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Energy and Information in Nature
By Peter Fraser
A Collection of Papers on the Nutri-Energetics
Theory of the Human Body-Field
1. The Coming Medical Revolution
Introduction to the Dance
Physics: The View from the Top of the Mountain
The Landscape Outside the Medical Department is Very Unfamiliar
Qualities of Space and Effects on the Human Body
Correcting the Errors of the Past: A New Model
A Comedy of Errors in Quantum Physics 1850–2006
Max Planck
Albert Einstein
Niels Bohr
Erwin Schrödinger
Louis de Broglie
Paul Dirac
Richard Feynman
Milo Wolff
A Walk through Wolff’s Space Resonance Theory
NES and Quantum Scalar Waves
So, What is Light?
A Revolution in Medicine
How Can a Computer Know Things?
Things are Real or They Ain’t There
A Word about Action at a Distance
Nature is a Pattern-Making System
The Quantum Hologram Theory
The Quantum Hologram and Perception
Leaving Modern Physics Behind, We Get into Quantum Field Bioenergetics
Source Energy and the Zero-Point Field
More about the Links to Electrodermal Testing
Last Thoughts about the Relevance of the Wolff Theory to Medicine
2. The Quantum Electrodynamic Body-Field and Information Transfer in Biology
An Unorthodox Quantum Physicist: David Bohm
The Work of Matti Pitkänen
The Vega Effect
Freeman Cope
Paul Dirac
The Quantum Electrodynamic Body-Field
The Phonon
A Link with Radionics Rates
Quantum Phase and Traditional Chinese Medicine
Exploring New Ideas and Anomalous Information
Waves and Sonoluminescence
The Body-Field and a Common Set of Connecting Energies
Blocking the Body-Field
What Happens When Sonoluminescence Fails?
Quantum Biology
3. Overview of the Space Resonance Matching Method
Making Matches
The Point of Space Resonance Matching
Space Resonance Matching and Testing Parameters
Preference in Space Resonance Matching
4. Seven Principles of the Human Body-Field
1. Body Cavities and Zero-Point Energy, or Proton Scaling Effects
2. Space is Self-Organising in Terms of Information
3. Space Resonance Matching and Conductivity
4. Information Imprinting
5. Spherical Standing Waves and the Human Body-Field
6. Cell Responses to the Environment
7. Non-local Information
5. The Energetic Drivers
How Physics Got Left Out of Biology
A Word about the NES Scan
The Energetic Drivers
Phonons, Tubules and the EDs
EDs and Polarity
Energetic Driver 1: Source Energy Driver
Energetic Driver 2: Heart Imprinter
Energetic Driver 3: Cell Driver
Energetic Driver 4: Nerve Driver
Energetic Driver 5: Circulation Driver
Energetic Driver 6: Heart Driver
Energetic Driver 7: Lung Driver
Energetic Driver 8: Stomach Driver
Energetic Driver 9: Muscle Driver
Energetic Driver 10: Skin Driver
Energetic Driver 11: Liver Driver
Energetic Driver 12: Kidney Driver
Energetic Driver 13: Immunity Driver
Energetic Driver 14: Spleen-Omentum Driver
Energetic Driver 15: Pancreas Driver
Energetic Driver 16: Bone Driver
EDs and Energy Use
EDs and the Smaller Cavities
The Emerging Science of Hypertrophy of Organs in Cavities
Daily Cycle of Source Energy
6. Introduction to the Energetic Integrators
A Revolution in Science
Introduction to the Clinical Implications of the EIs
The Human Body-Field
Energetic Integrator 1
Energetic Integrator 2
Energetic Integrator 3
Energetic Integrator 4
Energetic Integrator 5
Energetic Integrator 6
Energetic Integrator 7
Energetic Integrator 8
Energetic Integrator 9
Energetic Integrator 10
Energetic Integrator 11
Energetic Integrator 12
What are the Energetic Integrators?
Magical Numbers
7. Information Physics and Global Scaling
Global Scaling as an Outgrowth of the Quantum Electrodynamic Fields
The practice of science is not about deference to power, as you can easily infer from the
experiences of Copernicus in Poland, Galileo in Italy and later Darwin in England. But
science is about constant refinement of theory and its testing procedures. The interpretation of
results over many years has in some cases left places in the big picture where there are no
dots, because there is no data. This book, based on lectures already given to groups of doctors
and healers, is about the development of ideas in science that were prompted by initial
observations that had no context. Because of this, it is no longer strictly chronological, since
efforts have been made largely to convey how the base observations grew in significance as
the work of other scientists were added to the developing canvas, one created to depict a
major shift in thinking about physics and biology.
Since the time of Francis Bacon we have sought to base knowledge on direct
observation of nature. This book represents my 25-year careful observation of nature. My
journey – a solo voyage – has been quite grant free, almost laboratory free and quite free of
the usual academic restraints. The result is knowledge that cuts across statistical method
theory, quantum theory, biochemical and medical theory to the point where it is bound to
cause controversy. It is in line with a tradition which is opposed to mechanistic systems.
The 1971 film A Clockwork Orange is an adaptation of Anthony Burgess’s 1962
novel of the same name. This darkly satirical science fiction film set in a dystopian future
Britain follows Alex (Malcolm McDowell), a charismatic psychopathic delinquent whose
pleasures are classical music (especially Beethoven), rape and ultra-violence. He is the head
of a small gang of thugs whom he calls his droogs. The story unfolds into a horrific crime
spree of his gang, his capture and his attempted rehabilitation through the use of controversial
psychological conditioning techniques. Produced, directed and written by Stanley Kubrick,
the film uses disturbing violent images to facilitate social commentary about psychiatry,
youth gangs and other contemporary social, political, and economic subjects.
A clockwork universe idea was in fact applied to psychology in the twentieth century.
It was also applied to medicine. The change took place between 1920 and 1940, when
biology academics abandoned popular ideas of a vitalism in nature. ‘Biological mechanism’
arose when no university in the USA, Britain, Canada, South Africa or Australia would agree
to study energy fields in nature or in the body. Some tertiary education courses in
bioenergetics remained in some Central European countries, though in others the systematic
study of the energetic effects of herbs, minerals or homoeopathy on the body were
completely abandoned. The reason was political, not scientific.
Worse than this, in the mid-twentieth century, agents of fascism in Germany, Austria,
Spain and Italy used the idea of mechanistic biology in the control of the population by
means of repetitive training, propaganda and carefully programmed education. Disease, they
thought, could be eliminated by a program of euthanasia – genocide – using chemical
methods, since the body was seen as a chemical mechanism and absolutely no more. These
ideas were always popular in the USA.
Vitalism, energy fields and self-healing, and even healing using light, magnetism and
EM frequencies of sound, were grave threats to this stance. So it became respectable in the
mid-twentieth century to burn books out of a feeling of righteousness. Twelve tons of books
on bioenergetics were burnt as the behest of the FDA in 1957.1 You can go on the internet
today and find out that the author of the burnt books was ‘insane’, according to one
Wikipedia author. Does this mean to imply that people who use energetic treatments for
cancer and other illness must be insane? I hope not, but remember that such is the cold fear
people have of finding out that they are part of an information network which extends past
the boundaries of the body that they frequently balk at the science that goes with it.
Incredibly, field theories of biology managed to survive under the weight of the
totalitarian regime in Russia, whereas they did not in the case of the totalitarianism practised
in the USA, at least not in the formal system of education. No totalitarian philosophy will like
what has been discovered about biology in the last 90 years, but scientists who backed the
field theory are as numerous as they are unheard of. They come from the Ukraine, Russia,
Britain, Germany and even from Australia and USA.
The way to destroy forever the idea of the human as a closed biochemical system is to
show that energetic emissions are generated inside that biochemical system. A. G. Gurwitsch
found such emissions in 1923. They consisted of ultra-violet (UV) light, were species related
and stimulated cell division or mitosis. They were measured again in the 1930s in Russia and
Germany2 and again in 1954 in Italy by Colli and Faccini.3 Gurwitsch’s experiment was
repeated successfully in 2001 at the Moscow State University. It has also been found that
organs emit weak invisible light, as do muscles and mitochondria.4 Later on, lipids, proteins,
fatty acids and carbohydrates, too, were found to emit visible light.5 In the USA, Fraser and
Fray found weak infra-red radiation from nerve cells in 1968,6 while in Germany Fritz-Albert
Popp has worked in the same field from the 1970s until this year, 2010, to add to the
knowledge, amidst apathy and opposition.
The emissions show coherence, like laser light. There is no serious doubt that they
create fields. When energy moves, it creates a field: basic physics.
By 2010 I was using Gurwitsch’s original frequencies and found to my great relief
that they made the NES (Nutri-Energetics Systems) Infoceuticals (water and micro-mineral
based ‘remedies’ that are imprinted with information to correct distortions in the human
body-field) a lot stronger when used for those few that affected the morphogenetic field – an
idea originally proposed by the great Gurwitsch himself.
Light is not the end of the story. By 1965 a device had been developed to measure
para-magnetism. It is well known that it exhibits a north–south as well as an east–west axis.
Does this occur in the body? It is no secret, except in biology. Ninety-seven per cent of the
protein in the blood is haemoglobin, which gives the blood its colour. Part of the
haemoglobin molecule is able to produce para-magnetism. When energy moves, it creates a
field, and the circulation system and the heart represent a huge para-magnetic field, pumping
the blood with little assistance from the heart. The heart itself is too weak to pump the blood
without assistance. The Infoceuticals for the heart, lung and circulation are the ones to which
NES adds a liberal number of information codes which represent para-magnetism.
The American Civil Liberties Union, Press release on the burning of the books of Wilhelm Reich, 9 July 1957
So many people ask, ‘If this is such important science, why have I never even heard
of it?’ There is a media blackout on every aspect of energetic medicine. But there is a wealth
of forgotten scientific papers ready for us to turn into courses for twenty-first century
We aim to change medicine forever. We aim to restore sanity to it. The history of
government meddling in health is not entirely a happy one. So, as far as is humanly possible,
we are also aiming to liberate people from both government and private bureaucracies and to
leave them in charge of their own health and destiny. Our information technology means that
this is now a real possibility.
So, this book is part of a great tradition of healing reaching back in human history for
3,000 years or even more and taking in discoveries by Ayurvedic seers and Chinese
philosophers over many centuries. But the links between this ancient knowledge and one of
the several branches of quantum physics that are outlined in the book have been made here
for the very first time, making this a ground-breaking book. The link to quantum science has
occupied me daily since the early 1990s. The point is that if we can understand how an
ancient medical system fits into a contemporary scientific framework, then we can make it
work better in practice. This is what this present work is all about.
Hence I am not talking about any form of ‘alternative medicine’, as some choose to
call it. There is only one system of medicine, not several, and the one I am outlining in this
book is truly a development of existing medicine based on anatomy, histology, physiology
and biochemistry. It simply goes one step further to encompass an energetic body-field
representing the highest level of healing for all human beings.
Peter H. Fraser
July 2010
This could not have been written without the labours of Harry Massey, CEO of NES Health.
It has taken some years to footnote the important ideas and expand into the realms of
other writers to create a solid context for these discoveries, and for this, thanks go to Joan
Parisi Wilcox.
The Coming Medical Revolution
This lengthy lecture was originally prepared in 2006 by Peter Fraser for health practitioners and other
professional users of NES products. It provides, at a basic level, a theoretical bridge between orthodox
medicine and the new bioenergetic and bio-informational approach to biology and health.
Introduction to the Dance
Upon first looking into science, you get the impression that it is cut and dried and well
arranged, and somehow timeless and satisfying because of that. In fact, scientists like to
imagine that this is so because they are great truth-seekers and none of them want anything to
change too much or too quickly and upset their power base in the knowledge game.
As life goes on, you realise, as I have, that science as it stands does not give us quite
the solidity we want it to and still suffers from some severe practical problems. Among the
most severe problems for me is the fact that the theory of orthodox medicine and the theory
of physics don’t match up, and that the problem is not a little problem of some ragged edges
or grey areas, but wide-ranging in its scope. There is a historical reason for this: allopathic
medical theory developed from the ideas of industrial chemistry and was backed by an
industry wanting to use chemicals for agriculture and medicine, while modern quantum
physics, the science underlying bioenergetic medicine, did not develop fully until much later,
the mid-1920s, and does not link to biology.
In this lecture I shall show how the cleavage continues, having been maintained
willingly by both groups of scholars, with the result that there is a massive disconnect in
medicine, as well as severe disarray in the physics of space.
We can further delineate this problem by noting that the cleavage was so deep in the
early part of the twentieth century that those who believed that biochemistry lay at the heart
of medicine waged war on those who didn’t – the practitioners of energy medicine. This
battle resulted in the expulsion of the practitioners of herbal medicine, one of the schools of
energetic medicine still extant in Europe and North America at the start of the twentieth
century. Other energetic practitioners were also driven out or threatened, such as those
following the older school of homoeopathy, which began in the eighteenth century. The
results of the Flexner Report, published in 1910, and other inquiries were such that the
biologists and others who believed in a field theory were prohibited from practising in the
United States, although they held out until the 1940s in some European countries. Can you
imagine the expulsion of whole groups of thought or entire departments from a university in
these days of broader educational understanding? No, of course it would be a scandal. But
that is what happened in the 1920s in Anglophile universities all over the world—the United
Kingdom, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Canada. Barbara
Griggs’s Green Pharmacy records some of the history of these expulsions and is destined to
be a standard work on the history of the evolution of herbal medicine.
Suppression of ideas does not always have the effect one would like it to have, and
this has certainly been the case here. John Stewart Mill, in the nineteenth century, said that
you never know whether or not you are suppressing truth when you suppress an idea or a
thought. Nobody has the entire truth, so it is best to be as tolerant as possible, even of your
intellectual enemies.
One of the effects of the drive to eradicate energetic medicine from tertiary education
was to stop its development and cause a withering away of its basis – research funds. So
bioenergetic medicine in the Anglophone world was stopped in its tracks in the 1920s and
failed to develop the huge infrastructure of belief that has attended the biochemical medical
model. Yes, the present medical model is basically a belief structure, like anything else. And
when the weaknesses of a belief structure are pointed out and it is damaged beyond repair,
there is inevitably a great hue and cry. One would expect this phase to last a very long time,
so heavily propagandised is the current medical model, yet ideas can change very suddenly
when there is reason to do so. However, science does not change unless it can offer better
explanations for reported events.
Given that the two systems, biochemical medicine and physics, do not connect well
with each other, we have initially to ask which discipline is at fault. Here it is a little like
marriage counselling, and we have to say that there is fault on both sides. A great deal has
been written about the failings of modern medicine, but little indeed on the fault lines in
modern quantum physics. Most writers seek to paper over difficulties and contradictions, and
perhaps I am no exception. So in trying to get medicine and physics back together again, it is
perhaps a good idea to do away with the fault-finding and replace it with a genuine effort to
lace these two ideational systems together for the benefit of all of us.
Against us in this effort are those who have invested in the current systems, but I truly
believe that the way ahead for everyone is to abandon ideas that don’t work and won’t fit into
a greater whole. I cannot tell you how many times I have completely rearranged in my head a
whole set of data emanating from medical knowledge due to the experimental data coming
from my enquiries into quantum physics. It is at once exhausting and exhilarating. So I
expect that many of you may be deeply aggravated by this lecture. I ask you to bear with the
ideas and accept that your anxiety may be due to the natural resistance we all have to massive
rearrangements of ideas concerning who we are and how we work.
Physics: The View from the Top of the Mountain
When you undertake to learn physics in the tertiary system, you start at the bottom and are
encouraged to look upwards, and perhaps you can’t see very far. You believe what you are
told, because you are given a great deal of data that supports the ideas. In the case of physics,
the evidence is experimental data, summarised by mathematical models. The mathematics
does not prove the ideas, but it does delineate them clearly. In other words, in physics we
have to go beyond linguistic clarity to mathematics, which is symbolic clarity. When we do,
we have good science, because we have set up models of systems that can relate to each
other. Science, according to Dr Edgar Mitchell, has to be in accord with nature as well as
with mathematics. But nature takes precedence!
Proof, if there is such a thing, is a two-edged sword. By using analysis, we see
whether or not an idea is able to survive a process of pulling it apart into its components. That
is one edge of the sword and we are able to use it without any bother. But the other edge
requires that the information melds with other information. This is called coherence, and it is
a higher-level process than analysis. Only a few people have the gift of seeing the big picture
and then assembling data within that picture.
Of course, the analysis part comes first and the coherence part comes second, since
you can’t put things together into a pattern until you have the pieces. This is an important
statement, because for more than 150 years a huge bank of experimental data has been
accumulated by physics, and the job of making this data coherent is a great one. A great
scientist who can rise to the task appears rarely. Of course, Einstein was one – revered not so
much for his hairstyle but for his ability to see broadly, beyond the small data to the way in
which data work together. But science did not end with Einstein. It goes on, whether or not
Einstein was right or even partly right. Einstein becomes a part of our lecture because of his
wariness about quantum physics, a reserve that turns out to be worthy of address. There are
many, many schools of thought in quantum physics, and here I will be reviewing the schools
of thought following John Archibald Wheeler, Richard Feynman, John Cramer and Milo
We are at the start of another new, amazing century, so perhaps it’s time to step back
and view the wider landscape of science to see where the fault lines may be apparent. These
fault lines are only apparent to those who can fly above it all and see the full picture. You
need to be an eagle, rather than a rabbit, to get the bigger picture. And I have found such an
eagle! Here I freely acknowledge the wonderfully coherent ideas of Milo Wolff in his book
Exploring the Physics of the Unknown Universe, published in California in 1994. I
recommend this book, but it’s not for the faint of heart. It is not about technology but about
real science, the basis of our amazing technology. At last I have found a candid scientist who
can communicate! This he does, and his chosen subject matter is close to the Unified Field
Bear in mind the mindset in which we have become mired when thinking about
medical biochemistry, the mindset where we have models of molecules as rigid and
geometrically arranged structures, with bonds and receptors and orientations of surfaces and
folding of regions. It is as if a molecule is some kind of mechanical arrangement, although, of
course, very small in size. We have ions and electrons, too, and they make paths. Sometimes
we have too many particles left over after a reaction in the body, and these have to go
somewhere. We have membranes that allow the passage of some ions but not others. For the
most part, physiology is based entirely on this kind of mechanically arranged action and
But from a different point of view, we have to ask why atoms and molecules arrange
themselves in patterns in space and show all sorts of strange characteristics, like bonds and
charge and different states. Of course, biochemistry is a derivative science and to answer
questions about it we have to go to the mother of biochemistry, which is physics, the queen of
sciences. And the language of physics is the queen of languages: mathematics.
The Landscape Outside the Medical Department is Very Unfamiliar
First of all, contrary to what you may have thought or been taught, the idea of the electron is
by no means settled, and neither is the idea of the photon. If we can get to the bottom of this
dilemma, then we will have made some real progress in uniting medicine with the source of
its knowledge – physics.
The reasoning behind this approach is that electrons and photons are common ground
for both biochemistry and physics, and in sorting this out, we might make some real leaps
into the future.
The actual evidence for the particle concept is seemingly weak, even though it is
universal in teaching institutions the world over. A central structure for the electron has never
been discovered, although decades of effort have been made. Worse still, quantum mechanics
cannot mathematically account for the size, mass and charge of electrons. The idea of a
particle’s mass is made tenuous by the fact that mass can be converted into electromagnetic
If there is a particle called an electron, then it seems to make sense that it can be
measured in terms of space and time. In this respect Werner Heisenberg said that there were
limitations to measurements of the location or momentum of the electron, limitations related
to Planck’s constant.2 As a result, there is an inherent fuzziness to the nature of reality, which
has troubled many philosophers since the Heisenberg Principle was proposed. It means that if
you know the momentum of a particle, then you cannot also know the position of that particle
with equal accuracy. Naturally, many people did not take kindly to the idea of a science
where you cannot know things. After all, the word ‘science’ comes from a root word meaning
‘knowledge’. But what we really lose here is something we always took for granted – that a
particle is a thing. We lose our common sense view of what we mean by ‘particle’. And that,
of course, is what quantum is all about at its very heart: particle-wave duality. But do we
really need to resort to such paradoxes? Perhaps not.
So, paradoxically, quantum physics tells us that an electron or a photon is both a
particle and a wave. The size of an electron, if it is an oscillating wave rather than a particle,
is also the subject of some drama. Of course, if there is a quantum wave that makes a field,
why can it not be detected? After all, we can detect wavelengths of light (photons) with our
technology without difficulty. Or can we? What is the essential difference between electrons
and photons?
Louis de Broglie, in the 1920s, put forward the idea of a matter wave produced by the
electron and other particles, and although his theory was purely mathematical, evidence that
he was right came a few years after his paper was published. He was later awarded a Nobel
Prize for his work. The de Broglie wavelength is inversely proportional to the momentum of
the particle, so an electron wavelength will be a million times smaller than that of visible
light and something that no radio receiver machine can detect – the frequency is just too
high.3 Semiconductors will not function at that frequency – nowhere near it.
What do we know about the wave idea of an electron? Clinton Davisson and Lester
Halbert Germer, in 1927, gave us some data about the electron: it obeyed the same rules as a
photon.4 When electrons were fired through metal foil (which had a crystal-like lattice
composition) onto an X-ray photographic plate, there appeared sets of concentric rings,
Milo Wolff. Exploring the Physics of the Unknown Universe: An adventurer’s guide, Technotran, Manhattan
Beach, CA, 1990; 1994 edition, pp.133–4
Ibid., p.138
3 Ibid., p.134
Ibid., p.128
indicating the electron’s wave properties. The measurements of the energy and momentum
agreed exactly with de Broglie’s predictions.
This experiment and others, such as the variations on the famous double-slit
experiment that have taken place over the last several decades, clearly show that electrons
and photons have wave qualities. So, we have to ask why it was historically that particles
became the dominant way of expressing the idea of quantum ‘things’. Much of this talk is
concerned with addressing that question.
Physicist Milo Wolff provides as good an answer as any I have heard. Mass has to be
at a precise point for the purposes of engineering calculations, so it is handy to think of
electrons as particles. What’s more, since all wavelengths smaller than visible light appear to
our eyes as points, we have to blame our faulty perceptual apparatus. As Wolff points out,
scientists have perceptual and emotional needs for particles. Waves simply are not so easy to
accommodate in the psyche. A lot could be written about the psychology of science. Because
we are human, psychology rules us as much as any other set of ideas does.
Perhaps it is a good idea to look deeper into waves and their qualities before we go
any further. If waves can replace most particles, as Milo Wolff shows they can, then the wave
nature of the quantum realm becomes the area we should be most familiar with. Our narrow
education systems have left us with ideas in our heads that we must eventually discard. The
only kind of wave found in our education systems is the electromagnetic wave type, which
has one or two dimensions only: wavelength and time (if we use the accepted idea of
Maxwell from the mid-nineteenth century). Practical people realised Maxwell could not be
right and the wave ended up with wavelength and amplitude as well as time.
Yet a moment of reflection will reveal that there are also sound waves which are
linear and can travel away from you or move towards you. There are also standing waves, as
in a musical instrument, where standing waves exist on vibrating strings. Then there are
radial waves, where the wave goes outwards in all directions at once, inwards in all directions
at once, or, for example, forms a standing wave on the surface of a drum. And lastly there are
spherical waves, like the out-wave from an explosion in three dimensions. In the whispering
gallery we get a spherical wave created by the reflections of the gallery, where the waves are
incoming. And we can have a combination of in-wave and out-wave, as in the cavity of a
musical instrument, which seems to act as an amplifier. We are talking about standing waves
of a spherical three-dimensional quality, and I ask you to think of a river in flood going over
a series of rocks. This is where you will see stationary standing waves. The field (the water in
the river) moves, but the structure (the rock) is stationary. This model is similar to the model
adopted by Milo Wolff – of waves going out of and coming into an electron centre.
An important thing just happened: I spoke about waves coming towards you and
going away from you, and you never flinched. Waves come and go? Back and forth? Why?
Another thing also just emerged that rarely emerges in the education system: I spoke
about different orders of waves – some uni-dimensional, some two-dimensional and some
three-dimensional. Scientists don’t always describe the world in three dimensions, even
though we assume that they are intelligent enough to do so. How many dimensions are
represented by the Maxwell equations? Two.
As we all know, or should know by now, wavelength multiplied by frequency equals
velocity, and different wave types are propagated at different speeds, from sound waves to
light waves. Waves do not move unless there is a medium in which they can travel, but their
function is to move energy from one place to another by a sort of displacement of kinetic and
potential energy. All types of waves are related to the properties of space, curiously, even
though they are vastly different. Electromagnetic waves are said to travel in space without
medium, yet they do, in fact, have a medium – it is space itself!
Waves can also be polarised, which means simply that the amplitude is directional.
Light is usually polarised perpendicularly to the direction of travel. Two polarised waves can
get together to form a helix in space if they are oppositely polarised. But there is a specialised
type of wave that has no direction yet has amplitude, and the amplitude of that wave is a
number called a ‘scalar’.5 So we have a scalar wave, which, when combined with another
similar wave going in the opposite direction, is said to be a ‘standing wave’. A standing wave
is transferring energy, yet it always stays in the same place.
From these waves we can get reflections of energy, partial or total, and also
interferences called ‘beats’. This is how your piano tuner tunes your piano – by listening to
the beat frequencies. They are real. In fact, repeated reflection of waves off a surface can
create standing waves in space if we have two waves of the same frequency confined in the
same space … space in this case being the medium.6
The essential difference between different kinds of waves in physics is whether or not
they obey the same set of rules so far as speed of propagation is concerned. Here I remind
you that while sound waves vary greatly in speed, electromagnetic waves travel at light
speed, which is regarded as a fundamental constant of nature so far as energy transfer is
concerned. So, while we know a great deal about the medium of sound waves and how that
medium affects them, the medium of the electromagnetic wave, which is space, has hardly
been investigated. Space does have qualities, and the study of it belongs essentially to
quantum physics.
Here we come to the great divide in science. Most of the activity of scientists to date,
in the realm of physics at least, has been to understand energy transfer. In the case of waves
this is hugely important, and since we know that photons are the way in which energy is
transferred between electrons, it becomes doubly interesting. But just suppose that instead of
energy transfer, you wanted instead to study information transfer from one place to another in
the universe. Here there is not so much knowledge, or even theory, available to us, yet it
seems that the transfer of information is of equal importance to the transfer of energy in the
case of living things. Even inanimate things such as chemical reactions rely on information
transfer to trigger the reactions then stop them.
You may never have wondered how atoms and molecules ‘know’ how to react with
one another. To even start to understand this, we must look at two things: linearity and
modulation.7 If you have an electronic circuit that acts like an amplifier, then it is linear if it
produces output exactly in accordance to what is put into it. The graph of the input versus the
output has to be a straight line, hence the word ‘linear’ – making a line. If the output is not
proportional to the input, then that system is said to be ‘non-linear’.
When non-linear amplification occurs in electronics, there is phase distortion, as well
as distortion of the sine waves, which may produce unwanted harmonics. If two signals are
Ibid., p.111
Ibid., p.114
Ibid., p.117
mixed, then they each contain components of the other. One signal has information about the
other signal. Information transfer occurs when there is non-linearity.
Our ears are non-linear devices, so we can actually hear the beats when there are two
or more frequencies together in a standing wave, such as when you strike a note on the piano.
The beats are the non-linear information responses caused by the mixing of two linear sound
waves. There are not only beats, but harmonics as well, caused by the addition and
subtraction of the basic frequencies of the sounds.
The extraordinary thing I have to relate is that all of the physiological processes of the
body are non-linear. To check this, if you want to know more, any modern text on
psychology or perception will do. Even specialists’ books on biology will tell you that the
body’s regulating mechanisms are non-linear in nature. Non-linearity is the hallmark of a
quantum system.
If the body has a control system – of energy and information – that is above and
beyond the biochemical one, then that is the one that should be treated by physicians, instead
of the derivative chemical one. From this point of view, the chemical model of the body is
derived from the non-linear energetic one. So, when we want high-quality sound
reproduction, the electronics must be as linear as possible; this is to minimise distortion. Yet,
when we want instead to impress information onto a radio signal or a television signal, we
need non-linearity to transfer information. Information transfer occurs due to the distortion of
a wave pattern. This is called ‘modulation’ in technical language. It makes the occurrence of
interference patterns in physics especially interesting, for that is where we will find nonlinearity. And interference patterns are indeed there, in the realm of the super high-frequency
field created by the so-called sub-atomic particles.
What has just happened is that we have made a huge link between the worlds of
biology and physics, which then connects us directly to quantum mechanics. Why so?
Because quantum mechanics is concerned basically with the behaviour of waves in space
created by sub-atomic particles.8 We already know a lot about the rules of engagement of
these quantum waves in space: they can add to each other or cancel each other out. The result
is that you get both allowable and non-allowable frequencies, rather like the harmonics that
are allowed in sound waves.
The allowable frequencies are, in fact, represented by all the elements of the periodic
table. Hydrogen, of course, is the simplest, being represented by a single electron with a
proton (and with a spherical arrangement of the electron). This is how it looks at its lowest
energy or frequency state. Once it reaches a higher energy state, lobes appear in the sphere,
so we are looking at hydrogen as if it is a collection of standing waves in space. To get
hydrogen, the waves must take the same path every time they move, to set up a standing
wave due to the inherent amplitude pattern.
No, there are no orbits for quantum particles!9 The idea of orbits is over, finished and
dead – but it is still taught to every child in the world who learns science. What they should
learn is that atoms are described by latitudes, longitudes and radii, all of which are needed to
describe a place on a sphere. We can look at polar standing waves or equatorial standing
Ibid., pp.120 –21
Ibid., p.122
waves, and all of them are related to amplitude. ‘Amplitude’ is just a word for the amount of
disturbance in space a wave creates.
Physics explains nature from the very small to the very large, from the sub-atomic to
the cosmological in terms of scale. As matter is grouped together in larger and larger lumps,
we pass from the rules governing the particles of quantum physics to the larger realm where
classical Newtonian physics takes over. We already know that the rules change as we go from
very small to very big and it’s called Logarithmic Scale Invariance. So both sets of laws
apply to biology as well as to medicine.
Science, like God, works in mysterious ways, and one of the most mysterious has
been the arrival of the photon as a sub-atomic particle. In the early twentieth century, light
was shown to be able to form packets of energy, or ‘quanta’. This was first suggested by
Einstein and recorded in his photoelectric effect paper of 1905.10 Even though there was not
then, nor is there now, any evidence to show that light is, in fact, a particle, it was given a
particle name ten years later. So it’s still a particle!
Einstein gained a Nobel Prize for his photoelectric effect work, but not one for his
later work on relativity. In fact, he was forbidden to mention relativity at his Nobel Prize
acceptance speech, so he refused to attend it. The motion of matter was the basis of Einstein’s
relativity theory. Of course, this motion occurs in quantum physics, so it was natural that
relativity was rather easily accommodated into most of quantum theory. Paul Dirac
discovered, in 1933, that a different mathematical approach to the original Schrödinger
equations meant that, magically, accurate values of spin and magnetic moment could be
derived for the electron. This was really the beginning of quantum electrodynamics (QED),
something that was later taken up by Richard Feynman, John Wheeler and others.
Nowadays, Milo Wolff asserts that physics should be concerned with just three basic
‘particles’, as we can call them, and these are electrons, protons and neutrons, with a charge
of -1, +1 or 0, respectively. Of course, they also have other characteristics, such as frequency,
spin and magnetic moment.
A great deal of enquiry in quantum physics is devoted to spin, which at its most basic
can be explained as an angular momentum within the matter wave whose value is always a
multiple of one half. Note that there are only two allowed directions of spin. A different spin
means a different particle! This characteristic is still the subject of puzzlement in physics. But
it has proven useful: it generated the Pauli Exclusion Principle, the key to modern chemistry,
which says that no two sets of interference waves (or particles) with one-half spin can occupy
the same state together. This rule applies to the three basic particles, all of which have half
spin. The idea is of such importance that it has determined the structure of the periodic table
of elements; and here we can say that the periodic table itself is a map of the allowable
frequencies in the system of wave interactions of particles.
Another set of rules for quantum behaviour is that of magnetic moment. This property
is related to the spin of the particle and is a vector of rotation – but not of orbital rotation! It
is, in fact, a measure of a sort of loop current flowing in the spherical arrangement of the
atom. It is a curious phenomenon that is not well understood because, for example, the
neutron, which is charge neutral, has a magnetic moment. This seems impossible; we are
For the history of relativity, and of quantum electrodynamics as mentioned in this paragraph, see John S.
Rigden, Einstein 1905: The Standard of Greatness, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 2005.
used to the idea of charge generating a magnetic potential. But magnetic moments are really
just another measurement of the energy arrangement in atoms – that is all. They are obtained
by placing the atom in a magnetic field, then measuring the spectral lines, which split in two.
The difference between the two spectral lines is measured, with the difference representing
twice the energy. That’s all we know!11
There are a number of letters of the Greek alphabet used to represent these variations
of mass, spin and frequency. These variations are not discrete, because one can change into
another in a fraction of a second. The world of so-called particle physics is truly at odds with
the world as perceived by our senses. The lighter mass particles are bigger and heavier mass
particles are smaller – a topsy-turvy world.
It also has to be said that although the word ‘particle’ is used in the language of
physics, it has no meaning. Quantum so-called particles have no borders or boundaries. They
do not have shape. Neither do they have specific locations.12 Many of the so-called particles
have fantastically short lives and cannot even be said to exist, if we can use that word at all.
By now you will be wondering, if you have had the benefit of a medical education,
where the ideas of medical physiology can be placed in this new system of physics thought
which has developed in the hundred years since biochemistry itself was first born in the late
nineteenth century. Now that Einstein has been dead a long time, it is time to reassess what
physics really has as its foundation.
According to Dr Milo Wolff, there is a short list of basic laws that form the roots of
the tree of our knowledge about how energy behaves. The details are much too technical for
most people, so I will only list them, according to Milo Wolff, as follows:
Newton’s Second Law of Motion
Coulomb’s Law of Electric Charge Force
Newton’s Law of Gravitational Force
Rules of Quantum Mechanics
Rules of Special Relativity
Law of the Conservation of Energy13
What is soon overlooked is that the underlying basis for these laws is not fully understood, so
you can understand the puzzlement that scientists experience when trying to explain nature.
Qualities of Space and Effects on the Human Body
As Dr Milo Wolff says, the qualities of space itself have not been studied in any detail. I, like
Wolff, had a great deal of curiosity about space, but did not much understand it. A chance
remark by my colleague Harry Massey resulted in quite a remarkable insight. In 2002 I was
in California, trying yet again to get some backing for my ideas on quantum biology. By that
Milo Wolff. Exploring the Physics of the Unknown Universe. Technotran, Manhattan Beach, CA, 1990; 1994
edition, pp.149–50
Ibid., p.150
Ibid., p.156
time I had already produced some early versions of what would later become NES
Infoceuticals. Those early versions followed the well-worn path of the traditional Chinese
acupuncture meridians, but the Infoceuticals are based on pure energy concepts rather than on
the already existing analogues of the human body-field created accidentally by minerals and
herbs of various types. I was talking to Harry Massey, hoping against hope that the project
would start up soon, when I remarked that all we had to do was correct the structure of space
in order to correct the behaviour of the human body and its complex chemistry, which so
often goes wrong. And Harry said, ‘Well, why don’t we just do that?’
I realised that back in 1999 I had already tried to do that, but had not been able to
imagine how it could be done so far as the technology was concerned. Then when talking to
Harry in 2002, I suddenly realised that all we had to do was to measure how space was
behaving when it was filled up by different frequencies. I thought to myself, ‘Of course! It is
the different frequencies creating the structure of space that are the trouble!’ But then I
remembered that they were the frequencies of quantum physics, which were supposed to be
impossible to measure.
That thought did not stop me. I went out straight away and tried the impossible. I used
the apparatus I had first created in Australia and simply began to measure nothingness! (See
‘Overview of the Space Resonance Matching Method’, p.000.) But I surmised that there
might be ranges of frequencies in the decadary scale, and indeed, to my great surprise, sets of
data appeared where, of course, there was supposed to be nothing. I was measuring space and
how it was structured at different frequencies! So the discovery was made in the USA, at the
insistence of Harry Massey.
I had always thought that the early versions of the NES Infoceuticals should work a
lot better than they did, and of course when I added ‘corrections to structure of space’ to
them, they began to work much more strongly and very much more quickly. Nobody was
more amazed than I was. At the time, I did not quite realise what I had done, but it became
clearer as the science unfolded about the nature of space and its relationships with matter. Of
course, many of you who use NES will realise I am referring to the initial set of 12 decadary
‘compartments’ in space (which would become the Energetic Integrators of the NES system).
As you know, the compartments, which I will from now on call ‘Integrators’, are the
information pathways in the body-field that the body relies on to know what to do. They go
from very long waves of several kilometres to very short waves in the realm of infra-red just
before light. Just how and why the Integrators were so important for the functioning of the
human body was of course at the time a big hunch that had very little reasoning behind it and
could not be explained easily to anybody. In fact, I think it is fair to say that nobody knew
what on earth Harry and I were talking about! But now the very latest physics is available to
tell us that space is not empty but crisscrossed by many frequencies forming structures which
are patterns of waves of the three major ‘particles’ – or waves, as it turns out in reality. Space
is the medium through which these particle-waves are transmitted, and so space is able to
affect them in a measurable way.
Imagine my surprise when in 2002 I found that the 12 Integrators of space were not
only related to ranges of frequencies based on the decimal places, but also corresponded
exactly to the 12 groups of Chinese acupuncture meridians! (I had been studying the
traditional Chinese medicine [TCM] meridians since 1983 in my effort to understand the
science behind acupuncture.) By the word ‘corresponded’, I mean that there was a direct
match in my testing between the data for space at certain frequency ranges and the TCM
meridians. I forgot to say that by then the 92 meridians (their energy fields) that I had spent
so many years getting imprinted into sealed ampoules of liquid had been simplified into 12
groups. This occurred when the Integrators were tested for matches with the 92 types of
meridians recognised for thousands of years by Chinese doctors.
I was thinking that the meridians had a lot to do with the structure of space. I was, by
then, working late at night in a shed, and sometimes on the kitchen table, with a strange group
of machines and some ampoules containing … nothing! (Actually, as I would learn, they
contained imprinted information.) I had little income and few friends in the business, and
nobody had a clue what I was talking about. But when I realised what was going on –
something that of course took some years, with the human mind being so slow on the uptake
of new ideas – I was quite amazed at my good fortune.
As far as my former colleagues in Australia were concerned, I might as well have
been travelling up the Amazon looking for new tribes. Everyone I knew in the healing
business was meshed into a system of thought that did not work very well, and very few
people were prepared to abandon their worldview and replace it with another – not without
substantial evidence. All I had was experimental techniques that came up with sets of data,
none of which anyone could quite get their head around. That kind of data is not considered
‘substantial’ data. However quantum physics helped explain what I found in all those quirky
experiments. I shall outline the physics in the following sections.
Correcting the Errors of the Past: A New Model
The Transactional Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics (QM) was proposed in the mid1980s by John G. Cramer, of the physics department of Washington University.14 His theory
was an advance at last on the Copenhagen Interpretation of QM and dissolved some of the
paradoxes and willing schizophrenia associated with it. The Copenhagen Interpretation,
which was based on Niels Bohr’s work, as generally conceived also included the ideas of
Werner Heisenberg, dating from 1927, and the Uncertainly Principle, which left us with a
universe we could not know about with complete accuracy. It resulted in the statistical model
as the basis of reality, from Max Born’s work in 1926. It also involved the concept of waveparticle duality, and raised the question of measurement (in physics, measurement can cause
the ‘collapse of the wave function’).
Cramer theorises that waves are real (and particles may not be), and he gets, of
course, to that most thorny of issues, the non-local effects, which are also often called ‘action
at a distance’. Non-locality, to put it simply, is a way of just saying ‘information transfer’.
Change something in one of a connected pair of particles, and the other particle changes
instantly, no matter how close or far apart the two particles are. So, one particle can ‘know’
what another particle has done or is doing, and perhaps what it will do as well. Paul Dirac,
John Wheeler and Richard Feynman were all physicists who used the idea of a ‘transaction’,
See John G. Cramer, ‘The Transactional Interpretation of quantum mechanics’, Reviews of Modern Physics
58, July 1986, 647–88.
or a dynamic interaction taking place in space with respect to the alleged ‘entangled’
Once we are allowed waves, then they can be outgoing or ingoing and can be used to
describe quantum interactions where information transfer is occurring. Cramer arranges the
waves so that an excited electron can send out an emitter wave, which is of one dimension
only, so it’s linear. There also is a ‘confirmation’ wave that comes back the other way. This
double event is called a ‘transaction’, which, of course, occurs in space-time. This theory can
be seen as an attempt to correct errors of the past which were still causing trouble in 1986,
even though the idea of out-waves and in-waves had been current since the mid-1940s, when
Wheeler and Feynman had popularised them.
What was really needed, however, was a completely new model, based on the Cramer
model but applying to three-dimensional reality and leaving behind forever the one- and twodimensional worlds invented by physicists to make their lives easy.
Another physicist, Milo Wolff, began to wonder what was the origin of the de Broglie
wavelength (a frequency, you will recall, emitted by all particles that was discovered in the
1920s). He proposed a new interpretation of quantum, one based almost entirely on waves in
space, where the properties of space are the basis of all physical laws as well as of matter. In
effect, this interpretation does away with the need for almost all of the current 500 particles!
Our education has left us with the notion that space is empty, but there is no such
thing as empty space. It has characteristics. My own experiments, over the years from 1990 to
the present, led me to think that space was capable of some amazing things. I had by this time
snatched data out of space that when added to Infoceuticals greatly increased their
effectiveness. Space, I have found, has the ability to store energy when it acts like a capacitor
and to alter its ability to allow things to pass through it, which I call ‘permittivity’. And this is
because space has the ability to form resonances between standing waves. Other interesting
experiments have shown that space has memory and that the memory of information can last
a very long time – months or years. Wolff also talks about the density of space – how much
electromagnetic information it holds in the form of waves.15
By the time I found out about the Wolff model, I had already formed many ideas
about the electron, its apparent structure, and its information-carrying ability. But nothing had
quite prepared me for the shock of Wolff’s idea of an electron: that it has one centre and two
sets of scalar waves, one set moving outwards and the other, at almost the same frequency,
moving inwards. The electron can be said to be in space, in the centre of the rings, which are,
in fact, little spheres, as the electron goes into three dimensions. The spherical waves go on
forever, lessening in amplitude as they travel, but the central part of the electron stays where
it is, a stationary spherical wave. At the centre of the electron, the waves change their phase,
making for some very interesting possibilities so far as information exchange between
particles is concerned.
To be blunt, if you don’t have any action at a distance, then all information exchange
can only be achieved by the atoms rubbing up against each other. No human body-field is
possible and, as no cell in the body is able to know what every other cell is doing, regulation
of the organism is clearly impossible. Somehow huge amounts of data have to be made
Wolff, op. cit., p.188
available very rapidly to every cell in the network for biology to exist. A pure wave model
makes such action at a distance more possible.
To return to the electron, we have all been taught that it is negatively charged. Not so.
There is no evidence that the electron is itself charged.16 Yes, there is charge associated with
it. But electrons have no specific charge at all; in fact, there are at least 15 different levels of
negative charge possible! Wolff recognised this fact and wondered whether it was the space
around the electrons that was charged. I mention this in case you are a biochemist with ideas
about the charge of ions.
Wolff’s model is the only bit of physics I can actually relate to after years of battling
with turgid and incomprehensible texts by academics. The whole point about his three basic
particles is said to be energy exchange, but as someone interested in the body-field and
healing, I am interested mainly in information exchange, the poor relation in physics.
However, to my amazement and delight, the two occur together in Wolff’s theoretical model.
Once two space-resonating systems get together, there has to be something that
indicates that an event has taken place. This event is the mutual recognition of similar
information systems, the core of the science I have been pursuing for many years. When two
systems of space-resonance communicate, there is an energy exchange, and this event is
expressed in the form of an ever-so-small frequency shift that also indicates that the
permittivity of space between them has changed. This is the basis of my whole technique, and
initially was my only one for studying what happened in information systems in a field.
Later, I did tests to show that a small frequency shift did occur.
So naturally when, late in 2005, I read Milo Wolff’s book, I ran to my laboratory to
see what happened when there was a complex ‘match’ between information systems. Would
there be any change in the data I had been measuring for many years past? Until then I had
found that nothing could alter the data, so I was completely delighted to find out that both
data sources changed – one increased a little, the other decreased a little – when a match was
tested. The action of the match was enough to change the data!
More amazing still was that when the experiment was over and the carriers of
information were retested separately, they had actually reverted to their original data! So it
appears that electrons have memory! They remembered what data they had contained before
they were matched. Physics can be fun!
The extraordinary thing was that I had always thought that the space in the vicinity of
the match testing was what actually caused the change in the galvanic skin responses of a
person connected to the machine that did the space resonance matching. Human body-fields
are extremely responsive to what is in space around them. This is no news to anyone except
most biology academics perhaps, but it is also a key factor in health and sickness.
Human body-fields are also very responsive to the radiation around them, and I’m not
referring just to sunlight but to a whole range of radiation. So it is not surprising to find that
Wolff suggests strongly that a very old idea, suggested in 1922 by Tetrode, actually may be
correct.17 Tetrode thought that radiation was an energy-exchange mechanism. The resulting
idea actually is quite well known: oscillators are able to couple via their space resonances.
According to Wolff, the three major particles are dual oscillators, sending out frequencies and
Ibid., p.193
Ibid., p.199
receiving them at the same frequency. The results are coded in the central part of the electron
as a phase difference between the two waves. The various other particles and appearances,
such as light, are put down to effects created by the wave interactions of the three major
Once I found this out I was quite relieved, as there was absolutely no explanation in
conventional physics for the fact that visible light carried the information I am convinced is
required by in the body-field information model I have built up. If the photon is nothing but
an appearance caused by interference patterns of electrons, then one might think that it will
not be part of the major information system. But all living things as a matter of course are
known to emit photons if there are electrons present of the right frequencies to cause the
creation of photons in the realm of above visible light frequencies. These emissions are in the
ultra-violet range.
So, to be as clear as possible, the energy exchange takes place via the matching of
space resonances, while the information exchange occurs in the standing waves of the three
major particles – electrons, protons and neutrons. When there is an energy exchange, there is
also an information exchange. You can’t have one without the other.
