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Speech is a distinctive from of communication due to the relationships among the
set of nine elements: speaker, purpose, message, medium, setting, listener,
response, interference, and consequences. These elements interact with one
another in ways that can affect those who participate and the world around
them. They constitute a dynamic, interactive communication process.
1. Speaker: in Speech, the role of speaker and listener are very clearly defined.
Speech highlights the role of the speaker that is speaker is the center of
attention. The speaker, if well prepared in advance, will gain utmost in this
form of communication.
2. Purpose: the speaker, while making the speech, always has some purpose
in mind, something he/she wishes to accomplish. A purpose can be
personal or professional. Sometimes the speaker offers or shares ideas,
which the listeners may find interesting and useful.
3. Message: Successful speech always gives a message that is designed to
serve the speakers purpose. The message is usually the result of hard work,
research and planning done by the speaker. Conveying the message
effectively is the basic skill required and it can make a speech successful.
4. Medium: The medium transmits a speaker’s message. When the speech is
face to face, the medium is air through which the sound travels. But when
speech is presented outside or in a large auditorium, a microphone and
amplifiers may be part of medium. Public speeches can also be transmitted
through the electronic media of radio, television and video/audios tapes.
5. Setting: the setting in which a speech is presented can include such factors
as, the time the speech is given, the time allotted for the presentation, the
place for the presentation and the size and the arrangement of the
6. Listeners: the fate of the message conveyed in the speech depends on how
listeners respond to it. A constructive listener is supportive yet listens
carefully and critically. The speech should always be prepared by keeping in
mind the level and the background of the listeners.
7. Response: the response to speech is the result of the speech. Speech has
the quality of being interactive in nature. While the speaker is delivering
the speech, listeners are responding.
8. Interface: interface can range from physical noise that impedes the hearing
of speech, such as plane flying over the building.
9. Consequences: as a result of speech, listeners learn, decides, change their
decisions, take actions.
Guidelines for effective speech:
1. Develop your speaking skills to strengthen your confidence.
2. Select a topic that fits you, your audience, and the assignment.
3. Use language specifically adapted to the audience.
4. Speak correctly, clearly, pleasantly and with proper emphasis.
5. Develop an introduction that arouses attention as it leads into your topic.
6. Use examples or stories to clarify ideas and make your speech interesting.
7. Visualize yourself being successful.
8. Maintain an attitude of alertness and confidence.
9. Employ body language to best advantage.
10.Avoid the signs of nervousness.
Q.1 Write short notes on Effective Speaking?
Ans. Effective speaking does not depend on good voice production and
articulation. Other factors such as pace, pitch, tone, volume and the use of pauses
contribute to the good delivery.
1. Pace: speaking to an audience requires a pace slower than normal
conversation. Pace can be varied to create different effects.
2. Pitch: A low pitched voice is pleasing to the audience and comfortable fro
the speaker. Variation in the pitch can be effective.
3. Tone: tone is the vocal quality which expresses feeling. Tone will reflect the
sincere effort and hard work of the speaker.
4. Volume: the voice should be loud enough for every listener to listen
5. Pausing: Pausing can focus attention on what has been said or what is
about to be said, or can be used to prepare the audience for a change in
6. Repetition: Repeating a word, a phrase or an idea is useful for emphasis.
7. Examples and illustrations: use of examples is good.
Advertising: “advertising is a form of communication that typically attempt
to persuade potential customers to purchase or to consume more of a
particular brand of product or service. “
Importance of advertising: in modern times advertising prevails in all works
of human life. It has acquired the distinction of being the most visible and
glamorous method of marketing communication. Advertising is a non
personal form of promotion that is delivered through selected media outlets
that, under most circumstances, require the marketer to pay for message
placement. Advertising has long been viewed as a method of mass
promotion in that a single message can reach a large number of people. It is
beneficial for :
Increasing the sales of the product/service.
Creating and maintain a brand identity or brand image.
Communicating a change in the existing product line.
Introduction of a new product or service.
Increasing the buzz-value of the brand or the company.
Types of advertising:
1. Product-Oriented Advertising: Most advertising spending is directed
towards the promotion of a specific good, service or idea may be
called a product. In most cases the goal of product advertising is to
clearly promote a specific product to a targeted audience.
2. Consumer advertising: This kind of advertising is done with the taste of
consumer keeping in mind, that’s why this kind of marketing in known
as consumer advertising.
3. Advertising to business or profession: this type of advertising is aimed
at resellers and professionals. The media used here is direct mail or
professional magazine. These are ads which are not directed towards
the final consumers.
4. Non product advertising: in this type of advertising advertisement
depicting an idea, a social cause etc is included. Surrogate
advertisements are also part of such non product advertisement.
Various media of advertising:
1 Print advertising- -Newspapers, Magazines, Brochures, Fillers, the print
media has always been a popular advertising medium. Advertising
products via newspapers or magazines is a common practice. In addition
to this the print media also offers options like promotional brochures and
fillers for advertising purposes.
2. Outdoor advertising: - Billboards, Kiosks, Tradeshows and Events, are
outdoors advertisements. It is also a very popular form of advertising,
which makes use of several tools and techniques to attract the customers
outdoors. The most common example of outdoor advertising are
billboards, kiosks and also several events and tradeshows organized by
the company.
3. Broadcast advertising- Television, Radio and Internet. Broadcast
advertising is a very popular medium that constitutes of several branches
like television, radio or the internet. Television advertisement has been
very popular ever since they have been introduced. The cost of television
advertising often depends on the duration of the advertisement.
4. Covert Advertising: - Advertising in Movies- Covert advertising is a
unique kind of advertising in which a product or a particular brand is
incorporated in some entertainment media channels like movies ,
television shows even in sports.
5. Surrogate advertising:- advertising indirectly : it is seen in cases where
advertising a particular product is banned by law. Advertisements for
products like cigarettes or alcohol which are injurious to health are
prohibited by law.
6. Public service advertising: advertising for social causes: Public service
advertisement is a technique that makes use of advertising as an
effective communication medium to convey social relevant messages
about important matters and social welfare causes like AIDS, Energy
conservation etc.
7. Celebrity Advertising: Although the audience is getting smarter,
celebrities are being used as a medium of advertisement in such a way
that your favorite celebrity uses this then you should use this to be like