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Chapter 23 Study guide
1. The walls of the GI tract are composed of __________ layers of tissue.
2. What are examples of accessory organs of the digestive system
3. What organ has a mucosa layer composed of stratified squamous epithelium that resist
4. The hard palate consists of portions of:
5. After leaving the stomach, food (chyme) enters the:
6. The more common term for deglutition is
7. Approximately how much saliva do the three pairs of compound tubuloaveolar glands (parotids,
submandibulars, and sublinguals) secrete each day?
8. The numerous small elevations on the surface of the tongue that support taste buds are called?
9. The greatest proportion of the tooth shell consists of
10. A permanent set of teeth normally consists of ________ teeth
11. Under normal conditions, how many deciduous teeth are there?
12. What structures controls the opening of the stomach into the small intestine?
13. In the stomach, hydrochloric acid is secreted by the
14. The chief cells in the stomach secrete:
15. What are included with the large intestine
16. The longest portion of the small intestine is the:
17. The contents of the stomach are emptied into the:
18. What structure, in the digestive system, is anatomically the longest?
19. The brush border of the intestinal mucosa consist of:
20. A barium enema study is used to detect and locate:
21. Bile salts aid in the absorption of:
22. The hormone glucagon is produced by:
23. The cells that produce insulin are known as:
24. What are the functions of the stomach?
25. What are the functions of the pancreas?
26. Describe the gallbladder
27. Heartburn is often caused by acid reflux. What might aggravate it?
28. What is a division of the stomach?
29. Concentrates bile five – to tenfold
30. Secretes intrinsic factor
31. Beta cells secrete insulin
32. Secretes about a pint of bile a day
33. Produces the hormone gastrin
34. Carries on a limited amount of absorption of some water, alcohol, and certain drugs
35. Cells in this organ store iron and vitamins A, B12 and D
36. Cells of this organ detoxify various substances
37. Explain why soluble drugs can be absorbed rapidly if placed under the tongue
38. What is GERD and how is it treated?
39. Explain the cause of appendicitis?
40. Describe the pathway of food from the oral cavity to the anus