The information the body wants is distributed in the standing waves of the electron,
neutron or proton. The actual centre of the electron is a very dense piece of space – the link
between the in-wave and the out-wave.18
The great thought experiment of 1935, called the Einstein, Podolsky, Rosen (EPR)
Experiment,19 showed how certain science disciplines disregard data they disagree with – at
least initially. The experiment eventually ended decades later in results that confirmed the
quantum paradox of non-locality, or action at a distance. What do these results also purport to
show? Simply that while the speed of light is the outer limit for energy exchange, information
exchange (presumably at the centre of the three particles) is apparently instantaneous, even
over large distances. The word ‘apparently’ is important, for information exchange isn’t quite
instantaneous. If information exchange can only properly occur when there is energy
exchange, we have to really modify our thoughts and say that one part of information
exchange is instantaneous – the out-wave part!
Remember, the wave of the Wolff model is a standing wave in space and is therefore
able to act as though it were the medium of information exchange. Most people have no
trouble with the idea of the out-wave, but may doubt the existence of the in-wave.20 The best
I can say is that its existence stands to be proven, but it works beautifully in Wolff’s
theoretical model. To understand the reality of the in-wave we need to go a little further. Milo
Wolff conceives of the electron as a single oscillator which in turn means that the electron is
oscillating as to frequency and phase at its very centre. The out-wave cannot exist without the
corresponding in-wave, to obey the Conservation Law. In a standing spherical wave, the
oscillations are not like a water-jet going into space; they are more like a wave in a river,
which always appears to be in the same place. The photon is a double-oscillating electron
where the centre of the electron divides when it is energised.
F. A. Popp, Consciousness as Evolutionary Process Based on Coherent States, International Institute of
Biophysics, 2003;
Wolff, op. cit., pp.140–43
Ibid., p.210
Here is another factor to consider: all chemical reactions must result in a slight change
of frequency of the atoms taking part in the exchange. If some chemical reactions advance the
phase of the surrounding field, then the Law of Conservation of Energy demands that other
reactions will have a similar effect in retarding the phase. Phase and energy state are related
ultimately. Put them together and chemistry, even biochemistry, is related to both frequency
change and phase change. Any effective medicine would be in charge of making sure that
frequency and phase are correct in the case of all of the body’s chemical activities.
Frequency and phase represent the extent to which chemical reactions can influence
the health of the entire body organism, rather than just one part of a cell, or even a molecule.
So orthomolecular science is right on the verge of looking into what controls the ‘ortho’,
which is, of course, the field surrounding the chemical reaction. ‘Ortho’ simply means
‘correct’. Every orthomolecular doctor is on the verge of taking a revolutionary step – into
quantum field energetics.
A Comedy of Errors in Quantum Physics, 1850–2006
As I mentioned earlier, I had never been able to pick up a physics book and read it with
interest until I came across the work of Milo Wolff. Wolff does a lot of smooth driving along
the rocky road built for us by previous luminaries of quantum mechanics. So, here is a brief
history of how quantum physics developed, missing the point of resolution of inner conflict
again and again. It helps us understand why physics and biology as theoretical and practical
sciences are not only poorly integrated but actually in conflict.
Max Planck
In 1900, Max Planck initiated a physics revolution by making a momentous observation
concerning the behaviour of what is called ‘black body’ radiation. This radiation could not be
explained by the prevailing ideas of how the radiation of electromagnetic waves functioned,
something owed to Maxwell, who 50 years or so before had described electromagnetic-wave
propagation with a series of four equations.
Planck observed that the energy radiated from a black metal box behaved like little
packets rather than like continuous waves, and the word quanta, from Latin, was used to
describe these packets of energy. Planck astonished the scientific community by proving that
a constant (now known as Planck’s constant) was required to correct the errors that were
observed as differing from the predicted behaviour of the Maxwell equations. It is, in fact, not
a very large number, but because its influence grows as frequency grows, it can be of great
importance in practice. The great law found by Planck is:
E (for energy) = h (the constant) multiplied by f (frequency of the wave, or particle)
The great controversy of the last hundred years in physics has been because of Max Planck’s
simple need for the correction of an energy formula. It led to no end of trouble.
Albert Einstein
By 1905 the unknown clerk in the Berne patents office had used Planck’s new arrangement
of energy to explain the photoelectric effect, a very puzzling phenomenon which can best be
explained by saying that metal (and other substances too) can emit electrons when it absorbs
photons. This does not seem to be a problem now, particularly if you don’t think about it
much, since until recently no one could understand how a photon could be ejected by an
electron … or how an electron could absorb a photon. The problem of emission and
reabsorption that occurs in atoms remained a problem, one that was not addressed properly
until the last 25 years. For most of the last 90 years physicists worried about transfer of
energy in-waves and packets.
Since Newton’s time, the wave nature of light had been accepted by science
practitioners, at first most grudgingly. The idea that little packets of energy could occur was
quite a heresy, because the continuous wave nature of light, accepted since the pioneering
work of Newton’s optics, entertained only the wave theory. Yet even in the eighteenth
century, the packet-of-energy idea had been greatly advanced by the construction of little
light windmills, ones that still are made, where in a partial vacuum the blades of the
windmill, bright on one side and dark on the other, are seen to turn every time the apparatus
is placed in strong light. Of course, the light packets are hitting the bright blades and being
absorbed on the black side, so making the windmill go around … or so it was thought in the
eighteenth century and beyond. Something with mass hits the blade, you see. So it moves the
blade, you see. But you don’t see at all! The effect is apparent. We may not need to have
what we might call the ‘itinerant’ particle at all! And that is really what this lecture is about:
how particles don’t move, yet still communicate with each other.
Einstein, in his long and productive life, never warmed to particle physics or to the
current quantum particle theory. He admitted that he did not know why light appeared to
behave like discrete particles. He never named the photon; it was, in fact, named by someone
else ten years after the publication of his 1905 paper. Now you know why: he may not have
believed it was a particle. He said that he did not know what it was.
Unfortunately for us all, few scientists would drop the idea of waves, perhaps because
of Newton, and others balked at the idea of particles on their own, so the duality of wave and
particle began. Neither could be entirely right, yet matter appeared to act like one or the other
depending on the circumstance.
Einstein was there just when the idea of how the atom was arranged was still open to
question. Provisionally, he finally adopted the idea of particle-like packets, because of his
work on the photon and the electron, and hoped later in his life to describe how these could
be united in a new grand theory involving continuous force fields projected through space. As
it turned out, he never found a grand unified field theory. Perhaps more tragically, he never
needed to! In fact he himself realised that his quest was in vain.
From our vantage point in 2006, the 100-year-old wave-versus-particle controversy in
physics may have been nothing more than a wild goose chase that consumed the lives of
many scientists, yet we are still beset by the four energy forces in the universe
(electromagnetic fields, gravitational attraction, the weak force and the strong force). The
most troublesome of these forces is gravity, which exasperates physicists by acting
instantaneously. Furthermore, because no gravity particle has ever been found, gravity has
been accepted by many physicists as somehow inherent in the mass of atoms themselves.
Now it is entertained that it is just the fabric of space.
There are particle-physics specialists everywhere, yet not one of them has ever seen
the particles they study. The 400 or more particles now with us as a result of basic particlephysics research are supposed to be moved around by the four forces I just mentioned. These
particles are supposed to have spin, magnetic moment and other characteristics. A field is
supposed to be created when one or more of these particles moves from one place to another
under the influence of the forces. What creates the forces? Not known. Unfortunately, these
forces have never been fully united and their origins have never been explained, not even
after a century of the best brains on the planet, including Einstein, working on it for their
whole lifetimes. Even as a failed scientist (because he failed to achieve unity in science),
Einstein managed to attract enormous acclaim for what he did discover. Still, to his great
credit, he never accepted the idea proposed by some quantum physicists – and a quite baffling
idea it was – of the apparent randomness of the behaviour of the quanta, or the groups of
particles. He could never accept, perhaps rightly, that there was no underlying law relating to
the behaviour of matter. His most famous quip is still worth invoking here: ‘God does not
play dice with the Cosmos.’
So the legacy of Einstein and others is that matter behaves sometimes like a wave,
with one set of laws, and at other times like a particle, with another set of laws, perhaps even
more puzzling ones. But this view has recently been changed in one respect: it can now be
said, from experiments by a group of Indian scientists in the 1980s, that matter behaves not so
much like one or the other but like both at the same instant of time.
Niels Bohr
The idea of the particle, rather than the wave, being the basis of reality began in the days of
Niels Bohr, who decided that waves were somehow ‘unreal’, while particles, or packets of
energy, were somehow more ‘real’. This gave us two universes to explain instead of just one,
and the idea of a ‘real’ universe and an ‘unreal’ one is still with us. Bohr taught for his whole
life that waves in quantum were not ‘real’ waves. Waves and particles were supposed to be
incomplete descriptions of matter that were somehow complementary, and this problem could
be overcome by using mathematics – or, worse, statistics – to describe the material world.
This is called the Copenhagen Doctrine, since Bohr was Danish. It is just that – a doctrine.
During the twentieth century, direct observation of the sub-atomic nature of matter
was not possible, so observation was replaced by statistical models, and observation of the
quantum behaviour of matter at normal room temperatures and pressures and at low energies
was never considered possible. Heisenberg even came up with an Uncertainty Principle,
which discouraged scientists from attempting to set up direct measurement experiments from
1926 onwards. Low-energy particle physics was doomed from the start. Today there are no
low-energy particle physics departments, only monstrous high-energy accelerators.
Erwin Schrödinger
Like many nineteenth-century scientists before him, Erwin Schrödinger believed in ‘real’
waves and said so very famously: ‘Particles are just Schauenkommen [appearances]. The
world is given to me only once, not one existing and one perceived. Subject and object are
only one.’
In retrospect, Schrödinger showed his greatness in that he not only greatly distrusted
quantum mechanics but also developed the distinction between the electromagnetic wave
model of Maxwell, which was two-dimensional at best and emanated from uni-dimensional
data, and the newer idea of the standing scalar wave, which had three dimensions and
therefore three axes. As we shall see, there was much more to know about scalar waves.
Schrödinger’s ideas were never pursued after 1938. But it seems he may have been right.
Louis de Broglie
Astonishingly, on his first entry into science, Louis de Broglie wrote a degree paper that won
a Nobel Prize in 1929, after which he returned to the honest pursuits of an aristocrat. His
paper was about matter waves and their frequencies. Electrons, he theorised, were not so
much particles as waves of only certain allowable frequencies. So it has been accepted since
1929 that electrons do have specific wave – and that means frequency – properties, but due to
the politics of science, we do not have departments of wave physics dotting our countryside
but departments of particle physics.
In his Nobel Prize speech, Louis de Broglie said:
‘Determination of the stable motion of electrons in the atom introduces integers, and
up to this point the only phenomena involving integers in physics were those of
normal modes of vibration. This fact suggests to me the idea that electrons too could
not be considered simply as particles, but that frequency must be assigned to them
De Broglie’s ideas turned out to be of greater significance than at first appeared, when late in
the twentieth century his work was revisited with interesting implications, which I shall
discuss below. It turned out that de Broglie waves could be seen as the result of a Doppler
shift effect created by two other waves!
De Broglie also did not like the recourse to statistics in understanding matter, as
envisioned by Bohr. He suspected, as did Einstein, that statistics covered a multitude of
things that might actually obscure efforts to understand the structure of matter, commenting
that statistics, in the assessment of the structure of matter, ‘hide a completely determined and
ascertainable reality behind variables which elude our experimental techniques’.
So it is of great importance to note that de Broglie, Schrödinger and Einstein were all
very unhappy about the development of quantum theory even from its earliest days. None of
them liked the idea of a paradoxical universe where there was apparent randomness in the
behaviour of what was then considered to be particles. Even in 1954, when he was close to
his end, Einstein was still quietly backing wave theory. On a website devoted to Milo Wolff’s
work there is something that Einstein might agree with:
‘Experiments on interference made with particle rays have given brilliant proof
that the wave character of the phenomena of motion as assumed by the theory
does really correspond with the facts.’22
On the other side of the story, the scientists Max Born and Werner Heisenberg
pursued the idea of a probability wave, one constructed from a statistical idea of uniting wave
with particle. Heisenberg had famously issued the directive that we could never ‘know’ or
‘measure’ the position and velocity of a particle at the same time with equal accuracy. Could
this be because the particle did not, in fact, have a velocity in the way they imagined it? No
one ever said that, so far as we know.
Surprisingly, the dictum of Heisenberg met with little resistance and ended up in
every textbook, even though it denied the one true hallmark of science: insistence on the
direct observation of data to form the basis of scientific thought. It is curious to develop a
theory saying that something can never be known. It gives us insight into the quiet
desperation of the quantum physicist, but little else.
So why did the particle appear to win over the wave, even though de Broglie had been
honoured for his stunning work on waves? We have to put it down to the gratuitous discovery
by Born, in 1928, that the square of an element of the quantum wave equations of de Broglie
produced mathematics that could apparently predict the place where a ‘particle’ might be
The wave-theory people suffered another setback in 1936, when Einstein backed
Born’s statistical interpretation of the structure of matter. By then Einstein had developed the
idea that the four force fields could be extended forever in space and could, therefore,
accommodate the idea of waves and particles in a statistical matrix. Yes, he was contradicting
what he had said earlier in his life, but he was the first to consider the idea of a matrix of
force fields in space and was even led to wonder what space actually was.
Paul Dirac
If you are looking for a sensible physicist, you need look no further than Paul Dirac. He
acknowledged in 1974 that Born’s statistical idea from 1928 was universally accepted, but
also said:
‘I must say that I do not like indeterminism. I have to accept it because it is certainly
the best that we can do with our present knowledge. One can always hope that there
will be, in the future, developments that will lead to a drastically different theory from
the present quantum mechanics, and for which there may be a partial return to
determinism.’ [29 FOOTNOTE]
Dirac thought that the electron was a wave structure without particle characteristics. And, in
fact, his desire, expressed 30 years ago now, was realised in the last decade in several ways
by several people. Now we have time to examine the proposed solutions to the impasse that
quantum physics trapped itself in from 1900 onwards, with more and more rails being
constructed around the corral and with little effect when it came to satisfying those who
desire a sensible orderly universe.
Richard Feynman
With Einstein long dead, the search for a unified force-field theory languished somewhat and
particle physics became blighted by endless confusion. As Richard Feynman, no stranger to
exasperation, said, ‘I think it safe to say that no one understands quantum mechanics’ and
‘Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts.’24
Feynman made a dent in the randomness of the matter theories of quantum mechanics
by developing to a higher state of perfection the ability of scientists to predict correctly the
position and apparent velocity of quanta. He developed a system called path integral
calculation to predict the expected location of a quantum of energy. Yet the mathematics
proved very troublesome and Feynman himself acknowledged in 1985 that it was a cause of
some distress. The solutions to his calculations frequently included infinities, which had to be
cancelled in a process called ‘renormalisation’ – perhaps a sign that something was wrong
with the theory in the first place!
Even greater than his path integral approach, however, was an idea of Feynman’s that
finally enabled quantum physics to move out of dry gulch that physicists had entered in 1900
or thereabouts. This dry gulch was the idea of a real world accompanied by what Plato had
called ‘shadows of reality’ in the Republic. This idea of a real world with an accompanying
so-called virtual world was not intellectually pleasing in ancient Greece, and is not now. I call
it the dry gulch because it was not a fertile idea and led nowhere. After all, physics is
supposed to be the study of the physical world, while metaphysics is concerned with the socalled virtual world, the ‘shadows of reality’. But if something is real, it can be measured,
even if not always directly. And we don’t want two universes. We don’t want different
degrees of reality.
Yet what if we could accommodate a matter structure that allowed for all of the good
science of the last century, as well as suggested some interesting possibilities for the next?
That is what this article is about, and Feynman helps us get there.
Feynman’s new idea came from studying H. A. Lorentz’s theory of the electron.
Lorentz had proposed an electron structure theory in the very early part of the twentieth
century and been awarded the Nobel Prize for it in 1902. In around 1945, Feynman, along
with John Wheeler, updated Lorentz’s idea by replacing force fields with the idea of a
spherical electromagnetic wave, a wave that Maxwell had decreed was two-dimensional.
Because of its electrical origins, the new area of physics that resulted from these ideas was
quantum electrodynamics, and it assumed that there were particles that were being moved
around by something. The something was a field, and Feynman was so successful with his
new concept that he received the Nobel Prize in 1965.
Feynman thought there had to be an in-wave and an out-wave in the particle – or
wave, as we might have called it. The spherical wave was certainly new and quite different
from the familiar sinusoidal wave of popular electronics. In fact, there are no solutions to
Maxwell’s equations that can be placed in a spherical wave pattern. The spherical wave was
also a stationary or standing wave; that is, its velocity relative to the observer was zero.
The ideas had moved from two-dimensional waves to three-dimensional ones, but
Feynman had overlooked one important thing: Schrödinger’s idea of using a 3D scalar wave
instead of a 2D Maxwellian wave. Feynman would not abandon the particle as a concept,
although he did see the problem as perhaps merely a linguistic one. But something had
happened at last. Better results in practice were obtained from Feynman’s concepts and his
Richard Feynman, The Pleasure of Finding Things Out, Basic Books, New York [DATE?], pp.186–7
stature grew. However, he was still a long way from the idea that was to emerge in the 1980s,
an idea which curiously mirrored the view of physicist William Clifford, who in 1876, just
after Maxwell delivered his famous four equations, declared that matter was undulations in
the fabric of space.
We have to ask, since all the clues were there, why did it take so long for physics to
move on in its understanding? Isn’t it obvious that matter is three-dimensional at least?
If we look at the problem from the point of view of the physicists themselves, you can
understand their dilemma. Maxwell described momentum versus time in his equations. This
is possibly uni-dimensional if time is not seen as a dimension. This understanding apparently
got confused in the end with Hamilton’s half-wave mathematics from the century before
Maxwell, where frequency versus amplitude was described—in other words, two dimensions.
If three dimensions were to be used to describe matter, it would involve an enormous amount
of rearrangement of the deck chairs on the Titanic. By this, I mean that physics is concerned
here with spin, charge, magnetic fields, velocity, mass and amplitude, and all have to be
accounted for in a model of the atom and its particles or waves. So although Feynman’s move
to three dimensions was obviously needed, it took some rethinking to do it!
Feynman had to tread carefully so as not to upset the chaps in the profession. There
are holy grails in science, or holy cows depending upon how you view things, and one of
these is called cause and effect. This is usually conceived of as a time-related phenomenon,
so that cause always precedes effect. When it doesn’t, some people get restless. This means,
of course, that any model of matter has to account for one thing happening after another in a
time sequence. Feynman’s idea was great, but it had a serious flaw, for it couldn’t account for
the arrow of time.
Dropping particles entirely was not to Feynman’s taste, and it was not until
experiments on quantum superposition were carried out and it was clearly shown that a
particle could ‘appear’ in two different places at the same instant of time, that the game was
up for the particle theory. That forced us back to Schrödinger’s great statement that particles
were Schaumkommen – appearances. They appear and then disappear; that is known, of
course, to be true. But it is very hard to build a universe out of things that come and go
without apparent reason. So is it logical to ask if particles might simply be manifestations of
energy exchange occurring somewhere else?
In science, nothing changes unless there is a compelling reason for it to do so, for
reasons of logic and harmony and mathematical necessity. But it does change on the basis of
observed events in nature, and there was about to be a profound change in the most basic part
of a basic science.
Milo Wolff
In 1986 Milo Wolff discovered an important correspondence in a key area of quantum theory
not previously noticed: a mathematical coherence between the characteristics of a spherical
scalar wave and the existing mathematics done by de Broglie on the matter wave of the
electron. Remember, de Broglie had found specific frequencies for the electrons of each
No progress is made in science unless the newer idea explains things that the older
idea cannot, so how did the idea of using a standing scalar wave with de Broglie’s
mathematics of the electron fare in this respect? Very well! Wolff had noticed that the sum of
the out-wave and in-wave in Feynman’s QED physics model equalled the frequency of the
electron noted in 1929 by de Broglie. This made QED more solid than before. Could it
explain the transfer of energy, the basic reason for there being quantum physics in the first
place? Yes! The energy transfer appeared to happen by way of resonant coupling in space
between two oscillating systems. At present it appears that the Wolff model is able to satisfy,
in terms of mathematics, the following physics laws or principles: conservation of energy,
quantum theory, Dirac’s equation, QED and Feynman diagrams, special relativity, electric
charge and Maxwell’s equations and Newton’s Second Law of Thermodynamics.
Here is what is really new about the Wolff model: there are two points from which
spherical waves are produced. In the case of the electron, these two points are in the same
place. So that makes four waves possible in cases where the points move apart because of the
simple phenomenon of heterodyning. Heterodyning is a system of alternating currents of two
different frequencies that are combined to produce two new frequencies, which are the sum
and difference of the original frequencies. To put it more simply, it means that two oscillating
waves, when mixed, will produce four waves. This does not happen at rest, because the inwave and out-wave are at the same frequency. This frequency stability or rest period changes
when information is exchanged. Frequency change in an oscillating system means
heterodyning will occur. All through my experiments over 25 years, I have found sets of four
waves appearing in my data. This is why I found them, I have no doubt.
If every particle depends on every other particle for its existence, then we must have a
system, such as envisaged in 1883 by Ernst Mach, which allows for intercommunication
among all particles in the universe. Wolff liked this idea because of his background in
astrophysics. He could see the big picture. So he attempted to solve the time problem by
giving all particles an oscillatory system that could keep time.
Again it has to be remembered that gravity, inertial force and magnetic fields affect
other things instantaneously and do not, as it were, travel around at the speed of light. This
gives some inkling that they are inherent somehow in matter. So Wolff had to find
somewhere in his model where they could be expressed. Let’s look a bit further…
A Walk through Wolff’s Space Resonance Theory
The new Wolff model has two spherical waves, one moving outward infinitely and the other
moving inward towards a central point. This central point is where one imagines the electron
to be. These two waves set up an oscillation at a certain frequency, and this in turn makes a
space resonance that is able to interact with other space resonances. Quantum theory gives us
the following simple formula:
F (frequency) = m (mass) multiplied by c (speed of light)
h (Planck’s constant)
The two waves form a standing spherical scalar wave. Spin occurs when the reversal of the
in-wave occurs at the central point, where it becomes the out-wave. There is a 180° phase
shift possible in either direction. The spherical standing wave provides us with two types of
electrons, because there are two ways of superimposing in-waves and out-waves. This gives
us an electron and a positron, representing two types of charge, and they can annihilate each
other. Energy exchange takes place due to these space resonances. If one oscillator increases
in frequency, the other one decreases, according to the Law of Conservation of Energy. This
is the manner in which energy exchange takes place.
Space, which is called a ‘vacuum’ in physics jargon, is not something with nothing in
it. It has density because of the matter waves produced by all the matter in the universe.
According to the Wolff model, an electron is a change in the space density at the centre of a
spherical wave.
By now it will be clear that a frequency shift also means an energy change to a higher
or lower value. This shift occurs when there is an interaction between particles, and this
effect can take place over a distance because the exploratory out-wave has infinite extension.
A characteristic of the Wolff system is that the 50,000 waves which might be found in
the atoms of a molecule in a biological system are able to bind together and form a simple
unity, making a simple waveform characteristic of that compound. Nature simplifies itself to
become efficient!
The question arises for companies like NES whether or not this electron model is
useful for gaining a new understanding of medical pathology. The answer is ‘yes’ if the
change in frequency is matched, as it must be, by a much greater phase difference at the
central high-amplitude point of the electron’s existence. The frequency changes themselves
are not great. Some of these phase shifts, as well as the places within the Integrators where
certain cells belong, have been catalogued by NES, a task which took many years. We have
found that all normal tissues and cells of the body can be assigned a value, in degrees,
between 0 and 15. For the non-technical reader, we have to say that phase is about the
coordination between waves – how and where they fit into space. Waves are ‘in phase’ when
they fit together, and they fit together right at the most space-dense part of the electron,
neutron or proton.
So it is worth reporting here that NES research so far shows that as frequency and
phase change to higher values, therefore increasing the energy of a biological system, the
severity of some diseases increases. For example, greater and greater phase errors may
explain the difference between primary and secondary cancers. As the phase reaches a higher
level of error, the phase matches to tissues that can be represented by that phase error.
Because bone marrow and liver cells, for example, are very high in the phase error stakes,
secondary growths will likely appear in those places. The cancer does not have to be
transported there by any medium other than the unseen matter wave.
We can also attribute errors in the diagnosis of cancer to the phase shift effect. For
example, it has been found that cancer is always of a mass and temperature different from the
surrounding tissues, indicating that a phase error may lay behind this and many other
pathologies that are hitherto unexplained. In this respect, the in-wave is of great interest in the
development of a theory of quantum medical pathology, since it relates to the completion of
an interaction with another wave, which will be the equivalent of a chemical reaction.
Phase is also very likely to be disturbed due to variations in the gravitational and
magnetic forces affecting the electron. In therapeutic practice, complementary medical
practitioners have called this effect ‘geopathic stress’. It has been found by preliminary NES
research to be a key factor in bioenergetic pathology.
How can the Wolff model change medicine? We are left with two worlds and both of
them are real. The first world we already know a lot about: the laws of physics, the five
senses, laboratory instruments and time-related events. The second world is that of the scalar
wave interactions that are taking place all over the universe as a spontaneous activity of
matter. Energy is exchanged only when the out-wave reacts, so far as frequency is concerned,
and the in-wave is affected as well. This unseen but real world affects what happens in the
directly observed world. In the scalar-wave world, matter has ‘knowledge’ of the state of
other pieces of matter. Without that, no chemical reaction could take place – ever! The waves
also set the universal clock so that cause and effect can be determined.
The Wolff model means that it is at last possible to conceive of a biological control
system based on field interactions of the scalar wave. In therapy we need not try to alter
frequencies, because they are determined by the matter itself and where it is located on the
periodic table. However, it should be possible to correct phase errors between the in-wave
and the out-wave, since it may be that the density of space is altered by a phase shift which
can lead to pathology. Every cell in the body, and in all biology, has a characteristic phase
value, and these are used as identifiers in NES technology. Pathology results from the phase
error being greater than or less than normal. This shift may be only a matter of several
minutes of a degree. NES has, since 2000, developed a 12-set group of space-frequency
correctors called Energetic Integrator Infoceuticals, each based on a range of 15° of
correction, which is, of course, cumulative; there being 12 of them, we get to 180°, after
which the system ends for that type of particle – the electron. After that we get the photon.
I have found experimentally that the human body particularly dislikes, or tolerates
badly, a phase error of 90°, and this error is responsible for many disease states hitherto not
amenable to any form of therapy. Why does the body not like 90° or, for that matter, 180°?
These angles represent intersections of planar waves such that the body-field wave can be cut
off, therefore impeding information flow. NES can begin to address these types of phase
errors through the use of therapeutic mixtures we call Energetic Terrain Infoceuticals and
Energetic Star Infoceuticals, as well as by way of the Integrator Infoceuticals.
NES and Quantum Scalar Waves
If there is, in fact, as Wolff claims, a pair of standing scalar waves equal in frequency to the
de Broglie wavelengths for the electrons of various elements, then surely there is a way in
which these waves can be read. They will represent not only the electron but the entire
particle zoo that grazes near the atom, a totality of the potentials of that element or
The difference between a standing electromagnetic wave and a standing scalar wave
is the addition of one dimension. Both are apparently stationary. The electromagnetic
standing wave forms over an antenna tuned to just below the frequency of the wave to be
measured, or ‘received’, as the jargon has it. The difference in length between antenna and
wavelength is to accommodate changes in frequency that must occur, according to the Wolff
In the case of the scalar standing wave, it should be possible to build a resonating
chamber that consists of a long tube tuned to the correct wavelength for that element or
compound. A resonating cavity thus created will absorb the space resonance of the out-wave.
NES has, in fact, conducted this research over many years and has found that, indeed,
structured magnetic spikes appear in the sealed tube representing the scalar wave
measurement device. They are positive- and negative-going spikes arranged into wave-like
The scalar wave system works, of course, by frequency modulation, and this can be
detected, with specialised equipment, in the 1,000-plus megahertz range. My experiment was
conducted between 1997 and 1998 based on the theory that although we might not be able to
detect the waves directly (because heterodyning occurs), it might be possible to pick up
spurious frequencies or even interference patterns. We did pick up such patterns, in the spikes
I just mentioned.
NES has investigated the variations in the conductivity of space that occur in the
presence of space resonance effects as mentioned by Wolff. These alterations in space
conductivity have been used as a way of space resonance matching phase effects found when
interactions occur between various cells, tissues, organ structures, chemical compounds and
elements. This has been a slow trial-and-error process that has taken many decades. I was not
always sure what I was measuring, but it appears that, enlightened now by the Wolff electron
model, I proceeded for years with a complex system of phase space resonance matching.
When a match happens, it causes a sudden change in the conductivity of space in the vicinity
of the experiment. That is how measurement takes place.
So, What is Light?
Particles do have some sort of existence, as all appearances do, but they are not the prime
movers, they are appearances created as interference patterns by the in-wave and out-wave of
the electron. But what of the photon? For more than 100 years scientists have puzzled over
what light actually is. Now it appears that it is an interference pattern coming from the
electron and that looks like a quantum of energy. No wonder energy appears to be transferred
from electron to photon!
In the late 1980s, an experiment designed by three Indian scientists, Home, Ghose and
Agarwal, was carried out by Hamamatsu Photonics in Japan. It was conducted to see
whether, when placed in certain sets of prisms separated by a minute gap, photons would be
reflected, as only waves can, or if they could tunnel, as only particles can. The experiment
was very clever in its concept and brought forth the conclusion that matter behaves like
waves and particles at the same time. This result suggests that the duality of matter is an
illusion and the Wolff type of arrangement of matter can explain a great deal about the waveparticle controversy.25
What is of most interest in biology, when we are considering the Wolff idea of the
electron, is the concept of variations in space density. The density of space is fairly constant
in all places, except for the point where the two waves of the electron converge. A non-linear
condition is set up at the central point of the electron, as it is the centre of a region of
changing space resonance.26 There is some cross modulation in this region, which can be
called, for the layperson, ‘information interference’, and this interference itself might lie at
the heart of a system of energetic pathology in medicine. If this non-linearity can be
corrected, then a sort of information congestion at the central point region of the electron can
be corrected. We can possibly do this by correcting the density of space, something that the
NES Integrator Infoceuticals may be able to do, for they include constants related to a major
part of the electromagnetic frequency range. Simply put, the NES range of Integrator
Infoceuticals is designed to correct information transfer in the human body-field.
One additional point is that all sub-atomic particles are categorised according to their
spin (which has always been measured on the basis of high-energy accelerators). As a result
of spin measurements, we have two classes of particles: fermions and bosons. It is clear that
we cannot include both spin and phase in the mathematics for the Wolff model of the
electron. However, there seems little reason why what appears to be spin cannot also be
explained as phase error related to frequency.
A Revolution in Medicine
One thing that is possible with the Wolff theory and is quite unsatisfactory with older models
is to have a full-wave almost lossless system of energy that self-unites and, in doing so, selfsimplifies. One would expect to find photons in the cells of every living thing and not to be
worried about whether or not they were able to do things such as penetrate this or that layer
of tissue, since it is the electrons that are pulsating centres of dynamic action that radiate
spherical waves for at least one metre. These waves look like layers of an onion, ones that
create interference patterns in space that look like particles.27 Wolff, as an astrophysicist,
thinks in larger terms than the biologist!
Naturally we want to know the limitations of the energy system. Gone are the
electrons buzzing about. We now have stationary standing waves sending out exploratory
spherical wave messages, and the question remains as to how far these messages go. Wolff
says the size of his double spheres is infinity. But amplitude decreases with distance.
The generation of a human body-field no longer requires complex wiring if the bodyfield can be generated by matter itself and amplified by nothing more than a cavity that
behaves like an area of space tuned to a certain frequency range. The quality of the space will
John Gribbin, Q Is for Quantum, Touchstone, New York, 2000, pp.525–6. Also see ‘Deepening the Quantum
Milo Wolff. Exploring the Physics of the Unknown Universe: An adventurer’s guide. Technotran, Manhattan
Beach, CA, 1990; 1994 edition, p.189
27 See
Gabriel LaFrenière’s ‘The Electron Phase Shift’,
be affected by its regularity. The closer each organ conforms to a geometric pattern, the
stronger the effect.
The ability of the waveforms to unite and recombine in space means that there is such
a thing as a wave that represents the entire function of the organism – the full body wave.
This is the entity we are trying to correct when we treat someone therapeutically. Affect one
part of the body-field and you affect the whole, and so the theory itself indicates the
likelihood of some interesting rearrangements of body functions before the correction is
How Can a Computer Know Things?
Most biotechnologies use computers as assessment devices. NES does so as well. This begs
the question how computers can interface with energy. Computers don’t know anything, of
course, but if you think in a new way, you will understand how they can appear to do so.
Think about the photon – the interference pattern created by high-frequency electrons
– and how, when these patterns are propagated in space, objects become visible to our eyes as
the patterns are reflected. The photons are part of a high-energy out-wave, exploring the
universe. Then the eye picks up an in-wave and interprets that to mean that there is an object
there in space. In the case of hearing, because of the in-wave and the out-wave, the sound,
when it is heard, actually seems to be outside the body, instead of where we must expect it –
inside the ear!
The NES device uses the same kind of process in relation to the human body-field. An
out-wave is produced by a generator in the software and then the corresponding in-wave that
returns instantly to the computer is matched to already existing data in the software. Many
out-waves and in-waves are needed, of course, to read the full body-field, so the software
does a number of scans (or tests) of aspects of the body-field in a single assessment. The
body-field itself is disturbed by the scanning process, so an assessment cannot be reliably
repeated until this disturbance settles. This phenomenon is very clear.
The whole activity of out-wave and in-wave of the electron involves the most minute
of phase and frequency changes, which will affect how the space resonance matching occurs
in the computer. The NES device is designed so that the body wave being tested is close
physically to the computer itself. While the infinite stretch of the out-wave suggested by
Wolff is correct theoretically, in practical applications, the shorter the distance, the less the
likelihood of interference.
Things Are Real or They Ain’t There
In Wolff’s theory there are no different orders of reality, just change of phase. There is no
‘real’ and there is no so-called ‘virtual’, so there is no need for them to communicate with
each other in some way. This is because de Broglie matter waves turn into the in-waves and
out-waves of Wolff and the ultra high-frequency electromagnetic waves propagated through
space. These are of such a frequency as to be undetectable by any method yet known. The
entire system is real and does not rely on holographic tricks for its construction. The universe
is real, not illusory, and there is no need to invent any new type of life energy, or qi, or even a
zero-point field energy. Surely zero-point field energy is just another name for the matrix of
energy produced by matter waves. In fact it may well be the activity of the proton that sets up
this zero-point energy field.
A magnificent quantum field stretching through the universe is made by protons in the
matter within it, and there is no place in the universe that does not have matter waves in it,
which means that everything in the universe is interconnected. We do not need to resort to
ten-dimensional universes and the mathematics of string theory to describe the universe at all.
The most puzzling thing about the universe is that its communication is, potentially at
least, instantaneous, allowing for all manner of odd events related to information transfer at a
distance. The Wolff theory gives us a clue about time, as it appears that time can affect the inwave and out-wave, and that they can reverse. More about that later. The main point here is
that there are no weak and ephemeral subtle energies in the universe that just didn’t quite
make it into reality. There is one reality, and it is unified, not separated into categories.
This brings us to the next point: how the information network in the universe works.
Its centre is the dense space in the electron. The surrounding field of in-waves and out-waves
is filled up by many 3D interference patterns set up by the proximity of different electrons,
and if you get many of the same atoms, you get an interference pattern in space. It naturally
follows that certain atoms are much better carriers of information than others, and we can see
this mirrored in biochemistry and biology generally. Biology favours 15 or so of the elements
in the first part of the periodic table and has almost nothing to do functionally with the
heavier elements. Oh, except zinc.
So, hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, molybdenum, boron, calcium, nitrogen and so on,
elements that appear fairly early in the periodic table, have a lot to do with biological activity
in the soil and in agriculture, as well as in the human body. In all, as already mentioned, 15 or
so out of the 100 elements that are of greatest importance in biological systems.
Carbon, of course, is one of the most important and has four electrons. Will it have
four times the information-carrying capability of hydrogen, with its one electron? Is C-O-H,
so readily found everywhere in the key molecules of biology, really there because of its huge
information-carrying capability? Certainly it appears, from my few experiments in the area,
that filtered water does not carry a huge amount of information compared to an ionised
solution of minerals, including some of the heavier ones. Of course the homoeopaths settled
on milk sugars and alcohols as the best method of carrying information about the
characteristics in the quantum field of certain herbs and minerals. They had plenty of time to
work out what worked best, as homoeopathy is 100 years older than allopathic medicine.
Yet it does not end there. In your head there is, of course, the picture of the spherical
electron structure, with a neutron or a proton linked with it by an energetic bond in space,
holding it in a certain configuration. It is fairly complex by the time you get to imagining
what carbon must look like.
If you move a little further along, you will realise that it is possible for calcium to be a
semiconductor in space, allowing information transfer only in a certain direction. Electrical
semiconductors do this same task in two directions, but in the quantum field calcium is able
to control the flow of information in no fewer than the six directions – north, south, east,
west, up and down. This is why calcium is so important: it can block the field in certain
directions, so is a key to the control mechanisms of the body-field. When it is dysfunctional,
which it is in diseases like cancer and arthritis, and probably in all diseases to some extent,
there are tens of thousands of chemical reactions that also become faulty.
When calcium is linked with one of the other minerals that the body likes, it forms a
compound that, unlike pure calcium, which does not occur in nature, makes a very, very long
wavelength, several kilometres in the quantum field. I found this out from an Australian
radionics farmer, John Pannan, who was using different compounds of calcium commercially
to correct the way in which the soil functioned. I did some testing and discovered that
calcium compounds made a field at a frequency below that of Energetic Integrator 1, that is,
below 10 Hertz in frequency.
Another thing to remember is that Wolff’s theory means that it is not only electrons
that make a field in space with their in-waves and out-waves, but also the components of the
nuclei of atoms. Because of this, Wolff can explain the weak force and the strong force,
which are so important to atomic theory.28
I shall tell you a little about the discovery, in the early 1990s, of calcium’s activity as
a semiconductor and how the experiment was carried out, since it is very interesting. A field,
according to quantum mechanics, is always there, but it is easier to test when it is energised
by a small amount of electromagnetic energy. This is why even a minute electrical charge is
so important in biology: the quantum field has to be activated to the right level of dynamism.
So, in the experiment, two metallic blocks were set up with a low-level voltage between
them. A display device was needed, since we needed to know when the conductivity of space
changed, when the information transfer took place and the apparent frequency at which
change occurred in large groups of identical molecules. This display device was none other
than one of the many electrodermal testing devices that have been used for half a century.
The machine had an indicator gauge that showed any change in skin conductivity at an
acupuncture point of the person being tested. We retooled the apparatus to test for changes of
conductivity between ampoules imprinted with information. We set up an electrostatic field,
placed identical ampoules on the two metal blocks and then tested for a ‘match’, which would
be indicated by a certain change in conductivity, as shown by movement of the indicator from
its baseline (40 milliamps).
An ampoule of calcium was placed in the field between the two blocks of metal. This
was pure calcium, not the carbonate laced with iodine or cobalt. To be precise, it was actually
a glass ampoule containing 50% water and 50% ethanol, imprinted with the information
message that calcium puts out into the quantum field. (We knew how to do this because of an
English researcher who recorded over his long lifetime some of the energetic data related to
all the elements, but we could have used pure calcium too.)
Over a series of tests, the ampoule was placed in each of the six directions in the field
and we noted if the conductivity dropped, indicating that the quantum field had been
interrupted. The conductivity meter dropped to 15 milliamps when the field was interrupted
by calcium. (It is important to note that quantum field switching is either ‘on’ or ‘off’. There
is no ‘maybe’.) Every time the field was interrupted, we had to set it up again by removing
Wolff, op. cit., pp.196–7
the calcium ampoule and establishing that the conductivity reading had returned to 40
Of course the experiment was repeated using an ampoule without the calcium
information imprinted in it. It was also repeated on different days over a period of time. The
results were always the same – only the calcium ampoule interrupted the field. So, even
though there is an element of subjectivity in this kind of testing, the balance of probability is
that there is something in the results that is important theoretically and is worthy of further
A Word about Action at a Distance
Even though recent experiments appear to have validated the reality of action at a distance
(non-locality), this phenomenon has remained a hotly debated theoretical question in physics
because until now there has been no known mechanism to explain it.
If the amplitudes of the in-waves and out-waves reduce over distance, then nonlocality is not really valid as a concept; however, if the amplitudes are not reduced over
distance, then non-locality might be correct.
The jury is still out on the Wolff interpretation. Regardless of who ‘wins’ the debate,
it is important to note that the NES assessment device is designed to be used with the client
present. As I mentioned earlier, the closer the client’s field is to the field set up by the
computer, the less interference there is, which means the assessment can be more accurate.
Because of this, in practice NES does not endorse testing at a distance.
Nature is a Pattern-Making System
Wolff does not mention, so far as I know, that the conductivity of the immediately
surrounding space changes when there is a match between two test items, but this
phenomenon, whatever its explanation, has been the basis of natural medicine treatments for
decades in Europe and North America. For 60 years it has been accepted as if it were an
electrical effect. The fact is it is not an electrical effect, and this can be verified by anyone
who has one of the electrodermal machines, since they will not work in the dark. Apparently
the photon has a role in facilitating the effect by transferring energy to the electron, thereby
activating the quantum field. They will also not work when there is no reflective surface
above the machine, like a ceiling (which will reflect the quantum field back to the tester, so
forming standing waves), or on the approach of a storm, because the ionisation of the air
upsets the quantum field to the point that it cuts it off entirely for some hours.
There are also effects related to what happens when we get a huge number of atoms
together in, say, a biological molecule that might have a large atomic weight. We get even
larger numbers, to the order of billions and trillions, of atoms when these molecules group to
form cells and tissues. However, nature cannot go on indefinitely getting more and more
complex and having to deal with ever greater complexities of information. It solves the
complexity problem through a process of self-simplification, where higher levels of order
emerge from lower levels of complexity. The order becomes evident when we get to the huge
numbers of atoms in cells and organs, as we then have the emergence of information fields.
Information fields may be a new concept for many scientists. An information field
emerges when information feeds back onto itself, in feedback loops, and so makes what may
be called ‘patterns’ in space. Nature recognises patterns of information, rather than individual
information items. This is how nature simplifies messages: by forming units from these
patterns. This is how your brain works too. Try it.
The Quantum Hologram Theory
If you can accept that organisation in space goes beyond the atomic and molecular levels –
something that appears to happen – then you end up in a strange place. If you accept that
energy transfer in the universe is accompanied by information transfer, you end up in a
strange place again, where there really is action at a distance and it is a complex
After experiencing a minor satori in space, the former astronaut Dr Edgar Mitchell
founded the Institute of Noetic Sciences and joined scientists from around the world in a
quest for more knowledge about information transfer at a distance. Being a hugely talented
scientist, he luckily bypassed the more outlandish ideas in this area of enquiry and sought to
look carefully at what experimentation has been done related to non-local consciousness. He
has been, however, rather partial to the idea of memory stored in water, something
investigated by the late Dr Jacques Benveniste of France amidst a furore that was reminiscent
of the best of medieval witch-hunts!29 The ‘basic’ science of Feynman, Wheeler, Cramer and
Wolff is mostly left out of such discussions, as no one knows how these ideas apply to real
life in the biology laboratory. But if you get to traditional immunology and the deficiencies of
that theory, well, then there are fireworks! So, while Dr Mitchell is very keen on Benveniste,
Alexander Gurwitsch’s theory of morphogenetic fields, evolutionary cosmology and massive
information streams that must be available to us all, this information is for more conscious
people and certainly not for those in rigid systems of thought.
Dr Mitchell is very clear about the landscape for information transfer and his theory
has major similarities in certain respects with the physics theory of Milo Wolff that I have
already discussed. You can find out more about Mitchell’s ideas by reading his papers and
those by his collaborators, Dr Peter Marcer and Dr Walter Schempp.30 Walter Schempp, of
Germany, has found that there are coherent emissions from matter that carry information.
Information needs coherence and structure to be able to be transferred without polluting the
information stream.31 This man is of huge interest since he works with fMRI (functional
magnetic resonance imaging), a technology that was developed by doubters of the chemical
medical model.
Here is a brief summary of Mitchell’s model of information transfer:
For a secondary source overview of Benveniste’s work, see Lynne McTaggart’s The Field: The quest for the
secret force of the universe, HarperCollins, New York, 2003, pp.64–9.
Peter J. Marcer and Walter Schempp. ‘Quantum Holography: The Paradigm of Quantum Entanglement.’
American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings 1999, 718.
Information transfer occurs through the process of phase-conjugateadaptive-resonance (PCAR).
PCAR leads to the idea that there is a ‘sensor’ for information, which
is adaptive.
Resonance occurs between standing waves.
Information is carried in the phase relationships of the waves.
Mitchell points out that physicists have already developed the technology to make this type of
information transfer more evident. His idea to test his theory involves shooting laser light into
the air above a high-powered optical telescope. The phase of the light is corrected so that the
information from distant stars is not interfered with by the energy in the air.
Below is a summary of the properties of Mitchell’s Quantum Hologram theory:
The hologram carries information about both the present and the past.
The hologram is non-local, so information can be transferred at a
Information transfer is apparently instantaneous (as is suggested by the
Wolff model).
The entire hologram can be reconstructed from a piece of the
The whole is recovered via space resonance.32
Of interest to this model, especially the first bullet point above, is the aspect of Wolff’s
theory that argues that there is indeed an arrow of time, so time symmetry is lost.33
If you would like more information about this holographic theory and you like to
Google, you can search out Elizabeth Rauscher-Bise, PhD, who is an expert on this theory.
The Quantum Hologram and Perception
In physics, we have become used to theories that are unusual. But much of Western
perceptual theory collapses neatly in a heap when you apply the ideas of Wolff and Mitchell
to what is taught about perception. There is hearing, sight, taste, touch and smell, and they all
have a common function: they are somehow supposed to process incoming signals via the
brain. There is a whole set of nerves for receiving that information and then another set of
Edgar Mitchell, ‘Nature’s Mind: The Quantum, Hologram’ at the National Institute for Discovery Science,
online at
Wolff, op. cit., pp.187–8
nerves for motor signals which, of course, are outgoing signals. These are the afferent and
efferent nerves.
