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Europe map
■ Online game:
Rome's Geography
■ Italy is a boot shaped peninsula in the South of Europe.
– The Alps mountain form a natural barrier with the rest of Europe
– Mountainous. The Apennine mountain cross it from north to south.
– Fertile terrain
– Mediterranean climate
– Capital Rome is located in the middle of the peninsula. Developed around the
Tiber river
Beginning of civilization in Ancient Rome
■ 3 civilization lived in the Italian Peninsula at the beginning Etruscans, Latins and
– Etruscans – had military power were good at traders
– Latins – dedicated to agriculture and stockbreeding.
– Greeks – established colonies and organized into cities.
■ Roman society is the product of the contributions of these 3 civilizations.
Governments in Ancient Rome
■ Monarchy
■ Republic
■ Empire
■ Government by kings.
– Kings received advise, but was not obligated to follow it.
■ In 509 BC. The last King was overthrown and Romans refuse any government where
only one person had all the power.
– The Republic government started.
The Republic
When monarchy ended a new government called the Republic started.
■ In a Republic leaders were elected by some citizens. The Republic was led by
Patricians man.
The Roman divided the people in 2 main classes:
■ Patricians $
– owned the land and occupied government positions.
■ Plebeians – artisans, farmers and merchants.
– Could not participate in politics.
– The fought for many years in order to achieve more rights.
■ Women were not allowed to participate in government.
■ Slaves were not even consider people but property.
Territorial expansion: The Punic Wars
Military organization, economic power and a privilege location allowed Rome to conquer many
The Punic Wars (3)
1st Punic War
– Who? Rome vs. Carthage (north Africa)
– Why? Carthage conquered Sicily and Rome a fought to get it back.
– Who won? Rome obtain Sicily back and Carthage retreat.
2nd Punic War
– Who? Rome vs. Carthage (north Africa)
– Why? Hannibal a Carthaginian General attack Rome from the North by crossing the Alps.
– Who won? Rome. After a year of war Carthage retreat.
3rd Punic War
– Who? Rome vs. Carthage (north Africa)
– Why? Rome wanted to finally defeat Carthage.
– Who won? Rome. They destroy the cities of Carthage and survivors were taken as slaves.
Rome became the only power of the Mediterranean.
Critical Period: End of the Republic
In the 1st century B.C Rome entered a period of corruption and struggle.
A Triumvirate (government of 3 people) was formed to solved the crisis by 3 important
influential leaders.
– Julius Cesar, Crassus and Pompey
■ When Crassus died Pompey started a civil war against Julius Cesar for power.
■ Julius Cesar won and declared himself dictator and consul of Rome.
■ The Senate did not like Cesar’s new tittle and planned his assassination.
■ After his death 3 of his allies created a second triumvirate to rule Rome.
– Mark Anthony, Octavian and Lepidus.
Birth of an Empire
■ The second Triumvirate ended just like the first with a civil war between two of it
members: Octavian and Mark Anthony.
– Octavian won the civil war and became known from then on as Augustus the
1st Roman Emperor of the new government system the Empire.
■ His government started an era of great prosperity known as the Pax Romana.
Fall of the Western Roman Empire
■ Between 3rd and 5th century A.D the Empire started to decline with an economic and
political crisis.
– Emperor Diocletian tried to help the Empire by dividing it into West (Europe)
and East (Known as Byzantine Empire).
■ In 476 the last Emperor was dethrone by the Germanic people and the Western
Roman Empire lost power while the Byzantine Empire thrived.
Germanic people
■ From the north of Europe
■ Started to conquer the South looking for fertile land.
■ To create peace between them and the Roman a treaty called foedus was created.
■ They joined the Army and receive Roman privileges
■ Germanic people were pagan (not Christians) but later adopted Christianity and
many things of the Roman culture.