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Ch. 7
Test Review
1. After defeating other Latin states and conquering the Italian Peninsula, Rome fought Carthage for
control of
a. Gaul.
b. the Mediterranean.
c. Latium.
d. Etruria.
2. Before the Etruscans arrived, Rome was a
a. cultural center.
b. large metropolis.
c. small village.
d. strong military force.
3. Romans borrowed which of the following from the Etruscans?
a. the toga and short cloak
b. their alphabet
c. bronze making
d. their system of government
4. The Punic Wars were fought between
a. Rome and the Greeks.
b. the Etruscans and the Greeks.
c. Rome and Carthage.
d. Rome and the Etruscans.
5. The Law of Nations created standards of justice that
a. are still recognized today.
b. harmed the Roman people.
c. could not be applied to non-Romans.
d. ended with the Roman Republic.
6. How did the Gracchus brothers try to reform Roman society?
a. Gaius Gracchus attempted to seize power.
b. Tiberius Gracchus reduced the size of the senate.
c. They tried to change the military’s recruitment method.
d. They wanted to redistribute land to small farmers.
7. The reforms of Gaius and Tiberius Gracchus ended in
a. violence and instability.
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Ch. 7
Test Review
b. Sulla’s election as consul.
c. Julius Caesar’s empire.
d. Marius’ control of the senate.
8. Marius changed Rome’s military by
a. reducing the size of the infantry.
b. offering land to the patricians.
c. recruiting the urban and rural poor.
d. providing soldiers with better weapons.
9. Which of the following describes one effect of Marius’ reforms?
a. Fewer soldiers were prepared for war.
b. Generals gained enormous power.
c. There were greater numbers of rural poor.
d. More patricians became soldiers.
10. Of what was Julius Caesar a member?
a. plebeians
b. Augustan Age
c. First Triumvirate
d. Second Triumvirate
11. Against whom did Caesar fight to become dictator of Rome?
a. Gaius Gracchus
b. Lucius Cornelius Sulla
c. Crassus
d. Pompey
12. After the end of the Second Triumvirate, who fought for control of Rome?
a. Antony and Lepidus
b. Lepidus and Octavian
c. Octavian and Julius Caesar
d. Octavian and Antony
13. Who became Rome’s first emperor in 27 B.C.?
a. Augustus
b. Julius Caesar
c. Antony
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Ch. 7
Test Review
d. Lucius Cornelius Sulla
14. Augustus reformed Roman governance by
a. allowing plebeians to become senators.
b. giving emperors the right to name governors.
c. reducing the number of provinces.
d. giving senators control of the provinces.
15. The peak of the Roman Empire occurred during the second century, a time known as
a. the paterfamilias.
b. the Pax Romana.
c. the Augustan Age.
d. the Roman Republic.
16. During the Early Empire, merchants from all over the world visited Rome’s major ports, which were
a. Ostia and Puteoli.
b. near Hadrian’s Wall.
c. in Greece and Britain.
d. on the Danube River.
17. Roman prosperity led to a demand for luxury goods, including
a. German art.
b. sheep and cattle.
c. African grain.
d. Chinese silk.
18. Who was the most distinguished poet of the Augustan Age?
a. Homer
b. Virgil
c. Horace
d. Livy
19. In what way did Roman families differ from Greek families?
a. Romans raised their children at home.
b. Romans forbade women from seeking divorce.
c. Roman women could participate in politics.
d. Romans were not allowed to keep slaves.
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Ch. 7
Test Review
20. Which of the following best describes Rome’s state religion?
a. Romans worshiped gods and goddesses.
b. Non-Roman religions were forbidden.
c. Romans worshiped animals and nature.
d. Emperors never came to be worshiped.
In the blank, write the letter of the choice that best matches the definition.
a. Punic Wars
b. Etruria
c. Twelve Tables
d. Latium
e. Lucius Cornelius Sulla
f. Crassus
g. Battle of Actium
h. Pax Romana
i. Horace
j. Caracalla
21. conflict in which Antony and Cleopatra were defeated
22. one of the three members of the First Triumvirate
23. home to the Etruscans
24. prominent Augustan poet
25. period of Roman prosperity that began in the second century
26. conflict between Rome and Carthage that ended in 146 B.C.
27. general who seized Rome after military reforms
28. Rome’s first code of laws, adopted in 450 B.C.
29. emperor who gave citizenship to all free people of the empire
30. region settled by the Latins, who later conquered the Italian Peninsula
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Ch. 7
Test Review
31. What advantage did Rome’s location on the Tiber River provide?
a. access to the sea
b. contact with pirates
c. large plots of land
d. fertile plains
32. The conflict between the plebeians and the patricians was known as the
a. Law of the Nations.
b. Second Punic War.
c. council of the plebs.
d. struggle of the orders.
33. The Roman Senate was a select group of
a. patricians.
b. consuls.
c. praetors.
d. emperors.
34. What was the name of Rome’s first code of laws?
a. Law of Nations
b. council of the plebs
c. Twelve Tables
d. Tribune
35. Rome defeated and then destroyed Carthage in the
a. Battle of Cannae in 216 B.C.
b. Punic Wars.
c. conquest of southern Italy.
d. Fourth Macedonian War.
a. Gracchus brothers
b. First Triumvirate
c. Julius Caesar
d. Marius
e. Augustus
36. Roman general who created a new recruitment system
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Ch. 7
Test Review
37. group composed of Caesar, Crassus, and Pompey
38. Rome’s first emperor
39. men who tried to return land to small farmers
40. dictator who rose to power in 47 B.C.
41. What was a product of Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus’s attempted reforms?
a. instability and the assassination of Tiberius and Gaius
b. the election of both Tiberius and Gaius to the Roman Senate
c. the destruction of the First Triumvirate
d. growth of a new class of wealthy plebeians
42. Sulla’s seizure of Rome in 82 B.C. was partly the legacy of
a. Caesar’s assassination in the senate.
b. a new military recruitment system.
c. Augustus’s defeat of Antony.
d. the fall of the Second Triumvirate.
43. Julius Caesar sparked a civil war that led to his dictatorship by crossing the
a. Tiber.
b. Po.
c. Appenine.
d. Rubicon.
44. In 31 B.C., Octavian defeated the army and navy of
a. Lucius Cornelius Sulla.
b. Antony and Cleopatra.
c. Pompey and Crassus.
d. Lepidus and Caesar.
45. Which describes one of Augustus’s reforms?
a. He returned all power to the Roman people.
b. The senate was completely disbanded.
c. Governors were to be chosen by emperors.
d. The size of the senate was reduced.
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Ch. 7
Test Review
46. The Pax Romana was a
a. period of peace and prosperity.
b. leader of the senate.
c. series of fortifications.
d. program of public works.
47. While the emperors created a sense of unity throughout the empire, they also
a. outlawed non-Roman religions.
b. denied citizenship to provincials.
c. allowed competing emperors.
d. respected many local customs.
48. What allowed Romans to construct massive, though stable, buildings?
a. arches
b. concrete
c. slave labor
d. aqueducts
49. Although the city of Rome was magnificent and wealthy,
a. very few citizens chose to live there.
b. its public buildings were poorly built.
c. conditions for the poor were terrible.
d. it provided few entertainments.
50. Which best describes a key feature of Rome’s official state religion?
a. Romans worshipped gods and goddesses.
b. Romans believed in only one god.
c. Augustus outlawed religious displays.
d. Emperors were never worshipped as gods.
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