Download Unit 7 Lesson 17.4 Patterns of evolution Mon 3/12, Tues 3/13

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Unit 7 Lesson 17.4 Patterns of evolution
Mon 3/12, Tues 3/13
Objective: Students can identify patterns of macroevolution
State standards: 3c. Students know how independent lines of evidence from geology, fossils, and
comparative anatomy provide the bases for the theory of evolution. 8e. Students know how to analyze
fossil evidence with regard to biological diversity, episodic speciation, and mass extinction.
Warm up activity CH 17 assessment pg 443 # 5-8
Macroevolution: large scale evolutionary changes that take place over long periods of time
Adaptive radiation: process where a single species or small group of species evolves into several
different forms that live in different ways: rapid growth In the diversity of a group of organisms
Convergent evolution: process where unrelated organisms independently evolve similarities when
adapting to similar environments
Coevolution: process where 2 species evolve in response to changes in each other
Punctuated equilibrium: pattern of evolution where long stable periods are interrupted by brief periods
of more rapid change
Check for understanding: class correct of warm up activity.
Lecture: 17.4 Patterns of evolution
Guided practice: Read lab activity and demonstrate how the different “birds” will feed on the “nectar”.
Show how to record findings of the experiment. After experiment, do class share of findings.
Resource for further study: Links on extinction web code cbn- 5174
Independent practice: lab: Modeling Coevolution in birds and flowers. pg 441 text
Ch 17 Interactive self test cba-5170
Complete Ch 17 HW pg 112, 114
Unit 7 test Wed 3/14
Unit 7 Project class presentations: Thursday and Friday 3/15, 3/16