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Natural Selection
• Charles Darwin- English scientist who proposed natural
selection and early evolutionary concepts.
• Studies began by taking a job as a naturalist on the ship
HMS Beagle at the age of 21
• Sailed to S. America and the S. Pacific (Galapagos
• Studied & collected biological specimens at each port
stopped at along a 5 yr scientific journey
Darwin Cont.
• Galapagos Islands- islands near the equator where
Darwin made many observations and studies.
• These studies led to the idea that species can change
over time. (Evolutionary Theory)
• Darwin used artificial selection to gain insight into
which organisms survive in nature.
• Artificial Selection- breeding organisms with
specific traits to produce offspring with identical traits.
• Darwin identified the process of natural selection from
his collections and observations
Darwin Cont.
• Natural Selection- explains the mechanism for
change in a population.
Concepts of natural selection
1. Organisms produce more offspring than can survive.
2. In a population individuals have variations.
3. Individuals with useful variations are better equipped
for survival and pass these variations to their offspring.
4. Over time offspring with these favorable variations
make up most of the population and may look different
from their ancestors.
Darwin Cont.
• Darwin went on to publish the first book about evolution
called On the Origin of Species by natural Selection
in 1859.
• Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection is
accepted by almost all of today’s biologist.
• Modern biologist define evolution as any change in the
gene pool of a population.
• Darwin’s spent a lot of time studying the finches and
tortoises of the Galapagos Islands.
Finches of the Galapagos Islands
Darwin’s Finches
Evolution of the Horse
Evolutionary Evidence
• 1. Structural adaptations- adaptations that a population
develop to help them survive in their habitat.
• Example: mole rats that live underground in darkness
are blind but have large teeth and claws.
• Blind-don’t need sight
• Large teeth-protection from predators since they have no
• Large claws-allows for better digging of tunnels.
Evidence Cont.
• A. Mimicry- a structural adaptation that lets a species
resemble or mimic another.
• Example- a harmless species may mimic or adapt its
appearance to look like a harmful species.
• Which of these two organism is the harmful one
and which is the harmless?
• Sryphid Fly
Yellow Jacket
Evidence Cont.
• B. Camouflage- a type of mimicry where the species
blends into their surroundings or environment.
• Advantages:
• 1. Not easily seen by predators
• 2. They survive to reproduce
Octopus in its pale
Mimicry and Camouflage
• Katydid mimicing a leaf. Can you see it?
• Walking Stick blending into its
environment. Can you see it?
Mimicry and Camouflage
These are the wings of a butterfly. Predators think they are looking at two big
eyes and stay away.
Mimicry & Camouflage
• Are these the same butterfly?
• No, the one on the right has a bad taste to predators, the
one on the left has a good taste
• Predators assume they are the same butterfly and avoid
Evidence Cont.
• 2. Physiological adaptations- changes in an
organism’s metabolic processes.
• Examples: bacteria, insects, and weeds.
• Many of each of these organism no longer respond to
the once harmful penicillin and pesticides.
Evidence Cont.
• 3. Fossils continue to show evidence of change
amongst organisms.
• As the fossil record continues to become more complete,
the sequence of evolutionary events becomes more
Evidence Cont.
• 4. Anatomy- the physical makeup of an organism
• Examples:
• A. homologous structures- structures that show a
common evolutionary origin.
• Can be similar in arrangement, in function, or both
Similar Arrangement
Of Bones
Evidence Cont.
• B. Analogous Structures- no common evolutionary
origin is shown but a similar function. Such as wings for
Homologous Structures
Analogous Structures
Evidence Cont.
• C. Vestigial Structure- a body structure that has no
function in a present-day organism, but probably did to
an ancestor.
• Examples:
• Eyes in the blind mole rats
• Wings on flightless birds (Ostrich)
• Coccyx, appendix, molars, body hair on males
Evidence Cont.
• 5. Embryology- the study of early development of
• Embryology shows similarities between early
development of embryo’s in different organisms.
• These similarities suggest a common ancestor.
• Example: Embryo’s of fish, reptiles, birds, and mammals
all have a tail and gill slits.
• We know reptiles, birds and mammals do not have gills.
• Why do they have gill slits in the embryo stage?
Human Embryo? Reptile Embryo?
Fish Embryo? Bird Embryo?
Embryology Cont.
Evidence Cont.
