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Active/Passive Voice
Keep your writing lively and strong!
Give it some action!
Rule #2
Avoid passive voice in writing; passive voice
weakens writing and contributes to wordy,
boring essays.
Voice is the form of a verb that shows whether
or not the subject is performing the action. A
verb is active if the subject performs the
action (the subject acts upon
something/someone). A verb is passive if the
action is performed upon the subject (the
subject is acted upon).
Generally, use the active voice. There are
(rare) occasions when the passive voice is
acceptable, usually when the subject is unknown
or unimportant.
Passive Voice
It implies that you are a passive person who stands
by and watches, instead of a person who takes action
(college essay readers look for students who write in
the active voice)
It is easy to avoid if you know the signals & how to
recognize it.
Verb phrases usually include a verb in the form of
“be” and/or “auxillary” verbs, such as am, is, are,
was, were, been, being, be, have, has, had, etc.
It may also be recognized when a verb phrase
includes “by the…”
Alice left a message.
A message was left by Alice.
We called the doctor.
The doctor was called.
Julie wrote the poem.
The poem was written by Julie.
Edison created many
Many inventions were created.
The twister left a path of
A path of destruction was left by
the twister.
Identify each sentence as
active or passive
The authorities have been notified.
Dominic has already chosen his courses.
The article was written by Terry.
Sue was chosen by Fred to be on the team.
The team will elect a new captain tomorrow.
Mom added fresh mushrooms to the salad.
Rewrite each sentence using
active voice
The china was carefully packed by Janice.
The cards were purchased by my mother.
The snow will be cleared by the plow.
It is believed that adequate penalties for drug
dealers are not being handed out by judges.
Coins are often thrown into fountains by
Much concern is being voiced by the citizens
over the failure to balance the budget.
Rewrite each sentence using
active voice
Mack was chosen by Kenzie to be her assistant.
Many inventions were created by Edison.
The article was written by Jessica.
Many fine sites are hosted by Software Workshop.
Everyone in need is helped by Lauren.
Diane was made well by the medicine.
Matt was enraged by Jeremy’s sarcastic comments.
Ms. G’s wisdom is known by all FHS students.