Download Crash Course World History #10: The Roman Empire…. or Republic

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1. Preview the video viewing questions.
2. Watch “Crash Course in World History: “The Roman Empire…. or Republic…. or which was
it” without taking any notes.
3. Watch “Crash Course in World History: “The Roman Empire…. or Republic…. or which was
it” a second time. Pause the video as needed so that you can answer the questions.
Crash Course World History #10: The Roman Empire….
or Republic…. or which was it?
1. What was on of the reasons that the Roman Republic was able to endure?
2. Describe the Roman Senate and list 3-4 characteristics?
3. What does John Green compare to eating Chipotle? Why does he make that comparison?
4. What was the first Triumvirate? How did they rule?
5. True or False. Caesar invaded his own country. Explain
6. List at least 4 changes that Caesar made once he was in complete power.
7. What did the death of Caesar lead to? What did his murderers want?
8. When did Rome really become an Empire? Why?
Questions for thought at the end of the video:
 How important was the Silk Road or other trade routes? More important them empires or
countries? Why?