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Study Guide: Semester Test
Spring 2014
Biology 1b
1. _______________________ are the _________________________ living things on
a. Prokaryotes, youngest
b. Eukaryotes, oldest
c. Prokaryotes, oldest
d. Eukaryotes, youngest
2. Archaea are structurally very different from _____________________.
a. Bacteria
b. Viruses
c. Eukaryotes
d. they are similar to all of these
3. One square inch or skin is host to __________________ bacteria.
a. 1, 000
b. 10, 000
c. 100, 000
d. 5
4. Extra loops of DNA in bacteria are called______________.
a. double helix
b. ribosomes
c. plasmids
d. capsids
5. Bacteria…..
a. don’t have ribosomes
b. have ribosomes
6. Bacteria differ in:
a. how they behave in water
b. how they obtain sunlight
c. how they obtain energy
d. how they sing
7. ______________________ are a major component of the plankton that floats in the
a. green algae
b. non sulfur bacteria
c. cyanobacteria
d. purple sulfur
8. The only organisms that can get their energy from inorganic substances are:
a. heterotrophs
b. photoautotrophs
c. chemoautotrophs
d. none of these
9. Prokaryotes reproduce by:
a. mitosis
b. budding
c. spontaneous generation
d. binary fission
10. Bacteria are able to survive harsh conditions by forming:
a. buds
b. leaves
c. spores
d. endospores
11. During _________________ two bacteria exchange genetic material.
a. conjugation
b. transformation
c. transduction
d. budding
12. Viruses are __________________.
a. considered living because they have the ability to take over a cell.
b. not considered living because they do not have the characteristics of living
c. considered living only when they are inside of a cell
d. not considered living because they there aren’t any antibiotics for them
13. All viruses have __________________ and a capsid.
a. DNA
b. RNA
c. Nucleic Acid
d. a nucleus
14. Viruses that infect bacteria are called:
a. phages
b. bacteriophages
c. temperate
d. stupid
15. The two cycles that a virus can use to reproduce are:
a. lotic and lentic
c. lytic and lysogenic
b. lentic and lotic
d. lentic and lysogenic
16. Viruses that reproduce using the lytic cycle are called:
a. virulent
b. temperate
c. bateriophages
d. stupid
17. When a virus takes over a cell’s DNA it is called a:
a. bacteriophage
b. virulent virus
c. prophage
d. provirus
18. ____________are misshapen versions or proteins that are found in the brain.
a. viroids
b. proviruses
c. prophages
d. prions
19. Bacteria and viruses have been very important in________________ research.
a. animal
b. food
c. genetic
d. algebraic
20. Poisonous chemicals are called:
a. perfumes
b. solutions
c. viroids
d. toxins
21. A gene is:
a. a unit of heredity
b. a chromosome
c. a DNA cell
d. none of these
22. A chromosome is made up of:
a. Calcium and oxygen
b. DNA and proteins
c. cellular material
d. none of these
23. A type of protein molecule found in the chromosomes of eukaryotic cells but not in
a. nucleosome
b. chromatin
c. histone
d. gene
24. Reproductive cells required during sexual reproduction:
a. Gametes
b. Zygotes
c. Zygospores
d. Angiospores
25. Occurs when a unicellular organism reproduces by splitting in half after replicating
its DNA
a. budding
b. Binary fission
c. Fragmentation
d. Alternation of generations
26. A form of asexual reproduction in which part of the parent organism pinches off and
forms a new organism.
a. Budding
b. Binary fission
c. Fragmentation
d. Alternation of generations
27. Part of a multicelluar organism breaks off and starts a new organism.
a. Budding
b. Binary fission
c. Fragmentation
d. Alternation of generations
28. Within the life cycle of an organism, the occurrence of two or more distinct forms
that differ from each other in method of reproduction.
a. Budding
b. Binary fission
c. Fragmentation
d. Alternation of generations
29. Which of the following is not one of the ways to group protists:
a. Plant-like
b. Animal-like
c. Algae-like
d. Funguslike
30. Extension of cell that functions in food ingestion and movement.
a. Pseudopodia
b. Cilia
c. Flagella
d. Sporangium
31. The most harmful animal-like protists are the:
a. Ciliates
b. Flagellates
c. Sporozoans
d. Euglenoids
32. Which of the following is not a plant-like protest:
a. Euglenoids
b. Brown algae
c. Red algae
d. Blue algae
33. Which of the following is a funguslike protist:
a. Brown algae
b. Red Algae
c. Slime mold
d. Flagellate
System for giving each organism a 2-word scientific name.
