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US History
Fort Burrows
“She wants to Play with the big girls ?
Now She gets to play with the big girls…”
The Civil War – A Love ♥♥ Story
North + South = LOVE
*** Know the Day Date they got married, they separated, & they reunited
Time Line:
Early 1600s – First Introduced
1700s – dated a lot, both had with many Suitors from many countries
1763 – became Exclusive and Engaged with each other
1776, July 4 – Married
1820s – Began ‘The Argument’, became Sectionalized
1850s – Friends started to pick sides
1860, December 20 – South moves-out of D.C. to new home
{Capitol of South, Richmond, VA}
by February 1861, South had taken 7 friends to the new town
1861, April 12, 4:30am, the 1st mortar round was fired at Fort Sumter, SC
1861 – The 1st major battle of the war takes place at Bull Run on July 21st
1863 – The Battle of Gettysburg ends the Confederate drive into the North
– Abraham Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclamation
1864 – General U.S. Grant becomes commander of the Union Army
1865, April 9 – General Lee surrenders at Appomattox Court House, Virginia
3 Children were born after they reconciled:
Civil War Amendments – 13th , 14th , & 15th Amendments
13th Amendment – Abolition of Slavery (1865)
14th Amendment – Rights of Citizens ( includes ALL freedmen ) (1868)
15th Amendment – Voting Rights ( for former slave males ) (1869)
One definition of democracy might be a system in which the people have a say in
how they are governed. If that is the case, the American Civil War is perhaps the one
major example in our history of the system breaking down. The North and the South
came to blows, in large part because not all “the people”—African American slaves in
particular—had a say in how they were governed. Many historians, including B&B
Ranch historians, consider the Civil War to be a major turning point in US History.
At no point since have US citizens been so bitterly divided on issues that they have
taken up arms against one another. The war’s legacy is a strong federal government,
but one that still struggles to achieve true equality for all its citizens.
1 of Class Notes Topic 0 Part 1
US History
Fort Burrows
The Average Age of a great civilization has been around 200 years. We are past the
average, 1776, 239+ years. Throughout history nations have progress in the same
ways. Nations go from:
Bondage to Spiritual Faith.
Spiritual Faith to Great Courage.
Great Courage to Liberty.
Liberty to Abundance.
Abundance to Complacency.
Complacency to Apathy.
Apathy to Dependence.
Dependence to Bondage.
Bondage - the state of being bound by or subjected to some external power or control
Spiritual Faith - Of, from, or relating to God, a Belief that does not rest on logical proof or
material evidence
Great Courage - more than usual, quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face
Liberty - The condition of being free from restriction or control
Abundance - Affluence; wealth
Complacency - A feeling of contentment or self-satisfaction
Apathy - Lack of concern regarding matters of general importance or appeal; indifference
Dependence - the state of relying on or needing someone or something for aid, support, etc.
Setting the Scene:
President Abraham Lincoln called for 75,000 volunteers to serve as soldiers in a
campaign to Return the South. The term of enlistment was only 90 days—most
northerners believed that the recovery would be over quickly. In the words of one
confident Union supporter, “We shall crush out this rebellion as an elephant would
trample a mouse.”
Southerners were just as convinced that a Confederate victory would be quick.
A confederate in North Carolina predicted, “Just throw three or four bombshells
among those blue-bellied Yankees and they’ll scatter like sheep.”
With flags held high, both northerners and southerners began the struggle over
“Who Is Right”. Most felt certain that a single, gallant battle would bring a quick end
to the Separation. Few suspected that the Civil War would last four terrible years. By
the time fighting was over, every part of American society would be affected by the
Civil War.
2 of Class Notes Topic 0 Part 1
US History
Fort Burrows
Northern States
Southern States
Blue Bellies
Johnny Reb
Grey Backs
¿¿ Name the Confederate States of America, That Left with South.
Do it in ORDER…
Original members of the CSA (7)
Last 4 to join CSA (total of 11 states)
A Nation Divided
 Southerners believed they had a right to leave the Union; the “war for Southern
 Independence so they could keep their traditional way of life
 HMM! Sounds kinda like what the 13 colonies did 85 years earlier.
3 of Class Notes Topic 0 Part 1
US History
Fort Burrows
 Confederate President Jefferson Davis,
“We seek no conquest…All we ask is to be left alone”
 The South
 Confederate Advantages:
 Southerners were fighting for independence; a.k.a. American Revolution
 Defending their homeland and way of life
 Confederate Disadvantages:
 Few factories to produce weapons, very limited railroad tracks
 Small population, 9 million to 22 million; 3 of the 9 million were slaves
 Not enough total people to serve as soldiers, farmers, machinists, etc.
to support the war effort
4 of Class Notes Topic 0 Part 1
US History
Fort Burrows
 The North
 Union Advantages:
 4:1 population; 22 to 6 million free citizens; more people to grow food,
work in factories, replace dead soldiers, etc.
 Industry was the North’s greatest resource; produced 90% of all the
manufactured goods in the US
 Strong Navy and large fleet of trading ships; the North controlled the
seas -- Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico
 Union Disadvantages:
 Northern troops had to conquer huge areas of unfamiliar land
 Supply lines were long and vulnerable to Confederate attack
 This was to be a police action; the North did not want to take over land
*** TEKS 8.30 C ¿¿ How would factory production be an advantage for the North ?
War’s Leaders
 Both sides had strong leaders; North – Abe Lincoln, South – Jefferson Davis
 Both sides had strong military leaders North – US Grant, South – Robert E Lee
 President Jefferson Davis
 Attended the United States Military Academy at West Point
 Officer in the Mexican War
 Secretary of War for President Pierce
 Weakness:
Did not allow others to work out the small details of military planning;
as a result, he spent much of his time on small matters and arguing with
his advisors
 President Abraham Lincoln
 He gained respect; mostly through his sense of humor
 He took criticism with a smile
 He also could have a sharp-tongue
 Weakness
 He did not have much military or political experience
5 of Class Notes Topic 0 Part 1
US History
Fort Burrows
Abraham Lincoln
Jefferson Davis
Ulysses S Grant
Robert E Lee
*** TEKS 8.8 A ¿¿ What were the leadership roles of Jefferson Davis versus
Abraham Lincoln ?
6 of Class Notes Topic 0 Part 1
US History
Fort Burrows
Davis - _____________________________________________________
Lincoln – ___________________________________________________
Know details of each side… ?
CapitolWhen did Civil War Begin?
CapitolWhere did Civil War Begin?
When did Civil War End?
Where did Civil War End?
Civil War Amendments?
13th –
Southern Issue? State’s Rights –
free to come and go
14th –
15 –
Northern Issue? Keep UNION together
at ALL costs
North’s Strategy?
South’s Strategy?
7 of Class Notes Topic 0 Part 1