But wait a minute! According to Wolff’s quantum mechanics theory, there is an outwave and an in-wave that bring a message to the brain about a local or distant holographic
arrangement. The question is, does the brain create a resonator that has a phase gate to send
as well as to receive signals about what lies outside the body? Mitchell says it does. This
idea, if true, essentially turns modern psychology, not to mention physiology and neurology,
on its head. It means that the ears must be sending out a signal in order to hear, the eyes must
radiate a signal in order to see, and so on. (Cramer’s Transactional Interpretation of quantum
mechanics suggests essentially the same thing.)
In the Mitchell quantum hologram model, we can at least start to understand why the
body perceives the information about the world as outside itself, rather than inside the head.
So perhaps biologists should be looking up from their anatomy books and going out to look
for small resonance spaces – cavities – within the eyes and ears! What about odd bits of
perceptual organs that have great names but whose functions are not mentioned in the books?
In the ears, for instance, there is the Organ of Corti. What does it do?
Mitchell talks of a reference signal that is needed to reconstruct a three-dimensional
quantum hologram and of course NES is looking for these in the body-field. Light and
magnetism are good candidates. Wolff contends that the actual quantum field signals are too
high in frequency to detect, so it is important to remember that there are resonances at a much
lower frequency that, like harmonics in music, will spread over the acoustic as well as radio
spectrum. I cannot help but remember a scientist, O. E. Wagner, who spent his entire career
studying long waves, which he called W-waves. He spoke of all-pervading low-frequency
waves that played an important role in communications.34
Leaving Modern Physics Behind, We Get into Quantum Field Bioenergetics
We are now about to make a conceptual leap that is vital to our understanding of nonbiochemical medicine.
We learned in 1926 that electrons consist of an out-wave. Later on, after 1986, Wolff
said that the three major particles all sent out out-waves, by means of which he explained the
atomic forces called the weak and strong forces. Now, in 2006, Mitchell is saying that the
shape of the structure is also sending out a characteristic quantum holographic signal. What
we are left with is the theory that there are such things as quantum field effects at the macro
level as well as at the micro level. As Mitchell has indicated, this theory represents a major
departure from the physics of the last 75 years. While this revolutionary idea is not
compatible with the Copenhagen Doctrine, it goes well with John Cramer’s extended
transactional interpretation of physics and Milo Wolff’s space resonance theory.
Now, at last, you will be able to understand the Drivers in the NES system. Think
cavities in physics! Cavities collect or appear to amplify energy. The organs of the body are
cavities, and they all seem to have a field effect, which they generate themselves. In a time
See Bevan Reid, ‘Aspects of intangible energy functions in biosystems’, Frontier Perspectives 5, no.1 (1996),
lost to us, the writer of the great treatise on Chinese medicine, the physician of the Yellow
Emperor, said just that and called the organs ‘orbs’, which is an archaic word for a sphere.
These spheres are what the Yellow Emperor’s physician thought generated the energy for the
meridian, or energy pathway, belonging to that organ, an energy pathway that wandered over
the connective tissues and the skin.
Furthermore, we not only have spherical arrangements of tissues in the body, but also
microtubules – tiny cavities – all over the body. These are found in the cytoplasm of every
cell. They are wrapped around the nerves in sets of 13 and are found in abundance in the
brain. There are myriads of microtubules in the kidneys, and the intestines look like a big
tubule wound up.
As a teenager, I read books for amateur radio techs about antenna theory, as radio was
the big thing back in the 1950s. The ‘Q’, or quality factor, of an antenna (which is called a
dipole by radio techs and is in fact a lot like our biological tubules but a lot bigger) depends
on the diameter of the tube. ‘Quality’ refers to the steepness of the sides of the resonance
graph for the frequency of that tubule or antenna, so the efficiency of the tube, in its job as a
resonance matcher for quantum holographic information, is related to its diameter as opposed
to its length. Every tube will attract a standing wave, but to make it more efficient, we also
need a reflector so that there will be two stationary waves present in order to make our
standing wave. In biology, we have the cell membrane as the reflective surface.
In the case of the nervous system, for example, Western biochemical medicine is an
abject failure at explaining how it works, how to diagnose problems affecting it and how to
resolve them. So naturally I was interested in a new quantum field theory about it. We note,
however, that the coating of the axon does not allow the passage of a quantum field, so it
works like an insulator for whatever is going on inside the nerve sheath. The nerve sheath,
then, protects the quantum field information inside. What does that mean? It suggests that
nerves do not send electric impulses, but instead transmit quantum holograms! In the
experiments I have done, the inside of the axon is able to match with photons, which may act
as energisers in some respects for the nervous system, which, after all, changes its
characteristics after dark.35 As far as the quantum field goes, the nervous system does not
have to be continuous, and of course it is so remarkably fractionised that it is amazing that it
works at all. But there are several factors that enhance the quantum field to make the nervous
system more sensitive:
an ambient static-electric field, negative in polarity
photons generated by the cells inside the body, not from the sun
an electrical charge applied to a tubule itself, generated by the
electrochemistry of the nerve cells and synapses
low-frequency sound waves generated by the brain (possible references
for the sound holograms)
Source energy collected by brain cavities
According to experiments carried out in Cooran, Queensland, Australia, in 2001.
Source Energy and the Zero-Point Field
It is best to go back to the source of things, and that was how, looking back, I came across my
very own style of research into Source energy. Perhaps this energy is the zero-point energy
spoken of by others.36
For 13 years I taught Chinese medicine, in which there are several types of Source
energy, or yuan qi, which I took to mean the same type of energy that was mentioned by
other cultures by other names, such as prana or ki. According to Chinese medicine,
thisenergy is supposed to collect somehow in the kidneys (full of tubules) and the brain (full
of tubules), as well as in the lungs (full of tubules). In 2003, while still living in a tin shed in
the backwoods of tropical Australia, I took the Integrator Infoceuticals I had made for lungs
and kidneys and mixed them together, making what I called the Source Driver Infoceutical. 37
This Infoceutical was something that would tell me what the body-field Integrators, when
combined, would match with in the universe. (To refresh your memory, the NES Energetic
Integrators are the information routes in the body-field, what I used to call ‘compartments’ in
my early research.) I already knew that every Integrator matched with a number of the
elements useful for biology, but the zero-point field was supposed to be a general field that,
while measured in a vacuum, was actually everywhere all the time. My reasoning was that
the lengths and diameters of the tubules in the body would be sensitive to this zero-point field
if it was the source of an energy whose purpose was to make the body work via its bodyfield.
I then did some space resonance matching experiments to see what the Source Driver
really did with the matter waves produced by various elements of the periodic table. And bear
in mind that even when there are compounds in matter, in the quantum field they seem to me
to behave like their individual constituent elements. The Source Driver, if it truly was linking
with the zero-point field, should have had a very big range of matches with the elements. In
theory, all matter should match the zero-point field. But, as my experiments showed, it didn’t.
Only the following elements matched the zero-point field: [FOR SOME REASON I CAN’T
See McTaggart, op. cit., pp.19–36.
Perhaps you understand the Source Driver better now. It reminds the lungs and kidneys how
to collect matter waves from the above elements! That is the theory.
If we really want more Source energy, we can get it from breathing (something sick
people don’t like to do) and not necessarily from taking an element in a supplement. Perhaps
sea air is good for us, with all the traces of minerals in it from the spray. However, all we can
deduce from this basic experiment is that some parts of the zero-point field are what the
human body wants and some are not.
As you can see, once you have stepped outside the embattled spaceship Anachronism
of the medical theory based on chemistry, the terrain is exhilarating. And I am reminded
immediately of a quote from the Yellow Emperor’s physician, who said, ‘In healing, it is
necessary to go beyond the ordinary limits.’
More about the Links to Electrodermal Testing
There is a long tradition in Europe and America of electrodermal testing, with Dr Voll and
the Dermatron, Dr Schimmel and the Vegatest and many other derivatives of these systems.
The tradition goes back now 60 years or more, and efforts have been made over this time to
increase the accuracy of the measurement system and make it more like a medical
investigation tool.
The heart of the electrodermal systems is always a physical phenomenon called the
indicator drop, where there is supposed to be a change in the conductivity of the subject’s
skin resistance when there is something that matches their body-field. This effect has been
observed by thousands of practitioners for 40 years or more and is very familiar to us.
This indicator drop is known to vary according to the electrostatic charge in the air. It
is also known to be subject to random errors when the testing becomes too complex; hence
the laborious system of individual point testing developed by Dr Voll. However, in my
research, I found that this indicator drop, or change in apparent conductivity of the bodyfield, is dependent upon many other factors that were not previously recognised, including
the amount of ambient light and the availability of a reflective surface above the test area. So
I was forced by the evidence to call the electrical nature of the device, or the apparent event,
into question.
In 2006, I realised that the entire body hologram could change its reactance – the
resistance of space, if you like – to a complex waveform, and that this change could occur in
either direction, negative or positive. Positive and negative reactance values are studied in
physics and are a legitimate measurement. Their parameters have also been studied. In simple
language for the non-scientist, there is positive resistance and negative resistance. The word
‘superconductivity’ – which is the vanishing of all electrical resistance – has been used
relentlessly in relation to biophysics. But since it is something that does not occur at room
temperatures and pressures, it is not a concept that can easily be used in relation to
electrodermal measurement in biology, or in quantum biology.
Again in non-scientific terms, a slight amount of negative resistance in the circuit
created by the electrodermal test means an apparent change in resistance of the skin. We are
talking here about a change in the reactance of space! We need to invoke Milo Wolff and his
oscillating electron system, since only then will the so-called negative resistance effect occur.
The Wolff ideas can provide us with a newer, more scientific view of what happens when
electrodermal testing is done with the human-body hologram as a witness.
Last Thoughts about the Relevance of the Wolff Theory to Medicine
It can be difficult to envisage the way in which biochemistry actually works, so it is worth us
revisiting two of our original questions:
How can the electrons and other particles of an atom ‘know’ about the
presence of another molecule?
How can there be a selective process of interaction related to the distance
between molecules that can explain heat ambience, light ambience and
other factors like pH, electrical ambience, pressure and so forth?
Biochemistry can be affected by all of these factors and more, so our
model will need to be able to explain all of them to be of any real value to
Remember that most of the last 100 years of quantum physics have been about trying to
explain measurements and the interactions of sub-atomic particles under high-energy
conditions, where atoms or particles are bombarded with other particles in an accelerator.
These conditions do not apply in the world of biology, so of course these cannot be our
methods of enquiry.
So let us further define our challenge. We are looking for explanations of why
physiology fails in a very specific context, trying to get a theory of pathology to actually
work on the human body and seeking a theory that is acceptable to all in the field. We must
work with room temperatures and pressures, as well as with very low charges in the field so
far as electrostatic energy is concerned. The voltages that appear in the body may not be very
high, but they are critical to the function of many aspects of physiology, not the least being
the nervous system itself.
The other parameters we have to consider are those of low-level electromagnetic
fields and magneto-gravitational fields, such as those produced by Earth’s magnetic core. If
gravity is considered to be inherent in mass or perhaps even in space, then in the Wolff
model, gravity plays a part in the function of every electron.
Time is another concept that we need to incorporate into our model, even though this
is perhaps not a feature of quantum dynamics. Time, according to Wolff, will be found not in
the determinism of the Swiss watchmaker, but in a flexible arrangement in the field of the inwaves and out-waves of the three particles (electron, proton and neutron). Time is necessary
in physiology to explain the speed of chemical and other reactions and how variable they can
So far in the NES research into the QED field, our attempts have always been to
explain pathology as something going wrong at every frequency level between 1 Hertz and
1016 Hertz. This approach is alright so far as it goes, but it does not account for the intricacies
of the Wolff model. The essence of our problem is to adequately describe the ways in which a
spherical scalar wave can change. So we can make no attempt at describing pathology until
we know what the structure of the electron really is. And no core structure for the electron or
even the photon will be found in the physics textbooks, although it is conceded that such
structure is a possibility.
Milo Wolff has gone so far as to give a mathematics-based view of what the
electron’s structure may be. In his model, there is an out-wave, which he says corresponds
with the de Broglie matter wave. This out-wave is an exploratory wave that ‘finds’ other
particles, as a prelude to some interaction being possible when there is an environment of
correct temperature, pressure, pH and electrical charge. Wolff also suggests, from pure logic,
that there must be a return wave, which he calls the in-wave, which ‘reports’ on what sort of
particle is out there in space. This in-wave has never been measured, so far as I know, so it
remains firmly entrenched as a theoretical concept only.
Wolff further suggests that the in-wave and out-wave have a phase relationship that
can be measured at the point in space where the electron ‘is’, if we may use that most
inaccurate of English words. In addition, interference patterns are created the moment an
electron, or a group of two or more electrons, is located in space. So immediately we are
confronted with the need to have boundaries in space, and this is accomplished by the
structures created by matter itself.
Wolff uses the term ‘phase’, which is correct if these interactions are space or position
related, although it appears that time cannot be a constant as it is in Newtonian universes.
This phase is not related to time as it is in the field of electronics, but rather as time is related
to place, or position, in space. When waves do not quite match up, then we have a phase
difference. Wolff suggests that phase errors can go from ± 0° to 180° in his system before the
parameters of his model change. In cancer, I have measured errors of 340°.
Phase looks as though it is the source of information in space, and it is permanently
there in space, just as the particle itself is. This means that space may have memory, which is
of particular interest to many researchers in parapsychology and other fields. The changes in
phase that occur are about the time-based interactions of particles and their patterns in space
before they react. The connection is obvious to the concept of a dynamic body-field. This
body-field is such that it changes every second and so will be measured differently in every
instant of time.
But what else is going on? Once there is an energy exchange between electrons or
other real particles, then there is also a corresponding change in frequencies of these particles,
and there is the real energy exchange required by and described by biochemistry. Of course,
there also is a static system of the body-field that relies on its energy state, and this is able to
be changed as well, but is less reactive. We have to have a solid body state, as we are not
will-of-the-wisp creatures at all!
The energy state of the biological hologram can be described in terms of Milo Wolff’s
model, so let’s examine that process.
The electron has two centres of space resonance, and these will normally converge, so
as to make the lowest energy state possible for that electron in that place and time. Particles
will always return to their lowest energy state. The in-waves and out-waves will also return to
their lowest possible amplitudes. These are rules of the system.
However, if the electron is energised by being in another field, electric or magnetic, or
even gravitational, then these centres in the electron may move apart, creating a way of
expressing a higher energy state. At a certain point, this energy shift can cause an electron to
emit a photon, although Wolff sees this as the creation of an interference pattern. It follows,
then, that the entire particle zoo may be appearances created from the varying types of
electron interference patterns. Whether or not these interference patterns can be regarded as
possible sources of information storage is an open question to date. The really important sets
of information may be stored as phase in the innermost part of each electron’s dual centres.
If each change in the phase is progressive and can be related to a specific frequency
resonance, then the phase shift can result in a transference of an electron to another, higher or
lower, frequency state. Change in phase to the power of specific resonance equals the change
in distance between the electron centres. There has to be a mathematical relationship between
phase and energy state, and Wolff has expressed it.
It is of interest that we have found in NES research that emotions can affect phase by
variable amounts, which can be recorded in degrees. Emotions have been measured at
between 16 and 45 degrees of shift from left to right of a position in the human heart. So we
have a model that allows emotions to be built up, as well as expressed as heat when they are
discharged or when the emotional holograph in space breaks down. You cannot go on adding
energy to a system forever without it having to discharge itself, and this certainly occurs in
the case of emotions. And when they don’t discharge, pathology results from the ensuing
higher energy states.
We have found that most foods do not affect phase at all, according to the way we
have measured them. But things such as the NES Energetic Terrains can have a huge effect
on the phase and, therefore, on the energy state of the body-field. Energetic Terrains can be
cleared by moving them from their chronic to acute stages, and this is the process we are able
to observe during a client’s use of the NES Infoceuticals. Homoeopaths may not have been
right about everything, but their understanding of the way we move from chronic to acute
stages of illness is certainly worth keeping in a science-based system of medicine.
These ideas are in their infancy, of course, but you must already be able to see their
potential for creating an entirely new world of biology, and even of medicine.
The Quantum Electrodynamic Body-Field and Information Transfer in Biology
This paper was originally written in 2003 as an overview of important influences on the development of Fraser’s
body-field theory. This is one of Fraser’s earliest papers and so it provides an historical context for the unfolding of
his research and train of thought. It ranges over various aspects of physics and biology, forging connections and
exploring possibilities, and thus is not meant to be a comprehensive explanation of all the phenomena mentioned.
Important aspects of Fraser’s body-field theory have been clarified and revised since the composition of this paper.
If we are to assess information transfer in biology, and in a narrower sense information transfer
between people, and how this is related to our current knowledge of quantum physics, it is
necessary first of all to limit ourselves to the types of physics which apply at parameters which
are amenable to life, including normal temperatures, air pressures, electrical potentials and a
chemical environment which is conducive to life processes. This means, strictly speaking, that
we cannot consider high-energy quantum physics, and all the measurements in quantum physics
are made by measuring the effects of high-energy particle accelerations and bombardments on
other particles. It means too that we cannot consider plasma physics, because the temperatures
and pressures are not conducive to life. It means that we cannot consider zero-point energy,
because this can be measured only in a vacuum.1 In the case of superconductivity, it is found that
the effect only occurs at temperatures low on the Kelvin scale, and these are temperatures where
no life is known to exist.
I have just described some of the difficulties that confront us at the outset of our enquiry
into any link between biology and quantum physics, including how difficult it is to explain the
transfer of information in biology using the traditional physics models described
in textbooks. Many textbook writers have never done any research, except the token amount
required for a degree, so instead I shall look at the work of individual researchers whose
objective it is to explain a gaping hole in physics: how physics and biology are related. As Plato
once said, only the cobbler knows where the shoe does not fit.
An Unorthodox Quantum Physicist: David Bohm
I would like to consider first the ideas of David Bohm, the American-born British physicist.
Around the middle of the twentieth century he was hounded out of America by the McCarthyites
and settled in South America, where he took an academic position and studied the behaviour of
plasma. By 1952 he had become a respected academic in his field, although he had become
convinced that the textbook version of quantum theory was severely flawed. He devoted most of
his life to another version of quantum theory now known as the pilot wave theory.2
The zero-point field is the fundamental field that pervades the universe and arises from the quantum fluctuations of
the real and so-called virtual particles that make up matter and are at their lowest possible energy states at a
temperature of absolute zero, hence the term ‘zero-point’.
This theory is partially based on physicist Louis de Broglie’s Nobel-prizewinning theory of matter waves, which
says that matter is not only particle in nature, but has a wave nature as well. Matter waves are sometimes called pilot
A key ingredient of Bohm’s ideas is something called instantaneous action at a distance,
or non-locality. This idea defies the conventions of Newtonian physics and, in fact, it originally
upset many physicists, including Einstein. It still seems to create an acute emotional reaction in
some people, because it threatens their narrow world view, but it has been verified in physics as
a core feature of the quantum realm. Non-locality means that there can be instantaneous
correlations between entangled sub-atomic particles no matter how far apart they are. My
speculation is that if it can be shown that humans can behave like quantised entities, it may also
mean they can be receptive to information or correlations instantaneously and over infinite
The idea of communication at a distance between humans, or at the biological level, can
hardly be said to be new. It was proposed by Albert Abrams early in the twentieth century that
the function of the superstructure of the cells in the body was guided in its activity by
information which could travel infinite distances. Abrams was the author of a book called New
Concepts in Diagnosis and Treatment, if you want to go to the source.
Bohm spent a lifetime investigating the theory behind non-local quantum phenomena. He
and his research student, Yakir Aharonov, found that an electron is able to feel the presence of an
electromagnetic field that is in a region where there is zero probability of finding the electron.
The phenomenon is known as the Aharonov-Bohm Effect. Naturally, when the report on it was
first published, many physicists believed that such an effect was not possible, and although the
experiment has been repeated, there is still a group of scientists who deny that the phenomenon
Bohm took a closer look at the classical idea of order. It occurred to him that the things
we perceive as disordered are not really disordered at all. There seemed to him to be a graduated
scale between order and disorder. Furthermore, he correlated order to the state of space.
It is said that Bohm was watching a BBC television show in which a device was being
demonstrated when he came up with part of his theory. The device consisted of a jar of
glycerine, a cylinder and a drop of ink. As the cylinder rotated, the drop of ink disappeared;
however, when the cylinder was counter-rotated, the ink blob actually reassembled itself and
became visible. If you think about it, this experiment shows that a picture or pattern, in effect
‘order’, had been retained, almost like a template in space, and that this picture could be recalled
by the simple mechanical action of returning to the same space. The turning of the jar returned
the ink to its previous place in space. It occurred to Bohm that space was not empty and might
have memory – it might store information on the template of structures, the structure in this case
being the rotating jar of glycerine. So he looked at three-dimensional structures in space, in
which he thought were hidden certain sources of order in the universe.
Remember that Bohm spent considerable time exploring the behaviour of plasma, in
which there is a torrent of seemingly random energy. He concluded that the universe actually
uses holographic ways of imposing order upon itself, and this is done on a grand scale. In fact,
the quantum effects that are seen to occur in sub-atomic particles are able to transform
themselves from micro to macro simply by making the structures in space increase in size
proportionately. (I will have more to say about this phenomenon, called scaling, later.) It appears
that there is order and coherence in all parts of the universe, and the order consists of threedimensional spatial structures.
Bohm published his essays on the holographic view of the universe in many books,
particularly in his seminal Wholeness and the Implicate Order. This book has not found its way
onto coffee tables because it entertains the idea that our view of what is going on in the universe
is so limited and inadequate that the universe may actually be a kind of illusion. Again, this idea
was not new, because Hindu philosophers had developed the idea at least 800 years before. They
called the illusion of reality maya.
Physicist Werner Heisenberg had proposed the idea that we could not really know with
certainty all that was happening at any one point in the universe because of the way in which
matter was constructed on the micro scale. Bohm went one step further and invoked the idea of
three-dimensional fields imposing order on a universe that seems in large part subject to
randomness. His great contribution to science was to realise that these energy fields were folded
in such a way as to deceive the observer, resulting in a state of illusion. He found that the
universe had two deep aspects, an order which was folded and an order which was not, called the
implicate and explicate orders. He proposed that the two could interact and that this interaction
explained how sub-atomic particles changed into other particles. He used the same model to
explain how matter could manifest as either a particle or a wave and how the two aspects of
matter could be folded together.
Since 1977, I have been studying the structure of space inside the body using a method of
investigation which I believe relies on the quantum phenomena which led Bohm to his idea of a
holographic universe. My investigations have resulted in the amalgamation of three schools of
thought: traditional Chinese medicine/acupuncture, German homoeopathy and English radionics.
My core idea is that the physical body is informed by a largely quantum structure, the body-field,
and that the structures inside the body making up the body-field may act as a supra-chemical
control system. If we are ever to escape from being treated for disease by chemicals that have no
place in the body, we must pursue this idea until we understand how disease can be induced by
various types of damage to this incredibly important body-field structure. Already it appears that
we can explain medical pathology not so much as being due to the absence of certain chemicals
but more to a breakdown in the transfer of information in the body-field, and hence the body.
And because we are looking at three-dimensional structures in space, a disease may even be
caused by memories and shock and trauma, or the displacement of this three-dimensional field
by information that is stored or repeatedly replenished by consciousness. And we have to say that
consciousness appears to be a description of the totality of the structures in space that I call the
The Work of Matti Pitkänen
Matti Pitkänen is a Finnish theoretical physicist who offers many far-reaching ideas about such
esoteric subjects as topological geometro-dynamics, charged wormholes and Bose–Einstein
condensates. He also has ideas about the superconductivity that may be occurring in biological
systems. He suggests that electrons can form Cooper pairs within a Bose–Einstein condensate.3
Electrons are fermions, meaning that only one at a time can occupy any quantum space. However, in condensed
matter physics, Cooper pairs are electrons that act like bosons, which are particles such as photons that can group
together in the same quantum space. Electrons in a Cooper pair are in a weakly bound state at low temperature in a
superconductor. They are named after Leon Cooper, an American physicist who focused some of his research on the
brain and neural systems. J. Bardeen, Leon Cooper and J. R. Schrieffer were awarded the Nobel Prize for their work
(Although the Bose–Einstein condensate has been measured at a fraction of a degree from
absolute zero, this does not mean it cannot exist at higher temperatures.) He thinks information
transfer takes place in biology via a superconductive pathway and that electrons as well as
photons are a major carrier of quantised information. He also speculates about superconductivity
at the level of DNA, suggesting that microtubules could act as antennae attracting a Bose–
Einstein condensate of infra-red photons. Lending credence to this theory is the work of FritzAlbert Popp of Germany, whose research has produced hard evidence of ultra-weak photon
emissions in biosystems, including humans. But these emissions are ultra-violet in nature.
Pitkänen also is interested in superconductive models of the function of the nervous system and
his theory requires that the cell membrane acts as a superconductor at normal room temperatures.
The idea of pairs of electrons (Cooper pairs) and pairs of photons being involved in
action at a distance is attractive. Cooper pairs may be part of a superconductive system in a
crystalline lattice, and the human body has many such crystalline structures. Perhaps Cooper and
Pitkänen have shown that Kelvin temperatures in superconductivity are not always necessary.
In my own testing method, which I simply call my ‘space resonance matching’ method, I
have discovered a phenomenon I call the ‘Vega Effect’, which I describe in the next section. It
has to do with how the energy fields or imprints of two substances either match (correlate or
communicate) or don’t. Through this technique, I have gained some interesting insights into
possible correlations between Bose–Einstein condensates and the human body. The Bose–
Einstein condensate is a group of sub-atomic particles that behave like a single entity –
sometimes called a super-atom – when they all occupy the same quantum state. I have been able
to demonstrate what may be this ‘single entity’ state using the Vega Effect. Even more
interesting is the fact that a Bose–Einstein condensate relies on the presence of photons for the
mini sea of particles to form a coherent unit. I have found that the Vega Effect ceases to occur in
the absence of photons. It has become clear to me that the Vega Effect is not an electronic
phenomenon, as it is mediated by the presence of light, and this puts it in the realm of quantum
The Vega Effect
The techniques (described in more detail elsewhere; see ‘Overview of the Space Resonance
Matching Method’, page 000) are based on the use of electrodermal-type testing machines, such
as the Vega machine. This machine was developed in Germany by Dr Helmut Schimmel,
combining principles from electroacupuncture (which was developed largely by Dr Reinholdt
Voll and is known as EAV, for ‘electroacupuncture according to Voll’) and homoeopathy.
Electroacupuncture machines use probes to detect weak electrical vibrations or emissions in the
body at acupuncture points on the skin. The premise is that disease causes changes in electrical
fields in the body. The Vega machine differs from EAV machines in that it reduces the number
of points tested, often to one, and also can handle putting substances, such as ampoules
containing homoeopathic substances, into the circuit to see if the body ‘needs’ them. The
machine has an indicator, and when the needle registers a drop below the normal baseline
on a quantum theory of superconductivity, hence the name of their theory: BCS theory. A Bose–Einstein condensate
is an unusual state of matter that is thought to occur at extremely low temperatures, where all the electrons in that
matter fall into the identical quantum state forming what is also called a super-atom.
reading (which is 40), there is said to be a ‘match’ between the two items being correlated, such
as the body and a homoeopathic substance.
The Vega and EAV machines are electronic in nature, but curiously I discovered (in a
serendipitous mistake that is a story too long to recount here) that the machines could work
without ambient light! I could not get an indicator drop (a match) when there were no ambient
photons involved in the use of the machine. So I stumbled upon what I call the Vega Effect,
which is a match that is not rooted in electrical fields. It calls into question the very way in which
these machines work, and I believe it suggests that what is being matched (as represented by the
indicator needle drop) is more on the order of quantum structures in space than two electrical
fields. This is, then, my definition of the Vega Effect: ‘an indicator drop in an EAV or Vega-type
machine that correlates to the space resonance matching of two identical structures in quantum
The Vega machine, and other machines like it, has been used for many years as a
diagnostic device, but its success has been limited by the inability of its producer and users to
understand that it is not a simple electronic device. It appears to be a way to determine the effect
of the quantum realm in living systems via the space resonance matching of structures in space.
Another astonishing feature of the Vega machine is that it produces data: when linked to
another machine the indicator drops in the serial testing of items can be logged as a string of
numbers, which can be interpreted as either positive or a negative numbers. In this respect it
resembles the answers available from the Fourier Transforms, a mathematical calculus used to
solve certain kinds of partial differential equations and that can change a two-dimensional
pattern into a three-dimensional field. It appears that the readings via the Vega machine can be
switched between the positive answer set and the negative answer set at any time, and this is a
major source of error for those operators who are not aware of how this ‘switch’ is activated. In
essence, this aspect of the machine can be seen as a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ choice, making the Vega
machine result a sort of digital reading. This is of interest, since the body-field’s dynamics
display a similar digital nature. But that is another story that I won’t go into here.
That the Vega machine is thought to be electrical by others, even its inventor, is not
surprising, nor is the fact that it purports to be detecting electrical fields or potentials. This view
dovetails with current and past research into the body’s biofield, an area of research that is
focused mostly on the body’s bioelectrical characteristics. For example, some interesting
research has been done by Cyril Smith, a biomedical engineer.4 He has found that living systems
produce a characteristic pattern of frequencies as an expression of their electrochemical
activities. There are minor variations in steps over time. These frequencies are strong enough to
induce synchronism in tadpoles in the presence of yellow light. In other words, Smith has shown
that there is biocommunication between tadpoles in a fluid in the presence of light and a weak
magnetic field. His explanation for information transfer at this macroscopic biological level is
photon exchange in the presence of magnetic vector potentials.
Smith also says that biological information imprinting occurs when there is a
geomagnetic vector potential present and that frequency information can be imprinted onto many
substances, and not only by the usual kinetic method used by homoeopaths. Permanent erasure of
the imprint occurs when the ambient magnetic field is reduced below a certain level. Smith’s
experiments with heavy water indicate the likelihood that the imprinting process in water or
C. W. Smith, Biotechnology and Biocommunication. World Scientific, Singapore, 1994
alcohol at least is related to the function of electrons at frequencies above l.42 GHz, while at
frequencies lower than this there are coherent electrons and photons. His experiments show that
the imprints of frequencies are even retained when water is frozen, although imprinting has not
been produced directly in ice.
You can see that Smith’s work has great relevance to electoacupuncture and
homoeopathy. It also has relevance to my theory and to NES, although I don’t believe that the
electrical aspects of the body are paramount in information transfer; nor, as I have said, do I
believe that the Vega Effect is an electrical effect. But I mention this research here for its general
relevance to our topic. Below I will provide an overview of a few other fundamental researchers
and physics topics that provide general context and a solid underpinning for my continued
discussion of my theory of the human body-field.
Freeman Cope
Freeman Cope was a doctor and physicist working for the US Navy at the time of his death. His
work linking physics and biology was pivotal, especially his work developing a solid state theory
of biological processes.
Cope said that the activity within the cell was not just electrochemical, as everyone
before him apparently believed. He looked at cell function as if the organelles were
semiconductors in three dimensions and opened the way for a true concept of quantum biology
where all the structures within the cell behave as spatial structures in a field. In this theory, there
is constant interaction not just between the charges on electrons but between all sub-atomic
Cope wrote pivotal papers on the functions of structured water and its effects on the brain
and on the functions of the sodium ion, an interest he developed based on the work of Max
Gerson, a New York doctor who in the mid-twentieth century realised that the function of the
sodium ion could be directly related to the general breakdown in physiology associated with the
development of cancer. In addition, Cope delved into biological superconductivity and
piezoelectricity. He modified the system of nuclear magnetic resonance testing and made it more
sensitive to responses of biological materials rather than to pure chemicals.
If you think the work of Smith is interesting, it is perhaps because it follows on from
work done by Cope, who showed that hydrated nucleic acids or dry melanin produced lowfrequency noise in measurements of electrical conductivity when exposed to magnetic fields at
room temperature. He concluded that it was possible for superconductivity to occur in living
systems if they were in the presence of a magnetic field and that the process was analogous to
superconductivity in metals at very low temperatures. He expressed the view that
superconductivity had a controlling role in biological functions.
Cope’s work on superconductivity especially is relevant to my research. My own work
since 1985 has been to create a comprehensive model of the underlying energy field and
quantum space structures of the body, what I call the ‘human body-field’, and I began with the
system of acupuncture meridians developed more than 4,500 years ago by Chinese doctors. From
this, I started to build a template or map of body-field components as represented by imprinted
information arranged in a certain pattern. I found that the acupuncture meridians were in fact
streams of information travelling through connective tissue – and there are many types of
connective tissue in the body – and that they were a means of transfer of energy in the body. The
energy followed structures that formed the information highway of the body. The most
interesting thing I found early on was that some of the meridians would transfer energy only in
one direction and therefore displayed the characteristics of semiconductors that had been
described by Cope. It was satisfying to find a major science figure with whom I could
wholeheartedly agree. I went on to describe no fewer than 96 of these connective tissue
pathways, and I explored and described their complex interactions, which appeared to be based
on their inherent directionality.
In fact, the body-field has emerged as three interlocked systems: the first one is the heart
and circulatory system, the second is the system of connective tissues and the third is the nervous
system. For the benefit of the layman, I should say again exactly what a field is. A field is
created when energy moves from one point to another. But it collapses again as soon as the
movement of sub-atomic particles stops. So we have to envisage the body-field as a multilayered and multi-folded system consisting of hundreds of interlocked fields. As soon as we
understand this system and how it works, we will know how to correct the errors in the bodyfield that create the manifestations of disease.
Of course the collapse of the body-field is a feature in the development of cancer, so it
has become quite urgent to find out how the body keeps the sub-atomic particles moving to keep
the field in place. This is the key not just to human physiology but to the way in which all living
systems maintain life.
Paul Dirac
Paul Dirac was an English physicist and one of the pioneers of quantum theory who, with Erwin
Schrödinger, received a Nobel Prize in 1933. His ideas were the genesis of quantum field theory.
You will remember that a field is created every time a particle moves through space, so quantum
field theory grows out of quantum mechanics. Dirac’s greatest achievement was to unify
quantum theory with the special theory of relativity in one equation. The equation has two
solutions corresponding to positrons and negatively charged electrons. The positron is an antimatter partner particle to the electron, and its existence emerged first from Dirac’s equation and
was later verified as existing.
Dirac’s achievement inspired another great quantum physicist, Richard Feynman, whose
work is pivotal to our understanding of quantum fields and cleared the way for quantum
electrodynamics. By 1947, however, the discovery of the Lamb Shift showed that Dirac’s work
was incomplete and that the self-interaction between the electron and its field was infinite. These
infinities still create problems in the mathematics related to this area of quantum
mechanics.5 The Lamb Shift has relevance to my work in exploring the structure and dynamics
of the human body-field as there is a major frequency shift to be noted depending on the precise
energy level of each molecule. Energy gradations are always a feature of quantum physics and
The Lamb Shift involves small divergences in the levels of energy of a hydrogen atom in QED that involve how
electrons interact with the vacuum. It is part of the theory that helped physicists construct a ‘fix’ to remove infinities
from quantum mathematics, in a process called renormalisation, which many physicists think papers over a serious
defect in the theory.
cause very slight distortions in the arrangement of some key biological elements, such as
hydrogen and calcium.
Dirac’s is a general theory of charged particles and poles and how they interact through
the medium of the electromagnetic field. His work brought out holes in quantum mechanics and
field theory. For instance, discussing symmetry, he described the field equations of
electrodynamics as symmetrical between electric and magnetic forces, but said that this
symmetry was disturbed by the fact that a single electric charge might occur on a particle, but a
single magnetic pole had never been observed to occur on a particle. Although the existence of
single-pole particles had been predicted since the Maxwell equations describing
electromagnetism, no monopole has ever been detected experimentally.
Everyone is familiar with polar magnetism, where a north pole is always paired with a
south pole. The question is whether it is possible to have a magnet with only one pole, hence the
term ‘magnetic monopole’. Many physicists over the last century have agreed that it may be
possible to have a monopole, but none has ever been detected – unless you believe Freeman
Cope’s claim. Cope claimed to have measured magnetic monopole currents flowing in water. He
noted that the hypothesis for para-magnetism was important for biology and attractive to
physicists because it provided magnetic-electric symmetry of Maxwell’s equations and because
quantum mechanics theory predicted it. He said that he believed he had measured the presence of
a magnetic monopole in flowing water and the presence of magnetic monopole wave functions in
air around the key body protein keratin.
So, let’s talk a bit about the Maxwell equations and monopoles, since they appear to be so
important to biology.
The Quantum Electrodynamic Body-Field
Quantum electrodynamics (QED) theory describes the way electrically charged particles interact
with each other and with magnetic fields through the exchange of photons. It is generally thought
to be the jewel in the crown of quantum physics because it can explain everything that goes on in
chemistry using a single theory. In my theory of the body-field, QED is important, as I found the
body-field was created and supported by certain variables, including a magnetic field, a
gravitational field and an electrostatic field. The influence of gravity on the body-field can be
taken for granted, since whatever it is, it affects all objects with mass. There are many sources of
magnetic fields, such as that from the core of the earth, and the magnetic confetti formed from
normal life processes, especially from bonding processes at the cellular and molecular levels. So
far as the electrostatic field goes, it is clear that in higher organisms the nervous system creates a
significant charge, and in the case of humans, the brain and the spinal cord create a huge ionic
charge. In the case of lower organisms, it will be found that they are responsive to the electrical
gradient present in the atmosphere.
If the QED field is the jewel of quantum physics, surely it is high time that it is applied
more directly to biology. And in some respects it has been, through the young science of
quantum biology, which in the mainstream concerns itself mostly with the energy processes at
the cellular level but in alternative medicine extends to include energy fields and information
processing at the quantum level. This new area of research offers the possibility of
revolutionising our understanding of communication processes and mechanisms in biology,
which are the key to understanding cancer and other currently incomprehensible pathologies and
largely untreatable diseases. The obstacles in this field are great, however, due to the entrenched
nature of medical education and because research is dominated entirely by insulated groups who
rarely cross disciplines to talk to each other and share research results and ideas.
It is worth taking a look at the physics of the QED field. The guru in this field was
Richard Feynman, regarded as the greatest physicist of the late twentieth century (he died in
1988). He is remembered for, among other achievements, the path integral approach to quantum
physics. The mathematics of the QED field is so complex, even for mathematicians, that it was
necessary to find other methods of describing what was going on in sub-atomic particle
interactions. Feynman’s novel approach was to reduce the complexity through simple diagrams
describing the interaction between two particles and showing all the possible results of specific
types of interactions. The approach is called the sum over histories method, since with simple
diagrams you can plot all possible paths of particle interactions. Another of the benefits of this
approach was that it became possible to predict the magnetic moment of the electron. It turned
out the theory made predictions that were eventually verified to an amazing degree of accuracy,
and QED now stands along with Einstein’s theory of general relativity as one of the most
successful and well-established theories in particle physics.
However, the same problem emerges with QED as it does with other aspects of the
standard model of quantum mechanics: it does not integrate well with biology because the
interactions between photons and electrons are always thought to occur only at high-energy
states. I believe this is not a problem – or it is only a problem in the mind of physicists, as they
have not yet invented ways to measure low-energy interactions, such as those that must occur in
living organisms, and they will not accept the measurements and measuring devices that I
believe can (if used properly) do so, such as the Vega machine. (I should point out here that in
order to carry out my experiments, I have modified the Vega machine, so the one I use is not
exactly the same as those bought off the shelf.) There is reason to suppose that the Vega Effect
(the space resonance matching effect I get that may be the interaction of two similar structures in
quantum space), although subjective in some regards, is the only way we can currently find clues
to what is going on in the body-field system of regulation. From my investigations, I have found
that the key activities in information transfer in the body-field, and by extension of the physical
body, are those of imprinting and of stacking. Let me discuss these briefly.
In my work to uncover the structures of the body’s control system – that is the underlying
body-field – I began to experiment with imprinting information in the same way that
homoeopaths learned to do over 200 years ago, when homoeopathy was founded by German
physician Samuel Hahnemann. I found that I was able to imprint the information field from an
acupuncture meridian and store it in an ampoule of a mixture of water and alcohol. I used no
actual tissue or substance and this process was not done by succession – I found a way to
electronically imprint a meridian pathway purely as information. Then I found, to my
astonishment, that it was possible to ‘change’ one meridian into another simply by stacking the
correct number of ampoules and using my modified Vega machine to determine their aggregate
value. If you think about it this, it must mean that there is a basic stream of information being
passed along the connective tissue in the body and that it changes its nature depending on how
many times it is iterated. Remember that this quality of being able to form a whole from discrete
pieces is a quality attributed to bosons in a Bose–Einstein condensate.
To my further surprise, I found that the system was closed, and that in a biological system
it only appeared possible to iterate the information 64 times. It is interesting to note that
according to basic genetics, there are only 64 possible combinations of the four bases in our
DNA (thymine, uracil, adenine and cytosine). It is their order that is so critical to the message
they carry.
Perhaps the only thing I can really say about this experimental data is that it shows that
the body-field acts as a closed system and that the limitations of that system correlate with those
of the structure of DNA. However, it might not be too speculative to say that the double helix of
the genetic material, together with its myriad crossbars, represents an important part of the
genetic mechanism only if it is considered to be acting inside a QED field. It seems to me very
likely that the strange and arcane characteristics attributed by some to genetics are in fact an
effect of the interaction between the genetic material and the field it creates. The body-field
appears to be closely aligned with the principles of QED because it appears to be governed by
the interactions of its many fields. Tied as the body-field is to the physical body (it cannot exist
without the body), the body then also takes on quantum characteristics. There are many examples
of this and I can only cover a few, and very briefly at that, in this paper.
The Phonon
We have all been taught that sound is a longitudinal wave in motion and that it is essentially
different from electromagnetic waves or particles. This may not be true, as it appears that there is
a continuum in the energy spectrum from the very low frequencies of sound to the incredibly
high frequencies of light and beyond.
In a solid, the atoms do not vibrate as single units but send oscillations through the solid
to which they belong as acoustic waves, and these waves vary in frequency and can go as high as
1012 Hertz. The sound made by the atoms in a solid is called a phonon. This energy obeys the
laws of quantum mechanics. The effects created in a solid by the phonons, which are scattered by
free electrons, are to limit thermal conductivity and to increase electrical resistance. If we are
looking for a control system in biology, we only need look for biological superconductivity as a
way of decreasing resistance to the flow of electrons and to the phonon as a means of increasing
it. If you like, this will function as an on–off switch, as is needed to get a system to work.
A Link with Radionics Rates
If we are talking about structures in space and what they might be like, it should be remembered
that Richard Feynman created path integral diagrams that showed the interaction of particles as
arrows, indicating the most likely trajectory of each particle in space. In fact you can draw such a
diagram so that there is a circle with arrows showing the most likely trajectory. What makes the
path is the phase of the space through which the particle travels. The arrows are in fact vectors,
or indications about the three-dimensional space through which the particle travels. Of course,
sometimes it will appear that the particle travels in a straight line, as it is supposed to in classical
physics, where quantum mechanics don’t apply. This can be said to be an illusion, which was
given the status of science before quantum physics was able to state otherwise.
In my work on imprinting – making energetic signatures of the field of a substance in an
ampoule of liquid – I spent agonising years wondering what exactly was being imprinted. I had
no theory beyond the method and theory of electronic homoeopathic imprinting, and I suspected
this was different. Now I have a theory, and it involves these vectors. Am I imprinting field
information about the magnetic vectors in space that are acting as complex signposts for
information usage in the body-field and body? Maybe, as these vectors resemble the path
integrals of QED. I have no way of knowing definitively without testing the theory, and a
method for testing is not possible yet. Suffice it to say, there are reasons to believe that the data
gathered from the Vega tests associated with electronic imprinting in homoeopathy are not only
not numbers but are certainly not frequencies either. Even so, they may have some relation to
radionics, a system developed by Albert Abrams that seeks to detect electromagnetic vibrations
in items. Each item, including aspects of the body and everything in nature, has its own distinct
vibrational pattern. These unique patterns are represented by sets of numbers, called rates. I have
tested the rates used in imprinting information according to Bruce Copen, a well-known English
researcher who spent a lifetime working in radionics and developing the art of imprinting. He
compiled huge catalogues of radionics data, including a catalogue of the cells of the human
body, all reduced to sets of numbers.
In 1998, I used a Siemens frequency meter for about six weeks daily to try, by various
electrical arrangements, to measure a frequency, or rate, of hundreds of the imprinted ampoules I
had at my disposal for study. Of course, there was no detectable frequency emission in the
electromagnetic range of any of the ampoules imprinted with homoeopathic information. I would
have been surprised if there had been. By then I had concluded that the rates – the sets of
numbers – were in fact sets of vectors, and I surmised that they had to be arranged in a certain
order. In fact, experiments with these numbers showed that they liked to rearrange themselves in
a set order if given a choice. This is precisely what we would expect the sets of Feynman path
integrals to do – rearrange themselves in the most likely orders of trajectory according to
quantum phase.
Then I had an insight: I had to consider the relation to time. Once you enter the odd realm
of quantum physics, you enter a timeless domain. Time does not have a place in the equations
related to quantum physics. And if there is no time, there can be no frequency, since this quality
relates to time versus amplitude.
I have to deviate a bit here to report on a most interesting experiment where I found
constants related to the rate that was, according to Copen, a representation of the
frequency/vibrational pattern of the hydrogen atom. Constants in physics and mathematics –
values that are fixed within certain contexts or that are invariant within specified contexts – can
be found by my method of testing using the Vega Effect to match items. Although hydrogen is a
simple atom, in fact the simplest one on one level, in the area of quantum phase energetics it is
quite complex and requires six digits to describe. This means in turn that its path integral
trajectory is very complex. I have found that there are constants that correspond to a set of
vectors representing hydrogen. Exactly what these invariable numbers, or constants, are in fact is
not clear, but because of the nature of the experiment, they seem to be related to structure or
geometry, perhaps to quantum structures in space. All I can say is that there appears to be a
strong indication of a correlation between spatial structure and numbers/rates in the context of
the hydrogen atom.
I believe too that I found evidence for differing energetic imprints of different types of
hydrogen bonding processes. I explored testing by combining the Copen rates for hydrogen and
oxygen and comparing them with the rates for water, and found that the difference in the
resulting rate represented the bond. Then I noticed something extraordinary: I found that
everyone I tested who suffered with cancer showed an abnormality in hydrogen bonding, as if
the energy of the hydrogen molecule had gone to its maximum level. Because the bonds at their
longest are about four times longer than the normal length, this would cause severe distortion in
the structures in the body that had a hydrogen component. This result supported my conjecture
that body-field dynamics, and hence the body’s physiology, collapsed in cancer sufferers. In the
small number of people I had access to for testing, I found a 100% correlation between advanced
cases of cancer, which were considered terminal, and this energetic imprint for the elongation of
the hydrogen bonds. This all brought me back to an enquiry into quantum phase and how it
relates to bioenergetics and the body-field.
