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Self-Referential Information
and Experiential Reality
Reginald T. Cahill
A Reality Check - the Questions?
 Time?
 Space?
 Quantum ‘Matter’?
 Experiential Reality?
 Fundamentals?
 Experiments?
 Consciousness?
 Process Philosophy?
Reality - Self-Referential ‘Information’
 Fundamentals:- whole/a-local ‘self-awareness’, before space/QM.
 Time:- Not geometry - but characterising process in ….. Experienced
time is complex (time dilation effects). Irreversible and ordered.
 Space:- Not geometry - but characterising emergent connectivity in..
 Quantum ‘Matter’:- Not stuff - but preserved connectivity in …..
 New (Process) Physics and New Ontology
 Experiential Reality:- Change is real - “actual occasions”
 Experiments:- Experiments support new physics/new ontology
 Consciousness:- Self-reference is intrinsic at all levels and scales
 100 years of physics is fundamentally wrong: Wrong
theories/equations and wrong ontology.
 Process Philosophy:-
Whitehead got it right! Panexperientialism.
Modelling the Phenomenon of Time
 Galileo and Newton modelled time by the
‘ruler’ model
 Order along the ruler models event order:
‘before’ and ‘after’
 But no notion of change - a non-process model
 In physics the distance along the ruler is
represented by the symbol ‘t’.
Modelling the Phenomenon of Space
 Newton: space modelled as
geometric 3-space: a 3D-Ruler!
 No structure. But labelled by points
…. x,y,z
 Not detectable.
 Matter slips through space?
 Can be infinite in extent.
 Unchanging.
 BUT: 1850’s Maxwell theory of
Electromagnetism appeared to require
its reality. So how to detect 3-space?
 The key experiment derailed
physics for over 100 years!
Michelson-Morley 1887 To Detect 3-Space
 Assumption: light travels at fixed speed relative to 3space. 300,000km/s
 So measure speed in different directions relative to
apparatus, which is on earth and surely moving through 3space. Earth orbit speed about sun is 30km/s
 Expect differences in speed to be very small and very
difficult to detect: 1/100,000 Michelson used an
interferometer which exploits wave nature of light. Device
effect is of order (1/100,000)(1/100,1000)
 The experiment worked…the effect was seen.
 BUT the effect was much smaller than expected…so they
said they didn’t see anything.
 OUTCOME: ”3-space doesn’t exist”. Einstein proposed
 100 years of near nonsense in physics.
The Michelson Interferometer
(Graphics: Katie Pilypas)
Glass plate used
to balance effect
of refraction
One light
Light source
Initial light
Light beam
viewed in
Stone slab
Other light
Displacement vs Azimuth Graph
Michelson Interferometer
Interference Fringes
1887 Experiment Data
 Discovered 3-space in 1887.
 Discussion of this discovery
is banned in physics journals.
 Calibration was grossly
Dayton Miller Interferometer Experiment
 Dayton Miller, Mt Wilson 1925/26
 Discovered (i) 3-space (ii) motion
of earth through space (iii) that
therefore foundations of special
relativity were invalid. No spacetime.
Dayton Miller Interferometer Experiment
Showed that spacetime was an incorrect ontology.
Typical Miller Interferometer Rotation Data
 Shows fringe shift as device is rotated (average of 20
rotations). Much better result than Michelson and Morley.
 This data gives speed of 351 km/s (in plane of
interferometer). Full speed is 420 km/s in southerly direction.
Dayton Miller Interferometer Experiment
Miller’s model of direction of flow of space past the earth at 4
different months. Sun is at the centre. The earth has a speed of some
420km/s in a southerly direction. Variation over one year is caused
by (i) motion of earth about sun through space, and (ii) flow of
space past earth towards the sun 42 km/s.
1887 Experiment Data
 It was NOT a null experiment.
 Michelson and Morley discovered that
the earth moved through 3-space at speed
8km/s using Newtonian physics calibration.
 MM data gives actual speed > 300km/s
(Cahill and Kitto 2002)
 And that the speed of light was
300,000km/s relative to that 3-space.
 All physics books claim MM saw no
fringe shifts.
 For over 100 years physics has been
based on flawed foundations.
 ‘Null’ effect led Einstein/Minkowski
to invent spacetime
3-Space Structure from DeWitte Data 1991
 In 1991 Roland DeWitte accidently discovered speed of earth through space.
Same speed and direction as Miller etc. Belgium Telephone company technician.
 Observed changing travel time of RF signals along coaxial cable as earth
Data shows fluctuations in flow of space. Space flow is turbulent and probably
DeWitte was never permitted to report his discovery in a physics journal. He was
dismissed from the company. Independently DeWitte and Miller did two of the
most significant physics experiments of the 20th century. They showed that the
Einstein spacetime theory was wrong.
The Schrodinger Equation
   V (x)
 (x,t)
 Describes motion of wave function, using geometrical time and 3-space
models. No notion of ‘matter’ as point-particles with trajectories.
 The wave function is non-local … spread out through space.
 Explains much of structure of atoms and molecules as wave structures.
 All quantum measurements actually involve localisation in 3-space
(wave function collpase).
 Does not explain the `measurement’ phenomenon .i.e. the formation of
spots in detectors.
 The Born measurement rule says probability of a spot is
 But no structure to space, and no ‘flow’.
 3-space is denied. The quantum theory based on spacetime is the Dirac
equation, and it works better? Must include 3-space in Dirac equation.
 Localisation is inconsistent with spacetime
 Spacetime has no ‘now’. It is a frozen object.
The Issues:
 Spacetime … the foundation of 20th Century physics does
not exist. It was a mathematical illusion from mistake.
 Physics failed to realise that a complex flowing 3-space
existed, despite repeated experimental detection.
 The geometric theory of time is completely inadequate.
 We don’t know why the quantum phenomena.
 We don’t understand wave function collapse/localisation.
 Numerous failings of Newtonian and Einsteinian theories
of gravity: Spiral galaxies (Dark Matter), supermassive
black holes, laboratory measurements of G, bore hole
anomalies, eclipse effects, radioactive decay,….
 Curved spacetime (Einstein’s theory of gravity) fails.
 After 100 years physics is in chaos.
 We need to start again… from afresh!
Reality: Self-Referential Information ‘Network’
 Nodes and Links:
relationship strengths
 From Quantum Field Theory.
Non-symbol parallel processing.
Bij  Bij  a(B  B )ij  wij
 (Irreversible) Time is modelled by
iterations/update - actual process.
 Two key parts (i) the inverse
operation involves the whole system
‘knowing’ all connection strengths,
(ii) self-referential noise (SRN) …
limits ‘self-knowledge’.
 Implicit ‘self-awareness’.
 No notion of space, quantum,..
 Experienced reality is in the
patterns …. interacting information.
 Fractal Non-Deterministic
Semantic/Active Information.
 Reality is an open
system (SRN). So is
not a thermodynamic
Space: Fractal Quantum Foam
 Network self-organises
structured transient patterns.
 Fractal 3-space …. as
networks within networks
….gebits (bits of geometry).
 The network connectivity is
described by a quantum
formalism (QHFT) ..including
residual SRN: Space is a
‘noisy’ Quantum System.
 ‘Quantum Matter’ .. as
preserved network ‘defects’.
 Residual SRN causes ‘wave
function’ collapse.
 ‘Space’ has differential flow.
Quantum Nonlocality
 (x)   1 (x)   2 (x)
Here a wave function is decomposed into the sum of
two localised components, each having a different
‘footprint’ in 3-space.
A New Theory of Gravity: Flowing Space
 Newtonian gravity from a velocity field:
 
