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Chapter 7: Roman Republic and Empire
This will give you a guideline on what things to focus on for the next exam. Do not
just use my lecture notes!! Use the textbook and handouts to further enhance
your studying.
Chapter 7 Lesson 1- The Rise of Rome: Use notesheet “Early Rome and Republic” and “Review
and Punic Wars” handout
Geography of Italy
o Note important geographical features (use the map of Italy c. 500 B.C.E.)
Peoples of Italy (know influences on Roman society and culture)
o Etruscans
o Latins
o Greeks
Roman Republic
o Definition
o Expansion of Republic (why were they successful?)
Political Structure
o What were the two main social groups?
o Branches of government
o Struggle between classes
o Roman law (what was the basis for law in early Rome?)
Punic Wars (264-146 B.C.E.)
o Know cause of each war (1st, 2nd, and 3rd)
o Identify important figures
o What was the outcome each war?
Chapter 7 Lesson 2- From Republic to Empire: Use notesheet “From Republic to Empire”
Decline of the Republic
o Causes of the decline (use notesheet!)
o What changes were made to the military?
End of the Republic
o 1st Triumvirate (know important figures)
 How did Julius Caesar come to power?
 Dictator (definition); what was Caesar’s new title?
 Reforms of Julius Caesar
o 2 Triumvirate (know important figures)
 Which leader became the new leader of Rome?
 Imperator (definition)
What reforms were passed during his reign?
Chapter 7 Lesson 3- The Early Roman Empire: Use “Early Roman Empire/Life in Rome” and
“Roman Art, Literature, and Religion”
Early Roman Emperors
o What was a major concern of the Roman emperors after Augustus?
o Which Roman emperor had a civil war occur after his death in 69 C.E.?
The Five Good Emperors (2nd century C.E.)
o Why were they called this?
o Major reforms
o Pax Romana (definition)
Expansion of the Empire
o Refer to “Roman Expansion” section on “Early Roman Empire” notesheet
Roman Economy and Society
o What funded the building projects in Rome?
o Latifundia (definition)
o Roman Family
 Members of the family
 Paterfamilia (definition)
 Women’s rights (what changed?)
Roman Culture (compare and contrast with Greece)
o Art
o Architecture
o Public entertainment
o Literature
o Religion