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Common Characteristics of B and T Lymphocytes
Graphics are used with permission of
Pearson Education Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings (
Page 1: Introduction
 While B and T lymphocytes have different functions in the immune system, they share some
common properties, which are the focus of this Topic.
Page 2: Goals
 To outline the shared features of B and T lymphocytes.
 To describe the structure, function, and sources of diversity of B and T cell antigen receptors.
 To understand how immune reactions to self-antigens can be avoided.
 To explain why lymphocyte recirculation is necessary for effective host defense.
 To distinguish between effector cells and memory cells.
Page 3: Overview
 B and T cells demonstrate unique as well as shared features.
 Shared features of B and T cells explained in this Topic include:
o Specificity of receptors
o Diversity of receptors
o Regulation of activation
o Memory
Page 4: Antigens: Self-Antigens
 The body has a vast number of its own antigens called self-antigens. These normally do not
trigger immune responses.
Page 5: Antigen Receptors: Specificity
 The antigen specificity of B and T cells is based on the shape of their antigen receptors.
 Each B and T cell expresses unique antigen receptor specificity unlike the receptor
specificity of any other B or T cell.
 Each B or T lymphocyte expresses 104-105 identical antigen receptors on its plasma
 Each B or T lymphocyte binds optimally to only one antigenic determinant.
Page 6: Antigen Receptors: Shared Properties
 The B cell antigen receptor is a molecule of membrane-bound antibody.
 The T cell antigen receptor, while not an antibody, shares some structural and functional
properties with antibodies.
 The T cell antigen receptor binds to protein antigens that have been digested into short
peptides and are displayed by proteins called major histocompatiblity complex (MHC)
proteins on the membranes of antigen-presenting cells.
Page 7: Antigen Receptors: Clonal Selection
The immune system generates a vast array of unique lymphocyte antigen receptors that exist
before their foreign antigens ever enter the body.
When an antigen encounters its receptor, it causes a clone of lymphocytes to form. This
mechanism is called clonal selection.
Page 8: Antigen Receptors: Diversity
 Diversity in the immune system is due to the enormous number of B and T cells with unique
antigen receptor specificities.
 It is estimated that an individual’s immune system makes about 100 million different types of
lymphocyte antigen receptor.
Page 9: Antigen Receptors: Generation of Diversity
 Lymphocyte antigen receptors are generated by randomly combining and editing blocks of
genetic information to create a single effective gene.
Page 10: Education: Immunocompetence, Self-Tolerance
 A lymphocyte becomes immunocompetent when it has a viable lymphocyte antigen receptor.
 Most mature B and T cells exhibit tolerance to self-antigens, a characteristic established as
the cells developed in the primary lymphoid organs.
Page 11: Education: Positive and Negative Selection
 Although this Topic focuses on T cells, developing B cells also go through a selection
process to eliminate self-reactive cells.
 T cells are educated in the thymus to be tolerant of self-proteins.
 The T cell receptors of developing T cells interact with cells of the thymus that display selfantigens on MHC proteins.
 Developing T cells expressing functional antigen receptors are allowed to mature (positive
selection), but those expressing nonfunctional antigen receptors, or receptors that interact
with self-antigens, are killed (negative selection).
Page 12: Education: Autoimmune Diseases
 Some self-reactive B or T cells survive negative selection and may cause autoimmune
diseases later in life.
Page 13: Lymphocyte Circulation
 B and T cells continually circulate throughout the body, searching for their specific antigens.
This process is called lymphocyte recirculation.
Page 14: Activation and Clonal Expansion
 Following appropriate interaction with antigen, B and T cells undergo activation, which is
called clonal selection, and proliferation, which is called clonal expansion.
 Two functionally different cell types arise through clonal expansion: effector cells and
memory cells.
Effector cells carry out the function of the antigen-activated cell (antibody secretion,
cytokine secretion, cytotoxicity); memory cells circulate throughout the body to respond to
re-exposure to the same antigen.
