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National 4 / 5 Biology
Life on Earth
Use the following table as a checklist for your revision.
Remember to ask your teacher for help with anything you don’t understand.
Learning Outcomes/ Mandatory Course Key Content
1. Biodiversity and the distribution of life.
a. Biotic, abiotic and human influences are all factors that affect
biodiversity in an ecosystem.
b. Grazing and predation are biotic factors; pH and temperature are
abiotic factors.
c. Biomes are the various regions of our planet as distinguished by
their similar climate, fauna and flora.
Global distribution of biomes can be influenced by temperature and
d. An ecosystem consists of all the organisms living in a particular
area and the non-living components with which the organisms
e. A niche is the role that an organism plays within a community. It
includes the use it makes of the resources in its ecosystem and its
interactions with other organisms in the community including
competition, parasitism, predation, light, temperature and nutrient
2. Energy in ecosystems
a. At each level in a food chain 90% of energy is lost as heat,
movement or undigested materials.
b. Definitions and comparisons of pyramids of biomass, enrgy and
c. Nitrogen in ecosystems. Animal and plant proteins are produced
from nitrates. The roles of nitrifying, denitrifying, root nodule and freefixing soil bacteria.
Decomposers convert proteins and nitrogenous wastes to
ammonium and nitrate.
d. Competition in ecosystems. Interspecific competition is when
individuals of different species compete for the same resource in an
ecosystem. Intraspecific competition is when individuals of the same
species compete for exactly the same resources.
3. Sampling techniques and measurement of abiotic and biotic
a. Sampling plants and animals using quantatitive techniques
including quadrats and pitfall traps.
b. Evaluation of limitations and sources of error in pitfall traps and
c. Measuring abiotic factors
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Learning Outcomes/ Mandatory Course Key Content
4. Adaptation, natural selection and the evolution of species.
a. A mutation is a random change to genetic material. Mutations may
be neutral, confer an advantage or a disadvantage. Mutations are
spontaneous and are the only source of new alleles.
Environmental factors such as radiation and chemicals can increase
rate of mutation.
b. Variation within a population makes it possible for a population to
evolve over time in response to changing environmental conditions.
c. Natural selection/survival of the fittest occurs when more offspring
are produced than the environment can sustain. Only the best
adapted individuals survive to reproduce, passing on the genes that
confer the selective advantage.
d. Speciation occurs after a population becomes isolated and natural
selection follows a different path due to different conditions/selection
5. Human impact on the environment
a. Increasing human populationrequires an increased food yield.
b. Fertilisers can leach into fresh water causing algal blooms. This
leads to reduction in oxygen levels.
c. Pesticides sprayed onto crops can accumulate in the bodies of
organisms over time. As they are passed along food chains, toxicity
increases and can reach fatal levels.
d. Indicator species are species that by their presence or absence
indicate environmental quality/levels of pollution.
e. Biological control and GM crops may be alternatives to mitigate
the effects of intensive farming on the environment.
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Biodiversity and the Distribution of Life
Plants and animals interact with each other and with their environment. You
will study the feeding relationships between organisms, how the energy flows
through food chains and how nutrients are cycled. This knowledge will help
you predict how the environment might change over time, and how we as
humans can manage those changes, and how we can conserve and protect
plants and animals.
You need to be able to understand and apply the following terms and
Biomes – large areas of the Earth which
particularly in terms of temperature and
rainfall, and because of this have similar
communities of flora (plants) and fauna
Biomes can be grouped into 5 main
grasslands and tundra.
Ecosystem – a natural biological unit
made up of living organisms and the non-living surroundings with which the
organisms interact.
Examples of ecosystems include heather moorland, Caledonian forest, coral
reefs, etc.
Abiotic Factors – non-living factors that affect ecosystems. Examples include
rainfall, temperature, soil pH, light intensity, etc.
Biotic Factors – living factors that affect ecosystems. Examples include food
availability, grazing, predation, competition and disease.
Niche – the role that an organism plays within its community. It includes the
use it makes of the resources available including light, temperature and
nutrient availability, and its interactions with other organisms including
competition, parasitism and predation.
Energy in Ecosystems
Energy Loss in Food Chains
In this food chain when the grass seeds are eaten by the vole, energy is
transferred from the grass seeds to the vole. When the vole is eaten by the
Barn owl energy is again transferred.
As energy flows through the food chain there is a loss of energy because:
Some parts of the body such as the cellulose in the cell walls of the
grass seeds, and the bone and hair in the vole, have little nutritional
value so may be left uneaten or are expelled as undigested materials
from the body
The energy is used for moving about.
