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Conference 2017 TRACKS
The Conference is organized in fourteen tracks, carefully designed around the theme “Reaching Consumers
in Emerging Markets”. You may submit your paper into one of the following tracks for the purpose of the
1. Understanding Consumer Buying Behavior
We invite research contributions that focus on learning about various aspects of consumer behaviour
in emerging economies which influence their choices in the market place. More specifically, we invite
contributions on new/unique approaches, methodologies, tools, and techniques to gain better
understanding of how and why consumers in emerging economies behave and make choices in the
market place and factors influencing such decisions. The broad topics include, but are not limited to,
consumer attitudes, personality, emotions, linguistics, materialism, memory, product assortments ,
atmospherics at the point-of- purchase, consumer boycotts, consumer reactions to corporate social
responsibility, brand loyalty, judgment and decision making, information processing, automatic and
non-conscious processing, product choices, pricing, satisfaction, skepticism, product endorsement,
social media, promotions, time perceptions, or issues dealing with other cultural, psychological,
situational, or social influences on consumer behavior. Both conceptual and empirical works are
2. Managing Customer Relationships
The voice of the customer is key to managing customer relationships, and systemic efforts at leveraging
customer learning enhances the organization’s customer orientation, enabling more efficient and
effective enterprise wide CRM. It is an essential ingredient in modulating customer experience at an
immediate level, as well as a major tool for research guiding strategic choices over the longer term. This
aspect is particularly critical in emerging markets, where there is often a greater diversity of customers
and organization’s modes of interaction and research greater human interfaces often to the point of
disparity. Customer oriented systems are often still nascent given their relatively recent opening up of
markets to competition, greater customer choice, global influences and aspirations. The track theme is
focused on all aspects of learning about and from customers, and managing the customer interactions
from the point of view of gaining and incorporating knowledge about customers within the organization.
We invite manuscripts which focus on methodologies, tools, techniques, theoretical/empirical work,
which help incorporate the voice of the customer in efforts to manage customer relationships, especially
in emerging economies. The track is open to all aspects of CRM, but in particular invites work with a focus
on obtaining customer data, opinions and perspectives, and related customer relationship practices and
challenges, especially in emerging market context. Comparative studies which reflect any unique
characteristics of emerging economies in the broader CRM context are also welcome.
3. Understanding Cross-cultural Issues in the design and Implementation of Marketing Strategy
This track invites papers that address socio-cultural dimension of customer behavior and choices in
the marketplace. These cross-cultural issues will provide more challenges and opportunities in
emerging markets. There are several issues – culture impacts on marketing (domestic versus global),
cross-cultural dimensions of marketing research, cross-cultural aspects of marketing mix strategy and
cross-cultural marketing education and training. Topics may include, but are not limited to: crosscultural consumer behavior/psychology; consumer acculturation issues; global branding; global
marketing strategy; adaptation/ standardization of international marketing programs; export
marketing and importing; comparative marketing systems; global supply-chain management; global
account management; global product innovation management; foreign market assessment and entry
strategies; country of origin effects; global marketing in the emerging markets; international strategic
alliances/ joint ventures; and cross-cultural marketing research issues. Apart from conceptual and
empirical works, qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-method research approaches are also welcome.
4. Developing a Winning Channel Strategy
In line with the conference theme of emerging markets context, this track focuses on incorporating
customer insight in the planning, execution, and measurement of the outcome of an integrated
marketing communication strategy. The development of new communications and the transformation
of traditional communications coupled with the metamorphosis of the consumer expectations in the
emerging markets have necessitated a relook at the persuasive power of integrated marketing
communications. Papers providing theoretical and/or empirical advances in understanding of the
influence of marketing communication both offline and online on consumer behavior are encouraged.
Papers may focus on, though not limited to a variety of contemporary issues on advertising, direct
marketing, online communication, sales promotion, public relations, and personal selling; rely on varied
methodologies; and arise from multiple fields. We welcome conceptual and/or empirical research
papers using qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-method research approaches for this track
5. Developing Digital Marketing Strategy
This track invites papers that examine topics on incorporating consumer insight when planning,
implementing, and measuring impact of digital strategies in the market place. The medium includes,
but are not limited to, social media, search engines, display advertising, podcasting, and mobile
communication. Topics that fit this theme include, but are not limited to, using the Internet for the
purposes of marketing, electronic services, interactive media and advertising including Web 2.0,
multichannel marketing, online consumer behavior, click stream or Web log data modelling, utilizing
social media and networks for marketing, collaborating and co-creating with consumers via digital
platforms, consumer-generated content related to marketing, impact of online evaluations in both the
B2C and the B2B arenas, protection of consumer privacy and integrated marketing communications
using traditional and digital media.
6. Enhancing the Effectiveness of Marketing Communications
In line with the conference theme of emerging markets context, this track focuses on incorporating
customer insight in the planning, execution, and measurement of the outcome of an integrated
marketing communication strategy. The development of new communications and the
transformation of traditional communications coupled with the metamorphosis of the consumer
expectations in the emerging markets have necessitated a relook at the persuasive power of
integrated marketing communications. Papers providing theoretical and/or empirical advances in
understanding of the influence of marketing communication both offline and online on consumer
behaviour are encouraged. Papers may focus on, though not limited to a variety of contemporary
issues on advertising, direct marketing, online communication, sales promotion, public relations, and
personal selling; rely on varied methodologies; and arise from multiple fields. We welcome conceptual
and/or empirical research papers using qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-method research
approaches for this track.
7. Developing Winning Personal Selling and Sales Management Strategy
In this track we invite research which incorporates consumer insight in the planning, implementation,
and measurement of the effectiveness of sales force strategy in Emerging economies. Sales
Management in Emerging economies is challenging due to a combination high growth rates,
institutional voids and diversity retail environment and market segments. Sales organizations and
leadership have responded to these challenges in their own ways, be it the entrenched ones who have
been operating in these markets for long or the new entrants. Suggested research papers for this for
track include but are not limited to the following, key account management, managing sales people
in an emerging economy, how the sales force creates and delivers value to customers, how technology
can aid the sales function, knowledge-based selling, sales force strategy, performance assessment,
impact of technology on compensation and other performance management issues, sales forecasting
models/methods and managing high performance sales teams. We seek research papers which
consider voice of the customer in these decisions. Both conceptual and empirical works are welcome.
8. Strengthening Company Products and Brands
This track invites research papers which include customer input in the various aspects of product
management, product marketing and branding. Research bringing forth theoretical and
methodological approaches that connects with the conference theme of listening to the consumers
will be the primary focus. Various topics may include, but are not limited to: new product design and
development; role of marketing elements in product development; cross-unit, cross-function and
cross-team issues in product development; role of consumers in new product development; idea
generation and screening methods, role of government, society and competition in product
innovation, development and marketing; product life cycle management; issues and strategies to
manage the current products; product adoption and diffusion strategy; launch tactics and strategies
for new products; role of environment in new product marketing and development; role of brand in
launching new products; brand portfolio strategies; brand re(positioning); branding and role of media;
brand loyalty; brand equity management and measurement; brand building; corporate branding;
luxury brand management; brand and culture; brand co-creation; brand communities; brand
globalization. Both conceptual and empirical works are welcome in this track with application
implications in emerging markets.
9. Marketing Research Methods and Tools to Capture the Voice of the Customers
This track seeks high quality work that develops or applies advances in research methodologies,
measurement techniques, or data analysis procedures to capture the voice of the customer for
marketing decisions. Appropriate topics for this track include all methodological opportunities and
challenges that scholars and practitioners confront in conducting their research. Specific issues may
include, but are definitely not limited to: qualitative and quantitative research issues, cross-cultural or
online research methodologies, sampling, and graphical presentation of research findings. Other
examples include identifying problems with current best practices, new developments in data analysis,
assessing mediated or moderated relationships, modelling multiple levels of data, categorizing and
coding ethnographic data, controversies in reflective and formative measurement, analytic issues posed
by within-subjects experimental designs, assessment techniques for handling response and nonresponse biases, and issues in missing-data analysis. Expository papers on marketing applications of
novel statistical methods to listen to customers are also welcome. Both conceptual and empirical works
are welcome; we also welcome qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-method research approaches. This
track also encourages practitioners in different marketing research agencies to submit research papers
on new developments in research methodology for capturing voice of the customers and exchanging
case studies which provides proof that listening to customers helps a company.
10. Effective Retail Strategies to Attract and Retain Customers
This track invites conceptual or empirical research papers that employ voice of the customer in
planning and executing retailing strategy for emerging economies in the present economic scenario.
We particularly encourage new research dimensions as well as traditional issues relating to retailing
which incorporate shopper insights. Possible topics include (but are not limited to) Factors influencing
Retail Environment, Emerging Retail Formats, Changes in Shopper mindset especially Ladies, Children
& Senior Citizens, Shopper Decision Making Process & Role of Internet, Customer Value Proposition,
Retail Atmospherics & its role in attracting footfalls, Contemporary Issues in Store Differentiation &
Positioning and New Bases of Retail Market Segmentation.
11. Enhancing the Effectiveness of Services Marketing
Following the overall theme of the conference, this track invites papers that explore the missing links
of consumer insights in the service marketing domain. The papers may be in the form of empirical
research, theoretical models based on extensive research, case studies or documentation of best
practices in the industry. While any submission that fits within the broadly defined topic of listening to
consumers in the service context are welcome, those related to the following areas are especially
encouraged: service innovation, experiential service design, benchmarking strategies for services,
impact of technology / social media in the service industry, customer complaining behaviour in digitized
and networked world, impact of digital interactivity on service communication, customer ecosystems in
service context, service pricing innovations, customer perspective of service brands, customer coproduction, cross-cultural influences within the service environment, and service sustainability.
12. Linking Technology, Product Innovation, and B2B Markets with the Customer Needs
Following the overall theme of the conference, this track invites papers that carefully explore the missing
links of consumer insights in technology, product innovation, and business-to-business marketing, mainly
with regard to the presence and impact of technologies and new products on organizational customers,
firms, and their businesses that operate in emerging markets. While all submissions that fit within these
broadly defined topics of listening to the emerging market consumers are welcome, those related to the
following areas are especially encouraged:
(5) Designing and implementing product policy, pricing policy, distribution policy, and promotion policy as
applied to business-to-business marketing.
We welcome both conceptual and empirical papers supported by qualitative, quantitative, and mixedmethod research approaches. Doctoral students, who are through with their proposal stage are strongly
encouraged to submit their proposal papers.
13. Incorporating Voice of the Customer in Teaching Marketing Management
This track seeks papers emphasizing scholarly and innovative approaches to teaching about listening to
consumers, particularly those focusing on adding value for students, employers, the college and
surrounding communities, and other educational stakeholders. Topics may include but are not limited to:
the scholarship of teaching and learning about the voice of customers in marketing, the use of technology
in listening to customers, using social media and electronic learning platforms (e.g. Blackboard), curriculum
development, pedagogy, active and experiential learning techniques, games and simulations, effective
teaching techniques in large and small sections, service learning, motivating and mentoring students,
training and mentoring doctoral students, interdisciplinary teaching techniques, synergies between research
and teaching, instilling professional and life skills, incorporating stakeholder feedback into the curriculum,
faculty development, and assessment. Both conceptual and empirical works are welcome; we also welcome
qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-method research approaches.
14. Developing Successful Marketing Strategy on Emerging Issues in Marketing
This track invites papers focusing on incorporating voice of the customer in Ethical, Legal, Social, Public
Policy Issues in Marketing, Green Marketing, Tourism Marketing, Rural Marketing, Food Marketing and
any other topic not covered in above tracks
Social Marketing: In the era of knowledge economy, social and psychological engines are transforming
the business, government and societies all around the world. Business organizations are significantly
becoming socially responsible by aligning their business strategies with the society for achieving
sustainable growth & development. Social and non-profit marketing is an evolving and developing area
for marketing managers to handle the emerging issues of the consumers in order to improve their
organizational welfare and that of their society. This sub-track invites research papers on new concept
of social and non-profit marketing in the emerging consumer market.
Work on public policies may focus on the intersection of governmental actions and marketing
practices. Prominent example could be federal trade commission examining disclosures on financial
instruments or Food and Drug Administration providing perspectives on weight-loss supplements.
Papers may deal with the impact or potential impact of all aspects of the legal and regulatory
environment on marketing activities. Papers might examine how marketing strategy should integrate
legal concerns or suggest how public policy might be changed to improve marketing effectiveness,
societal wellbeing, or both. Common topic areas may include but are not limited to: product safety and
other forms of consumer protection; antitrust including pricing and distribution regulation; trademarks
and other forms of intellectual property and sales contracts.
Green Marketing ;Topics may include, but are not limited to: Green consumer behavior/psychology;
consumer cynicism, distrust and apathy towards green marketing/sustainability; issues surrounding
sustainable lifestyles; product and packaging development; branding; marketing strategy; adaptation/
standardization of marketing programs; distribution; pricing; communication; Eco-tourism; and Green
Destination and tourism marketing is a growing area of study. In practice, if undertaken effectively,
destination marketing can contribute greatly to the economy in terms of attracting tourism, students
of tertiary education, economic immigration, and FDI. It can also enhance the attractiveness of a place’s
Rural Marketing focuses on various issues such as changing dynamics of rural market and research on
rural marketing environment. New emerging research areas of rural marketing such as BoP marketing,
innovations in rural marketing, convergence of rural and urban market, marketing processes and
consumer, also form a part of rural marketing.
Food & Agribusiness Marketing focuses on critical issues related to food marketing and distribution,
including the marketing of food, beverages, and related products. In most of the developing countries,
food is often sold in open markets or in small stores, typically with more locally produced and fewer
branded products available. However, in the recent decade the demand for package and health &
wellness, food products are on rise across the world. The food industry faces numerous marketing
decisions related to new product development, branding, packaging, pricing, distribution and safety.
Both conceptual and empirical works on above areas are welcome. We also welcome qualitative,
quantitative, and mixed-method research approaches.