(.v)  .((v.)v)  4 G 
 t  v
g   (v.)v
 But then a space self-interaction term is missing:
 (.v)  .((v.)v)  C(v)  4 G 
 t
v j 
 C(v)  (trD)2 tr(D2 ) ; ...where...Dij   i  
2  x x 
 j i
 Discovery:  =1/137 …the fine structure constant.
 Miller data revealed in-flow past earth into sun.
Quantum Space
  =1/137 the fine structure constant
 Down mine shafts and
bore holes Newtonian
gravity and General
Relativity fail.
Objects are slightly heavier
 Data gives  =1/137
Fine Structure Constant: =1/137
 In Hydrogen atom  determines magnitude of electron
binding energy compared to the rest mass energy of the
2  BindingEnergy 2 13.6eV
ElectronMassEnergy 511,000eV
 1 
 
 137 
  is probability of photon emission/absorption.
 So self-interaction of space is determined by
quantum theory processes.
Quantum Space
 Spherical Galaxy M87
 In-flow of space results in a ‘black hole’
forming at the centre.
 Astronomers have detected ‘black holes’
 Theory:
Black hole Mass
x Mass
 GR does not have
‘black holes’.
Quantum Space
 Spiral galaxy NGC3198
 Newtonian gravity and
General Relativity cannot
explain rotation speeds
(lower curve).
 This failure led to notion
of ‘ Dark Matter’.
 New theory of gravity
explains observations
(upper curve).
 Caused by (new) ‘black
hole’ at centre of galaxy.
 In-flow speed of space into
‘black hole’ is determined
by fine structure constant.
The New Schrodinger Equation
 
   V (x) ih(v. 
 Has dynamics of space affecting the quantum
dynamics. v is fractal…structure at all scales.
 (x , t)  v(x , t)
 Explains gravity…wave packet propagation is not a straight line.
 Explains Equivalence Principle…. all objects fall with same acceleration
(Galileo)…. a wave effect.
 (v.)v  (  v)  v R
 Has vorticity effect … rotating space. GP-B experiment.
 Also new Maxwell and Dirac equations.
Space Vortices
 Space is complex flowing
quantum system.
 Can have vortices.
  (  v) 
8 G 
 Detectable in Gravy Probe B.
 Seen by Allais in eclipse
pendulum experiments?
Intergalactic Vortices?
 Possible detection of intergalactic vortices - via
light bending?
Physics has totally misunderstood reality!
Reality is processing of ‘Mind’. Panexperientialism.
Self-awareness at all levels. ‘Mind’ is fundamental.
Time is not geometry, is label for process in ‘Mind’.
Process/Time is fundamental aspect of ‘Mind’.
3-Space: ‘classicalising’ quantum subsystem(s) in ‘Mind’.
3-Space and Quantum Matter are the same stuff.
Quantum Matter not in 3-space: Quantum non-locality.
Quantum behaviour is consequence of a self-referential
self-limited network (Mind). Quantum collapse is a
space/QM/detector effect…. Explains measurement effect.
Gravity is consequence of differential ‘flow’ of space.
Gravity is a quantum phenomenon - G and .
Process Philosophy is the metaphysics of reality.
Consciousness: high-level sub-self-awareness of whole.