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US History
Fort Burrows
Review Chapter 17 w/Yellow Answers
1. What city was the capital of the Confederacy ? Richmond, Virginia
2. Which Army had a defensive strategy ? Confederate
List each public official’s job/task during the Civil War.
Robert E. Lee – commander of the Confederate Army
Abraham Lincoln – President of the United States of America
Ulysses S. Grant – commander of the Union Army
Jefferson Davis – President of the for the Confederate States of America
Why did small southern farmers resent the Confederacy’s draft law ?
men who owned more than 20 slaves were exempt
5. List the four original border slave states.
1. Kentucky
2. Missouri
3. Maryland
4. Delaware
6. How did Ulysses S. Grant’s concept of “total war” differ from earlier strategies ?
civilians were subject to the same hardships as enemy soldiers
List the 4 states that seceded from the Union after the original seven states ?
1. Arkansas
2. Tennessee
3. Virginia
4. North Carolina
What work during the Civil War changed employment opportunities for women in American
society ?
the outstanding performance of nurses
Based on Lincoln’s words below, how do you think Lincoln believed that the South should be
treated after the Civil War ?
they should receive fair treatment
Lincoln made a speech and said, “With malice (hatred) toward none, with charity for all, …..let us
thrive on to …..bind up the nation’s wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and
… do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves…”
1 of Chapter 17 Review with Yellow Answers
US History
Fort Burrows
How did the northern blockade affect the south ?
southern trade with other countries dropped sharply
List 2 successful strategies the North had for winning the Civil War ?
1. the Union took control of the Mississippi River
blockaded Southern ports to cut off supplies
In the Gettysburg Address, President Lincoln said that soldiers had sacrificed their lives to
ensure that “government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the
earth.” What type of government was Lincoln referring to ?
What caused most Union soldiers to die ?
What was President Lincoln’s goal for obtaining peace with the southern states ?
forgive them for breaking the law and reunite the states
Which southern state was the first to secede from the Union ?
South Carolina
What was the main disadvantage for the North in the Civil War ?
would have to invade the South/unfamiliar land
List 4 disadvantages for the South in the Civil War…
1. few factories
2. few railroads
3. small population
4. political problems/states’ rights vs. central gov’t
2 of Chapter 17 Review with Yellow Answers
US History
Fort Burrows
List 6 battles that were considered a ‘victory’ for the Union ?
1. Antietam
2. Fort Henry and Fort Donelson
3. Shiloh
4. Vicksburg
5. Gettysburg
6. Petersburg
List the 4 battles that were considered a ‘victory’ for the Confederacy ?
1. Bull Run
2. Fredericksburg
3. Chancellorsville
4. Fort Wagner
What was the main goal of the North at the beginning of the Civil War ?
to keep the Union together
How was General Grant planning to end the Civil War ?
destroy anything in the South that might be useful to their army
Why did the Civil War mark a major turning point in American history ?
Americans began to think of the country as one nation rather than as a confederation of states
List the main effect of the Emancipation Proclamation.
it added the abolition of slavery in the South to the Union’s war goals
Why was the Battle of Vicksburg so important in guiding the direction of the Civil War ?
this victory gave the Union army control of the Mississippi River
What effect did BOTH the South and the North experience during the Civil War ?
What lesson was learned by both sides in the early days of the Civil War ?
both sides realized that their hopes for a short war were unrealistic
3 of Chapter 17 Review with Yellow Answers
US History
Fort Burrows
These statements describe which Civil War leader ?
• Graduated from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point
• Fought in the Mexican War
• Served as leader of Confederate troops
• Surrendered at Appomattox Court House
Robert E. Lee
What was the most significant result of the Battle of Fredericksburg and the Battle of
Chancellorsville ?
both were stunning Confederate victories
How did slaves in the South contribute to the Union war effort ?
they slowed down their work or refused to work on the plantations
Summarize army life for the soldiers during the Civil War…
infection and disease were bigger threats than combat
How were the Union’s major goals achieved in the Civil War ?
by the determination of General Grant
What ‘knowledge’ was learned from the early Civil War battles ?
the need for well-trained soldiers
List an ‘economic’ change in the South towards the end of the war.
plantations grew food crops instead of cotton
How did African Americans in the Union Army contribute to the war effort ?
they fought in major battles by 1863
How did these females serve the Armies during the Civil War ?
Sojourner Truth – Union nurse; camps for freed slaves
Clara Barton – Union nurse; founded Red Cross
Dorothea Dix – Union nurse
Sally Tompkins – Confederate nurse; founded hospital in Richmond
4 of Chapter 17 Review with Yellow Answers
US History
Fort Burrows
Who was the President of the Confederacy during the Civil War ?
Jefferson Davis
Which Union goal was NEVER achieved during the Civil War ?
the capture of the Confederate government
List the dates of the Civil War…
April 12, 1861 – April 9, 1865
Why did Lincoln handle the slavery issue so cautiously at the beginning of the War ?
he wanted the border slave states to remain with the Union
Which group would have been MOST likely to disapprove of the Emancipation Proclamation ?
a southern planter
List a ‘civilian’ change in the North during the war.
habeas corpus was suspended to preserve public safety
List the MAJOR result of the Civil War.
slavery was ended everywhere in the United States
In Lincoln’s 2nd term, what was his major goal for all citizens of the US ?
work toward peace and unity
5 of Chapter 17 Review with Yellow Answers