Page 15: Primary Immune Responses
 Primary immune responses begin with activation of a naive lymphocyte.
 The time required for clonal expansion is responsible for much of the delay before effector
cells can start their work.
Page 16: Secondary Immune Responses
 Secondary immune responses are generated when individuals are exposed to a previously
encountered antigen.
 Appropriate antigen activation of memory cells leads to further clonal expansion with the
production of effector cells and memory cells.
 Secondary immune responses are generated more rapidly, of longer duration, and greater
magnitude than primary immune responses.
Page 17: Summary
 Each lymphocyte has multiple identical copies of an antigen receptor, but receptors on
different lymphocytes are unique.
 Antigen receptor diversity is produced by random recombination of gene segments.
 During development in primary lymphoid organs, lymphocytes become immunocompetent
and self-tolerant.
 Lymphocytes continually circulate throughout the body in search of their one specific
 Binding of antigen to a naive lymphocyte’s antigen receptor causes clonal selection and
clonal expansion, resulting in the production of effector cells and memory cells.
 Secondary immune responses are faster and of greater magnitude than primary immune
Study Questions
1. (Goal 1, Page 3) List four features that are common to B and T lymphocytes.
2. (Goal 2, Page 5) What determines a lymphocyte’s ability to recognize a specific antigen?
3. (Goal 2, Page 5) How many antigens does each individual B cell or T cell recognize?
4. (Goal 2, Page 5) How many identical antigen receptors are present on the B or T cell plasma
5. (Goal 2, Page 5) How many antigenic determinants does one B or T lymphocyte receptor bind
6. (Goal 2, Page 6) Compare and contrast a B cell antigenic determinant to a T cell antigenic
determinant. Label the B cell and T cell in the diagram.
7. (Goal 2, Page 6) Describe the presentation of an antigen to a T cell.
8. (Goal 2, Page 7) When does the immune system generate antigen receptors?
9. (Goal 2, Page 7) Explain what happens when an antigen receptor binds to its antigen. What is
the process called?
10. (Goal 2, Page 8) What factor allows the immune system to respond to so many diverse
11. (Goal 2, Page 8) How many different types of antigenic receptors are estimated to make up
an individual’s immune system?
12. (Goal 2, Page 9) Describe how lymphocyte antigen receptor specificity occurs. Is it a random
or systematic process?
13. (Goal 3, Page 10) Where do lymphocytes develop antigen receptors and “learn” tolerance to
14. (Goal 3, Page 11) What is the goal of B cell and T cell selection process? Where does the
educational process occur for B cells and T cells?
15. (Goal 3, Page 11) What role do the thymus cells play in the educational process?
16. (Goal 3, Page 11) Explain positive and negative selection.
17. (Goal 3, Page 12) Relate what may happen if some self-reactive B or T cells survive negative
18. (Goal 4, Page 13) Why do B and T cells circulate, and what is the process called?
19. (Goal 5, Page 14) What happens to a B or T cell that interacts with its antigen?
20. (Goal 5, Page 14) Define clonal selection and clonal expansion.
21. (Goal 5, Page 14) Name the two functionally different cell types that appear after activation
has occurred and describe their respective roles.
22. (Goal 5, Page 15) What triggers a primary immune response? Name the two cell types that
are produced as a result of the response.
23. (Goal 5, Page 16) What triggers a secondary immune response?
24. (Goal 5, Page 16) Compare and contrast a primary immune response with a secondary
immune response.
Each lymphocyte has multiple __________ copies of an antigen receptor, but receptors on
different lymphocytes are ____________. Antigen receptor diversity is produced by random
recombination of ____________ segments. During development in ____________ organs,
lymphocytes become ___________________________ and self-tolerant. Lymphocytes
continually circulate throughout the body in search of their one specific ______________.
Binding of antigen to a naive lymphocyte’s antigen receptor causes ____________________
selection and expansion, resulting in production of ___________________ cells and
__________________ cells. Secondary immune responses are _______________ and of greater
magnitude than _____________ immune responses.