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9th World History
Ms. Areces
Chapter 4 Guided Notes
Empires of India and China
Section 1: Hinduism and Buddhism
The Beliefs of Hinduism
Hinduism has no single __________________________ and no singular
o It actually grew out of the ______________________________________ beliefs
of the diverse groups who settled India
o Probably began with Aryans who added the gods of the Indus Valley
o Later, people brought other gods, beliefs, and practices
Because of this, Hinduism is one of the most ____________________________ religions
in the world
o Countless gods and goddesses
o Many forms of _____________________________ existing side by side
They believe the universe is part of the unchanging, all-powerful spiritual force called
o It is too complex of a concept for most to understand, so they worship a variety of
______________________________ that give a concrete form to brahman
Most important Hindu gods:
o Brahma, _______________________________________________
o Vishnu, ________________________________________________
o Shiva, __________________________________________________
Each represents __________________________________ of brahman
They take many forms (______________________________ or
___________________________________) and each has a family
o Ex: Shakti (wife of Shiva)—both cruel and kind, creator and destroyer
Hindu teachings were recorded in texts like the Vedas and Upanishads
o Ex: Bhagavad-Gita teaches ethical ideas central to Hinduism
Every person has an _____________________________ (essential self)
o Just ____________________________________________ for brahman
The ultimate goal of existence is to achieve __________________________ (union with
o To do this, individuals must separate themselves from
__________________________________________________ that keep them
from brahman
o Most people cannot reach this in on lifetime, so they believe in
(rebirth of the soul in another bodily form)—it allows them to keep working
towards moksha in several lifetimes
Hindus believe that a person can come closer to reaching moksha by obeying the laws of
o Refers to all the actions of a person’s life that affect his or her fate in the next life
o People who live virtuously earn good karma and are reborn at a
_________________________________ level of existence; those who do evil
acquire bad karma and are reborn into ___________________________________
To escape this, Hinduism stresses the importance of ____________________________,
the religious and moral duties of an individual
o Duties vary according to _________________________________________,
________________________________, ________________________________,
or _______________________________
o Obeying your dharma gives you merit to your next life
Karma and dharma ensure social order by supporting the
Another key concept is _________________________________________ (nonviolence)
o All people and things are aspects of brahman and should be respected
500 BC: the teacher Mahavira founded ________________________________________
o A new religion that grew from Hindu traditions
o Rejected the idea that Brahmin priests alone could perform religious rites
o Emphasis on meditation, self-denial, and extreme form of ahimsa
o Ex:
Gautama Buddha: The Enlightened One
_______________________________________ founded in the Himalayas by Siddhartha
His early life is a lot _____________________________
o We know that he was born about 566 BC to a high-caste family
o His mother had dreams that prophesized that he would be a holy man
o To prevent this, his father kept in him in the palace, surrounded by comfort and
o Prince Gautama married a beautiful woman, had a son, and enjoyed a happy life
One day he saw a sick person, and old person, and a dead body—and became aware of
He left his family and set out to discover “the realm of life where there is neither
suffering nor death”
He searched out answers from holy people, fasted, meditated
One day, he sat under a giant tree and stayed there until he understood the mystery of life
o __________________________________ later: he understood and became the
Buddha, the “______________________________________________________”
He spent the rest of his life teaching others
He explained the Four Noble Truths
1. All life is full of _____________________________, _____________________,
and ___________________________________
2. The cause of suffering is the
________________________________________________ that are really
illusions, such as riches, power, and long life
3. The only cure for suffering is to
4. The way to overcome desire is to follow the
Eightfold Path: “right views, right aspirations, right speech, right conduct, right
livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right contemplation”
The final goal was to reach ___________________________________, union with the
universe and release from the cycle of rebirth
8fold path was middle ground between a life of ______________________________ and
o He stressed honesty, charity, kindness to all living things
There are a lot of similarities between Buddhism and Hinduism
But Buddha rejected the priests, formal rituals, and many gods of Hinduism
o He encouraged enlightenment through meditation
o They also rejected the caste system
Spread of Buddhism
Buddhism attracted a lot of followers
Men and women set up monasteries and convents for meditation and study
Buddha’s death is also clouded in legend
o Ate spoiled food and said to his disciples, “Decay is inherent in all things. Work
out your own salvation with diligence”
His followers collected teachings into a sacred text called the Tripitaka, or
Missionaries and traders spread Buddhism across _____________________________
and ________________________________—It then split into two
___________________________ (smaller groups)
Theravada Buddhism
Mahayana Buddhism
Buddhism slowly _________________________________________ in India
Hinduism absorbed some Buddhist ideas
Buddha became a _________________________________________________