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Navigating the Neuroscience Data
Maryann Martone, Ph. D.
University of California, San Diego
“Neural Choreography”
“A grand challenge in neuroscience is to elucidate brain function in relation
to its multiple layers of organization that operate at different spatial
and temporal scales. Central to this effort is tackling “neural
choreography” -- the integrated functioning of neurons into brain
circuits--their spatial organization, local and long-distance connections,
their temporal orchestration, and their dynamic features. Neural
choreography cannot be understood via a purely reductionist approach.
Rather, it entails the convergent use of analytical and synthetic tools to
gather, analyze and mine information from each level of analysis, and
capture the emergence of new layers of function (or dysfunction) as we
move from studying genes and proteins, to cells, circuits, thought, and
However, the neuroscience community is not yet fully engaged in exploiting
the rich array of data currently available, nor is it adequately poised to
capitalize on the forthcoming data explosion. “
Akil et al., Science, Feb 11, 2011
 NIF is an initiative of the NIH Blueprint consortium of institutes
 What types of resources (data, tools, materials, services) are
available to the neuroscience community?
 How many are there?
 What domains do they cover? What domains do they not cover?
 Where are they?
 Web sites
 Databases
 Literature
PDF files
Desk drawers
 Supplementary material
 Who uses them?
 Who creates them?
 How can we find them?
 How can we make them better in the future?
How many resources are
•NIF Registry: A
catalog of
•> 4800 currently
•> 2000 databases
•And we are finding
more every day
The Neuroscience Information Framework: Discovery and
utilization ofLiterature
web-based resources for neuroscience
UCSD, Yale, Cal Tech, George
Mason, Washington Univ
A portal for finding and
using neuroscience
A consistent framework for
describing resources
Provides simultaneous
search of multiple types of
information, organized by
Supported by an expansive
ontology for neuroscience
Utilizes advanced
technologies to search the
“hidden web”
Supported by NIH Blueprint
What are the connections of the
Hippocampus OR “Cornu Ammonis” OR
“Ammon’s horn”
Data sources
categorized by
“data type” and
level of nervous
Link back to
record in
Common views
across multiple
Query expansion: Synonyms
and related concepts
Boolean queries
Tutorials for using
full resource when
getting there from
Results are organized within a common
Target site
Synapsed by
Connects to
Input region
Synapsed with
Cellular contactProjects to
Axon innervates
Subcellular contact
Source site
Each resource implements a different, though related model;
systems are complex and difficult to learn, in many cases
The scourge of neuroanatomical
•NIF Connectivity: 6 databases containing connectivity primary data or claims
•Brain Architecture Management System (rodent)
•Connectome Wiki (human)
•Brain Maps (various)
•CoCoMac (primate cortex)
•UCLA Multimodal database (Human fMRI)
•Avian Brain Connectivity Database (Bird)
•Total: 1800 unique brain terms (exluding Avian)
•Number of exact terms used in > 1 database: 42
•Number of synonym matches: 99
•Number of partonomy matches: 385
The INCF is working with NIF to develop semantic and spatial strategies for translating
anatomy across information systems
What is an ontology?
 Ontology: an explicit, formal representation
of concepts relationships among them
within a particular domain that expresses
human knowledge in a machine readable
Branch of philosophy: a theory of what is
e.g., Gene ontologies
has a
has a
 Provide universals for navigating across
different data sources
Purkinje Cell Layer
Semantic “index”
has a
 Provide the basis for concept-based
Purkinje cell
queries to probe and mine data
Perform reasoning
Link data through relationships not just oneto-one mappings
is a
PONS program
 Structural Lexicon Taskforce
Concentrate on Human, Non-human
Primate, Rat and Mouse
Define structural concepts from level of
organ to macromolecular complexes
Provide a set of criteria by which
structures can be identified
 Neuronal Registry Taskforce
Establish conventions for naming new
types of neurons
Establish a standard set of properties to
define neurons
Create a Neuron Registry for registering
new types of neurons
 Deployment and representation (Alan
Brought together ontologists working
across scales
Courtesy of Chris Mungall, Lawrence
Berkeley Labs
***Not about imposing a
single view of anatomy;
about making concepts
computable and being
able to translate among
NeuroLex Wiki
•Provide a simple framework
for defining the concepts
•Cell, Part of brain,
subcellular structure,
•Community based:
•Avian neuroanatomy
•Fly neurons (England)
•Neuroimaging terms
•Brain regions identified
by text mining
•Creating a computable
index for neuroscience data
•INCF working to coordinate
Wiki efforts underway at
Allen Institute, Blue Brain
and Neurolex
Demo D03
Stephen Larson
Comparison of traffic to NIF Portal vs
Wiki is readily indexed by search engines
5000 hits
15000 hits
Neurons in Neurolex
 INCF building a
knowledge base of
neurons and their
properties via the
Neurolex Wiki
 Led by Dr. Gordon
 Consistent and
parseable naming
 Knowledge is readily
accessible, editable
and computable
Stephen Larson
NIF data federation
Percentage of data records per
data type
Brain activation foci
Recently added: BioNOT literature
mining tool; Retraction Watch blog
Primary data, secondary data, claims,
What do you mean by data?
