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Researcher at and core member of Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis (CEES),
a Norwegian Centre of Excellence at the University of Oslo.
CEES, Dep. of Biosciences, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1066 Blindern, N-0316 Oslo, Norway.
E-mail: [email protected]. Tel : +47 22 85 46 08.
Population dynamics – mainly in marine systems – using statistical approaches to deduce the
underlying processes. The recent work has mainly focused on the fluctuations of zooplankton and fish
in the Barents Sea, to understand how climate affects the populations and assess the likely effects of
possible anthropogenic disturbances such as oil spills.
Researcher, CEES, University of Oslo.
2013–2014: Senior Advisor, Environmental Affairs Section, Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal
Affairs, from 2014 part of Ministry of Transportation and Communications, Oslo.
2013–2014: Adjunct Associate Professor, CEES, University of Oslo.
2005–2013: Researcher, CEES, University of Oslo.
2004–2005: Post doc., Université de Bourgogne, mentored by Paul Alibert and Bruno David.
1999–2000: Research assistant, Alpha Environmental Consultants, Oslo.
Dr. scient. (PhD) in biology, University of Oslo: Fluctuating asymmetry: a marker of
individual genetic or phenotypic quality? Supervisors: Asbjørn Vøllestad, Tore
Slagsvold, Dag O. Hessen.
Cand. scient. (Master) in marine biology, University of Bergen: Dispersal of seaweeds
on ship hulls – observations on the sailing vessel Hnoss from Norway to Barbados.
Supervisor: Tor Eiliv Lein.
Cand. mag. (Bachelor) in marine biology, University of Bergen.
Supervisor of PhD-student Kaixing Dong at Univ. of Oslo.
Lecture on population effects of oil spills in ecotoxicology course, Univ. of Oslo.
2012–2015: Supervisor of PhD-student Kristina Kvile at Univ. of Oslo. After the PhD Kvile
continued as researcher at Univ. of Oslo.
Supervision of French student Anne-Cécile Boulay at 5-months research internship at
CEES. Boulay later pursued a PhD-degree at Collége de France, Paris.
2008–2009: Co-supervision of two Chinese PhD-students, Huidong Tian and Lei Xu, visiting Univ.
of Oslo. Tian continued as post-doc at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Xu
as researcher at Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
Teaching population dynamics part of general ecology course, Univ. of Oslo.
2004–2005: Co-supervision of two 2nd-year Master students, Université de Bourgogne. One of these,
Yoland Savriama, subsequently pursued a PhD-degree at University of Manchester.
Core member of Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis (CEES)
Member of National Research Committee on Marine Mammals
Reviewer for various scientific journals, including Aquat. Living Res., Bot. Mar., Can.
J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., Clim. Res., Clim. Change, Ecol. Lett., Env. Mod. Softw., Env. Poll.,
Fish. Oceanogr., Fund. Appl. Limnol., Gene, Glob. Change Biol., ICES J. Mar. Sci., J.
Plankt. Res., J. Sea Res., Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., Oecologia, PLOS One, Proc. R. Soc.
Lond. B, Progr. Oceanogr.
Evaluator for Dep. for Environm., Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), London.
Referee for PhD-thesis in Marine Science, University of Newcastle, Australia.
CV – L.C. Stige
RESEARCH PROJECTS (active involvement in project acquisition / execution)
Green growth based on marine resources: Ecological and socio-economic constraints –
GreenMar (Nordic Council; 27 mill. NOK). Co-author and WP leader.
An Impact Analysis Modeling System for the Petroleum Industry - SYMBIOSES (Norw.
Res. Council; JIP; 29 mill. NOK). Investigator.
Nordic Centre of Excellence: Climate Change Effects on Marine Ecosystems and
Resource Economics (Nordic Council top-level research initiative; 66 mill. NOK).
Co-author and PhD supervisor.
Adaptive management of living marine resources by integrating different data sources
and key ecological processes - ADMAR (Norw. Res. Council; SIP; 31 mill. NOK). Coauthor and WP leader.
Spatiotemporal variability in mortality and growth of fish larvae in the Lofoten-Barents
Sea ecosystem - SVIM (Norw. Res. Council; 9 mill. NOK). Co-author and WP leader.
Arctic and sub-Arctic climate system and ecological response to the early 20th century
warming - ARCWARM (Norw. Res. Council; 12 mill. NOK). Co-author and
The potential role of zooplankton in modulating ecosystem effects of acute oil spills in
the Norwegian and Barents Seas - OilPlank (Norw. Res. Council; 4 mill. NOK). Author
and Co-PI.
