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Roman Upheaval
• Rome was now the sole power
in the Mediterranean and very
• But as the territory grew, so
did the gap between the rich
and poor.
Roman Civil War
• This strife and upheaval
between the rich and poor
would lead to civil war – a
conflict between two groups
within the same country.
• Many poor soldiers in the
military became discontent
and loyal to their generals
rather than to Rome itself.
• It would now become
possible for a military leader
supported by his troops to
take over by force.
The First Triumvirate
• The First Triumvirate was an unofficial
(and at first secret) pact to control Rome
• From 60 to 53 BCE
• Members:
• Pompey
• Marcus Crassus
• Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar
• Julius Caesar was a great
general and an important
leader in ancient Rome.
• He suggested new laws,
most of which were
approved by the Senate.
• He reorganized the
• He improved the way the
provinces were governed.
Dictator for Life
• The Senate disliked many of Caesar’s
reforms and feared his popularity and power
• Ides of March
• March 15, 44 BCE –
• Senators conspired to assassinate Caesar
• Caesar was stabbed to death (at least 23 times)
on the floor of the Senate house
After Caesar
• Three men ruled the Roman Empire –
Octavian, Antony & Lepidus
• Known as the Second Triumvirate
• Octavian & Antony began to dominate
• Even though the empire was big, it was
too small for two leaders
• Antony soon commited suicide after a
defeat and Octavian ruled
Octavian Triumphs
• Having defeated Marc
Antony, Octavian becomes
the unchallenged ruler of
• While he keeps many similar
aspects of a republic, (such
as the Senate), Octavian is
granted supreme power.
• He becomes the first
emperor of Rome.
• He even changes his name
to Caesar Augustus,
meaning “exalted or great
Caesar Augustus
• Augustus is a just and able ruler
and further expands the empire.
• He also creates a lasting system
of government.
• - glorifies Rome with beautiful public
• - sets up a civil service to administer
the empire
• Starting with Augustus’ rule, Rome
would enjoy a period of peace and
prosperity known as the Pax
Romana or “Roman Peace” which
lasts about 200 years.
Roman Empire Grows
•During the Pax Romana, Rome had a series of five good
emperors under whom the Empire grew.
•At it’s height, the Empire had over 50 million people living
in about 3.5 million square miles of land across Europe,
the Middle East and Africa.
•Many people were able to establish local customs but
maintained the protection of the Roman Empire and the
privileges that came with being a citizen.
•Roman culture, law and the Latin language spread
throughout the empire.
Roman Empire before Caesar - 100 B.C.
Roman Empire at death of Caesar – 44
The Roman Empire at 14 ADat the death of
The Roman Empire in AD 116The empire at
its largest extent
Trade (Good & Bad)
• Trade throughout
Europe, Africa and as
far as china along the
Silk Road provided
the people of the
empire with
everything they
needed, especially
• Over time, the divide
between the rich and
the poor grew and the
small farmers became
dependent on the
Empire’s grain
Works Cited