Quantum Phase and Traditional Chinese Medicine
I have spent a great part of my life reading and writing about Chinese medicine, and I even
created a three-year degree-level course on traditional Chinese medicine, which was accepted
into the university system in Victoria, Australia. One book I studied that stands out from all the
rest as having the nearest approximation to what I am discussing now – how the body-field is
arranged according to the spatial structures found in the presence of the QED field – is Manfred
Porkert’s about the origins of the Oriental theory of medicine.6 Astoundingly, the book is
concerned with phase energetics and an arcane theory of yin and yang that very few understand
because they take it out of context. In the context of the idea of quantum phase, Porkert’s work
begins to shine.
In 2003, when I uncovered some key elements of the body-field, after a great deal of
discussion with colleagues, I realised that it naturally arranged itself into a set of 12 structures, or
compartments, which are now called Energetic Integrators (EI) in NES theory. The sets of data
associated with each EI can be summarised by a simple spatial formula: the EIs can be arranged
as two sets of six, where they appear to correspond to the two strands of the DNA helix, where
one strand is slightly out of phase with the other. I have already mentioned the crossbars that link
the bases across the two strands of DNA and the 64 possible arrangements of the bases in that
direction. Now I was able to entertain the gripping idea that the DNA and RNA helices actually
created a strong field – strong because of its structure and arrangement. According to this view,
each cell has its own energy blueprint so that each can have access to the complete structure of
the body. For this to happen, it is necessary for each DNA replica in each cell to communicate
with all the other cells in the body via some energy medium. What better than the QED field for
this purpose? And how better to explain disease than the failure of this system in various ways? I
am sure that you are aware that the function of the DNA is to replicate proteins for constructing
the various parts of the body and running the processes of physiology. That is it. But of course
many have tried to broaden its function to make it the key to everything, even minor habits and
forms of behaviour which are seen to run in families. Some try to trace all human characteristics,
learned or not, back to this protein-replicating machine called DNA. But who has thought of
Manfred Porkert, The Theoretical Foundation of Chinese Medicine: Systems of correspondences, Asian Science
Series #3, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1974
DNA creating a pattern in a QED field, which in turn can interface with the patterns of the larger
body? Yet we already know that an infinite series of patterns can be created, from the physics I
have already discussed.
In terms of traditional Chinese medicine, I discovered that the 12 EIs of the body-field –
which can be thought of also as information fields that can be used by the body to regulate
normal physiology – could be arranged into two sets of six, and when they were arranged in this
way they corresponded to the arcane idea of a set of six steps in the yin–yang theory enunciated
so clearly by Manfred Porkert. These in turn related back to the genetic material of the body. So I
believe I have been able to replicate the spatial structures or patterns (what I often call simply
‘pictures’) that rule the function of the body-field, as it is constantly guided by the DNA
interface with the QED field. This understanding in its entirety – and I recognise I have not
spelled it out here in detail – could prove to be a great advance in our understanding not only of
Chinese medicine but also of all of medicine. I do not believe that there are two medicines – an
orthodox one and an alternative one. Rather, there is just one medicine, and this is it:
bioenergetic and bio-informational medicine. It encompasses biochemistry.
So, in the theory of disease, we can look to a higher level of correlation and say that
anything that displaces the positions of the DNA strands, or the crossbars, or makes the strands
longer or shorter, or alters the interface of the DNA in a field, will be a potential cause of
disease. Hence the idea of the distortion of sub-atomic particles and their interactions is a key to
many diseases.
I remember back 20 years ago when a young student in one of my classes declared that
the mystery of the body was how each cell managed to talk to all the other cells. Everyone
thought that intercellular communication was a chemical or electrochemical affair. That young
student is now the principal of the acupuncture college that I founded, now a department in a
university. The ideas we were perusing at the time were about the ways the acupuncture meridian
system can foster communication in the body. A lot of water has gone under the Chinese bridge
since that time. It now appears that the acupuncture meridian system, or jing lo as it is called in
Chinese medicine, is the network of directional communication pathways through the body’s
system of connective tissues. Connective tissue is widely distributed in all organs of the body
and appears to have superconducting characteristics, so we can see how it becomes a scaffold for
a general bioenergetic system.
In the Chinese system, each meridian is supposed to be linked with an orb – a hollow
structure, which is an organ. An organ can be thought of a structure in space, a cavity, that will
store energy in a QED field, and it will act like a coaxial resonator, with a certain characteristic
frequency. So, too, will the millions of tiny hollow spiral rods floating in the cellular protoplasm,
things called microtubules. The Chinese did not find the tiny tubules which act as tuning forks
for energy transfer, but they did see that the organs collected energy, which might be zero-point
energy, and could act to power the system of coherent communication within the body. The
hydrogen bond I spoke of earlier is just like a tuning fork or microtubule so far as the QED field
is concerned. Amazingly, the width of the tubule does not alter its tuning but does alter its ability
to discriminate between signals, as in the quality factor in terms of electronics. My point is that it
is its length that is a key factor in this bioenergetic and bio-informational system, as is quantum
Exploring New Ideas and Anomalous Information
Is there any evidence that the body actually works in this way – the way the Chinese have
conceived for more than 2,000 years? My work shows that it does, and we have barely scratched
the surface because of the difficulty caused by our belief blinders, where the mind cannot take in
new or anomalous information because it is already full of other data it is certain of and
comfortable with. Let us start again with a new scientific form of medicine which is big enough
to absorb the ideas of all the other strands of medicine which our great human civilisation has
thrown up over thousands of years.
Consider, for example, the great fluid system in the brain, which is a series of closed
chambers linked by canals, ending finally in the base of the spinal column. The fluid is called the
cerebrospinal fluid and the chambers are called the cerebral ventricles. Why are they filled with
this special fluid, which is under pressure? Why are the chambers interlinked? Why does the
system go right down the spinal column?
If we think about it, as almost nobody does, they can be thought of as a series of
interlocked pressurised cavities that are each tuned to a certain direction in space due to their
orientation. Instead of looking at brain structures as relay stations, metaphorically as computer
terminals and other mechanical machines, we can think of them as resonating cavities subject to
the physics of cavity dynamics and tuned via spatial orientation. Through them, the brain acts as
a sort of antenna or signal relay station that gains access to the information stored in structures in
space created by real events – in our environment and also in terms of that which we regard as
memory. We all know that we can remember something better and even recall seemingly
forgotten details when we return to the place where the event happened. So much of human
activity is related to this very process of recall. There is growing evidence that memory might in
fact be distributed throughout the body and also be outside the body, and this is one aspect of
that conjecture. I have become convinced that memory is found in the heart, circulation system
and muscles.
I spoke of the organs as hollow structures that acted as reservoirs to collect and tune
energy, and to feed energy at the quantum level into the meridian system, where energy
movement was the basis of the creation of the body-field. Yet one important aspect of this
system is missing: how it is created and maintained. It is to the heart that we turn to begin to
explore these questions.
The heart is the first chest cavity organ to be developed in the embryo and it actually
starts to beat before the vascular system is in place, when the embryo is only about 40 days old.
There is a reason for this in quantum biology. Pressure waves create sound, and sound travelling
in a solid is a way of controlling aspects of the body-field. Odd things happen in organisms and
other entities in the presence of quantum-level pressure waves, which are studied via a branch of
science called quantum fluid dynamics. I won’t go into that, but suffice it to say that the heart’s
dynamics provide a method for creating and powering the body-field of the embryo.
In science, if you have a system that does something, you have to say how it is powered,
so now we turn our attention to how the body-field can power itself. We must situate this
question in the context of bioenergetic medicine, where every disease has one symptom common
to them all: the loss of energy in the system. Fatigue, after all, is the first symptom of most
illnesses. If we think the cause of disease is, at the deepest level, the failure of information
transfer, then this breakdown results in the body’s failure to create enough energy to power its
control system. The Chinese considered this problem long ago and came up with a way of
explaining how the body energises itself. They had this magnificent idea of the San Jiao, or
Three Burning Spaces. A space can only burn, of course, if it is filled with some kind of energy,
and in the case of the QED body-field and by correlation the hollow structures, the orbs, of the
physical body, this ‘fuel’ may be zero-point energy, with magnetic energy as it is transformed
from the so-called virtual to the real world.
A fundamental experiment about heat, called the Blackbody Radiation experiment or the
Cavities Radiation experiment, looked at how a body or system absorbed and then re-radiated
heat and what was going on with sub-atomic particles, especially photons, in that process (a huge
mystery at the time, early in the twentieth century). The details aren’t important, but it turns out
that the frequency aspects of the experiment were not classical in nature and that standing waves
were involved. Max Planck solved the problem of the phenomenon by proposing that photons
were quantised, that is, they came in discrete packets.
The Chinese tried to explain how heat was made in the body by appealing to a complex
science that would not be uncovered until the twentieth century. We have to admit that we have a
problem with heat creation and dissipation in the human body. The story spun by the
physiologists is well known, about the cells in the body and the carbohydrates, sugars and fats
they convert to energy, and the excess that is dissipated as heat. Everybody agrees that heat can
be created by many types of chemical reaction, and the ones going on in the body are supposed
to keep the body at within 1° Celsius of the correct operating temperature whether we live in the
frigid polar region or the sweltering tropics. Our amazing cells are able to keep the temperature
in our toes the same as that in our inner organs. Yet when someone runs hot, the explanation is
not that they are eating too much sugar, but that there is a heat regulatory centre in the brain that
is not functioning or that circulation is not good, and so on. Then there is the mystery of
spontaneous human combustion, which really strains the orthodox theories. My point here,
really, is that when we look for places in conventional medicine and biology where the theory
about heat and powering systems of the body is inadequate, we have to look no further than the
explanation, using the body-field, for how the body maintains temperature.
Bioenergetics sees the answer not in the Krebs Cycle or other metabolic processes
involving the use of fats, carbohydrates and sugars, but instead as a feature of cavity dynamics.
Think of Tibetan adepts who generate, at will, such heat in their body that they can dry soaked
sheets wrapped around their shoulders even though they are sitting out on the snow in freezing
ambient temperatures. They do it by modifying their breathing and generating certain types of
sound—all processes that rely bioenergetically on how cavities process sound and pressure
waves and such things. They use the dynamics of what the Chinese call the burning spaces of the
body, from which they generate energy in the form of heat.
We have to point out that the ‘organ’ that is responsible for the storage of energy for the
San Jiao, or Three Heaters or Three Burning Spaces, has never been found, although some
people locate it, for no particular reason, in the lining of the stomach. My answer is to return to
the dynamics of the three coordinated systems of the body-field that operate together in the body.
The first one is the heart, which powers the vascular system with pressure waves and real sounds,
the most familiar of which is the ‘lup-dup’ of the beating heart. Low-frequency sound is a way
that quantised energy enters the system, as we shall see shortly. The actual sound the heart makes
becomes very important so far as quality of information transfer in the field of the blood is
Two systems intersect here, since the nervous system controls the exact way in which the
heart contracts and makes its characteristic sound. So, our second system is the nervous system,
where the body undertakes a huge effort to create polarised waves that can act as carriers for the
quantum information in the field that goes with it. Both Freeman Cope and Matti Pitkänen
appear to agree with this idea of how the nervous system really works. I see it as a mechanism
for creating a moving electrostatic field, and to do this we need to have a nervous system that is
split into tiny units, as it is. This is a power-saving device. The nervous system impulses move
down sets of complex interlocking fragments of nerve tissues, but the real messages are at
the level of a Feynman diagram, a structure in space that looks like arrows imprinted into a
disc. The nervous system not only generates a huge number of ionised particles but also produces
sounds, just as the heart does. These take the form of alpha and delta waves, and they have been
studied for years. Many other waves are also generated by the nervous system.
The third source of energy for the body-field is found in the lungs. They, too, generate
sounds, some of which are under our conscious control. They also respond to input, as we know
from the effects of sounds of certain wavelengths and timbres that are part of religious and
ceremonial practices. The Hindus, for example, are very fond of humming to create energy, and
there is even a special raspy way of breathing in the throat, called the udjaya breath, that is said
to increase the energy in the body. Breathing in general can be adapted to generate many kinds of
wave and pressure, each of which may carry its own information content at the quantum level.
Many readers will no doubt be wondering what all this has to do with quantum science,
and the next section will make this very clear. Suffice it to say that it is possible to help the body
to make energy, as it fails to do when it is ill, merely by replenishing its structure in space at
certain points and via various methods. And we don’t have to resort to chanting or yogic
breathing to do so.
Waves and Sonoluminescence
In the body-field model, we have a problem until we can show that the sounds being made by the
brain, heart, nervous system, lungs and throat (and other organs and processes) are able to carry
useful information that can be accessed and used by the body. The sounds do represent energy,
but sound is not generally considered to be that important in physiology. Sonoluminescence may
provide the answer. It is a phenomenon which occurs by injecting a very low-frequency sound
into a chemical solution or solid so that photons of light are emitted! Basically, sound turns into
The phenomenon is not new. It was discovered by two scientists in Cologne, Germany, in
1934, when they noticed that when they sent sound waves through a liquid, bubbles in the liquid
emitted light. Interest in the phenomenon heightened in the 1980s, when a research student found
that much of the emission in sonoluminescence was in the ultra-violet spectrum. Not only that, it
was found that bubbles in the liquid reached temperatures of an incredible 72,000° Kelvin! Since
I have just been speaking about what the real doctors of this world know about creation of heat in
spaces, and the use of sound as a prompt for this energy creation, the science suddenly becomes
of tremendous interest.
Interestingly, the process of bubbles emitting light involves high-intensity sound waves,
resonance, plasma and standing-wave dynamics, all phenomena or subjects of relevance to the
body-field theory and the new biology. Sonoluminescence can also induce cavitation, which is
accompanied by a certain amount of noise. Cavitation is a pitting phenomenon, such as what
happens to the propellers of giant ships as their surfaces are eaten away by the fluid effects of the
water as the propeller rotates.
Some physicists think that the phenomenon of sonoluminescence could involve a subtle
quantum field effect, called the Casimir Effect. In this phenomenon, when two surfaces are very
close together (at microscopic distances), there should be a tiny force between them which is
either attractive or repulsive, depending on the circumstances. However, in a vacuum, when
there is no electromagnetic field present, there should be no force detectable between the two
surfaces. This turns out not to be true, as a force is detectable even in a vacuum because of the
motion of so-called virtual photons. The explanation is based not on conventional
electromagnetic theory but on QED field theory – it is a quantum phenomenon. So we are back
into quantum physics in a big way with sonoluminescence. And we are closer to finding out what
heats the body as well, at least according to bioenergetics: Sound in, heat out. Sound in, light out.
We can look to another front in our quest to determine how the body regulates heat and
manages to defy the Second Law of Thermodynamics. One astrophysicist in particular is of
interest to us in this discussion, Orvin Wagner, who proposed back in 1996 that there was a
wave, the ‘W wave’ as he calls it, that pervaded everything in the cosmos – the big canvas that
astrophysicists study, as opposed to the tiny one studied by particle physicists.7 He was applying
this information to life and he looked at things like plants in his study. He proposed that W
waves provided a template for life to develop by, despite the Second Law of Thermodynamics.
Of course the Second Law of Thermodynamics is contrary to what we see in life, where
organisms create and regulate their temperatures to within a fraction of a degree in all
environments. The interesting thing about this physics is that the all-pervading waves are of
variable frequency: some at 480cm/sec, in the case of waves emitted between plants, and some at
96cm/sec, within plant tissue. But another most interesting thing is that Wagner found that there
was something called ‘velocity switching’ going on, by which he meant that there were integral
multiples of the speeds of the waves. Wagner looked at distances between leaves on plants as
quantised spacing to determine what was going on with the W wave. He thinks that the W wave
is affected by electromagnetic radiation, according to the 11-year sunspot cycle. He also says that
the W wave is a longitudinal wave, like sound waves.
The Body-Field and a Common Set of Connecting Energies
Just as the physicists were beginning to please me with many, many useful ideas for furthering
my theory of the human body-field and of a new model of healing and medicine according to
bioenergetics and bio-information, it occurred to me that I had the perfect means of testing some
of their ideas. I had major aspects of the human body-field in the 600 or so ampoules I used for
testing. The water–alcohol mixture in them held the energetic imprint of all the major parts of the
Orvin E. Wagner, ‘All-pervading waves suggest universal control and communication’, Frontier Perspectives 6
(1), 1996, 41–7
physical body, from cells to tissues to minerals and vitamins. To find out what sort of energy was
the common communicator among all of these samples, I merely had to find out what sorts of
things were able to make a Vega Effect with all of the ampoules. While the testing would be
tedious, it wouldn’t be difficult, and if I found a common connecting energy then there wouldn’t
be a need for the now discarded idea of the ether, which only non-scientists will still talk about,
since the need for it was effectively removed by Einstein.
Wagner’s work suggested to me that there would not be one but many sounds which
would act as common carriers of information in an overall structuring field of the body. But what
if those sounds could be expressed as a light emission in a fluid? After all, the entire body is
bathed in fluids via the intracellular and extracellular fluids. Surely, I thought, there would be
certain light frequencies as well.
I carried out the tests and found that two frequencies in the visible light spectrum would
produce the Vega Effect – make a match – with every ampoule from the set of body-field
imprints, chosen at random.
More was to come early in 2002, when I made up imprints of all the elements that had
been reduced to sets of nine or so numbers (radionics rates) by Bruce Copen. I went through all
the elements and found that five elements were able to form a Vega Effect, suggesting a
possibility of superconductivity in the body, whereas none of the other 90 or so elements I tested
did. It appears that it is not the element itself that makes the match, but one or more of the subatomic particles that make up the element, and then only in a weak field, like the one set up by
the device used for testing.
Of the five elements (all low on the periodic table) that made matches, I thought that it
would not be surprising to find that there were more photon frequencies in the visible or invisible
range that would do so as well. This led me to another kind of test, which I describe below,
discovering what would block the communication or connection between items.
Blocking the Body-Field
In order to demonstrate a blocking effect, it was only necessary to find out which elements
stopped the Vega Effect. In other words, I would produce a match and then see if introducing
another element caused the match to cease or disappear. This happens when lead is introduced
into the field dynamics. In 1997, I was going to demonstrate this effect to Dr Bevan Reid, a
scientist in Australia who was much taken with my work at the time, but we did not have any
lead available in his lab. So I decided to try an experiment, making up an ampoule of lead using
the Copen radionic rate. Thus I was using the energetic imprint of lead and not real lead. The
ampoule of water–alcohol tincture imprinted with Copen’s numbers for lead was able to break
the field in the same way as real lead was able to. This experiment suggests that it is the action of
the sub-atomic particles in a quantum field that acts as a blocker and that the actual substance is
not needed. But the way, tin will also block the field, as will as several other rare metals that are
only found in the soil in certain places. Tantalum and ytterbium also block the QED field.
Here I pause to appeal to the psychologists and psychiatrists in particular, who no doubt
already suspect that there is something else that can block the field: volition. Anyone trained to
work with the Vega Effect – and there are a number of machines in use these days that can
produce it – will know that all ‘yes’ answers can suddenly become ‘no’ and all ‘no’ answers can
suddenly become ‘yes’, even while you are testing a set of ampoules. There appears to be what I
think of as a ‘switch’ that reverses the answer, just as there are two possible answers in many
kinds of quantum equations. For instance, in quantum mathematics, the answer can sometimes be
either a positive number or a negative one. In addition, another kind of switch changes point of
view, so that you can think of an electron as a particle going forwards in time and its oppositecharge partner, the positron, as the same particle, only going backwards in time. I am sure that
anyone who has ever worked with clients/patients knows that in order for healing to occur,
something within the client has to flip to a ‘yes’ state – a state of ‘I choose to be healthy’. Fear is
one of the most potent switches, often flipping the switch from ‘yes’ to ‘no’, which makes one
think of what is going on in hospitals and labs across the world where sick people are subject to
frightening and complicated technologies and tests. In a fearful environment, communication
stops—and it may be communication not only between doctor and patient but also between the
patient’s body-field and the dynamical processes of the quantum realm that underlie physiology.
What Happens When Sonoluminescence Fails
I have done a little initial research on the inability of the body-field of those suffering from
cancer to go from sound up to light. Going from sound up to light is a normal phenomenon that
keeps the body working right. If it fails, there is trouble.
In 2001 I made a series of test ampoules to test the scaling in frequency between below one
Hertz – subsonic sound – and the area around light, and just below, in the infra-red range.
Surprisingly, 100% of those suffering cancer in its later stages showed an inability to make a
response, using the Vega Effect as an indicator, to the last three out of the 13 ‘window’
frequencies I was using to test the ability of the sub-atomic world to turn sound into light. This
meant that none of the normal sound waves in the body-field, or affecting it, were functional. I
concluded that in cancer the body-field is severely dysfunctional.
Sonoluminescence as a theory is very important, but it also gives us a mechanism for
changing frequencies from very low (where the wavelengths can be kilometres long) to very
short photons, which are measured in angstroms. We need such a scale to make sure that we can
make a hydrogen bond scale up from micro to macro, so that it can be measured, which I have
done in centimetres. That is, I claim to measure the energetic signature of elongated hydrogen
bonds, even though they are normally thought to be so small as to make physical measurement
impossible. Yet, if the very small is able to make itself manifest as the very large via its field
dynamics, then we shall find odd ‘pictures’ or imprints appearing all over the place when the
energy conditions are right. For instance, under certain conditions in vats of chemicals, huge
concentric rings emerge as if from nowhere, some over a metre in diameter. The phenomenon is
called scaling, which is a process by which processes in the sub-microscopic world of the
quantum realm create measureable effects in the macroscopic world. Sonoluminescence appears
to be subject to such scaling. Logarithmic scaling occurs when protons are at their lowest energy
Scaling is necessary so that the ‘real’ world is not arbitrarily bounded, that is, definitively
divided or separated forever between the sub-atomic realm and the macroscopic realm. Scaling
provides a means of moving from the world of real quantum physics to that of real Newtonian
physics. Particles express themselves in the two worlds all the time, as in the case of the energy
of certain atoms – of course hydrogen is the major one – that transition from showing the effects
of sound to shifting to heat and light frequencies. Particles can be waves.
When logarithmic proton scaling fails in biology, as my testing has shown is a real
possibility in the case of the body-fields of people with cancer, the smooth track between the two
worlds is obliterated in part, beginning at subsonic frequencies and getting progressively worse
as we travel up the frequency scale. While medicine has not discovered any effective therapy for
most cancers, there is reason to believe that with further and more thorough investigation some
huge breakthroughs will be made. Why? Because essentially cancer is the body’s loss of control
over cell growth, and bioenergetics tells us that what controls growth is the body-field. Those of
us working with body-field dynamics hope one day to find ways to ‘treat’ the body-field, so that
we have new therapies not only for cancer but for all diseases, which appear to have a common
cause in the distortions of energy and information fields at the level of the body-field. Instead of
treating cells and organs individually, ours will be a holistic approach, working at the level of the
overall structure of the body-field – of the structure in space that informs the physical body. This
is a radically different approach from that of orthodox, molecular medicine, and is based on
quantum biology. I’ll end by discussing briefly the hope for quantum biology.
Quantum Biology
Let me conclude with some comments that tie things up very broadly. Quantum biology as it
applies to bioenergetics and bio-information is an emerging science that can explain how the
human body powers itself and maintains physiology beyond the biochemical model. It applies to
the development of the body as well as to how the body powers itself throughout life – it uses
field dynamics dependent on at least three mechanisms apart from the well-known nutritional
way of making energy. One of the major mechanisms is by using the sounds created by the body
to set a quantum effect that produces light and heat. Not to oversimplify, but a healthy person
will have a glow, while a sick one will be ashen. Sickness also results from shock (which can be
chemical, surgical, emotional and from other causes) that results in very slight phase shifts at the
quantum-field level that over time express themselves at the level of physical matter, causing
changes in the body’s biochemistry. Quantum biology at its most basic is the study of the
interactions of the fields of living things, which are found to communicate with themselves and
other living things, particularly with those of the same type.
In time, and I hope during my lifetime, quantum medicine will evolve so that we can get
to the root cause of illness, the field interactions at the level of the body-field. We are already
finding ways, via the NES Infoceuticals – which are imprinted with information to correct
distortions in the body-field according to the data I have amassed via my space resonance
matching tests – to correct the body-field in specific ways using sets of what amount to magnetic
signposts to give the body what it needs to return to homoeostasis. We can correct structures in
space, which in turn correct everything that those structures affect, so there is no need to drill
down to specific organs or tissues or cells or chemical processes.
This approach changes the nature of diagnosis. It is truly a holistic approach to health.
Information transfer and regulation between the body-field and body may be restored without
recourse to giving people punishing and dangerous treatments. If ever I had a dream, this is it.
And my entire adult life has been devoted to furthering this possibility.
Overview of the NES Space Resonance Matching Method
This paper, written in 2008, introduces a new method of research testing called ‘space resonance matching’ that
NES developed for bioenergetic and bio-informational exploration of the human body-field.
Our method of testing for energetic and informational correlations between the human body-field
and the physical body utilises unconventional methodology and equipment that, admittedly, is as
yet unsupported by the conventional medical establishment. This is not surprising, since
academic medicine specifically rejects the reality of, or even the remote possibility of, a bodyfield. But that does not mean it does not exist; it only means that they aren’t looking for it or for
ways to detect and explore its properties and characteristics.
The space resonance matching technique was developed when I was using electrodermaltype technologies, especially the Vegatest machine. This is a technology developed by Helmut
Schimmel, a German dentist and medical doctor. The technology uses probes or sensors to detect
changes in the galvanic skin response (the electromagnetic state of the body via the skin) at the
acupuncture points of the body. Schimmel’s machine was based on earlier technology developed
by Reinholdt Voll, who was trained in electronics, medicine, acupuncture, and homoeopathy. He
developed a technique for detecting the energy state at the skin, via acupuncture points This
came to be called ‘electroacupuncture according to Voll’ and so these types of machines
generally came to be known as EAV machines. The underlying premise is that the body’s
electromagnetic state changes when there is disease, and these changes in voltage can be
detected at the skin level through the acupuncture points, usually at points at the tips of the
fingers. On the machine, there is an indicator window with a needle gauge; when the probe is
placed on an acupuncture point and the needle drops below a certain baseline reading (for some
machines this is 40 on a scale of 1 to 100), it indicates a shift in the electromagnetic state at that
point, representing the likelihood of a distortion in the energy flow through that acupuncture
point or in that meridian. The distortion can then be corrected using electrical microcurrents.
Schimmel also developed a method of testing the energetic signature of items, such as a
sample of an animal, plant or mineral, by making homoeopathic imprints of the substances and
testing them against a client’s acupuncture points using his machine. Of course this was space
resonance matching. In this way, he could determine if the energetic or vector signature of the
substance was compatible or not with the client’s body. In a further development, he produced
samples that were basically the energetic equivalent of the 12 major meridians themselves. This
was done via a process called electronic homoeopathic imprinting.
I believe these machines in general are not testing the electromagnetic state of the body,
or not only the electromagnetic state, because of various tests I carried out that showed the
electron was not primary particle functioning in the activity of the machines. I will discuss this
further below. For now, I will say that I believe these machines detect the energetic signature of
space resonances. In addition, I modified a Vega machine so that I could test two ampoules
against each other on two plates, instead of testing an ampoule and the skin conductivity of the
Let me first provide some context for space resonance, which is based on the work of the
astrophysicist Milo Wolff.1 When two quantum particles interact, or more accurately when their
waves interact, it changes the characteristics of quantum space, what Wolff calls ‘space
resonance’, which itself leaves a signature in the macro realm. What we see in the ‘real’ world
are the appearances caused by various kinds of space resonances. Space resonance occurs
identical things
related things, which includes relationships that may appear to be causally
unrelated but which relate at the energetic level
Between 1983 and1990, I conducted thousands of experiments using a modified Vega machine
in which I had configured two plates for testing two different samples. I had made or acquired
thousands of ampoules that contained the homoeopathic imprint of different substances,
including just about everything of relevance to the body, from types of cells to tissues to
chemicals and minerals and more. These ampoule sets were manufactured commercially. The
ampoules contained a 50–50 alcohol and water mixture and the chosen substance was then
homoeopathically imprinted into the liquid using a special device. I believe the imprint is of
information about the sample in the form of what might be termed ‘data sets’ of the magnetic
vectors unique to that substance. Magnetic vectors are like energetic directional signals, tagging
information so it flows in a specific direction; in the body-field, they are like signposts that
indicate where the information is most needed or where it can be best used.
I discovered that the machines, as I said previously, do not work only in the way
Schimmel or Voll explained. I found, for example, that when a test was set up using metallic
plates with a low negative electromagnetic voltage, on which were placed two identically
imprinted ampoule samples, added sequentially first to one plate and then to the other, and the
electrodes were then placed on the skin at an acupuncture point, there was a massive change of
space conductivity locally surrounding the acupuncture point. I repeated these kinds of tests with
all kinds of samples and under all kinds of conditions. As a result of them, I have come to
believe the space resonance matching effect is not an electrical phenomenon since it:
will not take place in the dark
will not take place when conducted outside and there are no surrounding
reflective flat surfaces
will not function at onset of a severe electrical storm due to increased
electrostatic charge
After years of wondering how these conditions related to the testing procedures, I have come to
believe that these machines are capable of detecting the space resonances that Wolff talks about
as being at the heart of quantum mechanics. Even more astounding, I believe that the person in
See Milo Wolff, Exploring the Physics of the Unknown Universe: An adventurer’s guide, Technotran, Manhattan
Beach, CA, 1990
the circuit acts only as a witness and is not really necessary for the testing procedure, although by
being part of the circuit that person can be affected by the energetic change in the vicinity. What
the machines were really doing in these tests was displaying the result of space resonance
matching between the two sample ampoules.
Furthermore, the order of placing the samples matters. In other words, when sample
ampoule A is placed on a plate, it changes the space resonance of that area, and then when
sample ampoule B is added to other plate, it affects space in relation to the first sample, so the
effect is not additive or cumulative but actually transformational. Sequence matters: A + B = C,
and while you would think that B + A would also equal C, it does not. In fact, B + A = D, where
the effect is a unique space resonance that is dependent only upon the order of ampoule
placement. In addition, the effect extends into the surrounding space, so that a nearby human
being attached to the wires also is subject to the effect. The subject can also affect the space
resonance, as I will explain later. When there is a match, the meter deflects, indicating an
increase in electromagnetic conductivity of the skin. I believe this is a result of the ‘space’ of the
experiment being changed as far as its permittivity is concerned.2
It is now time to speak frankly about testing methodology and expose the big secret
academic medicine doesn’t want to hear: there may be no such thing as objectivity. The new
physics appears to show that objectivity is the Emperor without any clothes! Objectivity is a
relative thing and not absolute. Let us see why this is so.
Making Matches
To be clear, let me start by saying that in terms of energetic testing, working with EAV and
electrodermal technologies overall is a delicate affair, for there is a certain amount of subjectivity
involved, which takes account of the skill of the operator. I modified my machine with the aim of
reducing these pitfalls, but when talking about energetic testing, one must be realistic and allow
that the conditions under which it is done do matter. Energetic testing may never be able to meet
the requirements insisted upon by conventional science for total impartiality, operator
independence, repeatability, and so on. I discuss this later in this paper. However, if the current
frontier theories of consciousness and physics continue to pan out, it will be the standards
insisted upon by current academic science that will turn out to be the chimera, for consciousness
appears to affect everything, including academic technological protocols and double-blind,
controlled clinical trials.3 And, as quantum mechanics tells us, via entanglement and non-local
See the work of William Tiller, PhD, for interesting experiments showing that space can be conditioned. Healers
working for periods of time in the same space seem to leave a healing energy imprint in the space, which Tiller has
been able to detect and measure. The imprint, in some cases, was detectable for many months, even up to a year,
after the healers stopped working in the space and all testing equipment was removed. See Tiller’s books Conscious
Acts of Creation: The emergence of a new physics, Pavior, Walnut Creek, CA, 2001, and Science and Human
Transformation: Subtle energies, intentionality and consciousness, Pavior, Walnut Creek, CA, 1997.
This is called the ‘sheep–goat effect’, according to which one’s belief in what is commonly called ‘paranormal’ (or
for our purposes one’s belief in what is possible and likely) influences the outcome of the experiment. In an online
article, this effect is explained this way: ‘The more an individual harbors a reductionistic view of the world, the less
chance such phenomena will emerge (let alone be witnessed by them); the more one is interested in
interconnectedness, and open to psi experiences, the more likely the world will “respond” by creating such
experiences.’ See Also see the books of Dean Radin, PhD: The
effects, everything is connected at some deep level, so experimental conditions are much more
complex than conventional researchers are willing to admit or take into account. Reductionism
inhibits our ability to know the world and ourselves, since it tends to try to isolate things. Living
systems never operate in isolated conditions. So, in making matches, conditions are important,
and the following are some of the conditions that appear to affect space resonance matching
The change in the energetic state of the human witness is interpreted as a
change in electrical conductivity of certain acupuncture points, which in
turn is indicated by the indicator drop of the machine. This is the standard
EAV interpretation; however, as I have said, I believe what is really
happening is that there is a change in space resonance when a match is
The human subject can become greatly fatigued by being the ‘witness’ or
effectively what amounts to the ‘display device’ for the energetic test, and
this fatigue can eventually affect the test results.
The space resonance matching testing procedure is more easily facilitated
(technologically) by a good light source, fresh air and an alert and
interested human witness, even if this witness is only the researcher himor herself.
The size of the ampoule sample does not affect the experiment, but the
quality of the imprinted information does.
According to my space resonance matching theory, we are looking at an interaction between:
Space resonances, which make structures in space and affect the
permittivity of space, related to phase and frequency.
Magnetic vector information carried by spherical standing waves.
The human body-field as represented in part by the Chinese meridian
system, ending in the nodes at the fingers, where the matching effect can
be measured using the methods of conventional EAV and Vega testing.
When I do a space resonance matching test to see if two samples ‘talk to’ each other, or match, I
get a data set from the series of indicator drops. Basically, I am assigning sets of vectors to space
resonances, or what I call ‘structures in space’. So, for example, if the imprint of a particular type
of immune system cell matches to the imprint of lymph tissue, there is a unique data set to
represent that match, or the space resonance of that match. Each structure, then, is assigned a
series of vectors, but it is important to remember that this is a spatial identification system, not a
Conscious Universe: The scientific truth of psychic phenomena, HarperEdge, New York, 1997, and Entangled
Minds: Extrasensory experiments in a quantum reality, Paraview, New York, 2006. Also refer to the work of
William Tiller (see previous note).
normal mathematical system. My number sets are rather like radionics data sets.4 They are not
indications of electromagnetic frequency, as I am not examining the electromagnetic aspects of
the body, but dealing only with space resonances, which cause changes to the permittivity of
space when two substances recognise each other, or ‘make a match’. So the vectors in my data
sets are descriptors of a range of attributes and are not absolute identifiers.
In my model, each data set represents an aspect of the body-field or correlates to a
specific aspect of the body and its physiology and anatomy (a sinus, a gland, a particular kind of
tissue or cell, a mineral, a hormone, etc.). These data sets can, however, join together, in a
process I call ‘aggregation’, to make a different composite structure of the body-field. Again,
using letters instead of numbers, A + B = C, but B + A = D. As I said, I found in my testing that
the members of each data set had a preferred order. Sequence matters. When jumbled, the data
sets will readily self-assemble again, and in the proper sequence. So, for this reason they exhibit
‘ordinality in space’. When structures aggregate, the data set correlates to the new structure
changes—the order of the vector sets changes. The structure naturally assembles itself in
sequences that go from right to left and from bottom to top.
The Point of Space Resonance Matching
Energy and information take the path of least resistance via space. So, if there is a pathway
through space of greater permittivity, we surmise that a sub-atomic particle will move via that
preferred route. Hence, we can surmise that causality itself must be affected by space resonances
and space permittivity. This destroys the basis of the statistical method in one blow.
Space resonance theory also holds other implications, not only for physics, but also for
the structure and dynamics of the human body-field. Space resonance vectors can serve as a code
for the information system representing that field (the various sub-fields of the larger human
body-field for instance). In my testing, I have been able to assemble a model for the body-field,
with its characteristics based on a decadary system of space resonances and structures in space.
Over years, the thousands of these space resonance vector sets appeared, after further
careful testing, to fit into sub-sets which I called ‘spatial compartments’. In other words, a
structure emerged out of apparent chaos – exactly what David Bohm predicted would happen. I
simply arranged the space resonance vector sets representing the traditional Chinese acupuncture
meridians in the order required by my ordinality test. In an astonishing matching test, I found
that these sets of data would match these whole numbers in a decadary system where the only
number allowed was 1. Not only was there a system, but it was coherent and repetitive, a sure
sign of underlying maths. As a further test, the meridian system was correctly put in order, using
a sequence test ampoule where forwards is 79 and backwards is 97; this order differs very
slightly from the traditional Chinese order. Errors were placed there, the Chinese say, so a
Master could find the error. There is an error, I say.
Radionics is a system developed by Albert Abrams that seeks to detect electromagnetic vibrations in substances.
Everything in nature has its own distinct vibrational pattern, which can be represented by sets of numbers, called
rates. Bruce Copen, a well-known English researcher, spent a lifetime working in radionics and compiled huge
catalogues of radionics data – including a catalogue of the cells of the human body – all reduced to sets of numbers.
Decadary Frequency Converts to Body-Field Structures
Energetic Integrator Numbers
Chinese Meridian Name
EI 1
EI 2
EI 3
Small Intestine
EI 4
EI 5
EI 6
EI 7
Gall Bladder
EI 8
EI 9
Three Heater
EI 10
EI 11
EI 12
Space Resonance Matching and Testing Parameters
At first it was unclear which particles or waves predominated in space resonance matching. But
electrons as well as photons were needed. It was also necessary to use, in my experiments, a
negative electrostatic charge of several volts on the metal plate of the modified Vega equipment
to get a space resonance matching effect at all, so it was reasonable to assume that the electron
played a role. But a space resonance matching event also will not occur in the dark, which
indicates a possible role for the photon. If a photon is merely an overexcited electron, as Milo
Wolff indicates in his space resonance theory, then there is no problem. More study is needed,
for electrons as well as protons are involved.
Wolff suggests that real particles, of which he says there are three – the electron, proton
and neutron, with all the others being different space resonances caused by the interaction of the
spherical scalar standing waves of these three particles – will eventually return to their lowest
possible energy state (what Wolff calls the ‘minimum amplitude state’). As their aggregated
information structures change, so does the configuration in space. It is my conjecture, from my
testing over the years, that health is present when the body-field and body – as information
structures and systems – are operating at their lowest possible energy configurations. Disease
means higher energy states, or over-energised particle/wave interactions, which is why the first
physical sign of illness often is fatigue, and even raised temperature and inflammation.
The standard of experimental methodology includes others being able to replicate your
results and for results to be consistent. In terms of the latter, repeatability means that in a space
resonance matching scan, as with the NES software, the scan results would be the same or
similar if two tests were conducted on the same person sequentially. However, bioenergetic
medicine works differently from medical/biological testing because it works with living systems
that are in relationship with internal and external environments, and, what’s more, the
experiments or scans must by necessity include consciousness or intention, including the
researcher’s or practitioner’s beliefs and expectations (see footnote 3, above, about the sheep–
goat effect). Space resonance matching is no exception. However, it is repeatable under certain
specific circumstances:
1. One pair of items must be tested at a time for a match to occur. In a scan,
that would be a single person being scanned, with the computer as the
other half of the pair.
2. Changes in the location or disturbances in the environment affect space
resonances, so the match may change according to differing external
conditions. The equipment must remain stationary during the testing.
3. It is best if human witnesses, incl. the client being scanned, are relaxed,
near alpha state and have no expectations. Also, the test preferably should
be conducted in an environment with plenty of light and fresh air.
4. The human body-field is dynamic and changes continually at quantum
states and the biological cellular and sub-cellular state of life. The scans
will reveal this. However, every scan provides a ‘snapshot’ of the bodyfield in that moment of time and so can be the basis for an Infoceutical
protocol, although the first scan may be the most accurate. Also, at the
quantum level as well, measuring the system changes it (the observer
effect). The body-field scan results, therefore, will never be exactly the
same no matter how close together the tests. However, over the long term
useful patterns will emerge.
Perhaps one of the greatest differences between bioenergetic/bio-informational medicine and
standard allopathic medicine is that energetic medicine allows that consciousness affects
everything. So, expectation and intention matter at a bio-energetic level. Mindset, expectation,
beliefs and stress are influences that must be considered in any space resonance matching
process, just as in any other experiment. If there is ‘chaos’ in the process, the effects can be no
space resonance matching response, a random response and even reversed responses (yes = no
and no = yes). I believe all of these factors not only influence bioenergetic testing, but
conventional testing as well. In conventional medicine this is called the placebo effect. It can be
negative or positive in its effects.
In my testing, space resonance matching is made most often between what I call singleitem pairs. That is, two items are tested to see if they communicate with each other. For instance,
I might test a metal or chemical to an organ. I will use gold and the heart as an example. Using
the Vega machine, I can test either the homoeopathic imprint or an actual tissue sample of the
heart and come up with a two-digit code for the heart which bioenergetically represents the field
for the entire organ. I then imprint this field information into liquid in an ampoule of standard
size. I then use either an actual piece of gold or the homoeopathic imprint of that metal and test it
against the heart-field sample ampoule. It turns out that gold does make a space resonance
matching response with the heart field. I can also test a homoeopathic remedy, such as Aurum
Metallicum, against the heart-field test sample to see if there is a match, which will indicate the
remedy’s possible effectiveness. This is a very simple example. However, the technique can be
extended to include space resonance matching the organelles of the cells with specific
physiologically active chemicals or with biological materials such as proteins. Each item has its
own unique field (space resonance structure or imprint). I have used this technique to gain a
deeper understanding of the dynamic processes and pathways of the body-field and how they
match – or correlate to – the physical body in very fine levels of detail.
Space resonance matching works with many types of test sampls, not just physical
substances or their energetic field imprints. Some possible test items are beyond the imagination
of conventional biology and medicine! For example, testing can be carried out for magnetic
vector sets and even for pictures (such as a photograph or MRI scan). The photons reflected by
the pictures project information into space. Structures in space resonate, and photographs and
even line drawings project into space areas of light and shade that make structures when they are
illuminated. These appear to be testable under proper conditions. Pictures also can be converted
into sets of magnetic vector numbers simply through the space resonance matching process in a
way that is theoretically similar to how radionics numbers are determined.
Preference in Space Resonance Matching
Pure objectivity is dead! Quantum physics forces us towards this truth, and bioenergetic
medicine must admit it as well. Too many bioenergetic researchers, however, still pine for the
totally objective and repeatable bio-informational test. As I indicated previously, it may not be
possible. Not because of any failure of technology, but because nature at its heart is not fixed and
static. The observer is a participatory force in the world. The body-field is dynamic and is
influenced by internal and external environments. A person’s state of consciousness matters.
While we may find ways to factor these aspects of nature into our tests, we cannot ever hope to
negate their influences, especially as they relate to health.
In my decades of conducting space resonance matching tests, I have found that some
‘answers’ supplied by undynamic systems are provisional, because of the complex dynamics of
space resonances and of living systems. And also because everything is interconnected, so
everything influences everything else. I explain this in the following way: when it comes to
testing the body-field, context matters. It turns out that the best presented match will be ‘chosen’
in the space resonance matching process; however, if a ‘better’ or ‘closer’ or ‘higher quality’
match is found, the previous match disappears! This result suggests that nature has a deep innate
flexibility, choosing the best available option in the current context. I suspect this is how
evolution works. In this regard, bioenergetic space resonance matching tests may reveal
something about nature that Darwin only hinted at!
The various possibilities of a match during testing include:
Matches can tend to remain fixed as to time and position.
Matches may change when the position of the ampoules moves in
Matches may change due to the influence of introduced factors (e.g., a
Matches may change when a ‘better’ match is made in the vicinity of
the previous match.
The quality of a space resonance matching response matters;
apparently weak matches tend to be unstable.
In terms of NES and its scanning software, the first option above is what we strive to return as
scan results. Our method of doing that, via the NES software, is proprietary.
In this paper I have ranged over many aspects of space resonance matching, providing a basic
understanding of what it is, how it works and what it means, and outlining the various kinds of
common match. I have by no means gone into detail, for to truly understand space resonance
matching you have to do it. It is a dynamic process, quite different in kind and quality from other
testing methods, and it is best practised, not talked about.
I believe the space resonance matching method I have introduced here represents an
advance in bioenergetic research and opens a new window onto the world of exploring living
systems. It provides insight into aspects of how the human body works at a quantum level and
what the body-field is and how it works interdependently with the physical body and the
environment. It also raises intriguing new questions about the workings of nature. We have only
just begun to explore its implications, take advantage of its strengths and understand its
The Seven Major Principles of the Human Body-Field
This is an edited version of a lecture delivered in 2007. It provides an overview of the foundational elements for
creating and maintaining the human body-field. Scaling effects are enlarged upon in the last chapter.
In this lecture, I am going to outline the seven major principles that I have uncovered between
1997 and 2007 in my research into the human body-field, the self-organising energy and
information structure that informs the human body and regulates all of physiology. These
principles have changed my understanding of biology, medicine, psychology, evolution theory,
ecology and more. Because aspects of the many Nutri-Energetics Systems (NES) theories have
such a broad application, each of these ideas is worthy of tertiary study, but here I have time to
cover only the ideas of each topic.
1. Body Cavities and Zero-Point Energy, or Proton Scaling Effects
We must always look at how the energy of the body is set up in the first place, and cavities
provide the mechanism. Cavity physics is the study of energy in enclosed spaces, as these spaces
can amplify and do other interesting things to energy. It was the study of what is called blackbody radiation of a cavity that led to the discovery of Planck’s constant and opened the road to
quantum physics early in the twentieth century.
How do cavities apply to the human body? Well, the body is structured around cavities.
There are the three major cavities: cranial, thoracic and abdominal. Within these there are all
kinds of other cavities, at certain preferred scales. The organs and glands are cavity-like, as are
the bones, the vessels, and so on. Then there are the cells, which are cavities themselves and
have further cavity-like structures internal or external to them. Embryology is about the
development of cavities. Cavity physics has relevance to the human body, although biologists
never see this. Yet ancients did, such as those practising traditional Chinese medicine.
