needed, to observe and
listen to ads and learn about
advertising techniques.
Use information from the lessons
to complete your three persuasive
Presentations: Complete a
presentation plan or outline for each,
describing reasons and evidence. Use
facts and information where possible.
Identify a target audience for each
presentation and for your ad.
2.A and 2.B.
Complete the
presentation plan and
outline in detail, with
arguments fully
described and
defended. Use
considerable detail in
oral presentation.
 Formal Presentation:
Use research to support
your opinion and cite at
least two sources
4. Present a
complete detailed
analysis of target
audience and its needs.
4. Ad and
presentation appeal to
listeners with all
learning styles.
2A. Present a clear opinion with
supporting arguments.
2B. Use your outline to guide a
clear statement of opinion with
supporting arguments and
4. Present an advertisement for
this product that addresses needs of
your listener and identified target
2. and 4. Solicit and respond to
listener questions at end of
presentations. Clarify as needed.
2. and 4. Listen
carefully and respond
to listener questions in
detail and with respect
Overall skill assessment: ________________ Standard. Assessor ____________________________
(meets, exceeds)
VADP – Just Think 710
Just Think!
Assessment Summary: Listen Actively
Student _____________________________________________ Date ____________________
of Performance
Attend to oral information.
To meet the standard,
you will follow project directions to:
Follow Critical Thinking lesson
instructions to listen to advertising
during television and radio shows.
Listen to television and radio ads
and refer to one ad to correctly
complete the questions on pages 6 and
Listen and respond to questions
following your three oral
Complete an oral reflective
Clarify purpose for listening and Correctly identify your purpose
use strategies appropriate to that for listening to radio ads.
Monitor comprehension,
adjusting listening strategies to
overcome barriers to
Integrate information from
listening with prior knowledge
to address listening purpose.
Use listening strategies as needed
to analyze radio and television ads.
Name two active listening
strategies and discuss with your
assessor your use of a listening
strategy in this project.
(reflective interview)
Integrate information obtained
by listening, viewing and reading with
information from lessons to develop
and demonstrate critical thinking
To exceed the standard,
you will:
Respond to listener
questions in a way that
indicates excellent
attention to the
speaker’s questions.
Demonstrate to
assessor detailed
understanding of
listening strategies and
how to use them.
excellent critical
thinking skills when
analyzing and
responding to oral
Overall Skill Assessment ______________ Standard. Assessor: _____________________________
(Meets, Exceeds)
VADP – Just Think 710