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• Renaissance means rebirth, in this case it was the
rebirth of Greek and Roman ideology
• The people of the renaissance wanted to feel like
individuals again after being controlled by the catholic
– The renaissance was the rebirth of being individualists,
similar to the Greek and Romans
Reasons for the Renaissance
• During the middle ages the catholic church
ruled all of England, it was a very depressing
time in that area of the world
– The black plague killed many of the people in
• This was followed by the Renaissance
– Time filled with the ability for people to think for
themselves and embrace the knowledge that was
known throughout the Greek and Roman Cultures
• Become humanists
• The middle ages paved the way for the renaissance
• Began in Italy during the early 1300’s
• Spread to England, France, Germany, The Netherlands,
Spain, and other countries in the late 1400’s
• Ended about 1600
• Followed by the Restoration and Enlightenment period
• Attempted to recapture the spirit of Greek and
Roman culture in everything that they did
– Art, Literature, daily life
• They believed in humanism
– a philosophy that usually rejects supernaturalism
and stresses an individual's dignity and worth and
capacity for self-realization through reason
• Large part of the Renaissance
• Scholars and artists studied subjects that
they believed would help them better
understand the problem of humanity.
• They believed that people should control
their own life
– classical antiquity
• People are amazing, somewhat God–like
– “What a piece of work is a man, how noble in
reason, how infinite in facilities, in form and
moving how express and admirable, in action
how like an angel, in apprehension how like a
god: the beauty of the world, the paragon of
Hamlet, William Shakespeare
Protestant Reformation
• Religious and political movement led
by Martin Luther
– German monk
• He believed that the Roman Catholic
Church was corrupt and should be
– Wanted to change it to become less
greedy, fairer, and accessible to
everyone, not just the upper class
• Bible in all languages
• He created the 95 Theses
– On October 31st, 1517 he posted it on
door of the castle church at
• Therefore igniting the protestant religion
• To view the 95 Theses click here
Elizabethan Era:
the beginning
Queen Mary I
Queen Elizabeth
• Protestant, but believed
people should be able
to practice Catholicism
without being
discriminated against
• Catholic and believed
that everyone had to be
– If they were protestant
they would be burned
alive, that’s how she
earned the nickname,
“Bloody Mary”
Elizabethan Era:
the beginning
A church should not have to
very decorative and fancy
• Priest were unnecessary
– People can communicate
with God by themselves
• The bible should be translated in
different languages
– Everyone should be able to
understand the bible, not
just the rich and well
• The church should be
furnished with statues
• Priest were the connection
between them and God
• The bible should stay in
Latin and not be translated
• The most important idea in
literature that was written
during the renaissance was
the importance of a
conscience and the same
sense of individual personality
• The concepts in the works
were that history could help
out in the present because
history repeats itself
Authors of the Renaissance
• William Shakespeare
• John Milton
– Paradise Lost
• Edmond Spenser
– Sheppard’s Calendar (SATIRE)
• Giovanni Boccaccia
• Pierre de Rosard
• For more authors of the Renaissance click here
William Shakespeare
• Began his work in comedy plays
such as
• Love’s Labor Lost
• Midsummer Night’s Dream
• Then his work turned more
serious and depressing
• Hamlet
• Macbeth
• Renowned author of the
Renaissance and of our day today
Artist and their Accomplishments
• Giotto
– 1st artist to portray nature realistically
• Brunelleschi
– 1st renaissance architect to revived ancient
roman architecture
• Made arches, columns, other elements
• Pazzi Chapel
• Donatello
– Portrayed the human body in sculptures
• Graceful nude youth
– Created 3 statues of David
• biblical hero
Brunelleschi's dome for the
Duomo of Florence, Santa Maria
del Fiore
One of his most famous works,
The Last Supper
Artists and their Accomplishments
• Michelangelo
– Painter, architect, poet
– Painted ceiling in the Sistine chapel in the Vatican
• Biblical and classical subjects
• Leonardo da Vinci
– Tried to discover how the body worked
• Drew human skeleton and muscles
– The Last Supper, Mona Lisa
Inventions and Influential People
• Lenses for microscopes and telescope
– This helped Galileo study the heavens
and come to the conclusion that the
earth was not the center of the
universe, but everything revolved
around the sun.
• Printing press
– Invented by Johannes Gutenberg
– Allowed every day people to have
– Before books were a very expensive
because they all had to be hand
– First book to be massed produced was
the bible
– Allowed music to be printed and
treasured as well
Influential People
• Christopher Columbus
– Discovered
• Bahamas, Puerto Rico, Jamaica,
Guanaja Island
• Ferdinand Magellan
– First man to fully circle the globe
• Helped prove the earth was round
– Discovered
• Routes to travel all the way around the
– Opened trade routes for many countries
– The westward passage (around the tip of
South America)
• Meat was not served everyday
• Popolo grasso (upper class)
• Jelly and pastries
• Bread had a bigger portion of
• Popolo minuto (middle class)
• Bird of some sort, sweets and
desserts with spiced wine
• Lower class
• Rye or barley bread
• Artists and musicians produced more
their pieces with freedom and
• Let go of strict ways of Medieval Era
• Music was preserved and printed
because of the printing press
• Music seemed to be smooth and
secular music became common
• Sacred music was used in church
• Instruments used/created
– Lutes
– Violin
– Virginal
• For an example of the music click here
Sports and Daily Life
• Jousting
– Competition between two
knights on horses
– Each knight tried to knock the
other off his mount
– Knights had three weapons
• Lance
• Sword
• Rondel
– Usually best of three
– Winner received the armor of the
• Made fortunes off of it
• 15th Century
– Began to follow German styles
• Men’s fashions were elaborately
• Decorated with lace and frills
• Men wore broad hat sometimes
with gems
• Women wore voluminous gowns
• Skirts heavily pleaded
• Gowns supported underneath
with wire or wire hoops
• Puffy sleeves
• Began wearing head dresses
• 1450:
– clothing was influenced by
medieval designs
• Dresses became shorter and
• Robes became popular
• Corsets extended to cone
shape below the waist
• Women began showing their
hair again
• Wore jewels and vials
• Men doublet’s shortened
• Wore low neck tunics
The End of the Renaissance
• The Renaissance was followed by the
Restoration and Enlightenment period
– This was a time filled with new scientific
evolutions spurred by the inventions of the
– Literature was also a big part of this time period
and it was able to be massed produced by the
printing press of the Renaissance
Sarah Stout, Lexie Howell, Jen Pero
Honors Brit Lit