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The Length of the Roman Empire
 The traditional date for the founding of Rome is 509 BC.
Romulus and Remus Founding of Rome
 Rome is Sacked 476 AD
 The Visigoth and King Alaric
 Total Length of the Empire: 985 (ish years of rule)
Ancient Greece: 750 BC-200 BC
Modern Day USA: 1776 AD -
Why/How did Rome Fall?
Answer in your writer’s notebook.
How did one of the greatest empires in
world history collapse? Take an
educated guess on what lead to the
downfall of the Romans. Hint … there
can be multiple factors included in this
Multiple Causes for the Fall of the
Roman Empire
Political Factors
Social Factors
Fall of the Roman Empire
Economic Factors
Military Factors
Final causes that led to collapse
5 Key Political Factors
1. Political Office seen as a
burden, not a reward.
2. Military interference in politics
3. Civil War and unrest
4. Division of the empire by Diocletian
into Eastern and Western regions
5. Moving of the capital to Byzantium
by Constantine I
Map of the Rome Empire
Split by Diocletian
4 key Social Factors
1. Lack of interest in public affairs
2. Low confidence in the empire to do
anything to help the people.
3. High rates of disloyalty, lack of
patriotism and rampant corruption.
4. Huge gap between the rich
(patricians) and the poor (plebians)
6 Key Economic Factors
1. A series of poor harvests
2. Massive disruptions of trade…
weather, pirates, war, etc.
3. No more plunder from war
4. Gold and Silver draining out of the
empire – Roads, Aqueducts, etc. fail
5. Inflation and devaluing of coins
6. A crushing tax burden
4 Key Military Factors
1. Threats from the Persians and
2. Low funds for defense
3. Problems recruiting Roman Citizens
so they recruited mercenaries and
barbarians who weren’t loyal.
4. Decline of patriotism and loyalty
Final causes that led to collapse
1. Pressure from the Huns which led to the
Germanic tribes and Huns invading
Roman lands. The Visigoth and King
Alaric will destroy/sack the city.
2. Conquest and Sacking of the city of
Rome (410 AD) by the Barbarians.
Western Empire ends but the Eastern
(Byzantine) Empire survives until the
late 1400’s AD.
Time to Think!
Remember: History repeats itself!
After discussing the Political, Social,
Economic, and Military reasons for the fall
of Rome … which of these four categories
should the US most fear. Are we already
heading down one of these paths? Explain
your answer and thoughts.
Roman Empire overlaid with the United States
Names: _______________________
Background: We have learned a lot
from Ancient Rome (both good and
bad) and their impact is evident and
has shaped our modern society.
Reflect on the George Santayana’s
quote then compete the following task.
Task: As a group (using all your Rome
Notes from the entire unit) complete the
following task.
Note: Only three total items can come from the Fall
of Rome Discussion
The Life of Reason, 1905
 List and explain five positive things we have learned from the Ancient
Roman Civilization and how they have impacted our modern society.
 List five not so good or warnings that we have learned or should learn
from Ancient Rome and how they have or might impacted our modern
List and explain five positive things we
have learned from the Ancient Roman
Civilization and how they have impacted
our modern society.
 1
List five not so good or warnings that we
have learned or should learn from Ancient
Rome and how they have or might
impacted our modern society.
 1
 2
 2
 3
 3
 4
 4
 5
 5
The Life of Reason, 1905
Name: ________________________ Period: _______ Date: ______
/20 pts total
Your Homework: Now that your group has completed the group task … please answer
the following three questions on your own: Due Day III. Each answer should be at least
one solid paragraph.
1. What is (in your opinion) the most significant (positive) thing we have learned from
the Ancient Roman Civilization and how has it impacted our modern society.
(__/ 5 pts)
2. What is the most significant (not so good) thing that we have learned or should learn
from Ancient Rome and how has it impacted or might it impact our modern society.
( ___/ 5 pts)
3. Time to Think! After this discussion and Rome unit … why is reflection on the past
such a vital thing for modern civilizations to do. Explain your thoughts. ( ___/ 10 pts)