What might the cavities be doing in terms of energy and information in the body? Storing
and resonating with zero-point energy (ZPE). Zero-point energy is the energy that is left when
matter is cooled to its lowest energy state, at absolute zero. All that is left then is the motion of
so-called virtual quantum particles. This ZPE field has never been measured because it is
everywhere and it creates no difference in potential, so measurement is not possible. This energy
does not flow. It’s just there, as the ‘field of all fields’.1 Recent studies have shown for the first
time that zero-point energy is used by the body, at least by the water molecules in the body,
which through their use of zero-point energy can actually work to mediate DNA processes, such
as the production of proteins.2 However, we call this energy in the NES system ‘Source energy’,
since we cannot be sure that it is ZPE. It probably is, but we don’t know definitively yet. I have
no test item for ZPE, so it remains non-scientific; it is just a proposal.
See Lynne McTaggart’s book The Field: The quest for the secret force of the universe, HarperCollins, London,
See Robert Matthews, ‘The quantum elixir’, New Scientist, April 8–14, 2006, 32–7
My first experiment in terms of cavities was with a biologist and an electronics boffin in
Australia. At a cost of hundreds of thousands of Australian dollars, I made a huge model of a
hydrogen atom and then put an antenna in it to see if it was picking up energy from space. We
shielded it, of course, like a Faraday cage, but we still picked up very narrow bands at a
frequency of over 1 GHz. They were narrow purely ‘magnetic’ spikes, forming a pattern above
and below a low-carrier frequency. We considered the hydrogen molecule as a set of polar
cavities in space. And we detected energy from nowhere! We didn’t know what we had, but the
idea intrigued me – the idea of cavities attracting, storing and even tuning in to some sort of
magnetic energy.
I used the idea over many years to show how the human body-field could borrow energy
from space if it had something like a co-axial resonator, as it is called in electronics. As I said,
the body is full of cavities: cells, tubules, bags, sinuses and organs. There are some really
important ones in the head called the cerebral vesicles. According to our theory, all of these
structures are part of a resonating system that collects energy. This collecting goes on at the
atomic level and I believe that collecting goes on up the anatomical scale too, in larger and larger
structures, until we get to the three major cavities in the body – the cranial, thoracic and
abdominal cavities.
Chemistry is based on quantum physics, which is all about energy transfer between
photons, electrons and other waves. Light can also transfer energy inside a molecule and this has
been the subject of major study in recent times by biophysicists. Of course, light, the photon, is
of major importance to physics, and quantum electrodynamics (QED) may be of major
importance to biology.3 Dr Fritz-Albert Popp, of Germany, has consolidated the discovery that
living cells, in the human body and in other organisms, emit ultra-weak light,4 a discovery
originally made by Gurwitsch. That is an important development in the overall picture of an
energetic structure that envelops and even directs the function of all living things. Professor Popp
will be a long-remembered pioneer.
In my theory, there are several fundamental fields that must be present to create and
support the human body-field. The human body-field is a special type of field that goes with all
living things. It is not exactly what Alexander Gurwitsch called a morphogenetic field way back
in 1923, but I still like his ideas. My theory identifies a complex structure to the body-field, so it
is not an amorphous entity, like an aura, or even the chakras. We are not talking metaphysics
here! In terms of quantum, I believe that living organisms represent a ‘special case’ in biology of
the use of fields and forces, be they quantum or not, as we just don’t know really. But let me get
back to specifics and list the minimum requirements of a body-field:
Zero-point energy. This could be related to proton scaling caused by the
creation of a standing wave in space.
An electrostatic charge, which is created both by ionised particles in solution
(such as in cells) and the action potential of the elements of the nervous
For more about QED, see Richard Feynman’s The Strange Theory of Light and Matter, Princeton
University Press, Princeton, NJ, 1985.
For an analysis of delayed luminescence of plants, see For Popp’s work, see any of his
many works or compilations, which tend to be very academic. For a layperson’s view of his work, see Lynne
McTaggart’s The Field, HarperCollins, London, 2001.
Light, even in small amounts, of certain high-energy frequencies, both internal
and external to the body.
Gravity and magnetism frequently are found at once, which is why so-called
‘earth energies’, such as those that contribute to geopathic stress and external
magnetic fields such as the Schumann resonance, may have a slow but
profound effect upon the body via the body-field.
Magnetic confetti, a term I have borrowed from Dr Bevan Reid, of Australia,
who, like physicist Harold Aspden,5 believes that the electron has a magnetic
capsule which can shatter. Information exchange takes place when an
electron’s magnetic capsule is broken open through an interaction with a
photon. These magnetic fragments, which Reid called magnetic confetti, may
be left over from the exchange. Molecular bond breaking, as in the forming
and breaking of hydrogen bonds, in the body also may be the process by
which magnetic confetti is generated in the body. However, I also believe that
what Reid calls the electron’s ‘capsule’ may actually be the electron’s
spherical standing wave, which has a charge and forms magnetic patterns in
space, according to astrophysicist Milo Wolff’s space resonance theory.
As I said, whether or not this body-field is a QED field remains a huge question that we cannot
yet absolutely answer. But we believe cavities are a big deal in terms of the biophysics of the
body. Think of musical instruments, which each has its own shape and so tunes energy
differently. The body has its own musical score. Everything vibrates and has its own frequency;
everything moves, from sub-atomic particles to molecule to cells. The organs such as the heart
and stomach and so on have their own movements, the blood flows – you get the idea. Cavities,
then, may attract and store other energies, and they store them for use by the body. They may
even amplify or ‘tune’ these energies at a certain frequency because of their particular structure
or shape and movement. Where you get energy exchanges, you get information exchanges,
which are the basis of the information regulation processes of the human body-field.
Now, all that said, I also have to add a caveat. There really is no good correspondence
between the textbook conventional theories of quantum theory, like the standard model, and my
theory of the human body-field. Quantum physics is about energy transfer only, but the bodyfield appears to be concerned with both energy and information transfer.6 Milo Wolff’s space
resonance theory of quantum physics, which is not widely accepted but should be, is more
sophisticated than the standard model in some respects, because it allows for both energy and
information transfer. What’s more, it allows for energy and information transfer over vast
distances, what is in effect nonlocal information transfer, although he doesn’t identify, as far as I
know, the exact distances possible. Wolff also has not investigated the physics of cavities in this
Harold Aspden is a member of the British Institute of Physics and the author of numerous articles and books,
including the monograph Physics without Einstein. See
Information fields are becoming the focus of research and theory in physics. See in particular the work of
physicists Anton Zeilinger and Jacob Bekenstein. Bekenstein says, ‘Ask anybody what the physical world is made
of, and you are likely told matter and energy. Yet, if we have learned anything from engineering, biology, and
physics, information may be just as crucial an ingredient.’ From ‘Information in a holographic universe’, Scientific
American 15, no.3 (2005), 75.
theory, although he has speculated on how it might apply to biology.7 So we are in the early days
of a biological revolution and it is unwise for us to be dogmatic at this stage of our understanding
of how quantum physics may be at play in biology.
One other caveat: a moment of reflection will reveal that the idea of magnetic confetti
may also have to be questioned if we accept the Wolff theory, as I just indicated. I haven’t told
you about Wolff’s theory yet, although I am about to, and you can investigate it yourself, as there
will be little time to go into it in any detail, but I do want to be clear that there are other
possibilities as to how what we call magnetic confetti might be generated. With the Wolff model
we might be able to understand magnetic confetti as not originating from the electron–photon
exchange or the breaking of molecular bonds but as the remnants of standing waves, which are
left when they cancel or are affected by phase shifts to the point that they break up. Good science
always requires a certain amount of simplification of data and theories, and this may be the case
2. Space is Self-Organising in Terms of Information
We are at the frontiers of biology and physics with our theory of the human body-field, and we
find many others with valid and intriguing ideas keeping us company. One such person is
American astrophysicist Milo Wolff, whom I just mentioned. I very much like his space
resonance theory, which is also called the wave structure of matter theory, and it supports NES
theory very well. We came to Wolff’s theory long after I had begun my research – almost 30
years later in fact – but it supports what I already found beautifully. I refer you to Wolff’s book
Exploring the Physics of the Unknown Universe, to find out more about his theory.8 As I said, I
don’t have time to even begin to review it, but it proposes only three fundamental particles – the
electron, proton and neutron – and says that all other particles are ‘appearances’ caused by how
the interaction of electrons (which are spherical scalar standing waves, having in-waves and outwaves) interact and thus affect the configuration – or resonance – of space. We are, of course,
not talking about three-dimensional space, but quantum space. But I leave it to you to learn about
this by reading the physics.
Suffice it to say that the properties of space have not really ever been studied, and Dr
Wolff states that he thinks it’s about time they were. When energy exchanges take place,
information exchanges take place. But information, to be useful, has to be what you might call
‘structured’. In the 1990s, long before I read Milo Wolff’s book, I was doing ‘space resonance
matching’ experiments with ampoules that contained liquid or matter that had been imprinted
with information along the lines of homoeopathic imprinting. My space resonance matching
technique revealed that when two samples ‘talked’ to each other, they exchanged energy, and in
doing so imparted information. I tested thousands of samples, usually of homoeopathically
imprinted materials, such as body tissues or minerals and such, and repeated these tests over and
over, for nearly 30 years. I amassed mounds of data about what ‘talked to’ (or ‘matched with’)
what, and what didn’t.
Fraser’s private conversations with Milo Wolff.
Milo Wolff, Exploring the Physics of the Unknown Universe: An adventurer’s guide, Technotran, Manhattan
Beach, CA, 1990
But what was I to do with all of this data? How was I to organise it? From ancient
Chinese sources I finally gleaned the information needed to set up a test for ordinality and
sequence in this mass of data. By ‘sequence’ I mean matches sorted in one direction or another,
having a preferred order. Can you believe that we gained a ‘space resonance matching’ response
only when a sequence of ampoules of imprinted solution were arranged in the experiment in the
right order? It is strange. It boggled my mind for many, many years! But this is what happened,
and the idea of the body-field was on its way, because without sequence, without order and
structure, we don’t get meaningful space resonance matching effects.
Now don’t be too quick to dismiss this idea. It is not so odd, as it is crucial to biology in
other respects, too. Think of DNA, with its four bases which can only be arranged in certain
pairings. Think of RNA, too. Think of the production of complex enzymes and hormones by the
body, where strict sequences have to be observed, and often a complex biological molecule
might have nine or more stages of development. And, of course, there is another important aspect
of biology where sequence is of critical importance – in embryology.9 Whole textbooks are
devoted to the correct sequencing of human development, and when there is an error in this
order, a clinical pathology results. If you think embryology is totally linked with genetics, you
have to think again, because the errors which cause pathology are only between 10% and 15%
genetic in origin, which means they are 85–90% something else!10
Embryology, too, links to cavities, as we can see that a major part of early mammalian
embryology is concerned with how cavities form and change as the embryo develops. I think that
embryology is an energetic study on its own, and thus I think a thorough study of it should be
done from the bioenergetic perspective. Embryology uses the first two principles I have outlined
– of cavities and the ordinality/sequencing of self-organisation – together. And, therefore, it is no
accident that the embryological development of all mammals has a common route, since the
same laws of space will apply to all of them.
There is nothing new under the sun, since the Chinese in their traditional medicine
realised that there was a special type of Source energy (or yuan qi in Chinese) that was important
for human development. You can check this out if you like in the major text on the subject, The
Theoretical Foundations of Chinese Medicine.11
So far, we have ZPE/Source energy + cavities + ordinality/sequence, and we have the
basis for a new way of looking at what I might call bioenergetic embryology. Of course the idea
is not so new.
Now you will note a curious thing. I am not very interested in the exchange of energy,
except in a general way because this is what physics is really about. I am more interested in
information exchange, in how information is carried in or by space itself. Space may act as a sort
of template for what the energy can do! In other words, I am going to a deeper level of looking at
things, beyond energy to the information that underlies it. By the way, information is the hot new
topic in physics, with many physicists, such as Anton Zeilinger, saying that it may be a ‘thing’ in
Keith L. Moore, The Developing Human: Clinically oriented embryology, Elsevier/Saunders, Philadelphia, PA,
Charles J. Epstein, Robert P. Erickson and Anthony Wynshaw-Boris, Inborn Errors in Development. Oxford
Monographs on Medical Genetics. Oxford University Press, New York, 2003
Manfred Porkert, The Theoretical Foundations of Chinese Medicine: Systems of correspondence, MIT Press,
Cambridge, MA, 1974
its own right, and indeed the most basic aspect of the universe, more basic than forces and fields
and energy.12
So now we go on to another incredible characteristic of space – its self-organising ability.
I call this property of space, or the process that can take place via space, ‘aggregation’.
Aggregation is about scale and pattern – about emergence – with simpler or more holistic
structures emerging from a flux of other, often complex structures at a smaller scale. Information
transfer in nature would be incredibly complex if everything were just collections of spatial
structures. Complex life would not be possible, because of the difficulty in powering its
information systems. So we need to have a ‘self-simplifying’ system. That does not mean things
are simple or easy. It only means that many seemingly small, separate and chaotic patterns can
aggregate and transform into a larger, more structured pattern.
But aggregation is more than the ability to self-simplify – it is the ability of two or more
pieces of information to interact so as to form a third, different piece of information, from which
processes emerge that we might not expect from the functions of its constituent parts. Carbon
and hydrogen and other kinds of atoms group in specific ways to create specific kinds of amino
acids. Certain amino acids link in certain ways to form specific hormones. Yet what emerges is
wholly different in quality and function from what might be expected just by studying the parts
from which it is made.
Things in nature are constructed according to a larger plan, only we don’t understand
what the larger plan actually is. It probably consists of the laws of spatial arrangement and selfassembly. So in chemistry we see molecules that can self-assemble, and there are very elaborate
explanations for how and why this happens, none of them very convincing in the long run.
Chemistry explains what goes into life, but not what life is. Or why there is life at all. My point,
however, is that this same process of emergence and aggregation happens on a larger scale in
biology than conventional biologists will admit – on a scale so large that it includes the entire
human body-field. The body-field self-assembles and self-repairs itself according to laws which
we are only just beginning to understand. Aggregation is just one of those laws.
3. Space Resonance Matching and Conductivity
Conductivity has been written about at length as an electrical phenomenon, but there are many
reasons why we at NES don’t think that what we are talking about in terms of our ‘space
resonance matching’ experiments or the human body-field is electrical.
So I want to move on for a moment to look at what space resonance matching means. We
are able to test a whole complex system with space resonance matching – testing whether two
things ‘talk’ to each other energetically – and to get an idea of pathology in the energetic sense.
We have coined a phrase, ‘energetic pathology’, by which we mean that we think diseases result
from the body using less than optimal pathways of communication to get its work done,
pathways from organ to organ, cell to cell, nerve to nerve, and so on. And we even have to
For Zeilinger’s comment about information being more fundamental than energy, see Mark Buchanan, ‘Beyond
reality: watching information at play in the quantum world is throwing physicists into a tail spin’, New Scientist,
March 14, 1998, 26.
include pathways from system to system as well. The idea already exists in traditional Chinese
There are optimal pathways through the body-field, which in NES are facilitators called
Energetic Integrators, and the whole body-field can be considered as a three-dimensional
structure in space – as a hologram in fact. This hologram, according to our current theory, which
is always being refined, has three axes at right angles and complex pathways within it. To make
a correspondence, you can think of the acupuncture meridians in a similar way, as easy pathways
through the body-field hologram, although our Integrators are more general than meridians. And
so our idea of energetic pathology follows on from the idea of changes to the conductivity of
space within this hologram. Information apparently flows along these ‘superconductive’
pathways or just paths of lower resistance in the body-field, ultimately affecting the body.13 But
these pathways are not entirely fixed or static. They can change and shift, as a result of many
influences, from diet to exposure to environmental toxins to electromagnetic radiation (the
totality of which is called e-smog), to microbes and pathogens to emotional states. The distortion
or breakdown of information structures and pathways within the body-field can eventually result
in physical pathology.
Going further, we can also look at the micro-level of the body in terms of the space
resonance matching that must occur in the walls of the cells, as well as in the various organelles
of the cells and certainly in DNA and RNA. Somehow, the mechanism of space resonance
matching can decide which ions are to be accepted by the cell and which are to be rejected.
According to Bruce Lipton, a renegade biologist of some celebrity, this space resonance
matching is the function of certain types of cells within the cell wall – they are able to change
shape, and by changing shape they thereby change the way the cell works.14 Shape determines
space-structure, so is crucial.
Space resonance matching has to be a key feature too of the function of the nervous
system. I have never accepted the textbook version of nervous system function. To be fair, there
are many competing academic theories about how it works. But I have a different idea.
What is so difficult to explain about the nervous system is that it is discontinuous
electrically, so clearly an electrical explanation cannot seriously be considered as a full
explanation. The nervous system is also discontinuous chemically, since there are synapses
placed at irregular intervals in it. So, if it’s not electrochemical in essence, why is the
electrochemical system even part of the nervous system’s make-up? Could it be that it’s there to
provide the right energetic or field environment to make the nervous system work as a field
mechanism? That’s my thinking at this time. What’s more, the electrochemical system is an
energy-saving device so that it only works at the instant it’s needed, when the nervous system
needs a sudden and immediate charge, and it works in the places where it’s specifically needed.
So it works in some aspects, but not for an overall explanation of the nervous system.
It is interesting to note, too, that the electrical aspect of the nervous system works
completely outside the actual nervous tissue itself. This is a real problem! The mechanism of
charge and depolarisation works outside the nerve cell.
True superconductivity occurs only at very low temperatures on the Kelvin scale.
Bruce Lipton, The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the power of consciousness, matter and miracles, Mountain of
Love/Elite, Santa Rosa, CA, 2005
I have taken a different approach. I wanted to know what was going on inside the cavities
that are part of the nervous system. If you want to know what is ‘powering’ something in the
body, you look into the cavities of the body. It turns out that there is a long tube called the axon
and that some nerves around it are coated and others are not. Our research shows that the axon
will ‘match’ with a photon. Why would that be so? Some nerves are surrounded by 13 tubular
proteins called tubulin. Why would this be so? Tubes are special frequency tuners.
Well, I’ll tell you: according to my testing, the myelin coating of the nervous system is
able to block the space resonance matching process. It blocks the field – the energy and
information exchange! So, even if the electrochemical idea is partly right, or right as far as it
goes (and biological theories sometimes are partly right), then we have a new model of the
nervous system that is based on information transfer in space in the presence of an electrostatic
Another curious feature of the nervous system’s ‘message system’ is that we have never
seen these messages. Yes, we can see the electrochemical impulses. And when the nerves are
cut, they cease to conduct because you have blocked the field. Modern physiology is great at
stopping the nerves from working, but is not able to make them work better. NES has a theory
that says we may be able to that! And not by using chemical means at all.
Cavities and structures inside the brain take on a new meaning now we have a new theory
of nerve conduction. Space resonance matching is something that takes place between structures,
not between axons or tracts of nervous tissues.
Now we have to go back to look at a previous statement I made about photons space
resonance matching with the axon of the nerve. If the actual nerve message is not purely
electrochemical, then what is it? We propose that it is magnetic in character. These messages are
apparent magnetic structures that are created by interference patterns, which can appear and
disappear easily.
I am venturing toward frontier physics, toward the territory of Milo Wolff, who says that
photons are interference patterns created by highly charged electrons. They are not discrete
particles but ‘appearances’, and the information they impart is an ‘appearance’ too.
Information can be created by interference patterns, and these will be of the complexity
necessary to make nerve messages that can coordinate whole muscle systems in their movement.
The idea of volition is also terribly important here. The brain has to manufacture the structure of
the message using its cavity systems. The volitional message has to go to certain places in the
body but not to others in order to save energy and effort. Once we put volition back into
physiology, we are getting closer to the idea of consciousness. But no one wants to go there!
Except perhaps the Noetic Sciences Institute and NES.
So I have to say that I think that the academics have been studying the wrong things in
the nervous system. How thought becomes electrochemical signals is now no longer an issue: it
doesn’t! The message is pure spatial information presented in terms of structures in space. It is
created by volition, which can affect the field that conveys information so that the right area of
the body is affected. Where is the centre of volition in the brain? Has it a switch to make it
reverse? Allow the choice of on or off? Or maybe? Of course, it must be a non-linear switch, so
it has gradations. That means there are many choices in this kind of a system.
So how fast can the nervous system work? Are we looking at a Ferrari with a five-speed
gear box? Is nerve transmission the same as information transmission, which must be
instantaneous or almost instantaneous? Did dinosaurs think slowly? Here I am being facetious to
make a point: can you imagine how jerky and uncoordinated our movements would be if we had
a nervous system working at five different speeds?
How do all the nerve cells talk to each other? Space resonance matching. Can axons talk
to each other? Sometimes. Depends on their coating. Can synapses talk to each other? How is a
nerve message created? Aggregation is the answer.
So let’s continue and look into information in structured space in more detail.
4. Information Imprinting
We start exploring this topic by considering phonons, which are quantum-level waves of sound,
not to be confused with photons, the waves of light.
A sound wave of up to 100,000 Hertz, when it’s travelling through a solid matrix,
behaves differently from a normal sound wave. Phonons are just as important as photons in terms
of the body-field and body. For example, the heart manufactures a lot of phonons. It also makes
over 100 different sounds, according to some sources, although others suggest it makes only four
major ones.15 In our theory, and following traditional Chinese medicine, the heart is a major
sensory and emotional organ, so phonons are important. In NES theory the heart is the major
imprinter of information into the body. Traditional biology doesn’t pay attention to sounds in the
body, although a new branch of medicine called neurocardiology is starting to explore this and
those researchers are starting to sound a lot like the old Chinese masters!
Perhaps you never thought about phonons before. Here’s a place to start. Google the
words ‘phonon biology’ and you will find out about phonons in a quantum biology state being
processed by the Golgi complex in the cell. This fits the NES observation about the phonon and
its link with the structure called the Golgi complex which is found in every cell.
When we at NES talk about imprinting, we are leaving homoeopathic ideas behind and
looking at all sorts of different effects that interest the physics people. Imprinting is a 200-yearold idea and we do believe that it’s time that academia got onto it! But let me tell you about how
we are different from traditional homoeopathy. This new version of imprinting is the basis of
NES technology.
I did an experiment years ago showing, I thought, that in nature, anything can selfimprint very easily, and all that is needed is a fluctuation in the magnetic field, in ambient light,
surrounding the things that are to be imprinted. In other words, the passage of the sun and
moon’s fields is enough to do it. Of course, all homoeopathic materia medica are imprinted
using kinetic energy, but imprinting also occurs naturally and is not something foreign to nature.
We can imprint with sound waves, light or magnetic field fluctuations.
To my great surprise I found that the heart appeared to be imprinting information,
memories only, and onto a lipid cell, if it had the choice of many to choose from. Can people
lose their memory when they take certain kinds of cholesterol-lowering drugs, which are
supposed to dissolve certain fats? Yes, this does happen. A medical doctor in the USA has
already written a book about it!16 And his claims agree with predictions based upon NES theory,
for the heart imprints information onto lipids, forming a kind of memory storage and learning
system for the person. For some reason people think that memory is in the brain. Yet anyone
who has had a massage will know that you get memories flooding to consciousness when a
certain part of the body and its muscles are manipulated. Sometimes even sounds over certain
parts of the body can induce memory recall. The Tibetans have bells for ringing over the body’s
energy centres, or chakras as the Hindus call them, bells of a certain frequency.
Suppose your memory of health can be impaired! Most sick people seem to forget what
health is like and enter a strange new world where they cannot do things. Then, after they are
cured, they can’t remember being sick. Can these bits of knowledge, or memories, be passed on
to children? Is this how evolution works? These ideas were entertained by Lamarck long ago and
still are credible.17 He was the co-discoverer of evolution with Darwin and liked the idea that
tadpoles didn’t have to go to swimming college to learn to swim. To know more, Google the
words ‘Lamarckian evolution’ or ‘epigenetic inheritance’. If we really want to know how
evolution works, we have to drop some of the ideas of the DNA people and look again at the
possibility of the structures inherent in space actually being able to influence what and how we
learn, and the structure of that learning.
So we can look at education in a new way as well. All we have to do is repeat a message
and store it in the body fat. Repeating messages, we know already, is a key to all learning. Could
it be just like the homoeopathic kinetic succussion process, where information is repeated a few
dozen times in a field of light or sound waves? Testing shows that exactly 16 repetitions are
But let’s get back to the mechanism of imprinting. There are two ways of imprinting
information onto chemical structures. But to imprint using even these methods, the message has
to be repeated. The two methods are:
By pressure waves and phonons (such as those produced by the heart), which
is the very low-frequency method.
By different visible light frequencies used in a certain way, which is the highfrequency method.
From imprinting we can deduce that the repetition of pulses of energy and information can
actually change space! Consider the work of Dr William Tiller, who found that when he removed
certain machines that had been used in healing studies over extended periods of time, the space
in the room where the studies took place and the machinery was located retained information
See former US astronaut and NASA medical scientist Duane Graveline’s book Lipitor: Thief of memory, Infinity,
West Conschohocken, PA, 2004.
French biologist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (1744–1829), whose theory of evolution was based on ‘soft inheritance’
or ‘acquired characteristics’, was generally ignored following publication of Charles Darwin’s Origin of Species.
Nowadays there is a growing movement back towards his theories. See E. J. Steele, R. A. Lindley, R. V. Blanden.
Lamarck’s Signature: How retrogenes are changing Darwin’s natural selection paradigm, Allen & Unwin, 1998.
about that healing work, and this change in space was measurable!18 So, to understand imprinting
correctly, you have to alter your ideas of what space is and what its characteristics are, and also
what the electron and photon are. And you have to consider the role of sound waves in a sold
matrix of phonons.
Let me speak about a different kind of imprinting, that of imprinting corrective
information into the NES Infoceuticals. Technology sometimes runs ahead of science. Here is a
good example. The exact physics of imprinting is as yet undescribed. We do know that kinetic
energy will do it. The origin of this is evidently the protons of the atoms in the solution being
imprinted. But, surprisingly, there is also another method of imprinting using certain
wavelengths of light arranged in pulses about one second apart. We have found from continued
exploration that there is a continuum of ‘spikes’ of sound that go upwards, possibly as far as the
frequency of light. These spikes may be created by the aggregation of what I call ‘information
packages’. We have found there is a set number of times the spikes need to be presented in order
to create a permanent registration or imprint of the information in the micro-minerals in the NES
Infoceuticals. We have also found that information spikes may well occur at all frequencies
through the electromagnetic range, and we think that there are nine types of spikes, representing
our entire information system. We don’t as yet have the equipment available to test this theory
fully, but the entire idea of imprinting has theoretically moved forward once again. It involves
both sound, in the form of phonons, and certain frequencies of light, as pulses of energy.
5. Spherical Standing Waves and the Human Body-Field
At NES, in terms of the body-field and body, we have not emphasised the frequency idea.
Everything in the body, all its structures, has its own frequency. It’s the Rife idea from the 1920s
and remains a current theory. Frequencies are real and you can add, subtract, heterodyne,
resonate and even measure them. This I know can be done to human tissues or the data sets that
we use to represent the tissues. We use the frequency model in relation to the Energetic
Integrators, which are information structures in space, but there is something else that may be
even more important: phase relationships, which have to do with how waves move in relation to
each other.
So NES has a newer idea. It comes from a close and careful reading of the space
resonance theory of astrophysicist Milo Wolff. He has proposed the idea of an electron with a
centre, and a spherical scalar standing wave of infinite dimensions around the central part of the
electron, which we call the place with the highest space density. What we are really talking about
here is charge.
According to quantum theory, spin is an odd property of particles. It is not spin in a
rotational sense, like a spinning top. In electron spin, for example, one ‘spin’ is not 360° but
twice that – 720°! It’s a crazy state of affairs if you are trying to think geometrically or even
See William Tiller’s books Conscious Acts of Creation: The emergence of a new physics, Pavior, Walnut Creek,
CA, 2001, and Science and Human Transformation: Subtle energies, intentionality and consciousness, Pavior,
Walnut Creek, CA, 1997.
Milo Wolff says that as the electron gets what we might call over-excited, or more highly
charged, it can appear as two diverging spheres, creating interference patterns of two sorts
between what he calls the out-waves and the in-waves. Electrons send out a wave and get a wave
back. This wave is what makes it possible for chemical reactions to occur. Of course, this is a
gross simplification of Wolff’s theory, but you can read more about it yourself. Just this piece of
his theory is of paramount importance to the new biology, which Wolff does not talk about, but
about which we can still surmise.
Now, remember the frequency compartments of the body-field – the NES Energetic
Integrators? They are the 12 information supply pathways in the body-field. But if we have two
spherical standing waves, then there are really 24 Integrators, or so you would think. Well, NES
testing over the last few months shows that this is correct: there are 24 Integrators, although only
12 of them currently have Infoceuticals – the NES encoded remedies for the body-field – devised
to correct distortions in them, for reasons I won’t go into here. All that is important to know is
that the first 12 Energetic Integrators have relevance to the body and disease in a way that can be
easily applied clinically.
So far as explaining pathology goes, we are interested in quantum theory, which is all
about the energy levels of the HBF. What we are interested in for our purposes in this lecture is
the positions of the various Energetic Integrators around the spherical standing wave, which can
serve as a guide to how information is exchanged and which ultimately can become distorted.
According to classical physics, space is not chaotic at all. In fact, we can agree with this
to a certain extent, for we know the body-field is intricately organised. Every organ and tissue
has a place in the order of things in three dimensions. But the spherical standing wave can
become disordered, distorted through two processes that we might call expansion and
compression. What follows is that information carried on the wave can also become distorted.
That’s why it is so important to correct distortions in the Energetic Integrators in NES therapy.
What you are doing is correcting distortions of space associated with electrons, and each electron
in its wave form, according to Milo Wolff’s wave theory, is of infinite size. When the space
associated with electrons is distorted – and this is really information distortion – then chemical
functions and tissue functions in the body can go wrong or just cease to occur, and now we can
explain why they are corrected by altering the characteristics of space, not so much at a single
frequency but at a position or location.
According to the NES theory of energetic pathology, the presence of serious disease
correlates to the state of the entire body-field, its whole standing wave, which has become
severely distorted. Chronic and serious disease also means that the energy levels may also be low
throughout the entire field. For these reasons, I go against the wisdom of many natural
practitioners and propose that toxins are not a primary correlative of disease at all, but that their
deleterious effects are the result of errors in the body-field, so that the body cannot then work
properly. It is the distortion of the body-field that comes first, that allows the toxin – in whatever
form it takes, from a chemical to a toxic thought pattern – to take hold in the first place. Fix the
body-field, and the body can then deal with the toxin, because the toxin has no place to fit into
the body-field or body information structure.
So you can now see why we at NES say we are not entirely concerned with the physical
body, symptoms, diagnoses and diseases. But we are concerned with information exchange and
energy/powering fields in the body-field, for everything in physiology is regulated first at the
level of the body-field. And at this level, the properties of space, interference patterns, energetic
structures, aggregation of these structures and so on are what is important.
But because it makes everyone so nervous to think about not involving the physical body
in healing, let’s return to the physical body for a moment.
6. Cell Responses to the Environment Means the HBF is a Transceiver
We have to talk here about integral membrane proteins (IMPs),19 so we are back to the cell wall
again to try to explain what is happening. There are two types of receptors in cell walls,
generally speaking: those that do things – the effectors – and those that receive input – the
receptors. The receptor proteins are tuned to listen to environmental signals, by which I mean
temperature, pressure, ionisation and the presence of geomagnetic fields. The receptor proteins
can extend inwards into the cell a considerable way. Others extend outwards to the external part
of the cell wall. They have two shapes: one for ‘active’ and another for ‘inactive’. Their shape
changes according to the electrical charge they carry.
What kinds of messages are these receptors receiving? In the chemical sense they are
receiving input about things like oestrogen, histamine and insulin. These are examples, but there
are of course hundreds of other substances that they need to receive communication about.
Biologist Bruce Lipton thinks that these proteins can ‘read’ fields. Of course, at NES we agree
with his approach completely and we would like to add that it’s the field that has the information
in it and that it’s a configuration of magnetic energy that is the information.
Contrary to what you might have assumed, the DNA does not control the cell, at least not
on its own or in the short term. Instead, there is a mechanism whereby the effector proteins of the
cell wall are able to influence how the genetic material is ‘read’, and this is how new proteins are
created: in response to the environment of the organism! So, if you find a lot of errors in the
DNA, these errors can be in response to an environment and not in response to a disease. This is
why gene therapy doesn’t work.
By now I can tell you are getting excited as you realise at last that we have a major
chemical mechanism which is linked to the body-field – the IMPs. Now is a good time to remind
you of the huge importance of the NES Infoceutical called Cell Driver. If you are not getting a
response in your NES protocol, this is the Infoceutical to look at again. This is because it
bioenergetically correlates to the behaviour of the IMPs themselves. You can look at the
organelles of the cell as intermediaries between the cell membrane and the DNA.
But I also take a different path from Bruce Lipton. If the field of the body can affect the
IMPs, then surely it can be interfered with by other fields that we are not supposed to be exposed
to. This is where the second set of 12 Energetic Integrators comes in.
There is another set of 12 Integrators at a higher energy level than the first set, and these
are there to represent the higher energy realms of the electromagnetic spectrum, especially highlevel radiation from various sources and X-rays. Some of these Energetic Integrators (beyond the
first 12), three of them in particular, when placed together in a space resonance matching
Lipton, op. cit., pp. 82–6
experiment, correlate to bioenergetically disabling the immune system, or whole sections of it,
such as the lymphatic system. If we are looking for an energetic correlation to disease, then this
is a major one, because one of the great mysteries of medicine is why part of the immune system
can be disabled (or how it can be disabled in relation to a specific organ or part of an organ). The
only way we can explain this is with the holographic human body-field theory. In our adoption
of bio-energetic ideas, a lot of immunology theory can be discarded.
7. Non-local Information
Biochemistry requires that for something to happen there has to be a physical contact. As such,
the physical biochemical system is a very inefficient information-carrying system. It is not able,
according to orthodox theory, to direct long-distance information transfers quickly enough to
explain so much of what goes on in the body, even though physiologists try to explain things
through the mechanisms of enzymes and hormones and the nervous system.
Is the biochemical explanation good enough? No, it isn’t. It can’t explain too many
things. For instance, every year there are thousands of operations performed on the heart with the
person only under acupuncture anaesthesia – by placing needles in the forearms and
manipulating those needles strongly for half an hour. This process has nothing whatsoever to do
with nerves to the heart, chest or anywhere else! It is through the action of a point called neiguan
in acupuncture, found above the wrist.
Likewise, the acupuncture treatment for delayed birth delivery is performed by placing a
needle in the end of the little toe and manipulating it for about 20 minutes. The hormone we want
to release more of is called oxytocin. It is produced in the brain, testes and ovaries, not the little
toe! So somehow the message has to travel right around the body, and it’s not really just a
nervous system message. The interconnectedness of every cell is important for our survival and
one cell on your toe has to be able to communicate with cells in the hypothalamus for the
oxytocin treatment to work.
Does the field theory work for the oxytocin treatment? A little bit. The little toe is at the
end of the bladder meridian, which goes to various reproductive organs as well as to parts of the
brain. Acupuncture is far from a complete and perfect system, but in its general outline it’s of
great interest to us.
I don’t think anyone has much trouble examining communication within the body, even if
we can’t explain it very well by medical theory. But then we have the work of the Noetic
Sciences Institute, of Edgar Mitchell and his colleagues, who are exploring consciousness,
particularly communication over long distances between organisms, a process that cannot be
explained by any known energy or force. Their research focus is consciousness, but their work
has relevance to the body. Their theory is based on Peter Marcher’s model of perception, which
is based on phase-conjugate-adaptive-resonance (PCAR), a theory of how two phase waves
interact which is very much in line with Wolff’s in-wave and out-wave theory.20 PhaseSee Peter Marcer, ‘A quantum mechanical model of evolution and consciousness’, online abstract available at Also see Edgar Mitchell, ‘Nature’s mind: the quantum
hologram’, online version available at
conjugate-adaptive-resonance is what we believe is going on, in large part, in NES space
resonance matching tests. You can read more about PCAR online, as it is too much to go into
here. But suffice it to say that it involves phase relationships of waves, with ‘like’ seeking out
‘like’, the vibratory space resonance matching of signals and information, and space resonance.
There is a lot of evidence for long-distance instantaneous communication – what is called
‘non-local information transfer’ – between people and animals and so on. In quantum physics,
there is the philosophy of interconnectedness, and some people think that we are all part of a
huge energy hologram. In physics, too, we have the idea – the reality – of entanglement, where
two quantum entities that were once in contact remain in informational correlation forever, no
matter how far apart physically they may be.
So far as NES theory is concerned, we have two different effects that link to the idea of
non-locality. First of all, there is the one within the body-field system, where there is an
electrostatic charge to carry the field as well as the information within the field. This seems to
work within the body-field system and goes beyond the ability of the familiar electrochemical
system to transfer information.
We are just beginning to realise, however, that there is another, possibly separate system.
This one is not about real chemicals and large biological molecules, like the enzymes and the
hormones. It is concerned with thoughts, which are really information structures in space, and
their transmission in the absence of an electrostatic field. My belief is that long-distance
information transmission is possible. Others do not think this is so. However, it appears to be
essentially different from the transmission within the body-field system. It is indeed possible that
we exist in a field that carries our thoughts. And this is almost certainly facilitated by the
cavities, and perhaps other structures, within the cranium. I am exploring this idea further, but I
want to leave you with the notion that we have to go beyond known energy fields and forces to
explain consciousness, which is, of course, so big a part of who we are. Our beliefs, thoughts and
emotions play a huge role in health, and we must explore them further, from a bioenergetic
perspective, if we are to be thorough in our exploration of the human body-field.
Consciousness itself arises from the concept of the HBF. The free flow of information
gives rise to consciousness, and this process is not limited to communication inside the body.
Consciousness is also about information transfer between your body field and your environment.
The NES Energetic Drivers
Written in 2008 and revised in 2010, this lecture describes the Energetic Drivers of the human body-field. It
provides an theoretical overview of Energetic Driver fields and a description of each of the 16 Energetic Drivers,
including some of their correlations to the physical body and physiology, as they were known in 2010.
How Physics Got Left Out of Biology
To understand the Energetic Drivers (EDs) of the human body-field according to NES theory,
you first have to grasp where cell biology has gone wrong. And to do that, you have to change
your mindset about how physics and biology intersect. So I will first discuss the broad issues
before getting to the specifics of the EDs. The EDs are fields that arise from the organs during
foetal development and so are tied intimately to embryology and to cell biology. But the
bioenergetic and bio-informational view of cell biology is far different from the commonly
promoted view.
Quantum mechanics changed the rules of just about every scientific field except
medicine. It missed health and medicine mostly because it did not necessarily inform us about
information transfer in a field. Quantum mechanics focuses largely on energy transfer processes.
One aspect of it, however, provides hints of its application to biology, and in the last few decades
has been providing a theoretical foundation for research – quantum electrodynamics (QED),
which was largely developed by Richard Feynman and John Wheeler starting in the 1940s and
continuing up to 1986. It is a study of field dynamics resulting from the interactions of quantum
particles, such as electrons and photons.
A QED field arises from the excited state of electrons, ‘excited’ meaning when
interactions cause electrons to move into higher energy states. There are no real orbits, as
electrons are at best fuzzy clouds of probabilities, but ‘orbit’ is a convenient and oft-used term. A
theory that I particularly like, the space resonance theory of physicist Milo Wolff, describes
electron fields as arising from the interaction of spherical standing scalar waves.1 A QED field is
infinite, and certain theories – of the more than half-dozen major theories that have arisen as
interpretations of the basic facts of quantum mechanics – suggest that all of these energy fields
from particle interactions are interconnected by the overall universal QED field. This means that
According to Wolff, there are only three ‘real’ particles – electrons, protons and neutrons – and all other particles
are ‘appearances’ created by the varying characteristics of space resonance. Wolff’s is a wave theory of quantum,
and he sees ‘particles’ as spherical standing scalar waves which, through their interactions, change the density of
space. What we see in the macro world are these varying characteristics, to which we ascribe names, such as
electron, photon, etc. See Milo Wolff, Exploring the Physics of the Unknown Universe: An adventurer’s guide,
Technotran, Manhattan Beach, CA, 1990, and Schrödinger’s Universe: Einstein, waves and the origin of the
natural laws, Outskirts Press, Parker, CO, 2008. John Cramer also has offered a theory of quantum, based on
Richard Feynman’s QED work, called the Transactional Interpretation of quantum mechanics, that sees the universe
as wave based rather than particle based. John G. Cramer, ‘An overview of the Transactional Interpretation of
quantum mechanics’, Journal of Theoretical Physics 27, no. 227 (1998) [PAGE NUMBERS? ALSO, EARLIER
THE REF. WAS: John G. Cramer, ‘The Transactional Interpretation of quantum mechanics’, Reviews of Modern
Physics 58, July 1986, 647–88. ARE BOTH VALID?]
when we are dealing with physical energies in the macro realm, expressed as sound, or
longitudinal wave motion, gravity, magnetism or electromagnetic waves such as radio and light,
there is a continuous link between them all, from the lowest energy levels, such as that of
subsonic sound, to the highest, such as those of alpha and beta particles and beyond. However,
this interconnection is still somewhat the view of those researchers at the frontiers of science. So
let me be clear that the ‘wave structure of matter’ perspective as in Wolff’s theory (or physicist
John Cramer’s Transactional Interpretation theory; see footnote 1) is not shared by those who are
still resting their hopes on their particle zoo of more than 400 particles and anti-particles.
In this paper, I am going to be talking about fields created by three sub-atomic particles,
which is why I have provided this short overview and context. I have found in my research,
using the method of space resonance matching, that quantised energy fields can correlate with
responses in the human body. That they do means, essentially, that, contrary to the view of some
people, the biochemical world is not an isolated world, but simply part of a huge structure of
energy and information. That is the big secret! All of creation, including human beings, consists
only of energy and information. It is energy and information that cause things to ‘break down’
and it is the correction of distorted energy and information that can help things ‘go back’ to their
natural state, to equilibrium or homoeostasis in some cases. So it is perhaps churlish to claim that
just one type of energy is able to cause disease or indeed cure it. For the academics, that one
energy is electrochemical. I propose that there are many types of energy and information at play
in the body and that these are regulated through the ultimate energy and information field of
biology – the human body-field.
In biology, we started off with purely mechanical versions of chemistry in the nineteenth
century, which eventually developed into electrochemistry, with its acknowledgement of ions,
charge and so on as important parameters of chemistry. While biochemists and traditional
physicists study mass plus charge, in the newer ideas about the wave structure of matter (Wolff’s
space resonance theory) we replace these with phase shift and frequency shift.
After electrochemistry came photochemistry, where the chemical reaction is initiated by
photons and is even accelerated by them. It deals with how chemical reactions can produce light
without heat.
Most recently we have the first inklings of quantum chemistry, for quantum theory is by
no means fully integrated with chemistry or biochemistry. The wave interactions of hydrogen
and helium were worked out in the late 1920s and early 1930s. Then the research seemed to stop.
Chemistry and biochemistry academicians were not really interested in wave interactions, and
the brakes were applied to that line of research. The rise of the pharmaceutical approach to
health, and of Big Pharma funding of research and education, might have had something to do
with that.
So, the fact is that physics has taken a road that has largely left medicine behind. After
the 1920s, biology, biochemistry and medicine – the derivative sciences of physics – were not
much influenced by further advances in physics. That seems strange at first glance, as, after all,
physics is the study of energy, which underlies everything, including the body. It seems plainly
evident that if you cannot explain something in biology and medicine, you must go to physics to
seek further knowledge and understanding. But this does not often happen. And specialisation
has only become worse, so no one talks to anyone outside their discipline. Another reason may
be that medicine is based on measurements, and measurement in the quantum sphere is a
problem, as quantum entities cannot ever be measured directly – well, except by space resonance
matching. Then, of course, there is the academic belief that in the hot, wet, messy world of the
body – and of anything of substantial mass – the signature of quantum processes and events is
drowned out and so cannot be measured. This is turning out not to be the case, as new research
My view is that the problem rests soundly on measurement and technology: there are
ways of measuring what may be quantum field effects in the real world, but they are with
technologies that are new, such as the electrodermal-type devices and the Vegatest. In any case,
what I and other researchers are finding through our testing using these kinds of technologies is
that what matters is not only energy, but its accompanying information as well. Information may
be a ‘thing’ in its own right, and it is the key to unlocking the body-field and other non-material
aspects of the body and health. So, to state the case bluntly, what we have is an ongoing conflict
between different branches of science, especially between biology and physics, which is where I
shall continue to focus my attention in this paper.
Let’s start with cell biology. Cell biologists teach to this day that the cell is surrounded by
a semi-permeable membrane that passes certain ions in one direction and others in the other
direction. This is an example of mechanistic and reductionist thinking, which is plainly not
supported by many experiments over several decades, but which is nevertheless never called into
question in respectable academic circles. So we are left with sheets of phospholipids that resist
the passage of some molecules, such as carbohydrates and proteins, but allow smaller molecules,
including water, to pass, as if the layers of phospholipids were some kind of sieve. If the sieve
idea is not one you like, there is the alternative conventional theory of ionic polarity. In this the
plasma membrane, with its holes and ‘gates’, allows some biochemicals to pass and not others.
These theories have major problems, which are beyond the scope of this paper, but have been
addressed by frontier biologists such as Mae-Wan Ho, Gilbert Ling and Bruce Lipton, among
others. I particularly like Ling’s work, because it is so meticulously researched. As far back as
1962 Ling was publishing papers debunking the potassium–sodium gate or pump theory of the
Ling’s work and that of others raises important questions about energy use and
information transfer in the body. When in cell biology we ask the big question ‘What pushes the
system?’ we are told that it’s the flow of sodium and potassium into and out of the cell, with the
cell membrane acting as a gatekeeper for these and for glucose and other metabolites. The cell
membrane apparently has signal transducers to manage the process and police the molecules it
lets through or doesn’t let through. This is very smudgy science. I conclude that cell biology is
about 70 years out of date. It was 40 years ago that Ling showed experimentally that cells, even
when their membranes were cut, and so the gates destroyed, could still transport potassium and
sodium. And he calculated that the cell would need 30 times the amount of adenosine
triphosphate (ATP) than it actually had available to it just to pump sodium alone. In other words,
cells biologists’ theories routinely defy the laws of physics! What they claim is just not possible.