Effects of oil spills in the water column (and continuation projects, aiming to develop an
ecosystem based impact assessment & management tool for the oil and gas industry)
(Hydro/StatoilHydro/Statoil). Investigator.
Climate effects on ecosystem dynamics in the Barents Sea (Invited lecture), Tømte
Symposium, Oct. 1 2015, Norw. Acad. for Science and Letters, Oslo.
Climate effects on ecosystem dynamics in the Barents Sea (Invited lecture),
International Summer School, June 30 2015, University of Oslo.
Disentangling the effects of ocean transport, temperature and food concentration on the
distribution of fish larvae (Oral presentation), ICES Annual Science Conference, 23-27
September 2013, Reykjavik, Iceland.
Statistical analysis of fish larvae distributions: incorporation of information from
hydrodynamic modeling of transport (Poster), International Statistical Ecology
Conference, Sundvolden, Norway, 3-6 July 2012.
Ecological effects of climate change in the Barents Sea: Nordic collaboration with
Russia (Invited lecture), Northern (Arctic) Federal University, Arkhangelsk.
Interactions between zooplankton, fish and climate in the Barents Sea - ecological
effects of possible acute oil spills (Invited talk), ScanBalt Academy Meeting, Aug. 1820 2010, Longyearbyen, Svalbard.
Unravelling spatiotemporal dynamics using generalized additive models (Invited talk),
Ocean Sciences Meeting, Feb. 22-26 2010, Portland, Oregon.
MAIN COLLABORATIONS (≥3 joint publications last 5 years)
Polar Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography (PINRO): Natalia Yaragina
University of Iowa: Kung-Sik Chan
Chinese Academy of Science: Zhibin Zhang
Inst. of Marine Research, Bergen: Geir Ottersen, Padmini Dalpadado, Bjarte Bogstad, Frode Vikebø
Norwegian Institute for Water Research: Dag Ø. Hjermann
CV – L.C. Stige
 42 articles published or in press in International peer-reviewed journals 2004-2016,
16 of these as first author (incl. two with shared first authorship)
 8 articles in Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA (4 as 1st or 2nd author, 1 as last author), 8 in Mar. Ecol.
Prog. Ser. and 4 in Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B
 Average citations per article: 16.6. h-index: 15 (Web of Science, 24.11.2015).
 Highlighted articles:
o Tian, Stige et al. (2011): Selected as one of the top 2% of articles in biology and
medicine in "Faculty of 1000"
o Stige et al. (2010): Front cover story in Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B. 277 (1699).
o Stige et al. (2007): Selected for Editors' Choice in Science 318 (5847), Commentary in
PNAS 104: 15972-15973, Perspective in Science 318: 577-588.
o Edeline, Carlson, Stige et al. (2007): Selected for Commentary in Nature 450, 179180, Research Highlights 2007 in Nature 450: 1130-1133.
PUBLICATION LIST (* Equal contribution as first author.)
Kvile KØ, Langangen Ø, Prokopchuk I, Stenseth NC, Stige LC. Disentangling the mechanisms
behind climate effects on zooplankton. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA. In press.
Feng J, Durant JM, Stige LC, Hessen DO, Hjermann DØ, Zhu L, Llope M, Stenseth NC. Contrasting
correlation patterns between environmental factors and chlorophyll levels in the global ocean.
Glob. Biogeochem. Cycles. Accepted.
Stige LC, Langangen Ø, Yaragina NA, Vikebø FB, Bogstad B, Ottersen G, Stenseth NC, Hjermann
DØ. 2015. Combined statistical and mechanistic modelling suggests food and temperature effects
on survival of early life stages of Northeast Arctic cod (Gadus morhua). Progr. Oceanogr. 134:
Savriama Y, Stige LC, Gerber S, Pérez T, Alibert P, David B. 2015. Impact of sewage pollution on
two species of sea urchins in the Mediterranean Sea (Cortiou, France): Radial asymmetry as a
bioindicator of stress. Ecol. Appl. 54: 39-47.
Kvile KØ, Dalpadado P, Orlova E, Stenseth NC, Stige LC. 2014. Temperature effects on Calanus
finmarchicus vary in space, time and between developmental stages. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 517:
Langangen Ø, Stige LC, Yaragina N, Ottersen G, Vikebø FB, Stenseth NC. 2014. Spatial variations in
mortality in early life stages of a marine fish (Gadus morhua). Progr. Oceanogr. 127: 96-107.
