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Chapter 1
The Renaissance and
Reformation 1300-1650
The Renaissance
The Renaissance was a period of
history that sought to join the middle
ages to the modern times. This age
grew into one of the most culturally
important ages in Western history.
Means Rebirth
Terms, People and Places
Baldassar Castiglione
Niccolo Machiavelli
A New World View Evolves
This new period and mode of thinking
introduced a time period in which thinkers,
artist and writers compiled some of the
famous and infamous pieces of cultural
Expressing Humanism
The thinkers of the renaissance focused
on the secular- or worldly understandings
of life. Although they studied the classics
(Latin and and Greek), they abandoned
the religious direction of the Middle Ages
to focus on emphasize on individualisman emphasis on dignity and worth of the
individual person.
Education and Literature
Sonnets- (short poems) Humanism inspired this
new form of writing that focused on feelings.
Petrarch- Wrote of his love for a dead women
Boccacio- Decameron- told stories of young
people in love to divert their attentions.
These stories told of individual ambitions and
understandings that emphasized the importance
of human emotion. Also criticized and publicized
politics and royal Scandal (Machievelli) The
Humanist also began to challenge all of the preconceived notions of truth, consequently
challenging everything. Inductive Thinking
Religion, politics, family structure, society.
Emphasized humanities
“Renaissance Man” to master almost every area
of study (Primary source – page 473)
DaVinci – sculpture, politics, inventor
What Founding Father was a Renaissance Man?
Early Renaissance Humanists
Petrarch – Earliest Humanist
“Father of Italian Humanism”
Studied classical Latin
Wrote sonnets – 14 line poems in Italian and Latin
Wrote about love and human emotions in letters to friends
Dante – writes “Divine Comedy”
Soul’s journey to salvation
Travels through Hell, Purgatory
and Heaven
Erasmus - writes “Praise of Folly”
Makes fun of greedy merchants
and pompous priests
Promotes Christianity of the heart,
not ceremony
Personal study of the Bible
What were the main characteristics of the
Italy Cradle of the Renaissance
Because Italy had not fallen victim to Feudalism
and had not created itself into large nation like
France and England.
Italy remained in control of city-states much like
early Rome. These City states were operated by
the wealthy families that controlled all of the
Social order- Landed nobility, middle class,
Contacts with the Byzantine Empire and Muslims in
the Holy Land from the Crusades
Overseas trade led to growth of cities in Italy
Wealthy merchants and officials wanted to display
their wealth
Italy had more access to Roman ruins
Italy had more access to ancient manuscripts from
Constantinople than the rest of Europe (through
foreign scholars)
Italy led the West by the 14th century in banking and
Italy was more urbanized than the rest of Europe
Italian City States ruled by families
Milan, Venice, Florence (de’Medici Family)
Prospered because of trade
Strong centralized states
Why was Italy favorable setting for the
Renaissance ?
Renaissance Art Flowers
Rome, Venice, Florence became the birthplace
of these artist.
Humanist inspired Italian artists to express their
own values, emotions, and attitudes.
Much of the art was devoted to religious
Emphasized human expression an anatomy
Architecture, Sculpture, Painting
Brunelleschi- known for the dome he
designed and completed in 1436 for the
Cathedral of Florence.
Sculptures- Michelangelo, Donatello and
Ghiberti, Buonarroti- sculpted nude
sculptures primarily with much detail.
Painting- Gioto, Davinci- Mona Lisa,
Last Supper
Architecture - Renaissance
Leonardo da Vinci
Mona Lisa
Self Portrait
↓ Last Supper ↓
How were Renaissance ideas reflected in
the arts?
Artifact 1:
Write three Renaissance “Tweets”
Write three historical tweets from a person
of the Renaissance.
Make your tweets interesting, insightful,
You may want to use Michelangelo,
Raphael and daVinci.
You may also use Reformation thinkers.
Writing for a New Society
Baldassare Castiglione
Book of Courtier
Describes manners and etiquette and the
ideal courtier
Machiavelli – The Prince
political power
How to acquire and keep political power
Political activity should not be restricted by
moral principles (page 476)
Justifies tyranny and absolute power
“The end justifies the means!”
How did Renaissance writing effect
Johann Gutenberg
Invents press using movable type
Bible is first book printed in this way
Makes books inexpensive enough for people to
1455 in Mainz, Germany
Information revolution
Rise in literacy
Published accounts of new ideas and developments