Ling offers an alternative idea – that the cell has structured layers of water near the
proteins that do the pumping.2 In other words, the cytoplasm does it! His work and that of MaeWan Ho and Bruce Lipton all point to cell structure as important, and to the role of the structure
Gilbert Ling, Life at the Cell and Below-Cell Level, Pacific Press, New York, 2001
of water. Jacques Benveniste, who was scandalously hounded by the science mafia right up to
his death, pioneered research into the structure of water and its ability to be imprinted with
information. (When I hear about structure I immediately think of energy stored in space, which,
in turn, can mean information fields.) Ling and others, including the illustrious Freeman Cope
(see page 000), believe cells can act as electrical semiconductors, working as if they are more
like transistors following an electronic model than a chemo-mechanical one. A semiconductor is
merely a directional switch, one that allows current to flow more one way than the other way.
Ling is saying that the cell contains semiconducting switches and these are the real gates and
pumps. The control system is energetic.
I would like to go even further than Ling, Cope and others by suggesting that the cell is a
self-regulating unit organised by tuned spaces resonating within a QED field. But how on earth
can we move from the semiconductor properties of the cell to QED field physics? It’s easy, if
you know electronics and its major mysteries.
Not many people realise that electronics is about spatial structures that regulate the
behaviour of the electron. Three things will change the way in which an electron behaves, and
they are all ‘shapes’, dependent on conductors or electrons.
As the figures below illustrate, the flow of electricity follows certain parameters.
Capacitance, the ability of space to store charge, can be achieved by setting up conducting plates
that are spaced apart from each other. Inductance, the ability of one current in a wire to induce
current flow in another wire, is made to occur when two wires are brought in proximity to one
another. Electrons jump across the space.
Spaced Plates
Figure 5.1. Capacitance is a ‘shape’ formed between flat surfaces.
Figure 5.2. Inductance is a ‘shape’ formed by curled tubes.
There is also reactance, which is the ability of conductors to resist the flow of oscillating
electrons. This is related to the frequency of the electrons as well as to the type of conductor.
Even if the conductor is the same, the flow of current will behave differently for different
electron frequencies. For most purposes, reactance is like resistance; however, in metals there is
a strange positive resistance at very low temperatures. Academic biologists tell us this cannot
occur in living organisms, whose temperatures are too high, but that may not be the case.
An interesting point is if these spatial structures are printed on a wafer-thin circuit board,
even by a photographic process, they will still direct the flow of electrons. It’s as if there is a
wafer-thin planar field that will work as a memory for the electron, so it will always do what we
want it to do. That’s what a printed circuit is – a ‘memory’ board for each electron that passes
by. What if Gilbert Ling’s structures in cellular water are like that? Is there something there that
will take the imprint of a structure? Can these structures be stacked one on top of the other and
actually strengthen the message they imprint? These are interesting – and tough – questions, and
we have tentative answers from experiments, such as my space resonance matching experiments.
This kind of ‘stacking’, as I call it, is in fact common in biological structures, right down
to the arrangement of cells in the body (see Figure 5.3). This is a geometric strategy by the body
no doubt to pack the most into the smallest space. But perhaps the fact that cells are stacked has
more meaning via physics, especially as relates to the flow of electrons for energy and
information transmission.
Figure 5.3. Stacked squamous epithelial cells surround cavities in the body, making
a bio-energetic boundary.
Ling says that the structures in water inside the cell are sufficient to set up a concentration
gradient in the cell and that the proteins direct the structure of this cellular water. So let’s look at
the structure that some proteins have and see if they are at all like the electronics models. We
look first to the folding of the large protein molecules.
Figure 5.4. Alpha helix.
The protein is shaped like a conductor – a large flat wire – and is capable of setting up a field
that can transfer energy some distance, perhaps even to nearby cell water. It’s also a bit like an
inductor, because it’s like a wire wound around something, forming a helix. Inductors can
transfer energy. Field information in electronics can jump a long way through space, and to make
it jump, inductors are used. There is no need for any biochemistry at all.
It’s interesting to note that incorrect protein folding is a feature of many diseases, such as
in prion-related diseases, and it is more interesting to think that the misfolding is correlated not
only to the protein not being able to do its job biochemically, but also that the misshapenness is
affecting the kind of information flow that is transmitted via fields associated with the protein
and its links in the body.
If you aren’t already seeing the significance of shape and structure in the body,
according to the associated physics, then I suggest you may be missing a crucial aspect of what
the future bioenergetic and bio-informational medicine will be based on. Yes, of course, now we
will want to see electron micrographs of the inner structures of the cell organelles to see for
ourselves whether or not there are structures there that will affect the motion of an electron. The
theory is beginning to be put into place that may drive such practical experiments and
applications. However, some people are already providing us with the evidence. You can see cell
structures such as microtubules yourself online.3 Conventional biologists view microtubules as
passive mechanical support structures only, rather than active transmission pathways as well,
which frontier biologists tell us they may well be, based on electronics and physics. So, we find
many, many microtubules, varying in size from 3 to 6 nanometres and 20 to 25 nanometres,
filling the fluid space of the cell. At a deeper level, actin structures form tight helices, as do
collagen and other types of cells and tissues in the body.
There is also another shape that influences electrons. In electronics this structure is called
a coaxial resonator. You probably know it as an antenna for a TV or FM radio. Something
similar happens in the body with structures with this shape, such as the microtubules – they act
as a full-wave dipole or antenna that ‘resonates with’ electromagnetic waves in the air. As rodlike structures, they attract a standing wave of electromagnetic energy that has the corresponding
wavelength or frequency. (See Figure 5.5.) This is dependent on the length of the rod or tubule.
Of course, we are talking about ultra-high frequencies. The diameter determines the width of the
signal it can handle, called the Q factor. These microtubules are very, very thin indeed, so they
are tuned to a very specific frequency rather than to a broad band. This is energetic biology based
on physics, yet it is not found in any biology textbook.
½ wave
½ wave
Figure 5.5. Dipole structure.
For example, see
In Milo Wolff’s space resonance/wave structure of matter theory, the ‘dipoles’ are so small as to
be cell-sized, because the frequencies are ultra high, close to 1024 Hz. This is the end of the
electromagnetic frequency range, where the wavelength is infinitely short. We just crossed the
bridge between electronic and quantum – and we hardly felt a bump! We have gone from
frequency to structure, that is all.
Wolff proposes that we go further than the idea of a matter wave produced by all matter
at an ultra-high frequency, which, by the way, was first suggested in 1926 by Louis de Broglie,
and instead consider that each electron might produce an out-wave in a sort of spherical
arrangement, a sort of exploratory wave that signals where the electron is and where it comes
from. This is a standing or stationary wave that lends itself to capture by spaces that are
enclosed, such as microtubules. And every electron has a frequency that is determined by which
elemental substance it is part of. And, furthermore, in case you are wondering, no, we cannot
measure these super-short waves with our current technology.
Wolff then goes even further to suggest that in addition to the out-wave, or exploratory
wave, there is an incoming, or receiver wave, that goes back to the central area of the electron.
This is needed to satisfy the law of conservation of energy. This wave does not actually
propagate anything—it is a standing wave in space created by the existing charge of the electron
at its most dense point. By the way, more mainstream physicists, such as John Cramer, also have
developed theories, as counters to the standard model of quantum mechanics, that invoke
incoming and outgoing waves.
Figure 5.6. Representation of a spherical standing wave.
These in-waves and out-waves set up a field which can be ‘excited’ by the addition of extra
photons or electrons, and if this happens in the body the voltages will be rather low, such as 70
mv, because these reactions will take place in a fluid.
My experimental evidence indicates that when you set up two metal blocks with a small
charge between them, you will get a QED field, which will have certain characteristics. (See
Figure 5.7.) And this almost brings me to the Energetic Drivers. This lecture is about the
Energetic Drivers, and not one word so far has been heard about Drivers! But I had to make sure
you were ready for the ideas. Just a few more points and then the link-up begins.
Block A
Block B
Battery of 1.5v to charge the plates
Figure 5.7. Setting up a QED field of standing waves.
Squamous epithelial cells line all of the organs and cavities in the body. The cells stack, making
several layers, as we find in the skin. My theory is that this structure and its energetics set up a
field for the transfer of information directly between cells in their group. (See Figures 5.8 and
5.9 below. The second figure is included to show you how easy it is to go from a spherical to a
flat structure.)
Figure 5.8.
10. is field of communication between flat surfaces in three planes.
Line of interface
Figure 5.9. The two energised spherical standing waves of photon wave creating a line of interference
representing a flat plane.
In Figure 5.9, you can see how two electrons, or even one since each electron has two centres
that may converge, can create an interference pattern that can act as a matrix of information in
space. The information is available to every electrons within the same system of arrangement.
And we get flat information fields that can be stacked and that can be imprinted onto a fluid as
required by the Ling model of the cell!
A Word about the NES Scan
The NES scan is a snapshot in time. The body-field is complex structurally and is dynamic, so it
is always changing in response to input from internal and external environments. It encodes
everything that has happened to you, so effect it has memory. It is as complex as you are! So, for
each scan, you will be taking a reading of a different pathway through the human body-field
hologram. When you do a NES scan, you are taking a sample of the body field – not the sample,
but a sample.
That instant of time will provide a record that is based on what is actually happening to
the cells in the body bio-energetically. This record is, in fact, the result of your entire life:
thoughts, food, personal psychological history, social and cultural environmental influences, and
so on. All of these result in the state of your body-field, and the correlation can then be made to
any problems you are experiencing – not in a diagnostic sense, but in a revealing sense of how
things came about, the root influences of the present state of being.
An analogy is called for here. It’s not a great one, but will suffice. If you have a disease,
it’s like a rock on the shoreline. An allopathic doctor can tell you what sort of rock it is, whereas
the NES scan will suggest how the rock got there and where it’s been. You need to know both
types of information to make a sensible assessment of your problem, so we are not dismissing
the allopathic approach. We are both biochemical and bioenergetic in nature, and have to attend
to both aspects of ourselves.
Bioenergetics is amazing in that we can, to some extent, go back and fix what has
happened in the past! This is what the NES Infoceuticals do – they are a kind of reconstruction
strategy. Of course, we can’t change a thing in the past, but we can help you to adjust the errors
it has caused that are affecting your present state of mental and physical health.
We are now almost ready for the specifics of the Energetic Drivers (EDs), the first major
sub-fields of the larger holistic body-field. I must, however, include just a bit more theory here,
and a bit more physics, especially correlating to the heart, which is one of the most important of
the ED fields. So I will begin the ED discussion with this theory.
The Energetic Drivers
The Energetic Drivers (EDs) are sub-fields that arise during foetal development to become the
major organs of the body. They are part of what ‘powers’ the body. In biology you always have
to ask what is ‘pushing’ a system. In my theory of the body-field, EDs are the answer, or at least
the main answer, as there are many forms of energy produced in the body and used by the bodyfield.
The EDs form around cavities, which include all the major organs of the body. Cavities
attract and store energy, which in NES is called Source energy. It is like the life-force energy if
you will, or yuan qi in traditional Chinese medicine. So far there are 16 EDs in my body-field,
and of course there are more. When these fields are strong and undistorted, as far as information
and energy flow goes, then the organs and organ systems work properly. Distortions, however,
cause the fields to ‘lose coherence’, which in turn stresses the organs. An organ ED may try to
compensate for one that has a distorted field and then become distorted itself. So, you can, over
time, get a cascade effect, which may correlate to the development of the symptoms of illness.
Health practitioners know that the first sign of any illness often is fatigue. This is not just
physical – it correlates to the loss of activity in one or more ED fields.
In the NES system of therapy, we address ED distortions from the first visit, as it is
important to return these fields to full functioning for the body to return to proper condition and
function. Everything else in the body-field relies on the proper functioning of the EDs. I will
discuss the clinical correlations of the EDs later. First, I will explain more about their
Phonons, Tubules and the EDs
Phonons, or quantum waves of sound travelling through a matrix, are important in the body, and
they come in lower frequencies. Phonons travel through a crystalline lattice. In biology, this kind
of structure is common, since it is created by the repeating structure of atoms or molecules. In
the body, this kind of structural pattern is created by proteins, among other things, and is quite
common, for example in collagen tissue of various types.4 Phonons act as carriers of information
through these crystalline lattice structures. However, there are ways that energetic boundaries, if
you will, are created. These boundary structures amount to energy blockers. An example is the
Much of modern bioenergetics and bio-informational health theory is based on the energetic dynamics arising from
or dependent upon the crystalline lattice structure of the body or parts of the body, such as the connective tissue
matrix. As a good starting-point to review this research, see the books of James Oschman: Energy Medicine: The
scientific basis, Butterworth Heinemann, Edinburgh, 2000, and Energy Medicine in Therapeutics and Human
Performance, Butterworth Heinemann, Edinburgh, 2003.
structured layers of epithelial cells around the three major cavities of the body, and around each
organ as well.
In my testing, I have found that the brain, lungs and large bowel – the large organs in
each body cavity that are correlated with three of the 16 ED fields – are certainly able to use
sound in the form of phonons as a source of energy. The brain is an organ within a bony cavity,
and in my testing, calcium, which is so important to brain function, works bioenergetically as a
multidirectional switch, more complex than a diode in electronics. The brain acts as a source of
phonon energy for the entire human body-field. The brain waves deliver low-frequency phonon
streams as follows (‘cps’ means ‘cycles per second’):
Beta waves: 15 to 40 cps
Alpha waves: 9 to 14 cps
Theta waves: 5 to 8 cps
Delta waves: 2 to 3 cps
The puzzle concerning this ‘source energy’ of the Chinese medical system had to be solved
clearly, because it is not clearly defined anywhere in the classics of Chinese medical literature. A
close reading of early Chinese medical sources links this energy to cavities, but alarmingly more
specifically to the organs of the lungs, brain and kidneys. Of course they have nothing in
common! But if we look more closely, we find that their active tissues are actually microtubules,
the tuning forks of the body.
Space resonance tests carried out in late 2010 showed a most unexpected energetic link in
the body organs. Pulmonary substance, the axon of the nerve, which is a long tube, and the
kidney tubules will all form a space resonance. These three were taken together and formed a
space resonance with the test items for certain phonons, of which there are nine. As a control
test, it was necessary to test these three ‘tubules’ with polar magnetism, para-magnetism,
electron and photon. None of these would form a space resonance. The next stage of testing was
truly puzzling. The phonons would not form a match with the Energetic Drivers directly. This
would occur, but only via the tubules of the lungs, nerves and kidneys.
At this point it has to be said that zero-point energy is discarded as a part of the HBF
because the need for a source of our energy has been found in certain phonons. Lung Driver,
Nerve Driver and Kidney Driver will replenish the energy of the cavities of the body. What then
is the source of the source? That is to say, where do these energising sounds originate? How can
we get more of this Source energy?
Testing has shown that the tubules of the three organs are tuned to the sounds of the
heart, as represented in testing by Energetic Integrator 4. So, the body’s energetic system powers
itself from the sounds of the heart, as well as from the low-frequency noise produced by the brain
itself! This is a truly amazing phenomenon. Now we know why the brain generates sounds.
EDs and Polarity
Despite the word being the same, what I mean by ‘polarity’ has nothing to do with Polarity
Therapy, as developed over many years by Dr Randolph Stone. I refer to polarity in relation to
the QED field, which can be excited by the presence of an electrical charge of some sort and
which appears to prefer this charge to be of negative polarity. We are talking here about static
electricity rather than current electricity. You are no doubt aware of the use of negative ionisers
by people who are sensitive to overly positively charged air. Well, these turn out to be good for
the human body-field, which prefers a slightly negatively charged environment.
In NES, the Polarity Infoceutical includes some magnetic information about the in-wave
and out-wave of the electron. Only the Polarity and Source Driver Infoceuticals include this
information, so in this way they are related. The Polarity Infoceutical was discovered
accidentally when I was visiting someone to introduce them to NES therapy and I was asked if
we could do anything to correct the body’s polarity. At that time, I had not explored this idea, so
there was no correction for distorted polarity. However, I soon discovered that by combining the
information imprinted to correct the Big Field (Big Field Aligner Infoceutical) and Source
energy (Source Driver Infoceutical) I had a correction for polarity. It was called, obviously
enough, Polarity Infoceutical. I soon learned that it was important to correct the body-field’s
polarity in the very early stages of the NES program.
One of the biggest disruptors of the physical body and the body-field’s polarity is air
travel, because of the exposure to increased levels of electromagnetic fields and X-ray ionising
radiation. Also, as an aside, anecdotal feedback from clients about the Polarity Infoceutical’s
effects reveals a correlation to relief from hot flushes in menopausal women and to overall better
mental integration in anyone using it. It is possible that these effects are tied in closely with the
correction of energetic distortions in the major body cavities.
Let me now go through all 16 of the EDs and talk a bit about their major bioenergetic
correlations to the body-field and body. I will also mention, if appropriate, the research
background and how I came to discover the correlations between these ED fields and the bodyfield and body.
In 2010, more information concerning the Polarity Infoceutical emerged from daily
research. The formula was altered by adding a representation of ultra-violet light of the
frequencies described by Alexander Gurwitsch; the weak emissions from all living things.
Professor F. A. Popp’s work has already shown that the healthier you are, the more ultra-violet
emissions you give off. So the light was added to increase the effectiveness of the Infoceutical.
We now know that there is a purely energetic system of the HBF that has some links to
the body but is a reservoir of memory. This system is comprised of seven spherical energy
centres, located in front of the spine yet connected to a special centre in the lower back which the
Chinese call the Gate of Life, or Ming Men. Most people who have studied yoga energy ideas
will know these seven spheres as chakras. My research on them indicates that they are real and
that everything that has ever happened to you is recorded in them. NES will be using these
energies for deep-level ‘transformation’ of health at some time in the near future. Why do we
mention these long-term memory centres now? Because the complete system of the chakras will
make a space resonance match with the Polarity Infoceutical.
This being so, Polarity has a huge range of applications. It is also included very early in
the NES scan for this very reason. Our orientation in life, health and disease is guided by the
memories of who we are, where we have been and whom we have known.
Energetic Driver 1: Source Energy Driver
In 2003, this was the Driver that most puzzled me. It came from the idea in traditional Chinese
medicine that there is a universal energy that powers the human body, an idea that has also
occurred to Europeans. The ancient Chinese said it was taken in by breathing and that it was
stored in the kidneys and the brain. Of course, on learning this, Europeans thought of oxygen, but
this Source energy is certainly not oxygen.
The Source Driver Infoceutical must be used generously when there is a long-term
debilitating disease state. It may be necessary to use it for months. It is most certainly taken into
the body via the lungs, so deep breathing, humming and yoga breathing exercises can help
replenish it.
What does it do? This is most interesting question, since Source energy is a basic energy
in biology. The fluid of every cell in the body needs to be processed to make structure or
polarisation so that the cell can function properly (according to Dr Gilbert Ling), and we need to
look no further than the Source Driver Infoceutical to help with that. When the cell fails, it can
be due to failure of the information exchange or to a lack of structure. It takes energy to make
this structure or layers in the cell, and my guess is that it is this basic form of phonon energy that
is responsible. As for the Infoceutical, 15 drops are given three times per day.
To generate more Source energy, you don’t need oxygen or Mars Bars. I suggest a deep
meditative alpha state, gentle sounds like singing or humming and actually listening to your own
heart sounds. The energy of your body is created by the structure of your own body. You don’t
need products in order to live a healthy life. Source Driver or ED1 Infoceutical goes very well
with the Infoceutical for the heart or EI 4. Music therapy is not so much about making cows
create more milk. It is a phonon system embedded into three major organs of your body. Physics
papers seem to imply that these magic phonons only go to about 100,000 Hz in frequency. No,
this is not so. This is where the test equipment can no longer be used. The much proven theory of
Global Logarithmic Scaling would certainly show that a quantum particle in a lattice or sold
could scale up in frequency, way above 100,000 Hz. It has been known since the middle of the
last century that phonons can scale up, and down, and that this scaling process is carried out by
sub-atomic particles. Of course we suspect electrons, protons and neutrons, but don’t forget
phonons as recognised sub-atomic particles that share quantum characteristics. Music therapy
will help your Source energy if it’s the right kind of music in the right environment. Nature has
an inner harmony and the best music demonstrates this fact.
Energetic Driver 2: Heart Imprinter
This ED is one of the most interesting from a theoretical perspective. The Infoceutical was
discovered whilst I was trying to find out how to address the problem of high blood pressure,
which is a hard one, and I ended up with Energetic Integrators for the four chambers of the heart,
which all combined to make this Infoceutical. I then went through the process of looking at what
matched with this Energetic Driver and results were surprising. I found that Heart Imprinter
matched with all the positive emotions, which are recognised as a function of the heart in
Chinese medicine. I quote from Nei Jing: ‘The heart is the ambassador of happiness and joy.’
This ED seemed to be linked to memory, too! Memory is found to be imprinted
everywhere in the body, hence the idea of the heart actually imprinting information for the bodyfield. Memory is imprinted everywhere in the body, into the matrix, via the heart sounds.
Inability to experience positive emotions means that some aspect of the heart is damaged.
Of course, we do not suggest this has anything to do with severe clinical depression. But the
Heart Imprinter Infoceutical may add a little sparkle to your day. By the way, Source Driver, ED
2 and Energetic Stars 4 and 8 all relate to depression. (I will not be talking about the Energetic
Stars here, but they represent another way information is regulated in the body-field.)
On the physical side, I found that this ED field bioenergetically correlated with
calcification of the heart, sclerosis and aortic stenosis. It is not known yet whether using this
Infoceutical will help these conditions to improve over time, but a distortion in it may alert you
to look for these problems in your clients. Because we are looking at the flow of blood from the
cardiac vein to the left heart to the lungs and back to the right heart and to the aorta, this ED
Infoceutical may have a general bioenergetic therapeutic effect on heart disease. As a note, I also
found a match to ED 2 in the case of triglycerides. While we are at it, I should say that I found
that I could add Energetic Integrator 6 to ED 2 and there was a bioenergetic link to the Bundle of
While the ED 2 Infoceutical is comprised of a useful combination of Integrators, it is not
so useful therapeutically for blood pressure correlations. There is not really one single cause of
blood pressure, or essential hypertension, which is why it is so hard to treat allopathically and
bioenergetically. However, blood pressure may be helped bioenergetically by all sorts of
Infoceuticals, so for cases that are not acute, I point out the use of the Cell Driver, Liver Driver
and ESR Infoceuticals.
My basic research linked the Heart Imprinter with the systole, the peak of the contraction
phase of the heart. We have to remember the inside of the heart! For fibrin build up, you might
use the Liver Driver and Skin Driver Infoceuticals in the same protocol at 6 drops daily, long
term. However, always follow the Basic Protocol and never give Liver Driver on the first visit.
The Heart Imprinter field affects the entire body-field, as it has the major role of the
integration of all its subsystems. So does the Big Field, which is a view of how the body-field
structures fit together like pieces of a giant jigsaw puzzle. BFA correction is about integrating the
body-field, especially in relation to the three axes of the fields. Heart Imprinter also integrates
the four major brain structures called the cerebral cortex, cerebral medulla, cerebellum and brain
All of this is newly discovered, and we continue our research. At this time, I can tell you
that when you use the Heart Imprinter Infoceutical in protocols with other Driver Infoceuticals,
you may be making a correction to the entire body-field at once, so your clients may report
significant responses, including emotional outpouring, headaches, aches in the chest and heart
areas, sleepiness, joint aches and pain from old back injuries for a few days, and the flaring up of
chronic diseases of all sorts along with fever for a few days.
Heart Imprinter is not the only Infoceutical that addresses the whole body-field. Others,
as outlined below, do as well; however, each has its own particular area of energetic focus too:
Heart Imprinter (for the heart-based field, but energises brain areas as
Cell Driver (for the whole body, but particularly affects the body
connective tissue matrix)
Nerve Driver (for the nerve field, but also affects the connective tissue
matrix and immune system)
Circulation Driver (for connective tissues but also linked to the body-wide
Imprinter Driver, it has been found, is used to great effect when combined with another set of
Infoceuticals called the Energetic Terrains. Practitioners frequently ask why the NES scan for a
client with a type of diabetes did not register a problem with the liver or pancreas. For diabetics
we can use Imprinter Driver with ET 4, ET 5, ET 14 and ET 15. Over the years since NES was
born, it has become clear that energetic medicine frequently diverges from current allopathic
theories concerning specific disease states. In NES, the disease source is found and treated, and
sometimes we leave the organ where the disease is apparent entirely alone when it comes to
Energetic Driver 3: Cell Driver
Below are some syndromes that are bioenergetically linked with ED 2. This Infoceutical is
helpful for them all at the biofield level:
Geopathic stress: In addition to all the traditional views of geopathic stress,
bioenergetically we may be talking about a quantum field energy that is created by the
mass of the earth and its molten iron core. Radon gas and underground watercourses,
which are cavities in the earth, contribute to geopathic stress. In NES theory it is linked to
the Big Field alignment, so that Infoceutical should be considered.
Immunity dysfunction: Bioenergetically, a history of growths, skin tags and lumps may be
related to immunity troubles. The Infoceuticals that relate to this are Immunity Driver and
possibly Spleen-Omentum Driver. Part of this syndrome will often be an abnormal
reading of Energetic Star 1, so watch for that on the NES scan and consider that
Infoceutical if necessary. These Infoceuticals should be used at a low number of drops,
preferably 6 drops a day.
Cholesterol: The pattern with cholesterol issues includes distortions in the Cell Driver
and Heart Imprinter fields, and this combination of errors will point us towards
cholesterol usage, lipid synthesis and the utilisation of calcium in the muscles. Cell
Driver and Heart Imprinter Infoceuticals should help address the problem.
Heavy metal poisoning: This syndrome is about cellular detoxification, and addressing it
will include the use of the Cell Driver Infoceutical as well as EI 8 (for the liver), ES 14
(for cell metabolism) and/or ES 15 (for heavy metals). Bioenergetically encouraging
cellular detox is an important step in the preliminary stage of healing with any problem,
but is especially necessary for those with a serious disease.
Matrix problems: When there is a general information blockage in the body matrix, two
Infoceuticals are crucial: Source Driver and Cell Driver, used in the same protocol. The
rule of thumb, no matter what the problem, is that if Source Driver and Cell Driver show
as distorted at the same time, use these Infoceuticals as a matter of priority.
A final important note about Cell Driver. It has important bioenergetic links with the Golgi body
and the smooth endoplasmic reticulum, two of the major organelles of each cell that are
influenced by their bioenergetic link to the Heart Imprinter field. Cell nutrients traffic between
the Golgi body and the smooth endoplasmic reticulum and it is now thought that these two
important bodies are also responsible for the synthesis of lipids, conversion of cholesterol to
steroids, detoxification of foreign proteins and the calcium metabolism of the skeletal muscles.
So I suggest that it is important to use the Cell Driver Infoceutical and Heart Imprinter
Infoceutical together in a protocol when called for in terms of these links.
The other Drivers were all originally made from the cell types in organs that would
communicate, thereby creating an organ energy field. But the Cell Driver was different. Theories
of body-field energetics all founder on the same rocks. How does the body produce a field, and
what sort of field is it? That is the question. I started out in 1995 to try to make the adenosine
triphosphate (ATP) theory work energetically. Every few years I tried again to make this
allopathic theory, originating in Britain in the mid-1940s, actually work. By 2010, I had shed my
fears about disproving allopathic textbook dogmas. I decided that it must be the cell itself that
was making the human body-field, and that if this were the case, it would not be, as the ATP
theory suggested, purely chemical, or even based on bond energy from broken carbohydrates
molecules. To make a field, the body had to go far beyond that. I set out the order in space in
which the body made a field in each cell while it was alive. Here is the sequence, arrived at by
the process of experimentation in April 2010:
Four frequencies of UV light
Golgi body
Haemoglobin para-magnetic field
Monatomic oxygen
Monatomic hydrogen
The allopaths were right, but there were seven other things more important than ATP so far as
energy production of the field was concerned.
The human body-field is made from light, as well as from a certain type of magnetism
created by haemoglobin metabolism called para-magnetism. This is already used in fMRA
diagnosis by scans in giant tubes. We used our A. Einstein premise about medical theories and
asked, ‘Does the combined list of energies, structures and chemicals actually energise the cell?’
Yes, we found out in just a few weeks that the amazing Cell Driver Infoceutical was affecting
arthritis, latent bacterial disease, dementia and ataxia. Our tests reported very rapid changes to
the urine and bowel movements as the cell, with more energy, produced a stronger HBF, so
affecting chronic diseases.
Matches were found with these diseases, insofar as they were related to energy
depletion. Many were very surprising:
febrile arthritis
senile dementia
sexual delusions
learning disabilities
macula degeneration
disturbances of hormones and enzymes
motor neurone disease
non-clinical depression
When using this Infoceutical, the dosage is 6 to 15 drops, depending on the client’s sensitivity,
from once a day to four times a day once the client has gone through the initial detox reactions.
Generally Cell Driver is well tolerated in large doses.
Latent disease is recognised by allopathic theory: you can have a disease but not actually get the
symptoms. The idea is very strong, too, in the wonderful disease theory of traditional
homoeopathy, which is well worth studying. You can read the homoeopathic masters Allen and
Herring. Cell Driver can give the body enough energy to correct a longstanding ‘blockage’ in the
form of chlamydia or staphylococcal ulcers, for example. The body can produce a fever as well
in these circumstances. It is not a cause for alarm. When a latent disease starts to flare up, stop
the Cell Driver and change to Lung Driver. There can be a whole raft of latent diseases waiting
to change from chronic to acute, according to one of the most time-honoured ideas of
homoeopathic disease theory. It is best to give the body a rest between them of a week or so.
Energetic Driver 4: Nerve Driver
The Nerve Driver was one of the first Driver fields and Infoceuticals to be discovered and
developed. It came about as I was reading about the nervous system in a very ancient psychology
book, specifically about brainwaves: alpha, beta, theta and delta. These are all low-frequency
electrical patterns, going from 1.5 Hz to 48 Hz, which are subsonic in terms of sound and very
low frequency as pulses. We need something to activate the QED field, and low-frequency
pulses will do this. In quantum physics, they are called phonons. Electrochemical activity is
perhaps a precursor of neural function if it works on quantum field information. So instead of
saying the nervous system signals are an electrical side-effect of chemical activity, we are saying
they are pulses set up to support certain information processing activity, as carrier waves for the
body hologram. It’s important to note that this Driver field is not linked to neurotransmitters. The
focus is low-frequency energy in the form of phonons, since in QED field theory the differences
in wave structure between sound pulses and electrical pulses are not great.
Nerve cells are specific in function, and the bioenergetic information for axons, dendrites,
the nucleus and so on are included in this Infoceutical. Damaged nerve cells might slowly
respond to it. It is not sedative in nature, nor is it a chemical recipe for neurotransmitters. It is
simply the bioenergtic information for various parts of a nerve cell.
Allopathic treatments for the better functioning of the nervous system are not legion.
Mostly they just stop the nervous system from functioning in some way or, alternatively, overstimulate it. The Nerve Driver Infoceutical is unique in that it encourages correct bioenergetic
function by restoring correct structure.
Those of you who were interested in the idea of the microtubule as a tuned antenna will
be interested in how these ideas are applied to the nervous system. We have a sort of star-shaped
cell with huge hand-shaped dendrites and a very long tubular axon that varies in length. The
nervous system is not a continuous system, yet it appears to function as one, if you are healthy.
Though how each part is aware of every other part when it is in fact a discontinuous system
requires a field theory for explanation, and biologists will not go there!
A self-contained chemically fuelled nervous system would not be able to encompass
processes related to creativity, new concepts and novel ideas. However, a quantum field system
could, since it would work by space resonance matching with things outside itself, in the external
environment. So, for this reason and others, I ask you to consider the nervous system as a whole
as a collection of tubules of different lengths. Every axon has microtubules along it, 13 of them.
Why does it need so many? Is it stacking? Is it arranging things in space in a ring? Are there
cavity energetics going on here? I think so. This bioenergetic structural template provides a
whole new way of thinking about and understanding the nervous system.
Energetic Driver 5: Circulation Driver
This ED is also of particular interest when it appears in the NES test with the Heart Imprinter or
the Heart Driver, as it bioenergetically correlates to the possibility of heart disease. It is common
for this Driver to show as distorted when the Big Field is also distorted. The Infoceutical for this
Driver field incorporates information for the muscle walls of the arteries, red blood cells, oxygen
and the nerve plexuses that control the opening and closing of the arteries.
This Driver may show as distorted for issues that seem unrelated, such as hernias, which
may also show as distortions in the Muscle Driver and Bone Driver fields. Part of the reason why
is that at the bioenergetic level there is often an emotional conflict that links with the function of
the brain stem. Interestingly, Circulation Driver Infoceutical is not intended to be used with
troubles concerning blood infections, clots or aneurisms. However, this Driver field matches
bioenergetically with shock, as all of the circulation system responds to it, arteriosclerosis,
Raynaud’s disease and migraine headache, if by that we mean malfunction of nerve plexuses in
the blood vessels. We have no data from clinical trials on these items, so be aware that these are
bioenergetic correlations only and not treatment advice.
Energetic Driver 6: Heart Driver
In addition to the Heart Imprinter field, there is the Heart Driver field, which represents the entire
chest cavity and the electrical system of the heart, the sets of sympathetic and parasympathetic
nerves, and the conduction system of the heart found on the outside of the organ. So if you want
a simple rule, Heart Imprinter is for the chambers of the heart, while Heart Driver is for outside
the heart, the conduction system.
Interestingly, in Chinese medicine the heart rules over the skin of the face. In my research
I have verified this to a point, as I have noticed this Infoceutical is seems to help the texture of
the skin, although it does not affect pimples and crusts. From a bioenergetic perspective, you will
find that skin cases respond more by correcting the heart field rather than the liver or bowel field,
as is commonly suggested by naturopaths. If you want to affect the facial skin texture, you can
also use the Stomach Driver Infoceutical.
If the rhythm of the heart is affected after a bad influenza attack, it is useful to suggest
Heart Driver Infoceutical, although, as I have said before (and this applies to all the
Infoceuticals), you should first follow the Base Protocol according to the scan results. This is a
good time to say that all the Infoceuticals are best used in relation to long-term chronic problems.
If a problem is acute, it’s best left to allopathic or academic medicine, as there may be a huge
amount of technical knowledge needed.
Back to ED 6 and its Infoceutical. Energetic Integrator 4 information is included in this
Driver Infoceutical. Note that you may find that if this Driver comes up in a scan, Energetic
Integrator 6 comes up too. This is because of the connection with the Bundle of His, which may
have been damaged by an acute viral attack at some stage in life. If both ED 6 and EI 6 come up
in a scan, you should use them both in the same treatment.
The internal heart evidently has strong energetic effects on memory and even personality.
But it goes even further than that in bioenergetic medicine: the waveform of the entire HBF is
affected by the heart. Just how this can happen and what this waveform is were discovered in
2010 and was rapidly incorporated into the practical aspects of NES treatments.
One of the most useful combinations for a general correction for the wave that carries the
HBF information is Cell Driver, used at the same time as Heart Driver, for a feeling of mild
depression. It is not like a euphoric drug, but more like a general corrector for use during therapy
when the joy of life is missing.
Energetic Driver 7: Lung Driver
One would imagine the lung organ system to be related solely to its function of respiration, the
exchange of the two gases oxygen and carbon dioxide. This isn’t quite the case. Unexpectedly,
this Infoceutical is related to the neurilemma, the outside coating of nerve fibres. The external
coating is affected in some way by vaccination, and this in turn leads to many types of learning
Lung Driver also has some information about para-magnetism which essentially is a nonpolar magnetic energy that is found in the haemoglobin of the blood, the molecule that actually
transports the oxygen. When this was added it was discovered that Lung Driver was effective for
coughs and even asthma, sometimes within several minutes. Senile emphysema may also
respond, since there is a space resonance linking this disease to Lung Driver.
Lastly, there is a link between the tubules in lung tissues and Heart Driver ED 6. The
sounds the heart makes are used by Lung Driver and so links with Heart Driver via the phonon,
and to the coating around parts of the nervous system. Lung Driver can be made stronger in its
function by using it with Source Driver, ED 1. This is due to a link evidently due to phonons
travelling through the matrix or connective tissue of the body.
Energetic Driver 8: Stomach Driver
This is one of the most used of all the Driver Infoceuticals because this field has a wide range of
effects, among the most important being the lining of the stomach and the entire gastrointestinal
tract, which includes the mouth and throat. This is the most influential Infoceutical when
bioenergetically addressing heavy metal intoxification, and you should proceed cautiously
because of possible responses related to sudden detoxification.
This Driver field relates to the stomach meridian of traditional Chinese medicine, so it
links to the long bones of the legs and the bone marrows. The Chinese also noted certain
pathways inside the brain in the frontal lobes associated with this meridian, and our Stomach
Driver Infoceutical relates to these as well and may correlate to mental reactions. It’s no surprise
that it may correlate to problems such as Alzheimer’s disease; note that this ED relates to the
prefrontal lobes of the cerebral cortex. It also relates to neural tissues, along with the Kidney
Driver field, and to the midbrain along with the Heart Driver field.
If the Stomach Driver field simply won’t come right, you may need to address the Kidney
Driver field. There are also many links with the many Energetic Integrators that correlate to
stomach and gastrointestinal tissues and structures.
Heavy metals have an affinity for the stomach lining, and cadmium in particular can be a
problem here, so watch for correlations to it on the scan.
Energetic Driver 9: Muscle Driver (Striated Muscle)
There are a number of bioenergetic correlations between the Muscle Driver field and physical
problems, although of course no clinical claims are being made. Some of these correlations
include reduced muscle tone, some types of arthritis, myositis and myelitis and myofascitis.
The Chinese say that the stomach meridian energy will affect the muscles. Certainly it
affects muscles generally, not just the meridians on the legs. The Chinese also described the
muscle meridians that were supposed to go over the flesh superficially. However, I do not think
there is much science behind this ancient claim. Be aware that this field does not match with the
cardiac muscle.
For the myocardium, look deep to pairs of meridians, especially, in NES parlance, to
Energetic Integators 11 and 12, as well as to their link as outlined below. According to my
research, the six pairs of meridians/Energetic Integrators all join to the myocardium. The
pairings and their correlations are as follows:
Heart Driver +
EI 1 and EI 2
EI 3 and EI 4
EI 5 and EI 6
EI 7 and EI 8
EI 9 and EI 10
EI 11 and EI 12
These pairings are always used with Heart Driver and their special action is treated more deeply
in the final chapter of this book.
Energetic Driver 10: Skin Driver
This Driver field does not affect the skin so much as the mucous membranes of the organs of the
head. Think ears, nose and throat especially. Correlations bioenergetically between this field and
physical problems and tissues include acne rosacea, catarrh, colitis, Crohn’s disease and allergic
reactions of skin and bowel tissues. It is best not to address the bioenergetic correlations to skin
diseases with this Infoceutical. Instead look to the heart field, as heart energy correlates to the
skin on the face specifically.
Energetic Driver 11: Liver Driver
This is a complex field, as it correlates to the cell nucleus, Golgi body, mitochondria and other
aspects of the cell. Clinically, I have found matches that correlate to issues such as headaches,
fluid retention, oxalic acid, optic neuritis, muscular degeneration and pH.
One of the many functions of the liver is related to the breaking down of larger molecules
that are to be excreted later by the kidneys or skin or lungs. But when you consider that the
meridian related to the liver goes right behind the eyes to the tip of the cranium, you will get a
better understanding of all the correlations I have found between this field and the retina at the
back of the eyes.
This Driver field may affect the liver as well as certain functions of the pancreas, as they
are strongly related in their embryological development.
I have heard stories of the Liver Driver Infoceutical being effective for morning sickness.
This may be because the liver’s job is to remove excess hormones in the blood, if you think
biochemically. Bioenergetically, the liver is very sensitive to geopathic stress.
Contrary to what you might think, we don’t use this Infoceutical for jaundice, hepatitis or
migraines; instead we use it for chemical intoxification. Bioenergetically, the liver can become
stressed or damaged by drugs of all types. Frequently we use Liver Driver to assist an organ
which is easily damaged be recreational drugs and pesticides.
The Liver Driver field energises the branch meridian, a part of which goes to the scrotum
in the male and the ovaries in the female. I have heard stories about increased semen production
using this Infoceutical, but that cannot be verified. Note that the prostate gland is
bioenergetically linked to the Kidney Driver and the Lung Driver fields, but not to Liver Driver.
Energetic Driver 12: Kidney Driver
This Driver field could also have been called the cell nucleus field, as there is a correspondence
energetically. It also links with the kidney tubules and the kidney membrane. Bioenergetically, it
correlates to swelling of the kidney organs, renal colic, nephritis, concussion (due to a link with
brain tissues, resembling the kidney tissues due to tubules) and intoxication of brain tissue.
If the Kidney Driver field shows up as distorted on a scan, it does not mean there is a
correlation to kidney disease. Because this field also links to the brain tissues, the links are not
intuitive in that sense. This link is largely unexplored, but the important point is to remember that
the NES system is not diagnostic in an absolute physical sense. We are talking bioenergetic
links, not physical ones.
Energetic Driver 13: Immunity Driver
This Infoceutical is tagged to bioenergetically combine information for the various blastic cells
in the bone marrow that create blood cells, in particular the red blood cells and the lymphoblasts,
plasmablasts and macroblasts. Mast cell information is also found here. Splenic tissue is
energetically related as well.
This Driver field is not correlated to antibodies formed in response to various viral
diseases; for that bioenergetic link you have to look to the Spleen-Omentum Driver. This one is
more about the blood immune system and engulfing foreign material with macrophages. It is
more about lymph cells, a key part of the antiviral immunity mechanism.
A good rule to remember is that the Cell Driver and Immunity Driver Infoceuticals work
well in the same treatment. You might think of always using them together. If there is a general
collapse of immunity, it would be quite in order to use Immunity Driver Infoceutical in the same
protocol with the Spleen-Omentum Driver Infoceutical. But, as always, follow the scan and the
Basic Protocol first!
Please bear in mind the length of time it takes to manufacture new blood cells, so there
may well be a delayed effect with this Immunity Driver Infoceutical of between 5 and 30 days.
That is what you might expect, but energetically it works instantaneously.
Energetic Driver 14: Spleen-Omentum Driver
This Driver field is made up of the bio-information related to the red and white pulp of the spleen
as well as of the omentum, a type of mesenteric sheet found in the lining of the abdomen. All
parts of the thymus also match to it.
The spleen has three functions in traditional thought: phagocytosis of older erythrocytes,
blood regulation and, most importantly, providing lymphocytes and plasma cells which,
supposedly, make antibodies for protection against specific organisms. The omentum has an
immune function specifically for the peritoneal cavity and is most active if there is peritonitis. It
supplies leucocytes to the cavity and is so dynamic that it will even engulf and seal off
contaminated areas of the cavity with collagen. In adults, the omentum may have been damaged
by surgery.
In traditional Chinese medicine there is believed to be a link between the spleen and the
lungs, but NES research shows instead a link with the thymus, which is located in the middle of
the chest cavity. Cavities are always important. Physically, establishment of long-term viral
immunity is said to depend on the thymus. Bioenergetically, the thymus may have a role in
addressing allergies. It is also of enormous interest bioenergetically that the Spleen-Omentum
Driver matches specifically with the following organisms that may infect the peritoneal cavity as
well as the lungs: Bordetella pertussis (whooping cough), Haemophilus influenzae (childhood
chest disease), Klebsiella (can cause destruction of lung cells) and Neissera catarrhalis
(respiratory infection). Note that Klebsiella species are harmless in the gut and abdominal cavity,
yet dangerous in the chest cavity. In the chest, Klebsiella can destroy lung tissues.
Spleen-Omentum Driver may show up as distorted in cases of chronic low-level
peritonitis, with abdominal swelling, as well as of bronchial asthma where there is chronic lowlevel bacterial infection. It may be bioenergetically effective against chronic low-level
appendicitis. Poor immune function in childhood is another possible application, and it should be
remembered that this Driver field links well to Energetic Integrator 8, not because of its effects
on the liver but because of those to low-frequency electromagnetic radiation, which may affect
some children.
After taking the Spleen-Omentum Driver Infoceutical for ten days, your client may need
to use the Liver Driver Infoceutical, so watch for this on scans. Spleen-Omentum Driver
Infoceutical can be taken in the same protocol with the Energetic Star 1 Infoceutical as a general
radiation corrector for those exposed to electrosmog in cities.
Over thousands of years, the Chinese doctors have noted that the lips and the very tip of
the nose can alter colour or texture when the spleen is not functioning normally. The scalp is also
considered to link with the spleen. So this Driver Infoceutical can be used for correlations to
disease of the scalp.
Energetic Driver 15: Pancreas Driver
This field is related physiologically to the Liver Driver field, but the correlations are much wider,
as the pancreas is a dual organ and has, of course, several functions. To make this Driver
Infoceutical we needed to tag to the Islets of Langerhans, alpha and beta cells, the vagus nerve,
lymphs and the head and tail of the organ. It also contains information for Energetic Integrators 4
and 12, making it one of the most complex of all the Driver fields and Infoceuticals.
There are many matches, but effects on diseases are unknown at this time. Clinical
correlations at the bioenergetic level include indigestion, pancreatitis, loss of appetite and
hypoglycaemia. Interestingly, this Driver field may not show up in a scan of someone with
diabetes mellitus if their Big Field alignment is not first corrected.
Energetic Driver 16: Bone Driver
This Infoceutical combines information from three Drivers – Liver, Pancreas and Kidney. The
inspiration for it comes purely from Chinese medicine, because these three energy channels cross
at a point on each of the lower legs (Spleen 6) that is a very effective point for encouraging bone
knitting and addressing problems with calcium metabolism. They have been combined to have
quite a different effect from the effects noted for the individual Drivers on their own. This is why
we advise taking each Infoceutical separately, ten minutes apart – combining Infoceuticals in the
same glass of water alters their effects.
It turns out that the inspiration mentioned above is quite correct and that the use of this
Driver Infoceutical may cause quite a reaction in people where calcium metabolism is not right
and also where there is need for a detoxification of bone tissue. So, go slowly when using the
Bone Driver Infoceutical, as there are likely to be reactions. The liver and kidneys have a
physiological role in breaking down chemical molecules and sending the unwanted ones out of
the body and this is some of what causes the reactions.
For this Driver field, think too of the calcifications of organs, such as the heart, liver,
brain and kidneys. There may be a bioenergetic correlation to osteoporosis. Also, I have heard
some remarkable stories about the effects of this Driver Infoceutical on the heart.
This ends the overview of the Energetic Driver fields and Infoceuticals. In the rest of this paper, I
will talk more theoretically about the EDs, adding clinical comments where appropriate.
EDs and Energy Use
I have talked about para-magnetic vectors elsewhere, but generally the four of them represent,
speaking metaphorically, directions in three dimensions or vectors: north, south, east and west.