Dalpadado P, Arrigo KR, Hjøllo S, Rey F, Ingvaldsen RB, Sperfeld E, van Dijken GL, Stige LC,
Olsen A, Ottersen G. 2014. Productivity in the Barents Sea – response to recent climate
variability. PLOS ONE. 9: e95273. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0095273.
Ottersen G, Bogstad B, Yaragina N, Stige LC, Vikebø F, Dalpadado P. 2014. A review of early life
history dynamics of Barents Sea cod (Gadus morhua). ICES J. Mar. Sci. 71: 2064-2087.
Stige LC, Dalpadado P, Orlova E, Boulay A-C, Durant JM, Ottersen G, Stenseth NC. 2014.
Spatiotemporal statistical analyses reveal predator-driven zooplankton fluctuations in the Barents
Sea. Progr. Oceanogr. 120: 243-253.
Feng J, Stige LC, Durant JM, Hessen DO, Zhu L, Hjermann DØ, Llope M, Stenseth NC. 2014. Largescale season-dependent effects of temperature and zooplankton on phytoplankton in the North
Atlantic. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 502: 25-37.
Xu L, Stige LC, Kausrud KL, Ben Ari T, Wang S, Fang X, Schmid BV, Liu Q, Stenseth NC, Zhang
Z. 2014.Wet climate and transportation routes accelerate spread of human plague. Proc. R. Soc.
Lond. B. 281: 20133159.
*Langangen Ø, *Stige LC, Yaragina NA, Vikebø F, Bogstad B, Gusdal Y. 2014. Egg mortality of
Northeast Arctic cod (Gadus morhua) and haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus). ICES J. Mar.
Sci. 71: 1129-1135.
CV – L.C. Stige
Hunsicker ME, Ciannelli L, Bailey KM, Zador S, Stige LC. 2013. Climate and demography dictate
the strength of predator-prey overlap in a subarctic marine ecosystem. PLoS ONE. 8(6): e66025.
Ottersen G, Stige LC, Durant J, Chan K-S, Rouyer T, Drinkwater K, Stenseth NC. 2013. Temporal
shifts in recruitment dynamics of North Atlantic fish stocks: effects of spawning stock and
temperature. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 480: 205-225.
Stige LC, Hunsicker ME, Bailey KM, Yaragina NA, Hunt Jr GL. 2013. Predicting fish recruitment
from juvenile abundance and environmental indices. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 480: 245-261.
Persson J, Stige LC, Stenseth NC, Usov N, Martynova D. 2012. Scale-dependent effects of climate on
two copepod species, Calanus glacialis and Pseudocalanus minutus, in an Arctic-boreal sea. Mar.
Ecol. Prog. Ser. 468: 71-83.
Dalpadado P, Ingvaldsen RB, Stige LC, Bogstad B, Knutsen T, Ottersen G, Ellertsen B. 2012.
Climate effects on Barents Sea ecosystem dynamics. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 69: 1303-1316.
Hidalgo M, Gusdal Y, Dingsør G, Hjermann D, Ottersen G, Stige LC, Melsom A, Stenseth NC. 2012.
A combination of hydrodynamical and statistical modelling reveals nonstationary climate effects
on fish larvae distributions. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 279: 275-283.
Nilsson ALK, Stige LC, Jerstad K, Røstad OW, Slagsvold T, Knudsen E, Walseng B, Stenseth NC.
2011. To make the most of what we have: extracting phenological data from nestling
measurements. Int. J. Biometeorol. 55: 797-804.
Xu L, Liu QY, Stige LC, Ben Ari T, Fang XY, Chan KS, Wang SC, Stenseth NC, Zhang ZB. 2011.
Nonlinear effect of climate on plague during the third pandemic in China. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci.
USA. 108: 10214-10219.
Tian H, Stige LC, Cazelles B, Kausrud KL, Svarverud R, Stenseth NC, Zhang Z. 2011.
Reconstruction of a 1,910-y-long locust series reveals consistent associations with climate
fluctuations in China. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA. 108: 14521-14526.
Rouyer T, Ottersen G, Durant JM, Hidalgo M, Hjermann DØ, Persson J, Stige LC, Stenseth NC.
2011. Shifting dynamic forces in fish stock fluctuations triggered by age truncation? Glob. Change
Biol. 10: 3046-3057.
Rogers LA, Stige LC, Olsen EM, Knutsen H, Chan K-S, Stenseth NC. 2011. Climate and population
density drive changes in cod body size throughout a century on the Norwegian coast. Proc. Nat.
