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Sometime between 800 and 700 BC, a people called the ‘__________’ inhabited small villages on the seven
hills surrounding a swampy plain called Latium in _______________.
Over time, these villages would _____________ into one community that would be called ‘Rome,’
supposedly after its first king, ___________
However, around 620 BC, a group of people from northern Italy, called the ________________, took control
over Rome.
The Etruscans were ______________________ whose culture was similar to that of the ____________
They taught the Romans how to build with stone and tile, and built city streets throughout Rome.
The Etruscans also drained the swamps, and in their place built a city center called the ___________,
which would become the ____________________________.
The Etruscans built temples for the Romans, and taught them their religious rituals (which they had
learned from the ________________)
Thus, it was the Etruscans who built Rome into _________________________________________.
However, despite all of this, the Etruscan kings (from an Etruscan noble family called the Tarquins)
were harsh rulers, and by 509 BC the Romans revolted and __________________________________.
After the Romans overthrew the Etruscans, they declared their city to be _____________.
A republic is a form of government in which the citizens ______ their leaders to run their government.
This is the type of government that we have in the U.S. today.
Roman society consisted of two main social groups:
____________: These are the nobles/aristocracy - the wealthy upper class, they obtain their position
in society by birth.
_____________: This is pretty much everyone else - wealthy non-aristocratic townspeople,
landowners, merchants, artisans, shopkeepers, small farmers, and laborers
In Rome, both the patricians and plebeians had the ______________ and responsibilities such as ___________
and serving in the ____________.
However, only _________________ were allowed hold public office.
Likewise, in the US, all citizens have the _____________ for members of our republic’s government.
American citizens must also pay taxes.
However, all US citizens don't have to serve in the military (we have a voluntary military).
And as far holding office, _______________________, no matter what his/her social class, has the right
to hold public office in the government.
The government of Rome was divided into two branches: _______________ and ____________________.
In Rome the legislative branch was made up of the _______________________ and the ____________.
The Roman Senate consisted of _____________ patrician men elected by the Roman citizens.
These senators served ______________.
They advised consuls, debated foreign policy and the defense of Rome, proposed laws, and approved
contracts for the building of roads and temples.
The Assembly of Centuries were 100 patricians that ________________________________________.
The US government is divided into three branches: ______________, ______________, and _____________.
In the US, our Congress - ________________________________ – make up the legislative branch of
This is called a bicameral legislature because it consists of two chambers or houses.
Unlike Rome, our Senate has only _________ members – 2 from each state
Further, our senators are elected to serve ______________
Our Senate, along with the House of Representatives, develops and passes legislation for our country.
The executive branch of a government ___________________.
In Rome, the executive branch consisted of 2 officials called _____________.
They were 2 patrician men that were elected by the Assembly of Centuries
Consuls served ___________ terms and ran the city's day to day affairs.
The consuls had the power to ________ (strike down) each other or any _________________________.
During their term the consuls were also ____________________________________________________.
In the event of an extreme crisis, the Senate could appoint a temporary ________________ to overrule
the consuls and rule Rome with absolute control.
However, the dictators were to step down when the crisis was over
In the US our executive branch is run by one chief executive, which is our president.
Unlike in Rome, the ____________________ vote to elect our chief executive
When elected, a president serves a term of _____________
As head of the executive branch, the president is to __________________________________________.
Like in Rome, the US president is the commander-in-chief of the military
Another power that us presidents have in common with Rome is the ________ power
o The president can veto legislation to prevent it from ______________________________.
Unlike Rome, the US Constitution does not allow for __________________.
The US also has a third branch of government called the ______________________________
The judicial branch contains the _______________________ and all of the lower courts.
The job of the judicial branch is to judge when the laws have been broken, and to determine the
________________________ of laws
The Romans lacked a judicial branch, but did have a system of courts which were overseen by Patrician
In order to ensure that the law was interpreted fairly by the Patrician judges, the laws of Rome were
written on bronze tablets and placed in the Forum.
These written laws were called the ‘____________________.’
Among other things, the Twelve Tables established the legal principle of
This continues to be one of the guiding principles of our ______________________________ in the US
What are the origins of the city of Rome?
Who were the Etruscans, and how did they build Rome into one of the wealthiest cities in Italy?
How did Rome become a republic?
What is a republic?
What are the basic aspects and functionality of the government of the Roman Republic?
How does the Roman Republic compare to the US government, and in what ways has the Roman Republic
influenced the US government?