In terms of physics, they represent four 90° segments of the in-wave and out-wave, according to
astrophysicist Milo Wolff’s theory of the spherical standing wave nature of space and matter,
specifically of the electron, but also of other particles, most of which are ‘appearances’ based on
space resonances.
Sometimes these magnetic waves in space need to be corrected, and the BFA and Cell
Driver Infoceuticals are used primary for this purpose. BFA Infoceutical corrects the three axes
of space and Cell Driver Infoceutical corrects the cell metabolism of energy. The cell responds
para-magnetic vectors
gravity waves
protons in this wave
mitogenetic radiation (UV)
The Drivers in general correct the energetic function of the cavities of the major organs. The
organ cavities appear to trap inside them the out-waves from outside the body. The rest are
absorbed. This of course requires the cell to be capable of massive phase shifts somewhere
inside itself. In other words, I am saying cells are not powered by glucose at all, primarily.
They also use the energy from these out-waves and the accompanying phase shifts.
Some types of cells inside the organs do this phase shifting, whereas others, such as
epithelial cells, do not. The Driver fields encourage each organ to power the rest of the matrix
around it, such as the connective tissues and intercellular fluids.
EDs and the Smaller Cavities
Cavities are the basis of our body’s energy intake, so they are of critical importance in
clinical energetic medicine. I shall give you some examples of clinical interest. However, I
have to say that this information is provided for your interest and no clinical claims can be
made at this stage. It is just too early for that.
The cavity of the heart in the pericardium, which lies in the pleural cavity, is
important. When an organ in a cavity becomes enlarged, from a bioenergetic perspective it
loses energy, because a larger cavity means a lower frequency resonance. To correct that
enlargement, again bioenergetically, you give the cavity the type of energy it needs. EDs
power the cavities and organs. But information pathways – the EIs in NES – are also
important, so I will be discussing their links here and how to support ED work in the cavities
with EIs from a theoretical point of view.
The heart cavity gets its proton wave energy from three divergent meridians on the
front of the body: the kidney, liver and spleen meridians. These three meridians have an
internal branch to the heart. So the bioenergetic correction for a swollen heart, when there is
no other explanation, is the Bone Driver Infoceutical, which is made up of information for
Energetic Integrators – the information pathways. For Bone Driver they are EI 6, EI 8 and EI
Similarly, you may wonder why so many elderly men have swollen abdomens. Maybe
people think it is due to toxins. But toxicity is the effect, not the cause. The information
pathways of EI 5 (Bladder), EI 7 (Gall Bladder) and EI 11 (Stomach) on the dorsal side of the
body together go to the abdominal cavity. Theoretically, these three may be of benefit when
used in the same protocol when addressing issues correlated to a swollen abdomen or
abscesses in the abdomen. The result may be that the abdominal swelling reduces rapidly, but
this may not happen if the disease is too chronic.
It is extraordinary, but this same group of three EIs link to the brainstem, itself
another bony cavity within the cranial cavity. Some European neurologists think that
emotional standing waves may be linked with abdominal diseases. The interesting thing is the
huge importance of directionality, expressed in modern Wolffian physics as in-wave or outwave. It appears that cavities can cause a huge disturbance in the structure of space, and that
is why we keep encouraging our practitioners to forget about trying to correct individual
hormones and enzymes. Instead, address the cavities of the body. Then the clinical results
will be much better. And, as I said earlier, we address cavities not only with the ED
Infoceuticals but also by feeding in correct Energetic Integrator information. When the
pleural cavity swells up, there is a deficiency of correct information flow in or out of that
cavity. The ‘recipe’ is from the meridians of the arm: EI 1 (Colon), EI 3 (Small Intestines)
and EI 9 (Triple Burner). They must be given in sequence in the same protocol, about ten
minutes apart. This protocol will not work for swollen lungs or bronchi. Theoretically, a
bioenergetic lung tissue effect, as correlates to asthma for example, may be EI 1, EI 2 and EI
EI 2 (Lungs), EI 4 (Heart) and EI 10 (Circulation) used in the same protocol
theoretically may have a strong corrective effect on all of the organs in the cranial cavity.
This is a general effect, such as for when the brain swells for no apparent reason.
The Emerging Science of Hypertrophy of Organs in Cavities
NES theory is still in its infancy and has come into being more fully only since 2003, so I
need to be cautious in my discussion. So far, we can say that a cavity has a resonance
frequency that fits with global scaling theory, a huge mathematical edifice that shows that
there is a link from the super-high-frequency de Broglie matter wave to the rest of the
electromagnetic spectrum. Global scaling cannot be avoided as a theory, but I cannot discuss
it in detail here. It has to do with how nature is not linear but logarithmic. We actually need it
to explain NES theory and much of bioenergetic medicine. If an organ increases in size, it
reduces its resonant frequency. This can be explained via Louis de Broglie’s formula from
1930s that shows how higher frequencies represent more energy than lower ones; in a similar
fashion, smaller cavities represent higher frequencies. So as an organ increases its size, it
loses energy and its function decreases. The cavity formulas mentioned in this article all
match experimentally with para-magnetism arranged in the order E-N-W-S. From this fact, it
is easy to deduce that errors in the arrangement of bonds at the molecular as well as atomic
level may be part of the story.
Back to the EDs now. Experimentally, the cavity EI ‘recipes’ given above match with
Big Field Aligner and, of course, with Cell Driver. So, in theory, to address a dysfunctional
cavity, the approach is:
Big Field Aligner (BFA).
Cell Driver (ED 3).
The appropriate EI combination for the specific cavity.
As I said earlier, even though I am talking clinically here, I am not making claims for clinical
application. These are approaches that make sense theoretically. No testing has been done.
The NES knowledge base is exploding so rapidly that it is quite out of step with our ability to
do clinical trials. Of course, we welcome your valuable feedback on what works.
As a summary for reference, our theory so far makes the following correlations
between combinations of Energetic Integrators in support of the Energetic Drivers as regards
the energy level in the cavities:
Cranial cavity
EI 2, EI 4, EI 10
Chest cavity
Heart cavity
Abdominal cavity
Bladder – prostate cavity
Bone Driver (ED 16, which
contains EIs 6, 8, 12 information,
also linking to the heart cavity)
EI 5, EI 7, EI 11
EI 2, EI 6, EI 9 for prostate
EI 1, EI 3, EI 9 for pleural cavity
EI 1, EI 2, EI 9 for bronchi
EI 2, EI 6, EI 12 for uterus
Daily Cycle of Source Energy
I’ll end this lecture by talking about some new information about Source energy. In
traditional Chinese medicine, activation or source energy, called yuan qi, was thought to
come from heaven. It was comprised of different energies: an energy like genetic inheritance,
an energy in the kidneys, brain and lungs, and yet another as a sort of constitutional energy.
In Wolff’s physics theory, source energy is a consequence of the characteristics of free space.
Experiments I conducted between 1990 and 2008 indicated that the magnetic Source
energy changed its energetic characteristics abruptly every two hours, to the minute. These
characteristics, in scientific language, refer to frequency as well as phase of the pulses. Since
they appear only in free space or outside buildings, it is possible that they are pulses of
magnetic energy created by the interaction of the sun’s magnetic energy with the earth’s,
such as are found in the Van Allen belts.
It is already known by electronics engineers that pulsation of a signal results in the
appearance of a band of frequencies at the end of the pulse. In my observations, the magnetic
Source energy of free space works on sidereal time, or sun-time, and adjustments have to be
made to make clock time accord with solar time. Experiments indicate that all 12 Energetic
Integrators match with a 30° angle. So it is concluded that 12 angles of 30° make the 360°
needed for a complete solar day. The quantum field characteristic is seen in this non-linearity
of the system. It jumps 30° at a time.
The development of magnetic pulse machines for a wide range of therapies in recent
years (for example the Papimi and SER) led me to investigate the idea that these machines
were merely replicating one of the energies used by the body. This led me to the revision of
some of the theory concerning the Energetic Drivers. Drivers – in particular the Nerve, Lung
and Kidney Drivers – love to use Source energy. The tubules in these organs appear to store
or attract it. I was taught that Source energy became deficient after a long-standing illness.
But bioenergetically, my theory says that this is completely back to front from what really
happens: if you don´t get enough Source energy, you get failure of information transfer in the
body-field, which in turn can lead to chronic disease.
Source energy is taken into the lungs, as the Chinese medical gurus have said, but that
has nothing at all to do with oxygen intake. Source energy is found in every cavity of the
body; hence it is the basis of the cavity theory of traditional Chinese medicine that is called
San Jiao or Three Burning Spaces. Source energy is taken into each of the three major body
cavities and according to my theory, for this to occur the three key Drivers need to be
functional. Nerve Driver helps store Source energy in the cranial cavity, lung Driver in the
thoracic cavity and Kidney Driver in the abdominal cavity, and Energetic Integrator 9 (Triple
Cavity) links all three major cavities. All the organ and glands that are cavities within the
three major cavities – from the uterus and ovaries and prostate and testicles to the pituitary
and thalamus to the adrenals – concentrate Source energy as well.
Traditional Chinese bioenergetics theory suggests that each meridian – and in NES
that would be the EIs – has a peak time for function, with a trough exactly 12 hours before or
after. This accounts for certain hormone rhythms and perhaps even for recurring symptoms at
the same time each day or night. It accounts for the confusion of heart and gall bladder
symptoms as well as confusion of bladder, prostate and colon symptoms and incorrect
diagnosis of pains.
Figure 5.10. Daily Source energy peaks and troughs
10 a.m.
EI 12
12 Midday
EI 4
2 p.m.
EI 3
4 p.m.
EI 5
8 a.m.
EI 11
6 a.m.
EI 1
6 p.m.
EI 6
4 a.m.
EI 2
8 p.m.
EI 9
Triple Burner
2 a.m.
EI 8
12 Midnight
EI 7
Gall Bladder
10 p.m.
EI 10
Figure 5.11. Daily Peaks.
10 a.m.
EI 10
12 Midday
EI 7
Gall Bladder
2 p.m.
EI 8
4 p.m.
EI 2
8 a.m.
EI 9
Triple Burner
6 a.m.
EI 6
6 p.m.
EI 1
8 p.m.
EI 11
4 a.m.
EI 5
a.aily Troughs
Figure 212.
EI 3
Small Intestine
12 Midnight
EI 4
10 p.m.
EI 12
Interestingly, the Source energy and Triple Burner spaces are eight hours different on the
clock. Remember, these are the cranial cavity (brain; EIs 5, 7, 11), thoracic cavity (heart and
lungs; EIs 2, 4, 9) and abdominal cavity (Kidneys; EIs 1, 3, 10). Note that EIs 12, 6 and 8
feed into the heart cavity. So, to be clear, the function of the heart and body organs depends
on Source energy, and hormonal peaks and troughs are due to the cavity and its glandular
I’ll end by suggesting some theoretical clinical pairings of the EIs that might address
issues related to the cycle of Source energy and that involve everything we have talked about
in terms of cavity dynamics and ED fields. Again, no clinical claims are possible here, as it is
For symptoms that appear at same time each day, theoretically the following pairs of
EIs used in the same protocol may be helpful. I am talking about the EIs again, but remember
that information flow is crucial to the proper function of organs and their Driver fields. We
work with the EDs first in terms of energy, then with information via the EIs. So, here are the
EI Pair
12 midday
EI 4, EI 7
2 p.m.
EI 3, EI 8
4 p.m.
EI 5, EI 2
6 p.m.
EI 6, EI 1
8 p.m.
EI 9, EI 11
10 p.m.
EI 10, EI 12
12 midnight
EI 7, EI 4
2 a.m.
EI 8, EI 3
4 a.m.
EI 2, EI 5
6 a.m.
EI 1, EI 6
8 a.m.
EI 11, EI 9
10 a.m.
EI 12, EI 10
Finally, when seeking a pairing for correlations to problems concentrated within a cavity,
remember these sequences. Again, this is theoretical information, not clinical, until more
testing has been done.
EI 5, EI 7, EI 11
EI 4, EI 9, EI 2
EI 3, EI 10, EI 1
Introduction to the NES Energetic Integrators
This article was written in 2008 to explain one of the core structures of the human body-field according to
Fraser’s research, the Energetic Integrators. It is intended to be a broad overview of their structure, function
and correlations to the physical body and physiology. Certain aspects of Fraser’s understanding of the
Integrators may have been updated since the composition of this article, as his research continues. It has been
edited from the original for organisation, flow and length.
The Energetic Integrators (EIs) are preferred pathways in the body-field, actual structures in
the quantum space of the field through which information moves.1 They regulate the
information that the body needs to work properly and are similar to but not the same as the
meridians in traditional Chinese medicine. I tend to call the EIs energetic ‘compartments’ and
my understanding of them from research conducted from 2000 to the present has led me to
see that they can be represented as the nodal divisions of a global scaling wave which has
many nodes. This may be of interest to biologists, so let me briefly explain. I will also briefly
explain how to think of the EIs using other perspectives from homoeopathy, acupuncture and
In terms of traditional allopathic medicine and conventional biology, we know there is
a system of transfer of information in the body that is related to neurotransmitters, enzymes,
hormones and the 100,000 or so proteins in cell walls that are responsive to energetic
influences. The system is so huge it needs to be categorised and simplified. The 100,000
protein receptors in the cell wall are part of the cellular body-field and can be simplified into
12 compartments. By a process I call ‘aggregation’, a large body-field can be constructed.
Information in the body, when it is flat, can be arranged from bottom to top, right to left, and
forms itself into the 12 energetic categories I call the Energetic Integrators.
In terms of the bioenergetic field of each organ, there are actually whole groups of
frequencies that arise as a result of the dynamics of what is called ‘global scaling’, which is in
part a kind of fractal mathematical theory. A basic premise of the theory by physicist and
mathematician Hartmut Müller as it is applied to space is that space, including all energy and
matter in it, is organised logarithmically, not linearly, by scale. I say that information is
carried within these standing waves (stationary waves through which energy moves) whose
nodes are scaled logarithmically, not linearly, so that even if these nodes are physically
distant in the material universe, in logarithmic space they are adjacent. This means,
essentially, that everything is connected and information can be available instantaneously.
Furthermore, standing waves and their nodes in logarithmic space are scaled over a range of
frequencies, and they can carry messages that are created by sets of vectors that are selfarranging in space.
Since 1967, global scaling theory and mathematics have been applied to the sizes and
masses of living things, to embryology, to the patterns of chemical physiology and even to
the arrangement of the planets in the solar system.2 In NES theory, the EIs of the human
There are 24 Energetic Integrators, but only the first 12 have corresponding Infoceuticals and are used in the
clinical practice of NES therapy. References to the EIs in this paper will be to EIs 1–12 unless otherwise noted.
2 For Hartmut Müller’s theory, see the global scaling website at, and ‘Suchergebnis für Hartmut Müller’, For additional information about global scaling ideas and nature, see L. L. Chislenko,
The Structure of Fauna and Flora in Connection with the Sizes of Organisms, Moscow University Press,
body-field are arranged in a similar logarithmic fashion. (See figures 6.1 and 6.2 below.)
Thus the biofield of each organ may have a relationship to a block of frequencies that are not
electromagnetic in character but can be described according to global scaling and worked out
via its special mathematics. My own research has also shown that the body-field can be
‘tagged’ with messages imprinted onto these scaled-down matter waves.
Log curve
Figure 6.1. Wave 1: EIs 1–6.
[Designer needs to fix this graphic above]
Log curve
Figure 6.2. Wave 2: EIs 7–12. The phase energetics of global scaling.
If we use the theory of classical homoeopathy to understand something about the EIs, we can
refer metaphorically to the broad-spectrum remedies which homoeopaths call polychrests,
Moscow, 1981, and A. V. Zhirmunsky and V. I. Kuzmin, Critical Scaling Levels in the Development of
Biological Systems, Nauka, Moscow, 1982; also Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1988.
which attend to large groups of organs of the human body-field. Because of the thousands of
chemicals in the environment, their application has now become harder and harder to make
clinically effective; however, you can look at some of the EIs as polychrests going from low
to high in the body, if you like from the basal chakra to the throat and petal chakra. Other EIs
work from top to bottom, as suggested in classical homoeopathy. The 12 NES EIs as a group
link to connective tissues of all types.
Using acupuncture as our template, we can refer to the 12 major meridians and their
pathways, including all the skin meridians, internal meridians, divergent meridians, extra
meridians and upper and lower divisions of meridians. I found in my research that the system
of about 92 meridians could energetically all be fitted into 12 basic ‘compartments’, which I
now call Energetic Integrators. The EIs contain all body tissue, cells, structures, enzymes and
hormones. The EI system is more comprehensive than the meridian system, which in terms of
information exchange represents just a few spikes in the entire EI system.
Finally, in terms of physics, we know that space is not empty but it has its own
structure and even self-organisation. This happens partly because of Coulomb’s Law, which
is about the distribution of charge between sub-atomic particles or waves. It has been found
that there are constraints on structures for each frequency range in a logarithmic sequence
from 1 to 12 (and beyond that to at least 20). From this bioenergetic perspective, I have found
that when surrounding space is coherent, biochemistry works better.
A Revolution in Science
Because of the Copenhagen Interpretation and Uncertainty Principle developed by Niels Bohr
and Werner Heisenberg, it is standard knowledge in physics that one cannot know both the
location and the velocity of a sub-atomic particle with any degree of accuracy. The more you
know about one aspect of the particle, the less you know about the other. As a consequence,
space was looked at from a statistical probability point of view only. In the standard model
we got a ‘real’ world and a so-called ‘virtual’ world. This idea has spilled over into the
scientific methodology of medicine, psychology, sociology and even politics. However, the
system of ontology – why things happen – does not necessarily divide itself into a duality of
‘real’ and ‘virtual’. When we get to the 1980s and the space resonance theory of Milo Wolff,
duality is expressed physically, but there is only one reality and it is ordered by phase
relationships in space, or the structure of space resonances.3
My technique for finding links between energetic structures in the body-field and
body causes a massive change in space conductivity, which is how I know there is a match.
Hence, I call it ‘the space resonance matching technique’. The result is that there is no need
to test models hundreds or millions of times to get a ‘best answer’. It is only necessary to
present a variety of answers, so that the best of all can be chosen by space resonance
matching – a large change in space conductivity. So the measurement is actually of the
change in space conductivity, which is not imaginary. The actual information is not measured
directly at all; it can be measured indirectly by the space resonance matching technique, and
because the technique is so critical in importance, the process has to be thought out carefully.
The important point is that there is no single perfect match, except, I suppose, between
See Milo Wolff, Exploring the Physics of the Unknown Universe: An adventurer’s guide, Technotran,
Manhattan Beach, CA, 1990.
identical substances. There are, however, ‘better’ answers. I talk about the technique in other
papers and I mention it here only as a reminder of the nature of the process in bioenergetics.
Introduction to the Clinical Implications of the EIs
Currently, there are researchers working towards a new model of medicine built on the
genome. It is widely believed that damage to DNA messages is part of pathology – a cause of
disease – with the effect going from the DNA to the tissues. However, in the research models
I have investigated to date I have found a curious feature, which recurs every so often: there
is always a lot of damage to the DNA biofield when there is a disease, and this damage is not
entirely explained by simply saying, as I have in the past, that it is the result of the influence
of noxious environment chemicals, inherited defects or ageing. It is quite possible, and I think
most likely, that the integrity of the genome is dependent on the body-field and not vice
versa. I am exploring the strong possibility that distortions in the body-field itself can damage
the genetic field once the field is disorganised in a specific way. Then, and only then, can the
genetic damage result in serious or incurable disease patterns.
In the energy-field model in which I work we can use the idea of ‘pictures in space’,
or patterns really, being stored in space sequentially. In fact, I look at the body as if it were a
series of flat cellular capacitors able to store an infinite information sequence covering
everything that has ever happened to that body since before birth. The standing-wave gravity
field is planar and it has its own directionality and placement in space as attributes. This idea
has a foundation in Müller and his global scaling theory. Somehow these fairly flat pictures
that the body needs as the ultimate control system for its living regimes need to be
manufactured by the body itself. It is my theory that the transmission of pictures or patterns
through a very small area of space, through the nuclear membrane into the DNA, is all that is
required to cause severe damage to the genetic material.
We have to find out which organelle inside the cell is doing it. As a motive force, we
need the energy of space concentrated by a cavity in the cranium or elsewhere, plus an
unusual magnetic field – from underground, for example, or from solar radiation or atomic
radiation from the atmosphere. These are all forces which have been linked with the
disruption or destruction of DNA in some way. It is of interest, too, that the energy of space
appears, from my research, to consist of a series of four magnetic spikes.
There is reason to believe that somehow the body is able to create its own pathology
patterns. In 1998 I was working with a high-level medical group who were very interested in
bioenergetic testing as a possible way forward. In diagnosing cancer from some samples that
they gave to me, I found the bioenergetic method I was using would show no cancer at all but
did show infection from a parasite like a round worm, which had no physical reality when
subjected to medical testing. This was a bioenergetic field match. Sometimes, too, I would
match a sample with hepatitis A or B, and of course no such thing existed in the client’s
body. For many years I hated that data, but now I treasure them, as in science it is often the
apparently ‘wrong’ data that are most important. Of course many other people all around the
world have had similar experiences with these parasite field ‘pictures’. When you are sick,
something in the body produces pictures of parasites that, so far as clinicians are concerned
don’t exist. So this is perhaps the reason that some people recommend treatments for
parasites when you have cancer. The real question is, should we be treating the
pictures/patterns/fields or what is making the pictures?
The messages in the so-called virtual world are sequential, just like the sequences of
information in the DNA, RNA and just like the sequences of biochemistry. Bioenergetically,
our idea of stopping disease is to flood the body with the correct messages in the correct
sequences and to ignore the corrupted messages so that there is no possibility that the
treatment can make the patient worse. It’s a radical idea, but we seem to be making progress
with it.
The Human Body-Field
From about 1983 to 2008, I pursued research on a daily basis in order to try to make a
template or ‘map’ of the body-field’s structure. I used ampoules of homoeopathically
imprinted substances representing parts of the body in my space resonance matching
technique, which was designed to show where energetic links existed. So I explored what was
‘talking’ to what in the body-field and body. My technique was based on simple trial-anderror logic, with controls at all times. I talk about it in detail elsewhere (see ‘Overview of the
Space Resonance Matching Method’, page 000).
Although I was looking at parts of the entire range of electromagnetic frequencies, the
body-field has a self-organising ability that is apparently in the spatial information fields
attached to the real electrons. I believe this self-organising ability is the result of the activity
of a constant found in each of the EI ‘compartments’. In other words, electrons behave
differently at different frequencies, and they have different information attached to them
depending on that frequency. Global scaling maths expresses this as a reciprocal.
Here is a list of the order in which the contents of the EIs are arranged. Naturally, I
should like to tell you about all of these, but it would take many years to describe each EI. So
this lecture is a partial outline only, going from cells to emotions, and for practical reasons I
am concentrating on the data going from cells to enzymes. The hierarchy, if we can use that
word, of each EI is the same:
1. Elements
2. Compounds
3. Nucleic acids
4. Proteins
5. Cells
6. Tissues
7. Organs
8. Hormones
9. Enzymes
10. Emotions
11. Meridians
12. Consciousness breakdown of field status
Energetic Integrator 1
The large bowel is one of the tissues that belong in this EI. It responds to low-frequency
sounds, and as they can affect the body very strongly, using them is often too strong a method
of treatment.
It is in the large bowel that re-absorption of micro-minerals occurs, and ions of these
minerals appear to make it easier for quantum field messages to be carried in a fluid. It is for
this reason that we use micro-minerals as the carriers for corrective information in our NES
You should note that some of these items are found in other EIs as well, as important
key tissues the body have ‘fall-back positions’ bioenergetically. You can use any matched EI
Infoceutical to address issues with those items.
Energetic Integrator 1: The Neurosensory/Large Intestine Meridian
Nervous system
Prefronal lobes of cortex
Cranial nerves
Sensory cortex – eyes, ears, smell, taste
Also EI 8
Nerve plexuses generally
Vasomotor nerves
All spinal nerves
Autonomic nervous system
Nerves to bowel
Large intestine
Ascending colon
Hepatic flexure of the colon
Transverse colon
Pelvic colon
Descending colon
Other tissues
Also EI 6
Lymph vessels generally
Bone marrow
Mucous membranes of the bronchi
Smooth muscle of the bronchi
Also EI 5, EI 11
Para-nasal sinus
Also EI 5, EI 11
Let us look at each compartment to see a sampling of what we know as of 2008. These are
not comprehensive charts.
This EI relates strongly to the sensory cortex. The motor cortex is linked to EI 7. So it
is important to note that it is not the sense organs but the sensory cortex that you will affect
by addressing this EI or using this Infoceutical. So where are the sense organs? They are
scattered around many of the EIs, depending on the part of the organ.
Note also that EI 1 is not one that affects the hormonal messages of the body very
strongly, the only ones affected being prostaglandins. It does, however, seem to have huge
ramifications as far as the emotions go. This may be because of its links to the frontal lobes
of the brain. In terms of emotional issues, bioenergetically this EI links with ‘letting go’
versus ‘holding on’, and this has bioenergetic relevance to the function of the bowels as well.
For this reason, it is recommended that you consider using this Infoceutical along with the
Stress Release Formula Infoceutical (ESR).
With this EI, we are still in the frequency range far below hearing. This is the EI
where the ‘magnetic confetti’ fits. You ask, what is magnetic confetti? No, it has nothing to
do with polar magnetism. We are talking about the para-magnetic wave with its magnetic
envelope – the one we think might be the same thing as an electron, which is, like most subatomic particles, both a wave and a particle. We have to ask what happens in a chemical
reaction. The answer bioenergetically is that the wave breaks down and sets itself up again as
another wave. In doing so, there is often leftover magnetic material that I call confetti, which
results possibly from the bonds that have just been broken in the reaction. This confetti is
made up of fragments of the magnetic capsule of the matter wave (from physicist Louis de
Broglie’s matter wave) and it breaks into four bits that we can call north, south, east and west,
after the poles. However, they could be termed ‘up, down, left and right’, if you like. I
worked out a structure for each one assisted by another worker in this field and then made up
a body-field scanning test based on the four components being placed together. Very, very
sick people, such as those with secondary cancer, for example, scored very low in my test (I
can’t explain now, but they scored about 2,000 what I call ‘stars’, which are not to be
confused with the Energetic Stars, whereas healthy people scored about 23,500 stars). The
more magnetic confetti you have, the more physiological processes are going on in your
body, and these stop or slow down when you have a serious disease like cancer.
Energetic Integrator 2
This EI is named after the chest cavity, and for good reason, if you consider its main
bioenergetic links, as reviewed below:
Energetic Integrator 2: The Heart/Lung Meridian
Right ventricle
Pericardium sac
Pulmonary tissue
Coronary sinus
Coronary arteries
AV node and Bundle of His
Also EI 4
SA node
Lumbar spin
Also EI 5
Para-nasal sinus
Also EI 1, EI 11
Sciatic nerve, great
Sciatic nerve, small
Sciatic nerve, sheath
It should be noted that the bronchi are not found here, they are found in a combination of EIs
5 and 11. The apex of the lung is linked to EI 2, however.
A curious thing about this EI is that all types of parasites correlate to it
bioenergetically as part of their code, and by ‘code’ I mean the various EIs that have to be
addressed clincally in order to get rid of the field influence of the parasites. So be forewarned
that if someone has no lung condition whatsoever and yet EI 2 comes up in the scan, you
have to investigate the possibility of the bioenergetic link to parasites or incorrect ‘parasite’
Curiously, the hormones do not always belong to the same EI as the gland that
produces them. Hormones are not very stable energetically, for obvious chemical reasons, so
we leave them alone entirely. We leave glandular tissues alone, too, and concentrate only on
the energetic errors that can affect their tissues. If you wonder why people with incorrect
female hormonal balance have chest problems, then this information will be of interest.
Oestradiol, pregnenolone and oestrone link to EI 2.
So far as emotions are concerned, we have to look at this EI because it is the one that
belongs to self-identity, to who you think you are. Naturally, it can be affected strongly by
the nature of relationships. In fact, it can energetically close down in relationships that are
chronically emotionally taxing. All the bioenergetic information I have points out that
breathing is the source of release of emotions, and conversely that not breathing is the way of
suppressing the emotion or emotional conflict. So the emotional terrain of EI 2 is, after all,
correlated overall with the creation and expression of your emotional self. If you like, you are
your heart! The heart produces major fields for your body, and the Chinese traditionally
called it the great ruler and controller, not the great pump. They saw it as the king, and I like
to express it that way.
Energetic Integrator 3
We are still in the frequency region of very low organ notes. The importance of EI 3 rests on
the major element of C-O-H. We are always talking about communication failure in the body,
and this EI is important because C-O-H is crucial to many molecules in the body and how
they communicate and send messages. In serious disease states, carbon, oxygen and hydrogen
go wrong so far as their structure in space is concerned. This is enough to cause havoc in the
body. I have spent a great deal of time looking into this, and after years and years I almost
gave up. It is difficult to correct and I concede that I still cannot affect it very well, as it is a
symptom of too much energy building up in the body.
There are things that we can correct, however. One is the way calcium behaves in the
body when it is not horribly distorted. When it is too badly distorted, it is difficult to affect a
correction. Still, it’s important to consider the links between EI 3 and the calcium-related
bone metabolism generally
lithiasis anywhere
This EI also links with every bone in the body, but does not link with the large joints because
they are not all the same tissue energetically. Pleomorphic Candida forms are also found in
this EI, so the related Infoceutical may address them. Not surprisingly the parathyroid gland
and its hormone, parathormone, belong here, due to the calcium link.
Energetic Integrator 3: The Mucosa/Small Intestine Meridian
All bones in the body
Also EI 5
Cervical vertebrae
Also EI 5
Thoracic vertebrae
Also EI 5
Lumbar vertebrae
Also EI 5
Sacral vertebrae
Also EI 5
Thyroid capsule
Also EI 5, EI 9
Epithelium of skin
All mucous membranes (nose, throat,
bronchi, gut)
External auditory meatus
Ileum, tunica serosa
Ileum muscle membrane
Intestinal villi
Ileocoecal valve
Also EI 11, EI 5
Heart, left ventricle
Deep muscle fascia
Also EI 12
Emotionally, we are looking at mental power as the major area of this EI. Bioenergetially,
people tend to lose mental capacity when the small intestine cannot absorb well. The ability
to concentrate is included here, as are short-term memory and train of thought. So it is an EI
to watch for when someone cannot learn easily or has problems at school.
Energetic Integrator 4
Regarding the part of the sound spectrum we are in here, let us say we are now playing the
piano in the upper registers. The elements are many, as are the chemical compounds. As the
chart below shows, the blood plasma is found in this EI, but no other component of the blood.
This EI also links with the heart, as does EI 2. The HeartMath organisation in California has
spent years investigating the interactions of heart and brain, measuring the electromagnetic
heart field and other aspects of heart dynamics. They and others note that the heart contains
neural cells and functions as a kind of brain in its own right. My research confirms this,
revealing that the heart is producing and processing energy-field messages between itself and
the brain.
Energetic Integrator 4: Neurotransmitters/The Heart Meridian
Nervous system
Substantia nigra (midbrain nucleus)
Lateral ventricles of the brain
Also EI 9
3rd ventricle of the brain
4th ventricle of the brain
Also EI 12
Speech centre of cortex
Auditory area of temporal lobe
Neural cells (but not axon or dendrites)
Also EI 6
Nerves to bladder
Sympathetic (excitatory)
Parasympathetic (inhibitory)
Broncho-constrictor nerve from vagus
Cerebro-spinal fluid
Also EI 6
Also EI 7
Blood plasma
Whole of tongue
Also EI 12
Muscular coat of the uterus
Also EI 12
Corpus luteum
Also EI 12
Muscle sphincters
Also EI 12
AV node and Bundle of His
Also EI 1
Bioenergetically, the EI 4 Infoceutical is a source of energy for the entire organism when
used along with the Energetic Driver 2, or Heart Imprinter, Infoceutical. Use both in the same
protocol for cases where there is exhaustion due to chronic illness. Note that the energy
pathway from the heart goes to the midbrain, so there are powerful integrative links.
Parkinson’s disease evidently has links to this EI. However, remember that if the
neuron is dead, there is little you can do. So bioenergetically we may only be able to address
this at its early stages.
I have had no success in using the EI 4 Infoceutical to assist with sleep. It is better to
use stress-relief Infoceuticals. However, loss of bladder control while asleep looks as if it
links bioenergetically to this EI.
For asthma, there are a lot of bioenergetic links; however, from medicine we know
that with asthma the alveoli swell up and cease to work, so there may be a link here. Forget
about allergies and so forth for now and concentrate instead of getting your patient to transfer
gases better for a start. Prescription drugs will not interfere with an Infoceutical protocol, or
vice versa, as the approaches work with two different systems, the chemical versus the
bioenergetic. That said, many prescription drugs can affect the body-field compartments,
distorting information so that the correlated physical processes suffer. This is especially true
of the physical correlations of this particular EI, especially in relation to drug abuse.
Also note that EI 4 has a strong correspondence to pleomorphic forms1 of Aspergillus
niger and E coli. For Infoceutical correlations, however, look to Energetic Terrain 13
Infoceutical for Aspergillus or Energetic Terrain 9 Infoceutical used in conjunction with EI 7
Infoceutical for E coli and similar organisms. EI 4 does not work well when the person has a
fungal infection, which can bioenergetically knock out the entire EI. Remember that the
See Professor Enderlein’s work on pleomorphic organisms.
bowel and the lungs, as well as the head, are favourite places for fungal infections and their
bioenergetic consequences. Use the ET 13 Infoceutical in these cases.
EI 4 has another very important link: the cerebral cortex and its speech centre. Poor
linguistic development in children can be linked bioenergetically here, as well as numeracy
Energetic Integrator 5
This EI is in the frequency register of sound that some dogs can hear, near or in the
ultrasound range. This is the last of the longitudinal waves. There is a huge list of tissues
correlated to this EI. See the chart below for its major links.
Energetic Integrator 5: The Lymph/Bladder Meridian
Immune system
Lymph vessels
Lymph fluid
Also EI 12
Lymph nodes
Lymphatic tissue of pharynx
Lymph system to organs
Tonsillar ring
Also EI 12
T lymphocytes
Also EI 7
B lymphocytes
Also EI 3
Inter-vertebral discs
Cervical vertebrae
Also EI 3
Thoracic vertebrae
Also EI 3
Lumbar vertebrae
Also EI 3, EI 2
Sacral vertebrae
Also EI 3
Bladder entire
Bladder mucosa
Also EI 9
Bladder submucosa
Bladder muscular coats
Bladder sphincter
Bladder sympathetic nerves
Penis entire (glans is in EI 11 & EI 12)
Nerves to penis
Corpora cavernosa
Prostate, entire gland
Also see combinations
Prostate veins
Prostate nerves
Prostate isthmus
Prostate muscles
Also EI 1, EI 11
Nasal concha
Nasal mucosa
Cranial sinuses generally
Frontal sinuses
Endocrine system
Anterior pituitary
Thyroid capsule
Also EI 3, EI 9
Also EI 11
Adrenalotropic h.
Diabetogenic h.
Gonadotropic h.
Pancreatropic h.
Parathyrotropic h.
Brain and nerves
Also EI 8
Cervical nerves – white matter
Sacral nerves – white matter
Thoracic nerves – white matter
Lumbar nerves – white matter
Cerebellar cortex
Medulla oblongata
Also EI 6
Gall bladder
Also EI 7
Also EI 3, EI 11
Ileocoecal valve
All of the teeth
Vesical sphincter
As you can see, all of the teeth belong in this EI. Yet, because it’s a generalised link, you can
only use this Infoceutical when all of the teeth are involved in a disease. EI 5 is where you
find all the vertebrae as far as their calcium is concerned. Really important tissues pop up
more than once in different compartments, and you can see that in the chart above. If you
remember anything about EI 5, remember that it is a subsystem of the somites left over from
embryological development. The somites develop into vertebrae, ribs, muscle, arteries, and
nerves, all in segments of the east–west axis of the human body-field. Another important
correlation is with the male genitals, urinary system and prostate.
In the hormonal control system of the body, we find that this EI is bioenergetically
correlated to the maintenance of fluid balance and to anti-inflammatory hormones. It pays to
have some knowledge of hormones when studying this EI.
In the emotional sphere, the bioenergetics are involved with trust or the lack of it, as
well as grief or the lack of it.
Energetic Integrator 6
So far as chemical regulation of the body goes, EI 6 is concerned with pH, which is partly a
process dependent on hydrogen ions (you should note that pH appears to change in water
when it is charged with information). The ions of hydrogen make a pH score and that is one
of the functions this compartment is about. However, it is not only about hydrogen ions, as
the kidneys play a bioenergetic role as well. While the Kidney Driver represents the tubules
of the kidney and the body generally, EI 6 represents a very broad range of tissues.
If the sodium/potassium pump is part of your religion, then you can use the EI 5 and
EI 6 Infoecuticals in the same protocol to address the bioenergetic balance of these two
elements. Logic decrees that EI 6 is important bioenergetically in cases of excess sodium
build-up. It may be worth asking your clients to try to keep on to a low-sodium and highpotassium diet (fruit juices) while on a protocol for this EI. There is reason to believe that this
approach trumps other methods of cellular detox designed for specific toxins. My space
resonance matching tests suggest that correcting the sodium/potassium balance helps cells to
metabolise efficiently. Max Gerson2 suggested as much more than 50 years ago, and my
testing shows that he was right, as this imbalance relates bioenergetically to a breakdown in
function of the morphogenetic field.
The ions of cobalt, from vitamin B 12, are also linked to EI 6. As the chart shows, the
sigmoid colon and rectum also link to this EI.
Energetic Integrator 6: The Kidney Meridian
Fibrous capsule
Renal calyx
Renal tubules
Blood plasma salts
Sigmoid colon
Neural cells
Also EI 4
Max Gerson, MD, A Cancer Therapy: Results of fifty cases, The Gerson Institute, San Diego, 1999
Also EI 1
Medulla oblongata (all EIs go there)
Also EI 5
Cerebro-spinal fluid
Also EI 4
White matter
Bone generally
Pineal gland (epiphysis)
Also EI 10
Also EI 8
Let us go back to the tissues found in this EI and to other important correlations. In terms of
EI 6, immediately you should make a bioenergetic connection to issues such as postural
reflexes, seasonal affective disorder, poor long-term immunity, excess emotions or lack of
emotions. Remember that the thalamus is found in this EI, but it is never directly corrected on
its own.
So far as the pleomorphic organisms go, we will find that those related to asthma as
well as rheumatism find bioenergetic correlations here, as do odd forms of Candida. This
means you also have to look at the Energetic Terrain part of the scan carefully. For some
types of rheumatism, the EI 6 Infoceutical can pair well with the GET Terrain (ET15)
Infoceutical and with the Cell Driver Infoceutical. However, caution is recommended in
using a large number of drops with people who have a rheumatic disease. Proceed slowly.
In terms of emotions, here we find those related to sexual appeal and performance, as
well as to sympathy and the ability to express it.
Energetic Integrator 7
Blood pressure regulation is not well understood by allopathic or alternative medicine. It is
correlated to EI 7 bioenergetically, yet we generally counsel that you leave blood pressure
issues alone. That said, we would look in the scan at EIs 2, 6 and 7, and some successes with
hard cases have been reported. By ‘hard cases’, I mean those where chemical treatment has
not worked. Sometimes these cases respond better to energetic medicine, but even here the
fix is difficult. Infoceuticals for emotional issues work best here.
In EI 7 we find the parasympathetic nerve plexus. There are dozens of them, so this is
one of those general relationships.
This EI correlates bioenergetically with organochlorides and organophosphates,
which can build up slowly in the body over many years. They are suspected carcinogens.
When dealing with them bioenergetically, you can look to the Cell Driver and Liver Driver
Infoceuticals and the EI 7 Infoceutical. It is not easy to address them, since they are found in
a molecular structure that does not break down easily. Detox will often make the patient weak
and tired, and hence is not always wise to try to address this issue. I am cautions here because
of years of experience. Your patient wants to feel better immediately and not suffer the sideeffects of detoxification, so proceed slowly at best!
T-cells are in this EI and are also linked with EI 5, along with the stomach muscular
coat and large bowel muscular coat. This means you can bioenergetically address correlations
to diverticulitis with EI 7, but you should also try to see what is going on in the Energetic
Terrains. Curiously, stomach and duodenal ulcers are correlated to EI 7, but the cause will
show as a link elsewhere, usually in the ETs associated with Helicobacter pylori.
The chart below outlines other correlations to EI 7.
Energetic Integrator 7: The Blood/Gall Bladder Meridian
Digestive system
Stomach muscular coat
Also EI 11
Also EI 11
Colon muscular coat
Also EI 11
Bile ducts
Gall bladder
Gall bladder arteries
Also EI 11
Peptic glands of stomach
Also EI 10
Also EI 11
Muscular coat of duodenum
Also EI 11
Muscular coat of ileum
Nervous system
Motor cortex general
Grey matter of the brain and cord
Sympathetic nerves
Haematopoietic system
Also EI 4
Erythroblastic cells of bone marrow
Natural killer cells
Also EI 5
See EI 1
Cellular cartilage
Also EI 12
Also EI 9
EI 7 may come up often in client scans. There are two really important parts of the nervous
system that relate to it, and they are the grey matter of the spine and the brain and motor
cortex generally. The brain cortex is a very fertile place bioenergetically for environmental
Energetic Terrains. Not surprisingly, this is the EI that we can call the ‘hypochondriac’s
compartment’! It resembles the gall bladder meridian of traditional Chinese medicine.
Headaches will correlate to this EI if they affect the motor cortex.
In terms of emotions and perceptions, decisiveness and will power correlate to EI 7,
as do honesty and loyalty.
Energetic Integrator 8
For those trained in traditional Chinese medicine, you can think of this EI as a subsystem of
the jing lo, the 12 divergent meridians. All are bioenergetically correlated to EI 8 as a
genetically based subsystem. The chart below shows the main correlations for this EI.
Energetic Integrator 8: The Hormonal /Liver Meridian
Nervous system
Supraoptic nucleus
Sensory area of the cortex
Also EI 1
Hepatic cells
Lymph of liver
Pleural cavity
Corpus luteum
Also EI 4
Graafian follicles
Mediastinum of the lungs
Diaphragm as a whole
Also EI 6
Also EI 5
Chorionic gonadotropin
2-hydroxy oestrone
Generally, I am not a great believer in using the EI 8 Infoceutical too early in a NES program,
as it links to every one of the 16 Energetic Terrains and so the client may have strong
reactions to it. It’s important to remember that the ETs link bioenergetically with the heart
muscle, so you want to proceed slowly. The effects of viral diseases on the heart are well
known in allopathic medicine. Now you know why: the heart and the ETs are linked through
the same energetic environment in the body.
Mycoplasmas can be bioenergetically addressed in EI 8, but you will also find that
they respond to addressing EIs 2 and 12 together in the same protocol. (Bits and pieces of
viruses all end up being called ETs in this system and a mycoplasma is just a virus without a
This is the EI that always links to errors in the field around the genetic material of
every cell. So, there could be a huge number of distortions, even if they appear to have
nothing to do with the liver. So don’t get hung up on this EI being correlated to the Chinese
liver meridian. If you want to address issues of liver function bioenergetically, look instead at
the Liver Driver and its Infoceutical.
So far as hormonal messengers go, we find the activity in this EI is huge. See the
hormones in the chart above and consider the effects of oestrogen. And as far as emotions go,
calmness and tolerance – or lack of them – belong here.
Energetic Integrator 9
Clinically, when you think of EI 9, think of the bioenergetic correlations to the thyroid. If you
have been wondering for years why the thyroid affects the heart, you can see why in this EI,
as the mitral valve energetically links the heart to the thyroid. Other important correlations
are in the chart below.
Energetic Integrator 9: The Endocrine/Triple Warmer Meridian
Thyroid gland
Also EI 3, EI 5
Connective tissue of thyroid
Isthmus of thyroid
Pyramid of thyroid
Lobes of thyroid
Vesicle of thyroid
Posterior pituitary body
Adrenal medulla
Adrenal cortex is EI 10
Heart, right atrium
Mitral valve
In energetic medicine the thyroid gland is shown to affect the
mitral valve.
Also EI 10
Ligament compartment
Also EI 7
Lateral ventricles of the brain
Also EI 4
EI 9 links the cranium, thoracic and abdominal cavities
Bladder mucus membrane
Also EI 5
Trigeminal nerve
EI 9 tends to have lots of distortions, as it is a place favoured by the Energetic Terrains. It can
be easy to address issues here, however, because you can regulate a whole group of hormones
at once with one simple protocol that does not directly treat the hormone at all. (Remember,
all of the Energetic Integrators are regulators, not stimulators.) There are many halfunderstood processes between hormones, so it is best to not try to affect them directly or
individually. It is, however, alright to treat them globally through this EI, because it takes
account of these complex regulatory mechanisms.
In July 2008 I discovered two interesting bioenergetic processes that can be applied to
this EI. One is that an organelle of the cell responds by space resonance matching with a
phonon, a message in a crystal lattice going as high as 100 kHz. Phonons, which are quantum
‘particles’ of sound, travel only through solids. Interestingly, I also found that all of the
musical notes that match with sections of the global scaling diagram also match with EI 9. So
the link with phonons suggests that distortions in this EI may respond very well to music
In terms of emotions, confidence, courage and verbosity correlate to this EI. The
mood swings that may be due to a distressed thyroid can affect these more positive emotions.
Energetic Integrator 10
When you think of EI 10, think of the bioenergetic correlations to circulation, hormonal
regulation and anti-inflammation. Other major links for EI 10 are outlined in the chart below.
Energetic Integrator 10: The Circulation /Heart Protector Meridian
Respiratory system
Pharynx constrictor muscles
Digestive system
Female organs
Also EI 7
Inner mucous coat of stomach
Also EI 11
Also EI 9
Vagina mucus membrane
Vagina lymph
Veins, general
Arteries, general
Circulation, general
Heart, left atrium
Lens of the eye
circulatory system is the largest organ in the body. You can use this EI Infoceutical in
the same protocol with the Cell Driver and Muscle Driver Infoceuticals for bioenergetic
issues related to circulatory diseases; however, always defer to the NES scan results first.
Note that plaque from the circulatory system needs to be addressed bioenergetically in
circulatory diseases. For this, use the Bone Driver Infoceutical, 15 drops once a week.
