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Chapter 8 & 9 Study Guide
1. Describe the myth young Romans learned about the
founding of their state.
It describes Rome’s location where the seven hills rise above
the Tiber River
2. What was a major difference between the patricians and
the plebeians during the earliest days of the Roman
Could not hold office or be senators
3. What happened to the Republic after Caesar’s death?
The end of the Roman Republic and the beginning of the
Roman Empire
4. Describe Rome during the period of the five “good
During all of the period of the “five good emperors”
5. What was the role of the senate in the Roman republic?
The senate proposed and voted on laws
6. What was the result of conflicts between plebeians and
Roman generals raised armies and fought for power
7. Why was Caesar killed?
Caesar was too ambitious. He gained too much power and
began to remind the people of a king.
8. How did the Romans feel about Augustus?
They were grateful for the peace he provided and gave
him more power
9. Name two of the five “good emperors.”
Hadrian and Marcus Aurelius
What was the difference between poor and wealthy
people in Rome?
Most people were slaves or had no jobs
What happened in Judea after Rome took control?
The Jews resented Roman rule
What rites did Christians practice?
Baptism and the lord’s Supper
How did the Roman Empire raise funds after they
stopped conquering new lands for wealth?
Raised taxes and produced more coins with less value
What people were considered citizens in Rome?
Only free adult males, not women children or slaves
What were the poor like in Rome?
They were given grain and were entertained at circuses
to keep them from rioting
How did Paul help spread Christianity?
He traveled to cities in the Mediterranean spreading
Jesus’ teachings
What happened when the Roman Empire became too
It was hard to defend
Where was the capital of Rome moved to under
Emperor Constantine?
From the West in Rome to the East in Constantinople
What problems led to the fall of the Roman Empire?
Provide a topic sentence and at least 3 examples.
Vocabulary to know: