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Biology 1 Final Exam Fall 2014
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Lab Session
Welcome to the Final Exam, worth 120 points. Please read and follow all directions carefully.
You may have only your exam, scantron, and writing utensil on your desk during the exam. You
cannot possess or use any other materials nor may you communicate via any means with anyone
else during the exam. The use/possession of any other materials or communication with anyone
other than the instructor will be considered cheating and will result in failing the course.
Good luck!
I. Multiple choice. Choose the one correct answer for each of questions 1 through 20 and fill in
your choice on your scantron sheet. (2 points each)
1) What is a likely evolutionary advantage of sexual reproduction over asexual reproduction?
A) sexual reproduction involves fewer steps
B) less chance of using up the resources in a given environment
C) sexual reproduction results in greater variation in the offspring
D) sexual reproduction is more cost effective
2) What are the types of gametes that can be produced by an individual with the genotype AaBb?
A) Aa, Bb
B) AA, aa, BB, bb
C) AB, Ab, aB, ab
D) AB, ab
3) The pH of lemon juice is about 2.0, whereas tomato juice's pH is about 4.0. Approximately
how much of an increase in hydrogen ion concentration is there between tomato juice and lemon
A) 2 times
B) 20 times
C) 10 times
D) 100 times
4) Enzymes are catalysts in biochemical reactions. Enzymes can function to
A) break molecular bonds
B) rearrange molecular bonds
C) form new molecular bonds
D) all of the above
5) Which answer lists chemical bonds in the order of weakest to strongest?
A) covalent bond, ionic bond, hydrogen bond
B) ionic bond, covalent bond, hydrogen bond
C) hydrogen bond, ionic bond, covalent bond
D) hydrogen bond, covalent bond, ionic bond
6) Active transport must function continuously because __________.
A) plasma membranes wear out
B) cells must be in constant motion
C) facilitated transport opposes active transport
D) diffusion is constantly moving the solutes in the other direction
7) Energy is stored long-term in the bonds of _____ and used short-term to perform work from
a(n) _____ molecule.
A) ATP : glucose
B) an anabolic molecule : catabolic molecule
C) glucose : ATP
D) a catabolic molecule : anabolic molecule
8) Plants produce oxygen when they photosynthesize. Where does the oxygen come from?
A) splitting water molecules
B) ATP synthesis
C) the electron transport chain
D) chlorophyll
9) Hunting reduced northern elephant seal population size to as few as 20 individuals at the end
of the 19th century. Their population has since rebounded to over 30,000. The northern
elephant seal has much less genetic variation than a population of southern elephant seals that
was not so intensely hunted. What mechanism most likely lead to the change in allele frequency
and reduced genetic variation in the northern elephant seal?
A) bottleneck effect
B) gene flow
C) natural sselection
D) artificial selection
10) What is the difference between micro- and macroevolution?
A) Microevolution describes the evolution of small organisms, such as insects, while
macroevolution describes the evolution of large organisms, like people and elephants.
B) Microevolution describes the evolution of microscopic entities, such as molecules and
proteins, while macroevolution describes the evolution of whole organisms.
C) Microevolution describes the evolution of populations, while macroevolution
describes the emergence of new species over long periods of time.
D) Microevolution describes the evolution of organisms over their lifetimes, while
macroevolution describes the evolution of organisms over multiple generations.
Matching. For question 11 identify the phase of mitosis for the cell at the end of the arrow in the
picture below.
11) What phase of mitosis is cell 11 in?
A) Anaphase
B) Prophase
C) Interphase
D) Telophase
12) Peter and Rosemary Grant found changes from one generation to the next in the beak shapes
of the medium ground finches on the Galápagos island of Daphne Major.
A drought on the Galápagos island of Daphne Major in 1977 reduced the number of small seeds
available to finches, causing many of the small-beaked finches to die. This caused an increase in
the finches’ average beak size between 1976 and 1978 (Grant et al. 1981) (See figure). This
study provides evidence for which mechanism of evolution?
A) Natural selection
B) Founder effect
C) Genetic drift
D) Sexual selection
13) In which of the following pairs do both evolutionary processes introduce new
genetic variation into a population?
A) Mutation and gene flow
B) Natural selection and genetic drift
C) Natural selection and gene flow
D) Gene flow and genetic drift
14) The wing of a bird and the arm of a human are examples of ________.
A) Homologous structures
B) Vestigial structures
C) Molecular structures
D) Analogous structures
15) There are 50 people in a population. 30 are homozygous dominant tongue rollers, 10 are
heterozygous tongue rollers, and 10 are homozygous recessive. What is the allele frequency of
the DOMINANT tongue rolling allele in this population?
A) 10%
B) 30%
C) 60%
D) 70%
II Definitions. Please define each term in one sentence or less. (4 points each)
1) buffer
2) evolution
3) genotype
4) ATP synthase
5) theory
6) atomic number
7) natural selection
III. Short Answer.
1. Read the following study. Analyze the study using the 7 topics that follow the study
description. (15 points)
To test the effectiveness of a new drug (Provenge) designed to treat advanced stage prostate
cancer, researchers conducted a clinical trial. The subjects were 512 adult American male
volunteers with advanced prostate cancer. Half were randomly assigned to take the drug and the
other half were randomly assigned to take a placebo. Neither the subjects nor the doctors who
evaluated them knew who was in which group. After three years, 32 percent of those who got
Provenge were still alive, compared with only 23 percent of those who got the placebo. (The
difference is statistically significant.)
Write out the hypothesis for the provided experiment using an “if…then” statement
Identify the independent and dependent variables.
Identify the relationship between the variables (positive correlation, negative correlation, or no
Identify positive and negative controls (if present).
Identify the conclusions of the study.
Determine if the data support or refute the hypothesis.
Provide an example of a follow-up study.
Example: If a study looked at the relationship between exercising 3 times per week and mood,
you could suggest a follow-up study that separates the study into groups of specific exercises
(running, walking, weight lifting, etc)
2. For question 2, fill in the 8 blanks for the Calvin cycle and citric acid cycle using the main
reactants and products for these reactions provided in the list below. Terms in the list can be
used repeatedly. (10 Points)
high energy electron carriers
carbon dioxide