Menstruation may be addressed bioenergetically through this EI, using the EI 4 and EI
10 Infoceuticals. However, go slowly with this protocol. For ovulation, address issues
bioenergetically using the EI 8 Infoceutical. The end of the oestral cycle (menopause) is
correlated to EI 10, and I would suggest using EI 5 Infoceutical along with the EI 10
Infoceutical in the same protocol. However, do not use EI 4 Infoceutical for issues with
This EI can show up on the NES scan as distorted if there is inflammation of the top
part of the stomach, especially if the person has acid reflux. You never use the Stomach
Driver Infoceutical if there are such issues with the stomach being hyperactive – you use the
EI 10 Infoceutical instead. Note that the gastric glands belong to EI 5. As always, follow the
scan first and only use this information to interpret it.
If the immune system seems stressed and arthritis becomes an issue, you can address
this bioenergetically by stopping immune-linked Infoceuticals and using the EI 10
Infoceutical, which links energetically with inflammation. For the bioenergetic correlations to
arthritis, as a sort of ‘emergency’ protocol, consider using the Muscle Driver Infoceutical
with the EI 10 Infoceutical. Later on you will have to look at the Energetic Terrains, and ET 4
in particular. Arthritis sufferers seem to feel better when circulation to the joint is increased.
This is because they are in the same Energetic Integrator.
Blood pressure is difficult, and the approach is energetic regulation rather than
control. The bioenergetic protocol for the correlation to high blood pressure is the same as for
low blood pressure: the Infoceuticals Heart Driver, Cell Driver and EI 10. If this fails, you
can use the Energetic Stress Release Infoceutical (ESR) as well. Do not interfere with
existing medication and remember that no treatment is likely to work well if the kidney
tissues are damaged.
Emotions correlated to EI 10 are thought processes and thoughtfulness. It also relates
to the tendency toward both obsession and the absence of thought.
Energetic Integrator 11
A major correlation for EI 11 is the gut as a whole. The EI 11 Infoceutical can be used for
issues bioenergetically linked to insufficiency of the stomach secretions, but it may make acid
reflux worse. Other major correlations are listed below.
Energetic Integrator 11: The Bone Marrow/Stomach Meridian
Digestive system
Stomach entire
Stomach mucosa
Also EI 10
Stomach muscles
Also EI 7
Peptic gland of stomach
Also EI 7
Pyloric glands
Duodenum entire
Also EI 7
Duodenum mucosa
Duodenum muscles
Also EI 7
Colon muscles
Also EI 7
Colon mucosa
ENT, Respiratory system
Also EI 7
Also EI 3
Maxillary sinuses
Para-nasal sinus
Also EI 1, EI 2
Also EI 5, EI 1
Diaphragm muscle
Male organs
Lymph vessels to testicles
Seminal vesicles, epididymis
Scrotum membrane
Vas deferens
Glans of penis
Also EI 12
Saliva glands
Parathyroid gland entire
Also EI 5
Central connective tissue of parathyroid
Lymph of parathyroid
Gland tissue of parathyroid
EI 11 links to the prefrontal lobes of the cerebral cortex and the Infoceutical can be used to
bioenergetically address mental degenerative diseases in the young and old. In addition, EI 11
is one of the pathways most affected bioenergetically by heavy metals, which may have a role
in mental degenerative diseases and issues of the bone marrow. Bone marrow may also be
energetically compromised by electromagnetic radiation from mains wiring, computers,
mobile telephones and all alternating currents.
EI 11 also links the male organs, and the correlated hormones are the male ones,
especially di-hydro-testosterone and testosterone.
In terms of emotional correlations, the links are to excessive memory, or its opposite,
very little memory.
Energetic Integrator 12
Homoeopaths would view this EI as one where high-potency constitutional remedies were
needed. I like to see it as the emergency EI, since it is about field collapse due to shock. The
cell-organising function collapses under the influence of geopathic stress and shock, and the
centrosomes begin to send out odd energetic patterns to the nuclei of cells, causing chaos and
potentially the collapse of cellular function. EI 12 is completely different from other EIs for
this reason.
From what I have just said you might think that you would address issues where there
is cellular collapse with EI 12. That’s not quite right. The EI’s collapse is due to the
accumulation of all of its functions, as outlined partly in the chart below. Collapse is due
really to a whole-body crisis. For shock, use the ED 2 Infoceutical and the EI 12 Infoceutical.
When the body-field reacts to shock, the nervous system fails to create the field that
carries the magnetic messages. What creates the field over large chunks of the body are the
axons of the nerves, the nerve trunks if you like, where the coating of neurolemma and some
of the axons are over a metre long. Remember the Big Field Aligner Infoceutical? This will
fail when there is shock as well.
Another thing to bear in mind is that we have known for nearly 80 years that
disturbances to the nerves to an organ precede disease in the organ. Field disturbance comes
months or years before organic disease. Bioenergetic error precedes physical disease.
Energetic Integrator 12: The Pancreas/Spleen Meridian
Head of pancreas
Pancreatic duct
Islets of Langerhans
Alveoli, centroacinar cells
Spleen connective tissue
Splenic cells
Splenic pulp
Female organs
Also EI 4
Body of uterus
Cervix entire
Also EI 4
Cervix parametrium
Cervix lymph
Male organs
Glans of penis
Also EI 11
Corpus spongiosum
Central nervous system
Corpus callosum (white matter of brain
integrating left and right sides)
Fourth ventricle
Other tissues
Lymphatic fluid
Also EI 4
Lymph of the neck
Also EI 5
Lymph of the groin
Tonsillar ring
Cellular cartilage
Also EI 7
Deep muscle fascia
Also EI 3
Muscle sphincter
Also EI 4
Parotid glands
This extraordinary EI has more surprises in store. Every EI has a section that links
bioenergetically to all of the biochemical reactions. In this EI, we find all 12 Schüssler cell
salts,3 for those who are interested. They were developed in the late nineteenth century by a
biochemical assayist, and some people use them even today in homoeopathic potency.
W. H. Schüssler and C. Hering, The Twelve Tissue Remedies of Dr Schüssler, Recommended for Investigation,
Boericke & Tafel, [DO YOU KNOW WHERE?] 1874
This EI also links to damage done by ionising radiation (strontium 90, radium,
plutonium, uranium 235 and X-rays). It is interesting that electromagnetic fields do not affect
this EI, although microwave ovens do.
EI 12 links to the pancreas, and EI 11 has relevance here as well. It is suggested that
you use the EI 11 Infoceutical for some time before using the EI 12 Infoceutical for issues
bioenergetically correlated to the pancreas and its many diseases. You can use them in the
same protocol, but it is best to use EI 11 Infoceutical alone initially. Energetic Terrains love
EI 12, and all of them also like to communicate with EI 8 as well. So you never use EI 8
Infoceutical and EI 12 in the same protocol, as it may be too strong for some clients.
The main emotion linked to EI 12 is pleasure, or denial of it.
This brings us to the close of the clinical overview of the EIs. I will now touch upon the
science theory behind them.
What are the Energetic Integrators?
The science behind this part of body-field structure is difficult, so I will have to use analogies
to help you to understand how they work.
We have already alluded to Dr Müller’s global scaling theory and diagram of the set
of waves representing the standing wave of the proton in space (see page 000). To this, add
the work of astrophysicist Milo Wolff and his spherical scalar standing wave form for the
electron. In the wave dynamics, phase errors can occur, and I believe the EIs correct those
phase errors. Doing so at the bioenergetic level using the NES Infoceuticals may dramatically
assist the restoration of physiology at the biochemical level, even though NES Infoceuticals
have little to do with any biochemical process directly.
Let’s look at the sub-atomic level more closely and theories that have relevance to
NES and the EIs.
Magical Numbers
No single model of the atom and its constituent particles can explain the multitude of its
qualities, even though since 1912 researchers have bombarded the nucleus relentlessly. There
are at least five well-known theories of the nucleus, with the most accepted being the shell
theory, and to these we can add yet another, that of a variable phase based on an extension of
the tetrahedral structure, as proposed by Xavier Borg.4 He derives the ‘magic numbers’,
which I will explain in a moment, from the nucleus’s variable phase. They represent the
possible favoured structures of the nucleus.
The magic numbers in relation to atomic nuclei were also discovered by the physicist
Maria Goeppert-Mayer. During her study of the properties of elements, she observed that
these numbers of particles arose where changes occurred in the sequence of the table of
See his website
elements. She counted the number of neutrons or protons in the element, as well as the atomic
number, and found that either number acted as a marker. No explanation has ever been given
for this result, but it points to a geometrical structure within the nucleus.
The ‘magic numbers’ are 2, 8, 20, 28, 50, 82 and 126. Attempts were made as far
back as 1964 by Linus Pauling to correlate this sequence of numbers to sequences and
structures of nature. Work since then has resulted in the prediction of a higher-level magic
number based on geometrical sequences. This new addition to the set is 184.
I have little doubt that what we are dealing with here is a projection into space of a
standing wave set up by the proton in the nucleus, as predicted by Milo Wolff in his theory of
standing waves of matter. If this is the case, then we must surely find a ‘match’ of space
resonance between at least one of the magic number sequences and the sets of NES
Since it appeared quite possible that one sequence of Infoceuticals was concerned
with global scaling in terms of electromagnetic frequency, it seemed logical that I chose this
one to test in 2008. The space resonance matching had interesting results. The only matches
were between the 12 EI Infoceuticals and two of the magic numbers – 126 and 184. No other
set of Infoceuticals matched any of them. That only the two highest magic numbers matched
may be linked to the fact that biological molecules have huge quantities of protons and
Surprisingly, some of the elements I tested and expected to match the magic numbers,
such as hydrogen and oxygen, did not match. That result provides some support to my
contention that the proton makes a standing wave in space, which is the key to understanding
the mathematical phenomenon of global scaling in biology.
In 1997 in Merimbula, NSW, Australia, I was working with Dr Bevan Reid on a project to
make a bioenergetic device for the early detection of breast cancer. Reid was interested in
wave theories of matter and, although retired, had read a great deal on the subject from
Maxwell onwards. Maxwell, he told me, had predicted that the model of electromagnetic
wave propagation would produce, in time, a set of four para-magnetic monoples as part of the
magnetic section of the wave. The great genius Maxwell calculated that the propagation wave
consisted of a charge with a surrounding magnetic envelope, which had mathematics
describing each quarter-wave, or quadrature.
Although it was known that the wave would break up at some stage, nobody ever
found evidence that the magnetic envelope broke up into four separate magnetic fragments,
or what Reid called ‘magnetic confetti’. (I tend to still use this term today.) Without that
experimental support, the idea fell out of favour.
However, I am not so quick to dismiss it. The magnetic fragments/magnetic confetti
do not behave according to the rules of polar magnetism, which can occur only in metals or
the mineral magnetite. That kind of magnetism is dual: it has only a north–south axis. There
is no possibility of an east–west axis, except by calculation from north or south.
So, Reid, in 1997, became interested in what happened at a sub-atomic level when
quantum matter waves broke down to reform themselves into another molecule. He
presupposed that a certain number of magnetic fragments would be left over after a chemical
reaction. Since he was doctor and biologist, he was interested because in biology the theory
goes that it is the making and breaking of the magnetic bonds in glucose that acts as a power
source for the cell. Actually, this is the powerhouse of the cell, as modern biology
acknowledges just this one source of energy, which is expressed as heat. Biochemists, who
occupy different buildings from physicists on university campuses and don’t talk to scientists
in other fields, came up with the ‘calorie’ theory. They also constructed theories about very
complex models of molecules of large atomic weights and made diagrams of the unseen
bonds that must hold these complex structures together. Then there appeared the idea of
receptor sites on the outside of these complex molecules, since some kind of physical or
chemical ‘docking’ was necessary to initiate a chemical interaction. Of course they
recognised the importance of charge, both positive and negative, in this process. They learned
how to measure it, and many laboratory procedures were developed to explain the behaviour
of molecules and molecular reactions without recourse to the four monopoles. Charge won
over magnetism because no monopoles had ever been found. So, biochemists, whether they
intended to or not, ended up with a model based on solidity, with molecules that looked like
steel balls held together with single and double bonds, although the physics of the atom and
its sub-atomic particles never suggested this to be the case. They also developed the idea that
there were ‘shells’ around the nucleus of the atom in which electrons orbited. They then
concerned themselves with counting electrons in ‘orbit’ and the number of ‘shells’ and did
not say much about any possible interactions with the nucleus of the atom.
In 1997, another colleague on the project, Chris Bourke, joined me in examining a
piece of magnetite to try to work out how waves combined in chemistry. We had dropped the
more familiar solid ball model and were investigating the wave theory of matter, as per Louis
de Broglie, Erwin Schrödinger, Paul Dirac and others, which had fallen into disfavour,
perhaps because it did not work well for commercially orientated biochemists. Milo Wolff, as
I indicated, had resurrected it. Anyway, it occurred to Reid, Bourke and I that cancer might
have a predominantly wave structure and one of our first tasks was to try to explain molecular
or chemical bonding in a purely energetic sense.
Chris and I managed to read off sets of our space resonance number sequences for a
north and south axis using this piece of magnetite. Then in a fit of madness we decided to
look for an east and west axis. We found such a sequence! We got the four number sets in
1997, although it was much later that I found that the structures actually preferred to be
‘stacked’. I found you could stack six norths with six souths, or six norths with ten wests, and
so on, making any degree of arc. It looked to me like a magnetic guidance system for getting
molecules into a position where a chemical reaction might take place, but it was a pretty
complicated system. A single ‘spin’ would mean that there were 360° of possibilities, simply
by stacking many hundreds of monopoles in a certain order. (Physics is all about spin, and
it’s not really a physical spin like a top. The electron, the main ‘orbital’ that concerns
biochemists, has a double spin of 720°. Because of this, it is classed as a fermion. To me, this
suggested that there might be some sort of double activity of whatever it was that electrons
Again, it’s important to remember we are talking in analogy in terms of space,
direction and so on. Now, I also found that a ‘quad’ principle emerged from my space
resonance matching experiments, meaning that stacks of four norths, souths, easts and wests
occurred when they were allowed to arrange themselves. By using a technique for
establishing ordinality, or position in space, I found that the monopole ‘system’ had a
beginning and an end. East was the beginning, followed by north, west and south.
Our study of what appeared to be monopoles went on, and by 2000 I had developed a
space resonance matching test to detect the difference between spin to the right and spin to
the left. None of the original monopoles or their quads (four stacked together) would match in
my experiments with right-spin samples in my testing ampoules. So the four monopoles were
left spinners.
It’s important to note that the monopole number sequences are not ordinal numbers
but complex space resonance sequences. As such they resemble radionics numbers, although
they have nothing to do with ‘rates’ or ‘frequencies’. The chart below shows the sequences.
Space resonance number
Four easts
Four norths
Four wests
Four souths
These symmetrical space numbers may represent waveforms, since each is regular and has
internal structure. When all four quads of monopoles are combined, the resulting waveform is
represented in space numbers by the sequence 2882. This number became the basis of testing
the NES Infoceuticals to find the ‘magnetic confetti’ that Reid spoke of.
Reid received an award from the New Zealand Magnetic Society, so I listened when
he spoke about magnetism. He knew a great deal about it. I tested all the Energetic Integrator
Infoceuticals and they matched with sets of monopoles. For example, the full wave 2882
ampoule matched again and again with Energetic Integrator 4. I repeated this test in 2008 and
obtained the same result. The EI 6 Infoceutical, correlating to kidney and brain tissue,
matched with just a single monopole for west, represented by the number 991. The EI 10
Infoceutical, correlating to the blood and circulation, matched with north–south as a pair.
That result might have a physical chemical basis, as haemoglobin has iron content, so it may
react more to the polar magnetic even in monopole arrangement. The EI 12 Infoceutical,
correlating to the spleen and pancreas, matched with the east and west monopoles when they
were combined.
I found some other matches to other kinds of Infoceuticals. For example, the Big Field
Aligner (BFA) Infoceutical linked with four monopoles at once in four sets. This was
expected of course, but it is most interesting that the match occurs in practice. Four norths
with four wests will match with the Cell Driver Infoceutical, which is the one we believe is
the corrector for geopathic stress, which itself can be expressed in terms of monopoles.
Looking at the clinical side of this in a holistic way, we can say that Integrators 4, 6
and 10 all have something in common as they link to the hormonal systems in the body. Cell
Driver and BFA are two of the Infoceuticals most likely to be needed by people with
abnormal growths. So it is of extreme interest that the morphic field (of the brain), which has
a newly developed Infoceutical, matches with the four monopoles when they are repeated
four times. These are some of the links we found, and there is much to discover. The
unknowns trump the knowns.
One last point I would like to make, again using analogy, is that that the body-field
has structure beyond the energetic structures of the Drivers, Integrators and such. It appears
to have axes. There is a gravity axis from crown to perineum, a polar magnetic axis front to
back, and a non-polar magnetic axis from hand to hand. Again and again these axes are found
to be distorted by geopathic stress, and they are sometimes difficult to correct. The heart
organ, of course, is where these three axes cross, so the heart is part of axis correction.
In conclusion, you now have a broad sense of the 12 Energetic Integrators that have
clinical relevance. There are 12 more above these, but they are not related to clinical therapy
at this time.
Information Physics and Global Scaling
This lengthy lecture was originally prepared in 2010 by Peter Fraser for health practitioners and other
professional users of NES products and rewritten in April 2011. It provides the current knowledge of how the
global scaling theory of Dr Müller is applied in NES research and development on the human body-field.
Michael Ruse, writing in Mystery of Mysteries: Is evolution a serial construct?,1 gives a list
of the things that are valued in scientific theory. He says if a theory is good, it has predictive
accuracy, in a controlled set of parameters. It will display internal coherence and not
contradict already discovered coherent scientific principles. It will explain things that were
perhaps previously believed to be random occurrences and it will show the innate simplicity
that is a hallmark of nature. Counter-hypotheses should also be possible in good science. I
hope I have shown already how many of these admired qualities are present in the theory of
energy waves in space carrying information. There are many basically unprovable hypotheses
in science that gain respect because they fulfil the requirements of good science. I have
produced a model that predicts that when space resonance occurs, the surrounding space
changes its permittivity. Space permittivity can be measured by physicists, but they have to
want to do it. The theory does not contradict anything previous in science, yet it contradicts
current theories that do not explain well phenomena we can all observe in nature. My model
suggests that the matching of information in space is the guiding instrument inside and
outside the body and this explains phenomena not well explained by existing theories. Now
we can better understand bird navigation, the co-ordination of fish in shoals, the ability of
fire-flies to co-ordinate their lights, and possibly thousands of events involving organisms
and their environment.
As such, the space resonance theory applied to biology is a big one, as big as
Darwin’s theory of evolution itself, because it deals with a basic mechanism of biophysics.
So of course someone will ask about its pedigree in science. Charles Darwin, revered as
possibly the greatest scientist ever in the English-speaking world, proposed an evolutionary
theory that suggested a random theory of self-selection within an environment. It had no tight
logic base other than this. Yet it was accepted, and continues to be so. It cannot be proven,
yet is coherent.
To someone acquainted with the quantum electrodynamics (QED) field physics
defined by Richard Feynman, where space phenomena appear to be random but in fact, on
closer inspection, have an inner structure or mechanism, this is a fascinating observation.
Darwin did not use stepped Aristotelian logic or statistical manipulation to produce his
theory. He simply showed the extent of the coherence within the principles of self-selection
of qualities of species.
Charles Darwin is unique in biology, since his 1859 theory, instead of dying, has
gained momentum as other branches of science, like geology and genetics, have progressed.
His theory of evolution is a complex interdisciplinary one, encompassing vast realms of
science, but it can be reduced to one essential core process: it is concerned with explaining
the selection of information by a process which appears random yet in essence cannot be. The
contribution of the qualities and dynamic behaviour of information in space or, that is to say,
a QED field has to my knowledge, never been considered.
Michael Ruse, Mystery of Mysteries: Is evolution a serial construct?, Harvard Press, Cambridge, MA, 1999
Applying the new science terrain which is in the process of being proposed in this
book, we can say that Charles Darwin’s selection process occurs due to the interaction
between the species and the natural environment, and for this to occur as rapidly as you like –
instantaneously – we need information held in a QED field and selection via a process of
space resonance matching. In this context, specific qualities, and even disease and the
subsequent failure to reproduce, represent part of a selection process carried out by matching.
If putting a field-mediated information network into Darwin`s evolutionary theory is
really helpful, coherent, creative and assists in simplifying it, then what might happen if we
were to apply it to another area of biology, like medicine? Alas, we find that this has never
happened, since although there were energy field theories in abundance in the 1920s and
1930s, no one ever added the key factor: the information theory. And due to ongoing
measurement difficulties, few scientists seemed to know what to measure and all they could
do was give the field theory names which were certainly not scientific—ones like qi, prana or
The second approach is to ask if medicine experiences any great theoretical problems
so far as scientific method goes, because of its chronic failure to acknowledge energy and
information in a QED field. Here it gets very interesting indeed. It has to be observed that
there are really three major areas of science awaiting application to the field of medicine.
The first one is the QED field theory which has as one of its proponents possibly the
best physicist of the later part of the twentieth century, Richard Feynman. Since 1986 it has
been rock-solid physics and not really in dispute.2
Secondly, there is the global scaling theory3 which appears in itself to have had two
stages of development. Since 1967, this wave effect has been observed experimentally and in
relation to radioactive decay, sizes verses mass of organisms, the dynamism of embryology
and physiology itself. But these experiments carried out by nature itself relate to the activity
of just one sub-atomic particle: the basic one, the electron.
Here we can add as a subset Milo Wolff’s work on the electron as a standing spherical
wave in space that can ‘be’ in all places in the universe at once.
In addition there occurred, more or less simultaneously with Wolff’s work, a huge
development which clearly bordered on the unified field that eluded Einstein and combined
the waveforms of electron, neutron and proton in a standing wave in space linking all matter
in the universe together. This was proposed by Dr Hartmut Müller in 1986, when the
mathematics for it was completed. His work, being published in Russian, is not yet well
known in parts of Europe and the USA. He studied physics at Leningrad University and later
taught in the Volgograd Polytechnics Institute, where he carried out research from 1980 to
1989. He also carried out research at the former Academy of Science of the USSR. He
received very high academic honours in Russia, but left the new Russian Federation in 1991
and returned to his native Germany.4 His work covers such delicious subjects as gravity,
faster than light, cold fusion, long-distance telecommunication.
Richard P. Feynman, QED: The strange theory of light and matter. New Jersey: Princeton University Press,
New Jersey, 1985
H. Müller. Global Scaling Theory Compendum. Institute for Space Energy Research Ltd, 2008, p.3
Hartmut Müller, Raum und Zeit Global Scaling, Ehlers Verlag, 2002
In addition, Dr Rainer Viehweger has written an introduction to global scaling theory
which has been published in English.5 He has shown how, using Müller’s development of
global scaling, we can see the world differently.
Thirdly, there is the information theory concerning how space itself arranges
information, by organising it into magnetic particle codes, and concerning how these codes,
information and energy fields propagate themselves by various means which have been the
subject of preliminary investigations for some decades by myself.6 But recognition of this
research hinges on the wider acceptance of knowledge about the spherical standing waves in
space that carry information. The purest type of science is sparing in its theory and so only
things that work and things that are needed to explain real events are retained. So let’s review
why it is we need these three areas of space science to contribute to biology and medicine.
The QED field replaces in paramount importance the already known electrical field.
The electrical field has been applied to general physiology, neurology and cell biology for
many decades. The rules under which the QED field works are that different molecules do
not need to be adjacent to one another in order to ‘know’ they are there. So it makes a largescale human body field possible, via action at a distance but always within the energy
envelope of the skin of the body. Milo Wolff’s spherical wave theory is needed by the human
body-field researchers since it removes to absolute necessity to have a moving set of energies
making a moving body-field. A real energy field, you see, is created when energy moves.
Every electron and photon in the body forms a large standing wave pattern. It does not need
to move in new QED theory.
Lastly we need to explain why Dr Müller’s composite logarithmic standing wave in
space is needed for a human body-field theory. There are many reasons for this need and we
can list a few of them:
The proton cannot be left out of energetic physiology because its
activity helps to determine pH, acidity and alkalinity, a really key
concept in the regulation of the chemistry of most living
organisms. Neither can it be left out of a body-field theory. It is by
far the most massive particle.
There are favoured sizes and masses of all living things, which
statistical methods have uncovered in very large studies. The
global scaling data can not only explain this arrangement but also
make predictions about it.
Electrons do occur freely in the body during chemical reactions.
Yet most of them are linked by chemical energetic bonds with
protons making up the mass of the physical body.
To facilitate body regulation of temperature, pH, blood pressure,
fluid levels and hormone levels, the body needs to get information
from outside itself. If it can get this information by ‘sensors’ all
well and good. But how are these so called ‘sensors’ coordinated? We propose a second system whereby, via the Müller
wave in space, information is obtained from the environment to
fulfil the need of body regulation as well as the needs suggested
very specifically by Darwin’s evolutionary model. As far as the
Dr R Viehweger, Understanding the Universe through Global Scaling, Quantum Health Ltd, [PLACE?] 2011
Peter H. Fraser, Decoding the Human Body-Field. Healing Arts Press, Vermont, 2008
information carried on the waveforms of the electron, photon and
composite wave of Müller goes, it is the most ignored part of the
field theories of biology. Information is just the specific
arrangement of ‘bits’ or fragments of energy within a standing
spherical wave. The standing wave guides the information it
contains and, with its magnetic envelope, protects the precious
data. As far as biology goes, the Fraser theories of information
transfer and storage by imprinting are the most difficult to prove,
due to measurement issues.
Here is a very good opportunity to give an account of the global scaling phenomenon, one
that is supported by years of research and a great deal of mathematics. Yet the essence of the
idea is simple (fulfilling one requirement of good science), relying on very simple
mathematics well within a high school student’s grasp. The concepts are both dynamic and
mind-expanding. It is a predictive model as well.
The flat earth theory died a slow death in the fifteenth century because of the problem
posed by the innate complexity of the orbits of the planets, then called wandering stars, as
they appeared from our observation point, earth, to wander about and even sometimes go
backwards for part of their orbit. When you take the observation point as the sun in a
geocentric universe, the planetary orbs become almost regular ellipses. Hence the prediction
of orbits is made easy. We can now, in the early twenty-first century, enjoy a similar satori
when we look for flaws in the impossible system of biology developed over the last 150 years
without reference to any theory of internal order, harmony or energetic structure in the form
of fields of standing waves.
Just as the orbits of the planets betrayed the flat earth society membership, which is
now very much diminished in numbers, so the placebo effect in medical experiments
indicates that the system needs to undergo a change in its vantage point. This effect is like the
reverse orbit of the planets – it does not fit into the system well.7
So let’s go through a revolutionary change and try to grasp the implications of global
scaling and what it means for medical science methodology as it is now practised.
Global Scaling as an Outgrowth of the Quantum Electrodynamic Fields
The selection process in academia has left us with a residue of academics who are unable to
entertain the idea of fields having a function in biology. So in my view the problem is one of
politics, not of science. Biology concepts at present are mechanistic outgrowths of
biochemistry and no more.
The science of quantum fields in space has come of age since 1986 and biology must
accommodate these conceptual changes. The coming medical revolution is akin to that set off
the publication of Darwin’s book on evolution in 1859. Evolution was not a new idea in
Darwin’s day and several attempts were made to describe its features. Likewise, the idea that
there is an underlying structure in space, indeed the entire universe, is not at all new.
The pleasing proportions of the Golden Ratio, an irrational number beginning with
1.6180, were noted by Pythagoras and Euclid in ancient Greece. Leonardo de Vinci, during
the Renaissance of classical thought, even applied it to the proportions of the human body. In
the thirteenth century Fibonacci had proposed a series of numbers that rivalled the Golden
David R. Hamilton, It’s the Thought that Counts, David R. Hamilton, 2005; Hay House, London, 2009 edition,
Ratio. Then, during the seventeenth century, the astronomer Johannes Kepler united the
Golden Ratio with the Fibonacci series.
To the ignorant, science appears to be like magic. In fact in history we see science as
the means of destroying magic by explaining it, and the process went on even into the
twentieth century. By 1931, Roger Penrose had realised that underlying structural forms arose
from the very simple mathematics of the Golden Ratio. And by 1960, researchers could point
to how these ratios were involved in the formation of quasi-crystals in certain chemical
compounds based on aluminium.8 There is an inherent structure in space which is followed
by the structure of crystalline matter when it forms. The Golden Ratio has been taken into
modern science by crystallography.9
Lesser known is the much more important work of the Swiss-born genius Leonard
Euler (1707–1883), a mathematician who left us no fewer than 900 treatises on a huge range
of intellectual subjects: number theory, calculus, applied mathematics, logic and astronomy.
Euler studied how endless fractions occurred and described how strings oscillated in 1748. A
general theory emerged about the qualities of all natural oscillation, and by 1820, when
Joseph Lagrange and Joseph Fourier took his work to a new stage, other scientists fully
understood what he had said. While the Greeks had looked at solid geometry, Euler had
looked at dynamic motion.
Of course, sub-atomic particles exhibit the quality of natural oscillation. For example,
in 1986 Milo Wolff described electrons as dual oscillators.10 The self-arrangement of these
oscillators in chemical compounds and elements is related to the formation of crystals when
solutions of chemicals are cooled. And in modern electronics, quartz crystals are found to
have natural oscillation frequencies of their own, related purely to their size. Euler took the
natural logarithm that Mercador the map-maker had used a century before, in 1668,11 and
applied it to all forms of natural oscillation. Our normal base of logarithms is ten, but other
cultures have used other numbers as the base of their counting systems and we find 8, 12, 20
and 60 can be used. Euler used a logarithmic system based on 2.718 and applied it as a
general descriptor of harmony of oscillation in nature. In fact, it was an important constant of
oscillating systems. The Golden Ratio, being non-dynamic, had been replaced by a dynamic
system of mathematics.
Indeed, the irrational number e in Euler’s mathematics shows that there is indeed an
underlying harmony in nature, all of which is a state of oscillation. The number e is the basis
of the development of the modern science of fractals, or repeating geographic or ideational
motifs in nature. We find in fractals a storehouse of motifs for shells, ferns and leaves, and as
such this should be of interest to all Darwinists, geneticists and medical biologists, who will
surely find in fractals pictures of body organs like the heart.
The fractal is always thought of as just a pretty picture, due to the widespread
dissemination of pictures like the Mandelbrot Set, which can be seen on the internet. My
Richard A. Dunlap, The Golden Ratio and Fibonacci Numbers, World Scientific Publishing, [PLACE?] 1997
Sir Roger Penrose, OM, FRS, Shadows of the Mind: A search for the missing science of consciousness,
Vantage, [PLACE?] 2005
Milo Wolff, Schrödinger’s Universe: Einstein, waves and the origin of the natural laws, Technotran,
Manhattan Beach, CA, 2008
J. J. O’Connor and E. F. Robertson. The Number e, [PUBLISHER?] 2001–9[? PUBLISHED IN A SERIES?]
research shows information is carried somewhere on Müller logarithmic wave, representing
the natural oscillation of matter itself. This information store ‘fractalises’ itself simply
because of nature. In fact all information carried in the QED field fractalises itself, that is to
say, it organises itself into a certain pattern. In turn, if you are ready for this thought, this
means that every human disease has a set of fractals, some large, some small.
We can often see repeating harmonious motifs in clouds, water, forms, coastal
arrangements of land and sea, and ranges of mountains. How does this happen? I am now
asking you to exercise the fields of your brain cells which might never have been used
previously. Trigonometry, which consists of tangents, sines, cosines, and so on, offers
examples of solid geometrical relationships which are actually in a sphere. So we might, in a
standing spherical wave, expect to find a dynamic based on shapes – and this of course is
trigonometry. Euler applied the natural logarithm to what in fact was a standing spherical
In 2010, it occurred to me that surely the NES Infoceuticals should have a relationship
to the Euler number e for the natural logarithm. A number of different testing sessions on
different days indicated every time that the set of 12 Energetic Integrators formed a spaceresonance match with Euler’s number, while the rest of the Infoceuticals did not. Once you
realise the intimate relations between mathematics and space structure, it is not a surprise that
space resonance matching can be used to check the application of mathematical constants.
The reason for my testing was to increase the amount of coherence in my space resonance
theories. But it can never prove anything.
So, from my fairly audacious experiment, I can safely conclude that the 12 Energetic
Integrators are using the natural logarithmic relationship, even though I have always
described them in terms of decadary logarithms. These amazing Infoceuticals must therefore
bridge the passage between well-known real frequencies as in electronics and so-called unreal
frequencies in the QED field. The decadary number system is real and the one based on e
represents the quantum field.
Space is not empty; it has characteristics that come into being because of the natural
logarithm e. If we take the electron and its high-energy form the photon and then add the
proton particle and use identical reasoning, it is clear that we get two fields which must
actually combine, as they do in the case of molecules of matter. So our special number
system is able to create a field of a standing wave going to infinity. We would expect all
atoms and particles to be placed in the gigantic grid created by the oscillation of electrons and
protons. Some parts of this space appear as if they are compressed, while other are less dense
or expanded. The real world of electronics, with its amplitudes, its sine waves, frequencies
and so on, is placed at 90˚ phase difference to the world of the quantum field. In order to go
from one to the other, a simple phase correction is needed, and this is added or subtracted. I
have tested this experimentally. It works.
The motion of the quantum field is oscillatory in nature, but it also exhibits a most
curious quality, that of logarithmic scaling, a reflection of the effect of e. So a very low
sound, even a subsonic sound you can’t hear, will make a wave that scales logarithmically
using 2.718, which makes nodes in space in the high-frequency spectrum as far as infra-red
light. There is scaling from sound to light and from light to sound, and the entire human body
field is able to respond, not to all, but at places where there are strong or weaker nodal
confluences. Nature simplifies its own huge information system so it can be managed.
Perhaps you think I am fantasising. But no, there has been evidence for this sound-tolight phenomenon since 1933, when it was first observed. It is called sono-luminenscence,
and has been observed many times since the 1930s.
Here is a diagram showing how logarithmic scaling invariance of the proton, together
with the electron, forms patterns in space that must be obeyed by the human body-field. The
oscillatory system of nature goes from zero to about 1024 Hertz, but the system divides itself
into what I call frequency compartments based on decadary logarithms multiplied by two or
high-energy f
oscillation of
2 log 10
divisions of the
scale for
quantum sound
to light
low-energy f
This logarithmic frequency scale has characteristics of time, temperature and
electromagnetic frequency and can be measured directly. It divides naturally into 24
decadary spatial compartments.
Figure 7.1. Global scaling in the human body-field.
By 2010 I had finally arranged the diagram representing the mathematics on which the
human body-field must be based, so that it could be seen very quickly how the real and the
quantum were related to each other. The key to this relationship is phase. This is an
electronics term describing how closely aligned two sine wave signals are. It is expressed by
degrees and can be positive or negative. Phase in logarithmic space is quite different and
another word might be appropriate, although degrees are used to describe it. There is a huge
scaling wave which goes from many kilometres long at its base to infinity at its apex. This
shows logarithmic scaling and its relationship to e of Euler.
ƒ corresponds with quantum phase 60˚.
Real corresponds with virtual.
Figure 7.2. Quantum links to global scaling 2010. Real, on the left, represents ‘size’ in nature and
quantum, on the right, represents ‘shape’ in nature. But to the right you see the waveform made by
two spherical standing waves. Within this waveform we find six equal segments of 60˚ each.
The big news is that space has intrinsically a very carefully arranged structure and you can
link to whatever the structure you desire, since all things are there, by using a talisman or a
thought. We can explain magic!
Here we must digress into the idea of a ‘morphic field’ (apparently containing
information) that keeps on popping up in the history of biology and medicine. According to
modern specialists in biological growth, a morphic field is a group of cells that respond
together to biochemical signals. In other words, the idea of a field has been deleted and
replaced with chemistry. But the original idea of a morphic field was actually energetic, and
was discovered and researched by Dr Alexander Gurwitsch in Russia in 1910. Perhaps 80
years ahead of his time, he described the biophoton as well. I see him as the father of
energetic medicine in the West. Dr Gurwitsch thought that the morphogenic field was a field
that organised the orientation of cells during prenatal growth. He did experiments to indicate
that it obeyed the inverse square law in physics.12 The inverse square law is used in
electromagnetic fields (from the electron) as well as gravitational fields which Müller claims
emanate from the proton.
In the last decade, biologist Rupert Sheldrake has delved yet again into the many
manifestations of information matching in an infinite quantised field of standing waves.
Naturally he has looked carefully at Carl Jung’s collective unconscious, as well as the
traditional Hindu concept of the Akashic records, where all knowledge is supposed to be
stored in a universal field.
Alexander Gurwitsch, Atlas and Outline of Embryology of Vertebrates and of Man, [PUBLISHER? PLACE?
(IF POSSIBLE.)] 1910
So be aware that when you use the term ‘morphogenic field’, there are at least three
possible meanings. Scientists dislike this confusion, but in this case they created it
themselves. No one appears to have any hard physics or even hard electronics to support the
morphogenic fields theory, which surely has merit as the very beginning of the idea of a
human body-field amongst western thinkers. Most physicists are wary of the idea, but
progressive ones like the British physicist David Bohm have been sympathetic to it.
What I am proposing is a fourth version of the idea and is in fact a quantised
morphogenic field. It exists only in the QED field. It is a specialised part of the human bodyfield as a whole. There are two major parts of the human body-field, one related to real
electronic frequencies. This part functions as a control for scaling or for the size of the parts
of the body. This is necessary to prevent our body from becoming as big as a whale. The
other part of the field is linked to the cellular DNA and RNA, according to my years of
matching tests. It is concerned with embryology, that is, basically making the shape of the
body. Of course in diseases like cancer, size is affected as well as shape. The entire HBF is in
Let us be very specific about the clinical application of this very useful knowledge
about the human body-field. If a disease is producing an increase or decrease in the size of an
organ, such as might occur in athlete’s heart, hepatomegaly, goitre and so on, the clinical
treatment must be done using the set of 12 Energetic Integrators. But if a disease produces
signs of change in shape of the body, the skin or the organs themselves, there is a special
technique for accessing the quantised morphogenic field (QMGF), using a paired set of
Energetic Integrators with Heart Driver. This links to the genetic material directly.
EI 1
+ ED 6 Heart Driver
+ ED 6 Heart Driver
Brain and heart
EI 2
EI 3
EI 4
EI 5
+ ED 6 Heart Driver
EI 6
EI 7
+ ED 6 Heart Driver
+ ED 6 Heart Driver
+ ED 6 Heart Driver
Digestive and blood
EI 8
EI 9
EI 10
EI 11
EI 12
Figure 7.3. Combinations of Infoceuticals to link to the morphogenic field.
The Infoceuticals have to be used, combined, in the sequence shown in the diagram. It has to
be said that the status of this information is theoretical, based on space resonance matching
over many months, with many repetitions to ensure the best possible accuracy.
The role of the heart cavities in the link to the QMGF is of particular interest to those
who have studied embryology. Energetically, the heart appears to have a role in the
development of the embryo, and for the first time we have a reason for the heart of the foetus
to beat only 40 days after conception, even though there is almost no circulatory system at
that time.
We will now take a deeper look at the Müller proton wave, which unites all of space
with one wave.
Figure 7.4. The Müller proton wave in space.
How could we use another method of assessing whether or not the NES Infoceuticals were
part of the huge global scaling network of the universe? It would be necessary to get a space
resonance match between Dr Hartmut Müller’s 1982 picture of the proton wave in space and
elements of the NES system. In fact every Infoceutical in the NES system was tested in 2010
by space resonance matching and no such link was found. I was alarmed. But I got a pair of
scissors and cut the 1982 Müller diagram in half. When I presented two such diagrams
(representing a double waveform), there were immediate and clear space resonance matches
between the proton wave and every Infoceutical in the NES range, over 60 of them. This was
very pleasing.
But there were more shocks in store for us. By way of explanation, it has to be said
that I have found, experimentally in several different contexts, that it is necessary to consider
that there is a double wave, not just one, in this system. You will notice too, that two
Energetic Integrators are required to make the QMGF actually work in practice. This
indicates that this may be one element of mathematics in a formula yet to be written.
The shock was to be broached. I was, by late 2010, making pictures of a logarithmic
wave and dividing the wave into six equal divisions. This was no accidental event. There is
only one advanced book in English on the basis of Chinese tradition medical theory and it has
been translated from the German. It is Manfred Porket’s famous book Theoretical
Foundations of Chinese Medicine and in it he clearly entertains the idea, from 4,500 years of
antiquity, of a sphere divided into six segments. This is the essential divine geometric origin
of the 12 groups of acupuncture meridians or energy channels in the human body. So the
coherence was growing. Naturally I checked the number of 60 for 60˚ to make sure every one
of the 12 main acupuncture channels would form a space resonance match. Not one of them
would do so. I tested for 30˚ and found that all of the Energetic Integrators would form a
space resonance match. This was a little piece of evidence for a double wave of 12 channels.
Note: Numbers 1 to 12 refer to the NES Energetic Integrator Infoceutical numbers.
Figure 7.5. Arrangement of the 12 meridians in wave form according to my research up to 2011.
The ancient divine mathematics can still be of some use today in the context of quantum
physics field theory. But science only takes the parts that work and discards the rest of the
data, which go into the reject basket because they ‘cannot be tested’. After a shave with
Occam’s razor, we are left with what is testable, and this is shown in Figure 7.5. Many will
not like the idea of traditional Chinese ‘Five Elements’, as it is philosophy rather than
Now there is but one more mathematical piece of magic to consider. And again we
travel to the secret divine mathematics of even greater antiquity than before. This time,
however, we go to look at where and how binary logic enters into our ideas concerning how
space actually works in terms of known mathematics. What happens when a space is created?
To look at this, we go to Henry Smith in 1857, and further work in the same area by
Georg Cantor in 1883. Cantor found that if a space was created along a line, very strange
mathematical properties could be found. For example, he found that geometric progression
emerged: when parts of a line were removed, the same number of parts appeared elsewhere,
from nowhere! And suddenly the line was equal to two copies of itself, so it created its own
binary system. This is in agreement with what we observed concerning the Müller wave, the
great space communicator: it makes another copy of itself by a binary process!
Perhaps now you will understand why the HBF is represented by a double logarithmic
wave. The mathematics of Cantor says that this is what happens in a system built on lines and
spaces. Our lines and spaces are of course there in the body-field as the codes for the bodyfield itself. What Cantor discovered is now called a fractal and is very simple mathematics
that makes topographic patterns spontaneously. Many fractals have become known since
Mandelbrot popularised them in the twentieth century, but Cantor’s fractal is the mother of
them all. It appears when a line is divided into three equal parts and the middle section is
deleted, making a space.
Why I am so excited that this appears to link to a binary system? Because we need a
binary system to make the NES devices work! They can of course work partially with an
analogue system, but the moment you introduce spaces, you are in the binary world. The line
we are referring to is the baseline, marked A to B in Figure 7.5.
(Image from Wikipedia.)
Figure 7.6. The Cantor fractal. This is formed by continuous removal of the central third of the
Unfortunately for the human ego, there is very little that is new. In fact the further back in
time you travel, the newer the ideas appear to become. The Yi Jing or Book of Changes is
about divination and is still revered and used daily all around the world. Scientists are not as a
rule interested in divination, due to its poor track record. But the really astonishing thing we
find in this book, said to be one of the oldest in the world, with early copies dated now at
about 400 BC, is the Cantor fractal and a binary code writing back to front from the European
version of Cantor. Cantor says we start with the line, divide it and a binary system appears. In
the Yi Jing we find a binary codes that devolves into seven key versions of Cantor’s fractal.
The eighth is of course not divided in the middle. A simple diagram will illustrate what could
take hundreds of words. To put what I want to say about it into one sentence, I can say this:
the system of lines divided into three, with a missing central portion, gives us ordinality, the
ordinality of space, which is shown to be derived from the version of Cantor’s nineteenthcentury fractal generator.
Derivation of eight trigrams of the Yi Jing.
What can be said concerning my many discoveries about the structure of space, the ordinality
of space, imprinting of information on space, and so on, is that they cannot be allowed to
stand as a science except for the fact that they show extraordinary and far-reaching coherence
with several major physics theories of very high repute, as well as a number of major
mathematics systems which are very well known to specialists in that field.
Now for me the ultimate arbiter in science must be no less that Albert Einstein,
always a very popular figure because of his innate grasp of common sense. You can review
his after-dinner talk quotes on the internet and you may conclude that he says many times that
mathematics does not prove a science theory – the entire theory must work in practice. This
raises huge questions for scientists and particularly for those whose job it is to design
experiments. There is a nagging doubt concerning the ultimate value to science of using
large-scale statistical models as a framework of proof. In the case of Darwin’s huge edifice of
science, with his theory covering the disciplines of geology, palaeobiology, genetics and
embryology, the proof was never statistically based. Instead we see an argument based on
common sense logic with a huge amount of coherence. We can still learn a lot about how
science is approved from both Einstein and Darwin.
The space resonance and information matching theory is certainly as big a theory as
that described in On the Origen of Species by Darwin. It also has ramifications for the
scientific method itself, such as it is. That science discovery is in fact inductive was asserted
by the famous essayist Francis Bacon (1561–1626) and was favoured too by J. S. Mill in the
nineteenth century. Yet the validity of inductive reasoning can only be entertained if the
scientist has no preconceptions concerning the area under investigation.13 This is to prevent
bias in the collection of useful data. Francisco Alaya of the Department of Ecology and
Evoultionary Biology of UCLA complains that there is a disparity between what Darwin did
according to his notebooks and what he said about methodology.14 This little crack in the
armour of the scientist deserves further opening. We need to ask why, if Darwin merely
collected data concerning diverse species, he and only he was able to assemble such a huge
far-reaching hypothesis?
Of course, nothing is obvious if you remain caught like a rabbit in the twin headlights
of induction and deduction. We can now go further. The scientific method might itself be
related to naturally occurring mental abilities. Mozart wrote his symphonies in his head then
wrote a note-perfect score which required no further correction. Leibnitz, the German
philosopher, wrote entire tracts of prose which came out in the wrong order but could easily
be rearranged ordinally. Darwin observed carefully for many years then described his entire
hypothesis in 1859. If the mental process actually is related to space resonance matching of
data, then the theory of the scientific method itself is long overdue for restatement. If this is
so, and people like Newton, Darwin, Jung, Einstein, and so on are good at assembly of data
ordinally according to the roles of information in space, then we can replace induction and
deduction with space resonance matching.
J. Francisco Alaya, Darwin and the Scientific Method, National Academy of Sciences, [PLACE?] 2009;
The key quality of this system is coherence. This refers to how well the hypothesis
sits with related disciplines. It is of course subject to error, just as induction and deduction are
subject to error. But space resonance matching is self-correcting whenever more correct data
are introduced into the system. So science itself should be self-correcting.