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Adaptations are characteristics that help an organism survive in an environment.
Adaptations develop when variations in a population occur.
A mutation is a random change in the genetic makeup of an individual.
Mutations can be harmful, helpful, or have no effect to the organism.
Favorable mutations are passed down to future generations through reproduction.
Evolution is when the changes in the genetic makeup of a
population of individuals accumulate over time. Evolution
causes descendants to be much different than their
Earth Science Study Guide
Adaptations and Mutations
Study GUide
Adaptation and Evolution Study Guide
Eventually, it can cause a new species to
Natural selection is the process in which evolution is able
to occur.
Trait - A physical or behavioral characteristic of an
Traits become more or less common in a population depending on how beneficial they are.
Concept Check
How do adaptations and mutations contribute to the process of evolution?
Describe the process of natural selection and give an example.
Theory - A plausible or scientifically acceptable, well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of
the natural world; an organized system of accepted knowledge that applies in a variety of
circumstances to explain a specific set of phenomena and predict the characteristics of as yet
unobserved phenomena.
Gene - Inside every cell of each living thing (plant or animal) are sets of instructions called genes.
The genes provide the instructions on what is the plant or animal, what it looks like, how it is to
survive, and how it will interact with its surrounding environment.
Organism - an individual living thing
Species - a group of animals or plants that are similar and can produce young animals or plants: a
group of related animals or plants that is smaller than a genus
Characteristic - a distinguishing trait, quality, or property
Anatomical Features - structure of the body or organism
Examples: vertebrae, legs, arm, fingers, toes, skull
Embryo - a human or animal in the early stages of development before it is born, hatched, etc.
an unborn or unhatched offspring in the process of development
Comparative embryology - compares the embryos of different organisms. The embryos of many
animals, from fish to humans, show similarities that suggest a common ancestor.
 Review the vertebrate chart in your science notebook
Four Independent lines of evidence that support the theory of a common ancestor
 Comparative Anatomy
Embryology/Comparative Embryology
Fossil Records
** You will be asked about the article Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection. Reread it and take
notes to help you study. **
*Pay attention to the tortoise and finches!