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Reading Center 3
Word Study
Students will practice and apply their knowledge of phonics as they read words
from sentences and text.
Basic Center
 Word cards (high frequency, colors, numbers, content area words)
 Container
 Pocket chart
Teacher will:
 Purposely select familiar words from interactive writing, interactive editing,
and shared reading texts that can be categorized according to meaning.
 Demonstrate, using the pocket chart and a group of word cards, how to read
and sort cards into categories.
 Read the word cards one at a time and think-aloud the reasoning for
categorizing each word.
Students will:
 Work with a partner to read and sort words by category.
 Share read finished sort to verify placement of words in categories.
Beyond the Basic Center
Additional Center Ideas:
1. Collect a variety of pictures (workbook, clip art, magazine) and place in a
baggie. Prepare word cards with the phonic category (beginning sounds,
ending sounds, vowel sounds) in order to sort pictures. Students choose
pictures and sort by similar sound into appropriate categories.
2. Collect examples or photographs of environmental print and display on chart
paper. Select one common spelling pattern from each example and label
each chart. Students record and list other words with the same spelling
pattern on the environmental charts. Reread charts with a partner.
3. Create a “High Five” card game by duplicating game cards (see page ).
Write one word on each card that has a common rime (cat, bat, fat, flat).
Students play in pairs. Each player receives six cards and the object is to
form groups of five words with the same rime. Additional cards are stacked in
the middle as a draw pile. Using the cards dealt, Player 1 says, “Do you have
a word that rhymes with cat?” Player 2 must silently read his/her cards and
either give one rhyming card to Player 1 or tell them to “High Five” and draw
an additional card from the pile. Players alternate turns. When five rimes are
collected in a player’s hand, the player lays the cards down and reads the
rime family. Play continues until one player has no cards left. The winner is
determined by whoever has the most groups of rimes laid down.
4. Prepare word cards with contractions and the words that form the contraction.
Students read and sort cards, matching the contraction to its word parts. A
variation could include other parts of speech, such as synonyms, antonyms,
homophones, homographs.
5. Using game board template (see page
), duplicate and glue into a file
folder. Prepare game board by writing one abbreviation/shortened word (Dr.,
Ave. memo, ad) in each space. Prepare game cards by writing the nonabbreviated/full word (Doctor, Avenue, memorandum, advertisement).
Students play in pairs. Each student chooses a game piece to begin.
Players alternate by drawing a card from the pile and reading the nonabbreviated/full word and then moving their game piece to the matching
abbreviation/shortened word on the game board. This is a continuous game
that lasts as long as there are cards in the pile to draw, read and match.
Additional Resources
Cleary, B. A Mink, a Fink, a Skating Rink. Lerner Publishing Group, 2000. ISBN
Cleary, B. Under, over, by the Clover: What is a Preposition? Lerner Publishing
Group, 2002. ISBN 1575055244
Heling, K. Mouse Makes Words. Random House Books for Young Readers,
2002. ISBN 0375813993.
Heller, R. Kites Sail High: A Book About Verbs. Econo-Clad Books, 1998. ISBN
Marzollo, J. I Spy Little Letters. Scholastic, Inc., 2000. ISBN 0439114969
McBrath, B. The M&M’s Brand Counting Book. Charlesbridge Publishing, Inc.,
1994. ISBN 0881068535
McCall, F. A Huge Hog is a Big Pig. HarperCollins Children’s Books, 2002.
ISBN 0060297654
McGrath, W. The Cheerios Counting Book. Scholastic, Inc. 1998. ISBN
Wilbur, R. The Disappearing Alphabet. Harcourt, Inc., 2001. ISBN 015216362X