In the case of warm blooded animals, energy is used for keeping
warm. As a result much of the energy is lost as heat.
In total about 90% of the energy taken in by an organism is used for heat,
movement and indigestible materials and so is lost. This leaves only 10% to
be built up into body parts that can be used by the next organism in the food
Ecological Pyramids
A food chain can be represented quantitatively (with numbers) in the form of a
pyramid of numbers, below is one for the previous food chain. From this
graph we can see there are fewer Barn owls than voles; which makes sense
because a Barn owl must eat several voles to get enough energy in order to
The Barn owl food chain is a typical food chain with a large number of
producers but decreasing numbers of consumers. However, if the producer
was a tree for example, followed by insects, then the bottom bar would appear
small as many organisms feed on one tree. In this instance a pyramid of
biomass is more useful as the tree is much larger. A pyramid of biomass
shows the total dry mass of the organisms at each link in the food chain.
In some food chains both the pyramid of numbers and biomass show a
smaller producer bar. This is because some producers can reproduce very
quickly. In this case, a measurement of the total energy produced at each link
in the food chain will be more accurate. When we represent this information
in a pyramid of energy we always get a true pyramid shape.
The following diagram compares the pyramids of number, biomass and
energy for two different food chains. Note that it is only the pyramid of energy
that is truly pyramid shaped in both examples
Barn owl
Grass seeds
Habitats have limited amounts of the resources needed by living organisms.
Organisms must compete with others in order to get enough of these
resources to survive. If they are unsuccessful and cannot move to another
habitat, they will die.
Some of the resources that animals compete for:
Plants make their own food using photosynthesis, so they do not need to
compete for food but they may compete for:
There are two types of competition:
Intraspecific Competition: This is when plants or animals of
the same species compete for exactly the same resources,
eg Barn owls living in the same area will compete for voles,
or wheat plants growing together in a field compete for
Interspecific Competition: This is when plants or animals of different
species compete for the same resources, eg red and grey squirrels compete
for food, or oak trees and hazel trees growing in the same wood will compete
for light.
The Nitrogen Cycle
Nitrogen is essential for the formation of many chemicals in nature including
amino acids in proteins. The nitrogen cycle explains how nitrogen is recycled
in the environment.
Approximately 78% of the air is nitrogen gas. Because nitrogen is so unreactive, it cannot be used directly by plants to make protein. Only nitrates
are useful to plants, so plants are dependent on other processes to convert
nitrogen and other nitrogen containing compounds into nitrates in the soil.
Plants absorb nitrates from the soil and use these to build up proteins. The
plant may be eaten by an animal, and it in turn is used to produce animal
Urea and other waste material such as the dead bodies of plants and animals
is broken down by decomposers. This results in nitrogen being returned to
the soil as ammonia.
Ammonia is converted to nitrites and then to nitrates by nitrifying bacteria
in the soil.
Nitrogen gas can also be converted to nitrate compounds by nitrogen-fixing
bacteria. These bacteria can be found free-living in soil or in the root nodules
of leguminous plants such as peas, beans and clover. The plant can use the
nitrate to make protein.
In some conditions denitrifying bacteria in the soil break down nitrates and
return nitrogen to the air. This is usually in waterlogged soil.
Sampling Techniques and Measurement of Abiotic and Biotic
Sampling Techniques
If you are studying plants and animals in an ecosystem you may need to find
ways of capturing and counting them in order to estimate the population size..
There are many different ways to do this depending on the animal or plant you
are studying. These are known as sampling techniques.
A pitfall trap is used to collect animals that live on the soil surface and
amongst leaf litter.
Avoiding Errors When Using a Pitfall Trap
Several pitfall traps should be set up to give reliable results.
The opening of the trap should be disguised by a lid, eg leaves or bark
so that trapped animals are not seen and eaten by predators.
A preservative liquid, eg alcohol is put in the bottom of the trap to
humanely kill and preserve the animals.
It is unlikely that you would be able to count all of the plants and animals in an
ecosystem because this would take too long. Instead, small samples which
represent the whole ecosystem are taken
Plants are often sampled in this way using a quadrat. This is a square of a
known area which is randomly placed on the site being studied. The plants
inside the quadrat are identified and counted. From this information the
estimate of the number of a certain plant can be calculated.
sample site
Avoiding errors when using a quadrat
Make the results more reliable by using a bigger number of quadrats.
Place the quadrats at random over the area being studied, don’t
choose where to place it.
Make a rule to decide what to do with plants that fall partly in or out of
the quadrat, eg more than half the plant in the quadrat counts, more
than half out the quadrat doesn’t.
