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Lesson #8: The Passive
Day 1: What the passive is and
what it isn’t. Transitive verbs.
The passive
• The passive is the most misunderstood
structure in the English language.
• English teachers love to make
pronouncements about it (as in “Avoid
passives”) -- but many can not recognize
• Part of the hatred for the passive is actually
based on a dislike for the verb “BE.”
Recognizing a Passive
• There are two features that a verb
phrase MUST have to be recognized as
a passive: an auxiliary form of the verb
“be” and a lexical verb in the past
participle form. There are other
restrictions, but without these two -forget it.
Do better than an English teacher: find the
Has been taught
Is teaching
Have been being taught
Is taught
Is being taught
Will teach
Will be being taught
English Teach Speak: “Avoid Passives”
• This is English-teacher-speak for two style
concepts that we should address before
continuing to actually learn something about
the passive: avoiding wordiness (wordy) and
avoiding relatively meaningless verbs
(usage). Neither of these sins are passives.
They are part of a kind of weak, flaccid style,
but that doesn’t make them passives. In
short, teachers wrongly use “passive” and
“flaccid” synonymously.
Wordiness: (wordy)
• Here’s a sentence that a teacher
mistakenly marked as passive. It’s not
passive --- but it’s not a particularly
good sentence either.
When he first saw New Bedford, Mass.,
Douglass was doubtful of his own
Wordiness Described
Wordiness is characterized by:
-- more words than the writer needs to
express his/her point
-- use of the verb “be” as the lexical verb
in the clause.
Wordiness Corrected
• When he first saw New Bedford, Mass,
Douglass was doubtful of his own
• When he first saw New Bedford, Mass.,
Douglass doubted his own eyesight.
Related English Teacher Speak:
“Avoid Forms of the Verb Be”
• This is another injunction that English
teachers love. They confuse “be” as the
lexical verb with “be” as part of the
passive and start targeting all forms of
the verb “be” for extinction. Here’s a
sentence that a teacher marked as
Example: His reaction was noisy.
Think About It
• If you listened to most English teachers and
“avoided forms of ‘be’” you’d end up with: His
reaction noisy. This is great Arabic, but bad
• Instead English teachers should say, “If
possible restate sentences in which ‘be’ is the
lexical verb. Choose a verb that has nuances
and more precise meaning.” He reacted
The Passive: How it is formed
• To understand the passive, we must first
understand that there are three
important types of verbs in English:
transitive, intransitive, and linking.
Transitive Verbs
Transitive verbs are verbs that take one or
more objects.
1. I teach English and Spanish daily.
2. My dog is chasing an old cat.
3. The actress kissed her children in
front of the crowd.
4. He kissed his wife on the cheek.
Finding the Object of the Verb
In English, an object of the verb comes
(usually) immediately to the right of the
verb. An object can be:
• A noun phrase
• A pronoun
• A noun clause
Finding the Object
• Try replacing the object with an object
• Object Pronouns
1st person
2nd person
3rd person
• I teach them daily.
• My dog is chasing it.
• The actress kissed them in front of the
• He kissed her on the cheek.
Rule #1 About The Passive
• Only transitive verbs can be made
passive. In other words, for a clause to
be made passive, its original form
(called “the active”) has to have a
transitive verb phrase followed by an
object of the verb.
Forming the Passive
• Start by laying out the parts of the
sentence. Find the subject, the verb
phrase, and the object.
Vb Phr.
/The doctor/ was examining /the patient/.
• Determine the tense and aspect of the
verb phrase.
Was examining = past tense, progressive
• Insert a form of “be” right before the
lexical verb and maintain the same
tense and aspect as the original verb
phrase. Change the lexical verb to the
past participle.
Was being examined
• Reverse the positions of the subject
and the object and stick the word “by” in
front of the former subject.
The patient was being examined by the
• With a partner, determine if the verb phrases are transitive. If
they are, find the object. Then make them passive:
• Shipwreck stories form an important part of American colonial
literature. A review of Spanish colonial literature finds four major
shipwreck narratives. Researchers have found the earliest of
these narratives in the diary of Christopher Columbus.
Columbus mentioned a shipwreck in the diary of his third
voyage. Another famous shipwreck story is the story of the
Spanish sailor, Pedro Serrano. His story appears in Los
comentarios reales by El Inca Garcilaso de la Vega. Serrano
spent seven years on an island. One day a ship saw his
campfire. The captain sent a boat to rescue him. The most
famous shipwreck narrative of the period comes from the writing
of Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca. This Spanish explorer’s boat
crashed on the coast of Florida in the early sixteenth century. He
wandered from Florida to Mexico. His trip lasted seven years.
Los infortunios de Alonso Ramirez by the Mexican writer Carlos
Siguenza y Gongora tells another shipwreck story. This story is
fictional. However, modern literary scholars consider this story a
precursor to the modern novel.