A taxon used to group similar objects.
Systems that attempt provide consistent ways to name organisms.
The practice of naming and classifying organisms.
Organisms are grouped at successive levels of a hierarchy based on similarities.
The ancestral relationship between species.
Used to select the most likely phylogeny among a given set of organisms.
A method of analysis that infers phylogenies by careful comparisons.
34._____ Cladistics
35._____ Phylogeny
36._____ Cladistic analysis
38._____ Taxonomic systems
39._____ Genus
40._____ Binomial nomenclature
41._____ Linnaean system
1. Dominant
2. Recessive
3. Allele
Mendelian theory of heredity
the law of segregation
Dihybrid cross
10. Heterozygous
42. ______________________________ explains simple patterns of inheritance. In
these patterns, two of several versions of a gene combine and result in one of
several possible traits.
43. An___________is a version of a gene.
44. A ___________________ allele is an allele that is fully expressed whenever the
allele is present in an individual.
45. A _________________ allele is an allele that is expressed only when no
dominant allele is present for an individual.
46. In modern terms, __________________________________holds that when an
organism produces gametes, each pair of alleles is separated and each gamete
has an equal chance of receiving either one of the alleles.
47. ________________ is the set of alleles that an individual has for a character
48. ________________ is the trait that results from a set of alleles
49. _________________ describes an individual that has identical alleles for a trait
on both homologous chromosomes.
50. _________________ describes an individual that carries two different alleles
of a gene.
51. A_____________________ involves to characters, such as seed color and seed
Circle the most correct answer for the following.
52. Which of the following is not a characteristic of all animals?
a. Multicellular
b. Heterotrophic
c. Have vertebrae
d. Cells lack cell walls
53. Which type of skeleton uses water pressure to provide support?
Hydrostatic skeleton
54. Which body system coordinates responses and behavior?
Nervous system
Digestive system
Circulatory system
Respiratory system
55. Which of the following is a group of cells that have the same structure and that work
together to perform a specific function?
Organ system
56. Skeletal systems provide all of the following except:
Absorption of nutrients from food
Protection for an animals soft parts
A framework for supporting the body
A framework for muscles to pull against
57. Where does gas exchange take place in many aquatic phyla?
1. algal bloom
2. alternation of generations
3. gamete
4. hypha
5. lichen
6. mycelium
7. plasmodium
8. pseudopodium
9. ascus
10. basidium
11. chitin
12. dermatophyte
13. mycorrhiza
14. rhizoid
15. saprobe
16. zygosporangium
17. zygospore
18. zygote
Match the vocabulary word from above to its correct definition below.
_____a carbohydrate found in the cell walls of fungi and other organisms.
_____an organism that absorbs nutrients from dead or decaying organisms.
_____a filament of a fungus
_____a rootlike structure that holds fungi in place and absorbs nutrients
_____the mass of fungal filaments that forms the fungal body
_____a sexual structure that contains zygotes.
_____the microscopic structure that produces spores in sac fungi
_____the microscopic structure that produces spores in club fungi
_____a symbiotic association between fungi and plant roots.
_____a fungus is a symbiotic association with a photosynthetic partner
_____a fungus that infects the skin, hair, or nails
_____the cell that results from the fusion of gametes
_____a haploid reproductive cell the unites with another to form a zygote
_____the occurrence of two or more distinct forms the differ from each
other in method of reproduction
_____a cytoplasmic extension that functions in food ingestion and movement
_____the multinucleate cytoplasm of a slime mold that is surrounded by a
membrane and that moves as a mass
_____a rapid increase in the population of algae in an aquatic ecosystem
_____a thick-walled protective structure that contains a zygote
1. Draw a Punnett square for a crossing of two heterozygous parents. Fill in the Punnett
square accordingly. Use H as the dominant allele and h as the recessive allele. (6 points)