Measurement of Abiotic Factors
It is useful to measure abiotic factors and various pieces of equipment can be
used to do this. To make sure that your measurements are reliable the
equipment must be used properly.
- standing in the way
of the light and
casting a shadow on
the light meter
Light Meter
- light intensity may
change throughout
the day.
- don’t stand in front
of the sensor.
- take readings at the
same time of day and
take several readings
for reliability.
- probe not left long
- leave the probe in
enough to monitor the the soil for a few
moisture level.
seconds before
taking the reading.
- moisture left on
- wipe the probe
probe from a previous between each
- thermometer not left
in position long
enough to monitor the
Temperature Thermometer
- temperature may
change throughout
the day.
(of soil or
Ways in Which
Error is Minimised
pH probe
(or chemical
test using
- allow the
thermometer to settle
before taking the
- take readings at the
same time of day and
take several readings
for reliability.
- probe not left long
- leave the probe in
enough to monitor the the sample for a few
moisture level.
seconds before
taking the reading.
- moisture left on
- clean the probe
probe from a previous between each
Adaptation, Natural Selection and the Evolution of Species
Changes to the genetic material are called mutations. Mutations may be a
source of new alleles, (if you can’t remember the meaning of the term allele
look back at your Variation and Inheritance notes in the Multicellular
Organisms unit, or look it up in the glossary on the Biology web pages).
Mutations can be spontaneous (they just happen). They can also happen
because of environmental factors such as:
Radiation, such as ultra-violet (UV) radiation in sunlight.
Chemicals, such as tar from cigarette smoke.
Mutations may be:
 Neutral, ie have no effect. For example, the protein that a mutated
gene produces may work just as well as the protein from the nonmutated gene.
 Disadvantageous, ie be harmful. For example, haemophilia is an
inherited disorder that stops blood from clotting properly. It is caused
by a mutated gene
 Advantageous, ie be useful. For example, some rats have become
resistant to warfarin (a rat poison). This is an advantage to the rat
since it is no longer killed by warfarin. It is caused by a mutated
Although all members of a species are similar to one another, eg a population
of mice all have mice-like features, they are not identical to each other. This is
because variation occurs within a species.
This variation makes it possible for a population to evolve over time in
response to changing environmental conditions. Natural selection is the
process by which evolution occurs.
Natural Selection
Imagine a breeding pair of mice arriving in a habitat where no other mice
exist. In perfect conditions the pair could produce six offspring every two
months. The offspring of mice become mature after only six weeks and so
could go on to produce offspring of their own at the same rate. If all the mice
survived and continued to breed the habitat would become overrun with mice.
This does not happen because there is a struggle to survive and only a few
mice will survive to reproduce.
Some mice will be:
 poorly camouflaged or have slow reactions and be eaten by
 poor at competing for food and so die of starvation
 poor at competing for shelter or have thinner coats and so die of cold
 killed by disease
Only the mice with the best characteristics for the habitat will survive to breed.
This is known as survival of the fittest.
Mice are not genetically identical. They are produced by sexual reproduction
which ensures they possess different combinations of genes from their
parents. Important characteristics such as coat colour and thickness, speed
and reactions, food finding ability, resistance to disease and aggressiveness
will vary from mouse to mouse.
Only those mice with the best combinations of genes for the habitat will
survive. This means that their gene combinations will be passed on to
offspring. Mice with less useful combinations of genes will dies and so these
genes are not passed on.
(The above example uses mice, but the same ideas can be applied to all species of plants
and animals)
This process is known as natural selection and if it operates over millions of
years it is thought that it can give rise to new species of plants and animals.
A species is a group of organisms able to interbreed and produce fertile
As long as a population has the opportunity to interbreed and exchange
genes, they remain one species. A population of one species can only evolve
into more than one species if groups within the population become isolated
from each other by barriers that prevent the two groups from inter breeding.
The diagram illustrates what could happen to populations of animals, which
become separated. Once two groups are separated different mutations occur
in each group. If the environments differ, different adaptations are favoured by
natural selection. This leads to different characteristics evolving in each group
as time passes. Eventually the groups become so different that if they come
together again they are unable to interbreed and are now separate species.
Human Impact on the Environment
The world population is increasing and as it does so more food is needed.
Traditionally if more food was needed more land was planted. But the supply
of suitable land is limited and there are increasing demands for land for uses
other than agriculture, eg building, recreation, etc. In addition some productive
land is being lost because of desertification, influx of sea water and coastal
erosion for example. As a result the land that is available for food production
has to be made more productive. There are many ways of achieving this, but
few come without problems.
