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Title in Textbook Italy: Birthplace of the Renaissance
Reduce & then Recite
- Create questions which elicit critical
thinking, not 1 word answers
- Write questions directly across from
the answers in your notes
- Leave a space or draw a pencil line
separating questions
Page Numbers: 37-42
Record for Review
Write headings and key words in colored pencil
Take sufficient notes with selective (not too much verbiage) & accurate paraphrasing
Skip a line between ideas and topics
Use bulleted lists and abbreviations
Correctly sequence information
Include diagrams or tables if needed for clarification or length
What began the
Plague & war (Hundred Years War)
Started questioning the Church & structures of society
When was the
What does it mean?
“Rebirth” – art and learning
Explosion of creativity
What were Italy’s
Thriving citites, wealthy merchant class, classical heritage
Of Greece and Rome.
What were urban centers?
URBAN CENTERS: created by overseas trade, crusades in N. Italy
 Exchange of new ideas
 Change in economy
o Plague kills 60%= fewer laborers=reqt of
Higher wages
o Shrank business expansion
o Wealthy merchant class focused on art
What were the merchants
Wealthiest, most powerful class
Did not inherit social rank-created by individual
Who were the Medici?
Powerful family in Florence-banking & trade
Cosimo de’ Medici wealthiest in Europe
“Dictator” of Florence for 30 years
Grandson Lorenzo followed; large supporter of arts
What is classical heritage?
1300- Scholars began studying Latin manuscripts.
Byzantine scholars fled to Rome in 1453 with ancient
Greek manuscripts-Italian scholars thought these were lost
What is humanism?
A Renaissance intellectual movement in which thinkers studied
classical texts and focused on human potential & achievements.
Popularized study of history, literature and philosophy.
Reduce & Recite
Record for Review
What does secular mean?
Concerned with worldly rather than spiritual
Humanists suggest one can enjoy life without offending God
Church leaders begin living in large mansions & wearing
expensive clothing
What is a patron?
A person who supports artists, especially financially.
Popes begin spending lots of money on art to beautify Rome
Painted portraits demonstrated their own importance.
What is a Renaissance
An individual that strove to master every area of study.
What is a Renaissance
Upper-class women who knew the classics and was charming
Do not seek fame, but inspire art but not create it.
How did the Renaissance
Revolutionize art?
Medieval artists used religious subjects & spiritual ideas.
Renaissance artists portrayed religious subjects but used
realistic style copied from classical models.
Emphasis on individuals & the human body.
What is perspective?
An artistic technique that creates the appearance of 3
dimensions on a flat surface
New technique
Who is Leonardo de Vinci?
Renaissance man
Painter, sculptor, inventor, and scientist
Notebooks filled with sketches and inventions, incorporated
in his art.
Mona Lisa
Last Supper
Who is Raphael?
Studies Michelangelo & Leonardo
Madonna & child is favorite subject.
School of Athens
Who is Michelangelo?
Renaissance man
Painter, sculptor, architect, poet
Famous for way he portrayed the human body in his work
Sistine Chapel
Dome of St. Peters Basilica
What is vernacular?
The everyday language of people in a region or country
How did Renaissance writers
change literature?
Wrote for either self-expression or to portray individuality
of their subjects
Began trends still used today
Who are famous authors of
the Renaissance?
Petrarch- most influential humanist
Wrote letters in Latin to influential friends
Boccaccio- known for Decamerion, realistic & off color stories.
Machiavelli- Known for The Prince- examined imperfect conduct of
human beings.
He was known to advice rulers
Were there women writers?
Wrote about personal subject, not politics
Some had great influence
Vittoria Colonna- exchanged sonnets with Michelangelo
And helped Castiglione publish The Coutier
Reflect & Recapitulate
In your own words and in complete sentences, write a 3 – 4 sentence summary paragraph. Your summary should cover the main
concepts of the notes, be accurate, and have adequate details.
Northern Italy’s urban centers that were developed thanks to overseas trade and the Crusades, along
with a social structure change made it open to the ideas that came with the Renaissance. Artists
began looking at classical heritage when writing, painting, and sculpting. Humanism
brought with it secular beliefs and patrons of the arts. The Renaissance brings with it changes
to art. Perspective is being used to create 3 dimensional artwork. Men like Leonardo, Raphael, and
Michelangelo change art forever. Authors also begin to write in vernacular, which is still used today.
Authors like Petrarch, Boccaccio, and Machiavelli bring everlasting changes to literature.