Acad. Sci. USA. 108: 1961-1966.
Stige LC, Ottersen G, Hjermann DØ, Dalpadado P, Jensen LK, Stenseth NC. 2011. Environmental
toxicology: Population modeling of cod larvae shows high sensitivity to loss of zooplankton prey.
Mar. Poll. Bull. 62: 395-398.
Basedow SL, Tande KS, Stige LC. 2010. Habitat selection by a marine copepod during the productive
season in the Subarctic. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 416: 165-178.
Stige LC, Ottersen G, Dalpadado P, Chan K-S, Hjermann DØ, Lajus DL, Yaragina NA, Stenseth NC.
2010. Direct and indirect climate forcing in a multi-species marine system. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B
277: 3411-3420.
Espeland SH, Thoresen AG, Olsen EM, Stige LC, Knutsen H, Gjøsæter J, Stenseth NC. 2010. Diel
vertical migration patterns in young Skagerrak coastal cod. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser.. 405: 29-37.
Slagsvold T, Sonerud GA, Grønlien HE, Stige LC. 2010. Prey handling in raptors in relation to their
morphology and feeding niches. J. Avian Biol. 41: 488-497.
Kauserud H, Heegaard E, Semenov MA, Boddy L, Halvorsen R, Stige LC, Sparks TH, Gange AC,
Stenseth NC. 2010. Climate change and spring-fruiting fungi. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 277: 11691177.
Stige LC, Lajus DL, Chan K-S, Dalpadado P, Basedow S L, Berchenko I, Stenseth NC. 2009.
Climatic forcing of zooplankton dynamics is stronger during low densities of planktivorous fish.
Limnol. Oceanogr. 54: 1025-1036.
Llope M, Chan K-S, Ciannelli L, Reid PC, Stige LC, Stenseth NC. 2009. Effects of environmental
conditions on the seasonal distribution of phytoplankton biomass in the North Sea. Limnol.
Oceanogr. 54: 512-524.
Zhang Z, Cazelles B, Tian H, Stige LC, Bräuning A, Stenseth NC. 2009. Periodic temperatureassociated drought/flood drives locust plagues in China. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 276: 823-831.
*Kauserud H, *Stige LC, Vik JO, Økland RH, Høiland K, Stenseth NC. 2008. Mushroom fruiting and
climate change. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 105: 3811-3814.
CV – L.C. Stige
Stige LC, Chan K-S, Zhang Z, Frank D, Stenseth NC. 2007. Thousand-year long Chinese time-series
reveals climatic forcing of decadal locust dynamics. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 104: 16188-16193.
Edeline E, Carlson SM, Stige LC, Winfield IJ, Fletcher JM, James JB, Haugen TO, Vøllestad LA,
Stenseth NC. 2007. Trait changes in a harvested population are driven by a dynamic tug-of-war
between natural and harvest selection. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 104: 15799-15804.
Stige LC, Lajus DL, Shoshina EV, Lein TE. 2007. Macro-alga population shows low but significant
heterogeneity in developmental instability with no detectable association with individual fitness.
Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 92: 277-286.
Stige LC, Ottersen G, Brander K, Chan K-S, Stenseth NC. 2006. Cod and climate: effect of the North
Atlantic Oscillation on recruitment in the North Atlantic. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 325: 227-241.
Stige LC, Stave J, Chan K-S, Ciannelli L, Pettorelli N, Glantz M, Herren HR, Stenseth NC. 2006. The
effect of climate variation on agro-pastoral production in Africa. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 103:
Stige LC, David B, Alibert, P. 2006. On hidden heterogeneity in directional asymmetry – can
systematic bias be avoided? J. Evol. Biol. 19: 492-499.
Stige LC, Hessen DO, Vøllestad LA. 2006. Fitness, developmental instability, and the ontogeny of
fluctuating asymmetry in Daphnia magna. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 88: 179-192.
Stige LC, Slagsvold T, Vøllestad LA. 2005. Individual fluctuating asymmetry in pied flycatchers
(Ficedula hypoleuca) persists across moults, but is not heritable and not related to fitness. Evol.
Ecol. Res. 7: 381-406.
Stige LC, Hessen DO, Vøllestad LA. 2004. Severe food stress has no detectable impact on
developmental instability in Daphnia magna. Oikos 107: 519-530.
Lein TE, Stige LC, Bruntse, G. 2001. Dominant species abundance related to environmental factors
on rocky shores in the Faroe Islands. Frodskaparrit 48: 105-124.