Fertilisers are used to put nutrients, such as nitrate and phosphate back into
the soil so that the soil can be re-used, often for the same crop. Traditionally
farmyard manure (organic fertiliser) was used but this has been replaced
largely by artificially produced inorganic chemical fertilisers. These are
expensive to produce in terms of money and energy.
This is only part of the problem. Some of the fertiliser applied to the soil is
may be washed out into waterways after application. This can lead to
eutrophication which can kill many living organisms in the aquatic
environment. Eutrophication works like this:
Nitrates and phosphates run off the
land and enrich the water. This
causes rapid growth of algae forming
an algal bloom
The algal bloom blocks light and
causes oxygen producing plants to
die. The dead plants provide food
for decomposing microbes which…..
….. use up more oxygen causing
fish and other organisms to die.
Many traditional methods have been use to protect crops from pests, eg crop
rotation, weeding, use of physical barriers such as netting. However, modern
intensive farming also uses chemical pesticides to control pests.
There are three main types of pesticides:
Herbicides - used to kill weeds which compete with the crop and
remove valuable nutrients from the soil.
Fungicides – used to kill disease causing fungi.
Insecticides – used to kill insects which may eat the crop and/or
spread disease causing organisms.
Many pesticides are biodegradable, that is they can be broken down by
microbes in the soil into harmless substances. However, some of the oldertype of pesticides like DDT are not biodegradable and may stay or persist in
the soil for many years.
DDT is an insecticide but it can kill organisms higher up in the food chain that
it wasn’t intended for (non-target species).
Because DDT isn’t biodegradable it accumulates in the tissues of living
organisms. This build up in living tissue is called bioaccumulation. Once in
an organism, the pesticide can be passed along a food chain and become
concentrated in organisms. Notice in the diagram below that the larger
organisms higher up in the food chain get a massive dose, often large enough
to kill them.
DDT is now banned
for use in the UK and
many other
Biological Control
Biological control is an alternative to using pesticides. By releasing a
natural predator into the crop growing area, the number of pests can be
reduced. This can have unforeseen consequences as the numbers of different
organisms in the food web are changed. There have been examples of the
predator becoming a more serious pest than the original
The most successful examples of biological control are
found in the food industry where crops are grown in greenhouses, eg
control of aphids by ladybirds in tomato crops.
Genetically Modified Crops
(Look back at your notes on Genetic Engineering in the Cell Biology unit)
Genetic modification, or GM for short is where certain enzymes are used to
cut pieces of DNA from one organism, and join them into a gap in the DNA of
another organism. This means that the new organism with the inserted genes
has the genetic information for one or more new characteristics. For example,
the organism might produce a useful substance, or be able to carry out a new
function. We say that the organism has been genetically modified.
Genetic modification works in animals, plants and microorganisms. For
example, new genes can be transferred to crop plants to make GM crops.
Some GM crops are resistant to certain herbicides (weed killers) while others
are resistant to insect pests.
There are strong arguments for and against genetic modification of crop
plants. GM crops generally have increased yields, useful for feeding a
growing population. Plants that glow in the dark when they need watering
have even been produced.
However, some people are excited by the almost limitless possibilities of
genetic modification, while others believe the process is unethical and should
be banned. There are concerns about the effect of GM crops on wild flowers
and insects, and whether eating GM food may harm human health.
Indicator Species
Pollution levels can be measured directly but the presence or absence of
certain living organisms can also act as an indicator of the amount of
Water pollution
Water pollution is caused by the discharge of harmful substances into rivers,
lakes and seas. Many aquatic invertebrate animals cannot survive in polluted
water, so their presence or absence indicates the extent to which water is
Indicator species for levels of water pollution in fresh water
level of water pollution
indicator species in fresh water
mayfly larva
freshwater shrimp
water louse
very high
rat-tailed maggot, sludgeworm
Air pollution
The most common source of air pollution is the combustion of fossil fuels.
This usually happens in vehicle engines and power stations. This gas
contributes to acid rain. Lichens can be used as air pollution indicators,
especially of the concentration of sulphur dioxide in the atmosphere.
Lichens are plants that grow in exposed places such as rocks or tree bark.
They need to be very good at absorbing water and nutrients to grow there.
Rainwater contains just enough nutrients to keep them alive. Air pollutants
dissolved in rainwater, especially sulphur dioxide, can damage lichens and
prevent them from growing. This makes lichens natural indicators of air
For example:
bushy lichens need really clean air
leafy lichens can survive a small amount of air pollution
crusty lichens can survive in more polluted air.
In places where no lichens are growing it is often a sign that the air is
heavily polluted with sulphur dioxide.