• 6. Biochemistry- looks at comparisons of the DNA or
RNA from different species to show information about
evolutionary relationships.
Population Genetics
• The study of genes in plants and animals developed into the study
of population genetics.
• Population genetics contributed to the modification of Darwin’s
• Populations, not individuals evolve.
• The gene pool must change within a population over time for
evolution to have occurred.
• Allelic frequency refers to the percentage of any specific allele in
the gene pool.
Population Genetics Cont.
• Scientist refer to frequency of alleles remaining the
same over time as genetic equilibrium.
• Genetic equilibrium results in no evolving taking place.
• Factors that change genetic equilibrium
• 1) mutations- any change in the gene due to
environmental or chance.
• 2) genetic drift- the alteration of allelic frequencies by
chance events in small populations.
Genetic Drift
• Examples of genetic drift
• Amish group in Pennsylvania who have short arms, and
extra fingers and toes.
• 1 out of 14 in their population
• 1 out of 1000 in the U.S. population
Gene Flow
• 3. Gene Flow- the gain or loss of genes in a gene pool
from migrating individuals.
• The smaller the gene pool the greater the effect.
• Natural Selection Acts On Variations
• Types:
• 1) Stabilizing Selection- natural selection favors average
individuals in a population over those who are too small or
too large.
To Small- no food
• Example: Spiders
To Large-easily seen
by predators
Types of Natural Selection
• 2) Directional Selection- natural selection favors one of
the extreme variations and not the average.
• Example: Woodpeckers with long beaks over small or
average beaks.
Can you match the beaks with the
appropriate food source?
• Whippoorwill
• Flying Insects
• Red-bellied Woodpecker
• Ants
• Wood Cock
• Worm
• Cardinal
• Seeds
Types of Natural Selection
• 3) Disruptive Selection- either extreme of a traits
variation favors the organism while the intermediate trait
does not.
• The intermediate phenotype or trait is usually eliminated.
• Example: white, tan, and dark brown limpets
• White limpet/light rock
Tan limpet
Dark limpet/dark rock
Evolution of a Species
• Species- a group of organisms that look alike and can
interbreed to produce fertile offspring.
• Speciation refers to the evolution of a new species.
• Members of a similar population can no longer
interbreed and produce fertile offspring.
Causes of Speciation
• 1) Geographic Isolation- a physical barrier such as lava
from volcanic or sea level changes that breaks a large
population into smaller populations.
• The smaller populations could not interbreed and might
adapt to its environment changing the gene pool.
• The gene pools of each population may become so
different that they can no longer interbreed resulting in a
new species.
Geographic Isolation
Spotted owl subspecies living in different geographic locations show some genetic and morphological differences. This observation is consistent with the idea that new species form through
geographic isolation.
Spotted owl subspecies living in different geographic locations show some genetic
and morphological differences. This observation is consistent with the idea that new
species form through geographic isolation.
Causes of Speciation
• 2) Reproductive Isolation- occurs when organisms that
once could interbreed can no longer mate and produce
fertile offspring.
• Reasons:
• Genetic material of the populations become so different
that fertilization can’t occur.
• Behavior, such as the seasons they mate. Some may
mate in the fall and some may mate in the spring.
• Result: These populations would never mate.
Causes of Speciation
• 3) Change in Chromosome number
• Mistakes during mitosis or meiosis may lead to polyploid
• Polyploid- more than the normal set of chromosomes
• Occurs frequently in plants.
Rate of Speciation
• 1) Gradualism- speciation occurs through a gradual
change of adaptations.
• Example: Camel evolution
Rates of Speciation
• 2) Punctuated Equilibrium- suggest that speciation
occurs quickly or in rapid bursts with long periods of
genetic equilibrium.
• 10,000 yrs or less
• Example:
Patterns of Evolution
• 1) Adaptive radiation- refers to a ancestral species
evolves into many species to a number of diverse
• Example: Darwins Finches, Hawaiian Honeycreepers
Hawaiian Honeycreepers
Patterns of Evolution
• 2) Divergent Evolution- results when populations adapt
to different environments becoming less alike resulting in
a new species.
• Example: Adaptive radiation
• 3) Convergent Evolution- distantly related organisms
evolve similar traits. (unrelated species)
• Example: Cactus
Convergent Evolution
• North & South American
African Desert
• Cactus
• Although unrelated they both developed similarities in
response to their similar environments.