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Lesson Plan: What is Advertising?
Advertising is a form of communication that aims to encourage or persuade an audience to continue or
take some new action.
Advertising Campaign is a series of advertisement messages that share a single idea and theme.
Advertising campaigns use different media across a specific time frame.
Advertising Agency provides businesses with services of managing, handling, planning and creating
advertising and promotional material.
Audience are the people giving or likely to give attention to the marketing of a brand.
Brands allow consumers to distinguish from one seller of goods to another.
Brand Identity is a set of unique brand associations that the agency aspires to create or maintain. These
associations represent what the brand stand for and imply a promise to the consumer.
Brand Values help agencies understand the organisation they are representing. This will affect the type
and mood of advertising they create.
The Brief is an understanding between a client and an advertising agency that outlines the objectives and
targeted audience of an advertising campaign. The brief may contain strategies to be adopted in reaching
the audience, the timeframe of the campaign, and its total estimated cost.
The Client is the recipient of a good, service, product, or idea, obtained from the agency.
PR (Public Relations) is the management of information between an organisation and the public. They
provide exposure to their audiences and encourage them to maintain a certain point of view about the
brand or organisation. Common activities include speaking at conferences, winning industry awards,
working with the press and employee communications.
Target audience is a specific group of people within the target market at which a product or the
marketing message of a product is aimed at.
What is Marketing?
Marketing is the way that a company touches a customer or a prospect with the hope of facilitating
some form of exchange or purchase. Marketing is a subtle art that incorporates a range of tools,
to include public relations, media planning, social media, customer support, market research and
paid advertising. All of these elements are ways in which the company takes control and directs the
way that their brand is seen and interpreted by the general public. Essentially, marketing is about a
company asserting an identity and by doing this, attracting the right audience. Note that marketing
also includes the branding of the company, which will have been carefully designed to ensure that the
right people notice the company and want to interact with it.
Consider celebrity ambassadors that brands choose to work with: This is a subtle way of the brand
saying who they are and what they stand for. For example, Adidas aligning itself with a David
Beckham, a stylish, popular and successful sportsman, is about Adidas making its claim as a stylish
and iconic sports brand that is associated with success.
Consider the colours that brands use: This is another way of the brand placing itself and proclaiming
an identity. Youth brands tend to use brighter colours to show vibrancy, whereas corporate brands
tend to be more reserved, in a bid to show professionalism and diligence.
What is the difference between marketing and advertising?
Whereas advertising is a very clear and straightforward bid to engage with the customer and sell
a product, marketing is much more subtle and involves many more elements, as outlined above.
Marketing is about constructing a whole brand through all sorts of means, that will resonate with
a customer and make them want to interact with them. This includes social media, pricing and
What is a Brand?
1. Ask students to name a variety of brands from different sectors e.g Barclays, Coca-Cola, Prada,
British Gas.
2. Ask students to identify their favourite brand.
3. What products and logos do they associate with the brand?
4. Discus how they achieve this? Is this through adverts, slogans, campaigns, events, celebrity
endorsement, viral films?
5. Ask students to identify a brand they dislike.
6. What do they dislike about this brand?
What are Brand Values?
1. Identify a well-known brand.
2. Write out as many of their values as possible. (Reliable, modern, edgy, traditional, budget, luxury,
family-friendly, healthy, economical, eco-friendly, friendly, playful, professional, cutting-edge,
disposable, eccentric, controversial, young, cool.)
3. Cut them down to 5 that you feel best summarises this brand.
4. Identify what it is within their marketing that has helped you make this decision. Is it the colours
they have used in their logos/ their slogan/ their shop floor/ celebrity endorsements?
What is an Audience?
1. Identify a food brand.
2. Who are they trying to target? Profile the target demographic.
a) What are the age target audience?
b) Is the brand trying to appeal to a particular gender?
c) What do you imagine the lifestyles of their target audience are like?
- Think about how much money they might earn
- When do they consume the product?
- Explain why you think they buy into the brand? Is it
convenient/luxurious/healthy/cheap/delicious/indulgent/a staple?
d) Why do you think the audience would choose to buy this brand over other competitors or
similar products?
e) Imagine you are trying to reach your target audience through a television audience.
i - When do you imagine a good time of day would be to reach your audience?
ii- What type of television programme would the advert alongside?
For example; Walkers Crisps – Football game, Coco-pops – Children’s television.
What is an Agency?
Discuss what an advertising agency is?
What range of services do they offer their clients?
Identify an advertising agency and a campaign they have created for a client.
What media was created as a result of this campaign?
What works well about this campaign?
What doesn’t work about this campaign?
What is the target audience of this campaign?
How have you identified this?
Identify 3 different types of advertising media e.g sound, print, film.
What is a Brief?
Either individually or in pairs ask students to write a mock brief to an advertising agency on behalf of
Coke-Cola for their Christmas Campaign.
1. Identify the objectives of the campaign.
2. Identify the target audience of the campaign
3. What strategies or channels will they use?
4. What is the timeframe for this campaign?
What is a Campaign?
In groups ask students to design a campaign to promote a film that will be released at the cinema.
1. Think of a pre-existing film that you want to promote.
2. Identify the target audience
3. Identify the channels you will use to reach your target audience, for example poster campaigns,
television adverts, newspaper articles.
4. How will you specifically insure that your audience is reached? For example where will your
posters be displayed or what time will the adverts be shown, (primetime or after school)
5. Think of 3 original ways you could promote the film? e.g use of social media, running an event or