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Jeopardy Questions
Atoms and Molecules:
1. How many protons and electrons does oxygen have?
Answer: 8 on the periodic table
2. What does the atomic # on the periodic table tell you?
A: # of protons and electrons
3. Sodium, Argon, Phosphorus, Magnesium…
A: What are elements that are in the 3rd energy level.
1. The smallest part of an element that still retains the element’s properties is a(n)
A: atom
2. An electrically neutral subatomic particle found in the nucleus of an atom.
A: What is a neutron
3. The subatomic particle that has a negative charge.
A: What is an electron
1. The sum of the neutrons and protons in the nucleus.
A: Atomic mass
2. Two or more atoms that are chemically bonded.
A: What is a molecule.
1. If an atom has 17 electrons and it’s mass number is 35 calculate the following:
number of protons, atomic #, and number of neutrons.
A: protons:17, atomic # 17, neutrons: 18
2. The solar nebula began with these two gases.
A: what is hydrogen and helium
1. List the two most common elements along with their chemical symbols found in
the Earth’s crust.
A: What is Oxygen and Silicon
1. What are the basic building blocks of minerals?
A: What is an atom and molecule
2. How are minerals held together to form larger minerals?
A: what are chemical bonds.
1. A naturally occurring, inorganic solid that has an orderly crystalline structure and
a definite chemical composition.
A: What is a mineral
2. Silicon and oxygen combine to form this most common mineral group.
A: What is a silicate
3. When minerals form slowly without space restrictions they will develop these.
A: what is a crystal
4. Sulfates or Sulfides are formed from these two elements:
A: what is sulfur and oxygen
1. Minerals are classified into groups based on this characteristic.
A: what is color
2. These mineral groups form from an element from the halogen group and an
element from the alkali metal group.
A: What is a halide
3. Name a common rock that is formed from the carbonate mineral group.
A: what is limestone
1. Name the four processes that form minerals
A: What is precipitation, crystallization from magma, hydrothermal solutions, and
heat and pressure.
2. What is the name of a mineral that is formed from the carbonate molecule.
A: feldspar
3. Small amounts of different elements in the same mineral can change this.
A: what is color
1. A type of rock that is formed from molecules of sulfides.
A: What is _______.
2. gold is an example of this mineral group.
A: What is a native mineral
3. Mineral groups that form in hydrothermal solutions.
A: What is sulfates.
4. The ratio of a minerals mass to it’s volume is this.
A: What is density
Rock Cycle
1. Rocks are generally classified as igneous, ______, and metamorphic.
A: what is sedimentary
2. These rocks form when magma hardens and cools.
A: what is igneous
3. The two major sources of energy for the Earth system.
A: What is geothermal and solar.
1. Because of the processes that take place within the ___________, rocks can change
from one type to another.
A: What is Earth’s interior
2. The rock cycle is driven internally by heat from the core, and externally by this.
A: what is solar power
3. Name the difference between extrusive and intrusive igneous rocks.
A: intrusive- formed in the Earth’s crust, extrusive: on the earth’s surface
1. In an undisturbed sequence of sedimentary rocks, the oldest rocks would be at the
_____ of the sequence.
A: What is the bottom
2. Because of the way they form, crystalline limestone and chert are classified as
these types of rocks.
A: What is chemical sedimentary
3. What three types of sedimentary rocks are found on the Earth’s surface.
A: what is clastic, chemical, and biological
4. Rocks form from this part of the rock cycle in which rocks are weathered,
deposited, compacted and cemented.
A: what is sedimentation
1. A _______ is a hot water rich fluid that is associated with a cooling magma body.
A: What is a hydrothermal solution
2. Most ________ rocks form under conditions found a few kilometers under
Earth’s surface.
A: What is metamorphic
3. What factor most influences the size of mineral crystals in igneous rocks?
A: What is the rate of cooling.
1. Large scale folding of rocks during the process of mountain building is
characteristic of a(n) _________ metamorphism setting.
A: What is foliated
2. What are the three agents of metamorphism?
A: heat, pressure, and hydrothermal solutions
3. What are the major erosional agents that can pick up, transport, and deposit the
products of weathering?
A: What is water, wind, ice, and gravity.
Rock Identification