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Download Cell odling/Cell culturing There is no mandatory book for this course
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Cell odling/Cell culturing There is no mandatory book for this course, but the books below are recommended as good reading. In addition, information on useful web pages etc will be given during the lectures and practicals. In English: Basic Cell Culture (Editor: J.M. Davis; Oxford University Press) ISBN13: 9780199638536 ISBN10: 0199638535 In Swedish: Cellodling. En praktisk handbok i odling av mammalieceller (Redaktion: Vivi Kielberg, Nils Brünner, Per Briand; AB Labassco förlag) ISBN: 9163025655 Djurmodeller/Animal Models Laboratory Animal Anaesthesia, PA Flecknell, Academic Press, 1987, ISBN 0-12-260360-5 Manipulating the mouse embryo A laboratory manual third ed Authors: Andras Nagy, Marina Gertsenstein, Kristina Vintersten, Richard Behringer , Cold spring Harbor Laboratory Press 2003, ISBN 0-87969-574-9 Links to books published on the internet: An introduction to molecular medicine and gene therapy. New York:Wiley, 2000. Ed. by Thomas F. Kresina. The end of chapter 5 deals with recombination in stem cells Dale, Jeremy W. From genes to genomes: concepts and applications of DNA technology. Chichester:John Wiley Sons Ltd, 2002. Chapter 17 is an introduction to making transgenic organisms Immunobiology Janeway and Travers very good text book, fairly easy to use electronically Free books kept at NCBI. Baxevanis, Andreas D. Bioinformatics : a practical guide to the analysis of genes and proteins. Methods of biochemical analysis ; 43. 2.ed. New York : Wiley-Interscience, 2001. Nationalencyclopedin (in Swedish) Svensk MeSH Medical Subject Headings Thesaurus in Swedish Dorlands Medical Dictionary Medline plus Medical Encyclopedia Encyclopedia of Life Sciences Cellulär och Molekylär Immunologi/Cellular and Molecular Immunology: Kuby Immunology, 7th edition (Owen, Punt and Stranford; Macmillan Higher Education; ISBN-13: 978-14641-3784-6)