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Biology 11: Patterns and Process in Evolution
Use your text pp 546-552
to create your own notes
answer the following key
What process
influence whether
species and clades
survive or become
Terms to define: Clade,
background extinction,
mass extinction
What are the two major
clades of dinosaurs?
Complete Analyzing data
on p 548
Biology 11: Patterns and Process in Evolution
How fast does
evolution happen?
Terms: Gradualism,
punctuated equilibrium
Draw the two models and
explain how they illustrate
the two models on
What are two patterns
of macroevolution?
Terms: Macroevolution,
adaptive radiation,
convergent evolution.
Complete “Interpret
Visuals” p 550
Biology 11: Patterns and Process in Evolution
What are evolutionary
characteristics typical
of coevolving species?
Term: coevolution,
convergent evolution
Complete 19.2
Assessment p 552