* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
ES Chapter 4 Study Guide Name ___________________ Answer the following questions as complete as possible to prepare you for Wednesday’s Test over Chapter 4. 1. What are the THREE things geologists look at where observing a rocks mineral composition? 2. State THREE pieces of information you know about a rock made from basaltic magma. 3. State THREE pieces of information you know about a rock made from granitic magma. 4. ‘Texture’ is how a particular rock looks and feels. What are the THREE terms geologists use to describe the texture of rocks? - 5. Name the THREE different types of rocks and state how they form. 6. How can a person tell the difference between an igneous rock which formed in the ground from one which formed on the Earth’s surface? 7. A rock named granite is made up of 4 minerals. What are the two minerals which would give granite a darker look and which minerals would give it a lighter look? LighterDarker8. What are the FOUR processes which are needed to form sedimentary rocks? 9. Name and describe the THREE different types of sedimentary rocks. 10. What are the different textures of metamorphic rocks, and what processes cause metamorphic rocks to form?