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Name: _____________________________________________ Period: ___
Section 1: From Republic to Empire
1. At the end of the Roman Republic, things were not doing well. A gifted speaker and philosopher
named ____________________ called for wealthy people to do their part to make things better.
2. Meanwhile, generals in the army also tried to bring order and take over the government. The
most powerful general was a man named ______________________________________.
3. He conquered _________________, and was a very well-liked and influential man. He formed
an alliance with ___________________ and ____________________, two politicians. They ruled
Rome together in an alliance. The three rulers together were called the
4. The alliance fell apart when ________________ wanted to rule by himself. Julius Caesar said
“NO!” and brought his army to Rome.
5. After defeating Pompey, Caesar gets made _______________ for life. He had many ambitious
plans for Rome. Some did not like him having all the power. On March 15th, the __________ of
__________, he was murdered by a group of Senators.
6. After Caesar’s death, two people rise up to try and take power: ______________________
(Caesar’s adopted son) and _________________ _________________, an old friend and
assistant of Caesar.
7. 7. After awhile, Octavian and Antony would fight over who would be in change. Antony fell in
love with the Egyptian queen, _______________________, and with her, planned to take over
Rome. Octavian went off to battle him.
8. At the Battle of _______________, Octavian defeats Antony. ____________________ back in
Egypt, commits suicide (by snakebite!) and Egypt is taken over by Rome!
9. Octavian became _________________, which means “first citizen.” He then gave himself the
title “_______________________,” which means “revered one.”
10. He then declared himself to be the Roman _______________. The Republic was gone and the
Empire came to be!
11. The time of peace and prosperity in the Empire was called the “_________
12. “SPQR” stands for _______________________________________________________.
13. The Romans began to settle all over the new places they took over. They began to build
________________________ to settle citizens in these places.
14. Roman artwork made by piecing together small bits of colored stone to create a picture is called
a _______________________.
15. Paintings done on plaster, usually on a wall of a house are called ____________________.
16. Romans spoke a language called ___________________.
17. Modern languages such as French, Spanish and Italian come from Latin. These are called
______________________ __________________.
18. The Romans also came up with a special form of written codes which form our modern laws.
This is called __________ ____________.
Section 1A: Extra Stuff: The Roman Army!
1. The main areas of the Roman army were the: ___________________ (fighting on horseback),
____________________ (if you’re not a citizen yet, harder assignments), and the
_______________________ (on the front lines!). The hardest place to be is out at sea, in the
Roman ________________________. Or, if you’re really good, you could protect the Emperor
as a ___________________ Guard.
2. A soldier in the Auxilia is called a ___________________________.
3. The Roman short-sword is called the _______________________. A spear like javelin is called a
_____________________. Your digging tool is called a _______________________. The item
you would use as a cup, dish and food bowl is called a ___________________.
4. A Roman “missile launcher” is called a _____________________.
Section 1B: Extra Stuff: Queen Boudicca of the Icenii
In Roman Britain, Romans came into contact with a tribe known as the _________________.
Their king, ___________________________, died and the Romans decided to take their land.
His wife, Queen ______________________, tried to resist and was humiliated by the Romans.
Queen Boudicca rallied up all of the tribes in southern Britain and fought the Romans. Her forces
attacked and burned the city of ________________________ to the ground. Many Romans
were killed.
5. However, a Roman general named ________________________ would go on to defeat her. It is
thought that Boudicca _______________________ herself to avoid capture.
Section 2: The Roman Empire and Religion
1. Most of the time, Romans tolerated different religions, as long as people didn’t attack the
government. One religion that the Romans were not tolerant of was that of the _________.
They believed in one god. The Romans thought that this took away from obedience to the
emperor and state. They lived in the Roman province of ______________.
2. There was a Jewish rebellion, and the Romans attacked them at a mountain fortress called
3. A new religion would form during Roman times. _________________________ is a religion
based on the life of ______________ of __________________.
4. He was not well liked by the Jewish leaders because his teachings went against their authority.
They had him judged by a Roman named ________________ ______________, and he was
sentenced to death.
5. Jesus’s followers were called his _____________________. After he died, they were called
_______________________, and spread his teachings around the Roman Empire!
6. At first, they were persecuted. Many _________________ thought that the equality of
Christianity was a good thing and converted. Later, thousands of Romans would become
7. Christians believe that ______________ is the ___________________, which means “God’s
anointed one.” Romans _______________________ Christians, even forcing them to fight
gladiators and wild animals in the Coliseum!
8. However, the first Roman Emperor to _______________, or change religions, to Christianity,
was a man named _______________________. He made Christianity the official religion of
Rome. After that, it became the official religion in the Empire!
Section 3: The End of the Empire
1. By the 200’s AD, groups of _____________________, or peoples outside the borders of Rome,
are causing problems for Romans. To try and stop this, the Romans tried to civilize them.
2. To make things more efficient, a great emperor named _______________________ split the
empire into two halves, the Western and Eastern Empire.
3. Another emperor would build a glorious new capital in the Eastern Empire. His name was
________________________ and his new city would be called
______________________________, after him. It would be the capital of the Eastern Empire.
4. In 410 AD, the barbarians called the ________________________ invaded Roman Italy and
sacked the city….looting and burning things.
5. 5. By 476, the Western Empire falls to the barbarians. _____________the
___________________ becomes master of Rome. The Eastern Empire becomes the
___________________ Empire.
6. The most famous eastern emperor of this time was a man named ________________________.
He and his wife ____________________ ruled together and conquered much of the old western
empire back. He also put all Roman laws together into a new system called
_______________________ ____________.
7. The Byzantine Empire kept Roman and Greek culture going centuries after Rome fell. It also
invented weapons like grenades, flamethrower and something called __________
____________. It’s like today’s napalm, which sticks and burns to things!
8. The Byzantine Empire would last until the 1400’s when it is conquered finally by a group called
the ______________________________