Databases come in many shapes and sizes
 Primary data:
Data available for reanalysis, e.g.,
microarray data sets from GEO;
brain images from XNAT;
microscopic images (CCDB/CIL)
 Secondary data
Data features extracted through
data processing and sometimes
normalization, e.g, brain structure
volumes (IBVD), gene expression
levels (Allen Brain Atlas); brain
connectivity statements (BAMS)
 Tertiary data
Claims and assertions about the
meaning of data
 E.g., gene
brain activation as a function
 Registries:
 Metadata
 Pointers to data sets or
materials stored elsewhere
 Data aggregators
 Aggregate data of the same
type from multiple sources,
e.g., Cell Image Library
,SUMSdb, Brede
 Single source
 Data acquired within a single
context , e.g., Allen Brain Atlas
NIF landscape analysis
Data source
Brain region
Olfactory bulb
Cerebral cortex
Vadim Astakhov, Keppler Workflow Engine
How much of the landscape do we have?
Query for “reference” brain structures and their parts in NIF Connectivity database
Gender bias
NIF can start to
answer interesting
questions about
research, not just
about neuroscience
NIF Reports:
Male vs Female
Embracing duplication: Data Mash ups
•~300 PMID’s were common between Brede and SUMSdb
•Same information; value added
Same data; different aspects
Same data: different analysis
 Drug Related Gene database:
extracted statements from
figures, tables and supplementary
data from published article
 Gemma: Reanalyzed microarray
results from GEO using different
 Both provide results of increased
or decreased expression as a
function of experimental
 4 strains of mice
 3 conditions: chronic morphine,
acute morphine, saline
Chronic vs acute
morphine in striatum
Mined NIF for all references to GEO
ID’s: found small number where the
same dataset was represented in two
or more databases
How easy was it to compare?
 Gemma: Gene ID + Gene Symbol
 DRG: Gene name + Probe ID
NIF annotation
 Gemma: Increased expression/decreased expression
 DRG: Increased expression/decreased expression
 But...Gemma presented results relative to baseline chronic morphine; DRG with
respect to saline, so direction of change is opposite in the 2 databases
 Analysis:
 1370 statements from Gemma regarding gene expression as a function of chronic
 617 were consistent with DRG;  over half of the claims of the paper were not
confirmed in this analysis
 Results for 1 gene were opposite in DRG and Gemma
 45 did not have enough information provided in the paper to make a judgment
Grabbing the long tail of small
 Analysis of NIF shows
multiple databases with
similar scope and content
 Many contain partially
overlapping data
 Data “flows” from one
resource to the next
 Data is reinterpreted,
reanalyzed or added to
 When does it become
something else?
 Is duplication good or bad?
Phases of NIF
 2006-2008: A survey of what was out there
 2008-2009: Strategy for resource discovery
 NIF Registry vs NIF data federation
 Ingestion of data contained within different technology platforms,
e.g., XML vs relational vs RDF
 Effective search across semantically diverse sources
 NIFSTD ontologies
 2009-2011: Strategy for data integration
 Unified views across common sources
 Mapping of content to NIF vocabularies
 2011-present: Data analytics
 Uniform external data references
Data, not just stories about them!
47/50 major preclinical
published cancer studies
could not be replicated
 “The scientific community
assumes that the claims in a
preclinical study can be taken
at face value-that although
there might be some errors in
detail, the main message of
the paper can be relied on and
the data will, for the most
part, stand the test of time.
Unfortunately, this is not
always the case.”
Begley and Ellis, 29 MARCH 2012 | VOL 483 |
NATURE | 531
 “There are no guidelines that
require all data sets to be
reported in a paper; often,
original data are removed
during the peer review and
publication process. “
 Getting data out sooner in a
form where they can be exposed
to many eyes and many
analyses, and easily compared,
may allow us to expose errors
and develop better metrics to
evaluate the validity of data
A global view of data
 You (and the machine) have to be able to
find it
 Accessible through the web
 Annotations
 You have to be able to use it
 Data type specified and in a usable form
 You have to know what the data mean
 Some semantics
 Context: Experimental metadata
 Provenance: Where did the data come from?
Reporting neuroscience data within a consistent framework helps enormously
NIF team (past and present)
Jeff Grethe, UCSD, Co Investigator, Interim PI
Amarnath Gupta, UCSD, Co Investigator
Anita Bandrowski, NIF Project Leader
Gordon Shepherd, Yale University
Perry Miller
Luis Marenco
Rixin Wang
David Van Essen, Washington University
Erin Reid
Paul Sternberg, Cal Tech
Arun Rangarajan
Hans Michael Muller
Yuling Li
Giorgio Ascoli, George Mason University
Sridevi Polavarum
Fahim Imam, NIF Ontology Engineer
Larry Lui
Andrea Arnaud Stagg
Jonathan Cachat
Jennifer Lawrence
Lee Hornbrook
Binh Ngo
Vadim Astakhov
Xufei Qian
Chris Condit
Mark Ellisman
Stephen Larson
Willie Wong
Tim Clark, Harvard University
Paolo Ciccarese
Karen Skinner, NIH, Program Officer
Concept-based search: search by meaning
 Search Google: GABAergic neuron
 Search NIF: GABAergic neuron
 NIF automatically searches for types of
GABAergic neurons
Types of GABAergic