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Chapter 10 Study Guide
Define these following terms:
 Aeneas
 Romulus and Remus
 Republic
 Dictators
 Cincinnatus
 Plebeians
 Patricians
 Magistrates
 Consuls
 Roman Senate
 Veto
 Latin
 Checks and Balances
 Forum
 Legions
 Punic Wars
 Hannibal
 Gaius Marius
 Lucius Cornelius Sulla
 Spartacus
Instructions: Correctly answer the following questions.
1. Compare and contrast the geography of Greece and Italy.
2. What 2 mountain ranges are in Italy?
3. Rome was located on ___________.
4. What is The Aeneid about? What happened before Aeneas reached Italy?
5. Who were the Latins?
6. Explain the foundation of Rome.
7. The last 3 Kings of Rome were __________.
8. Government: Rome was a _________ and became a ___________.
9. Explain how Rome dictators served.
10. Why was Cincinnatus considered an ideal leader for Rome?
11. Compare and contrast the governments of Rome and the United States.
12. Under Rome’s tripartite, what was the most powerful elected official?
13. What does veto mean in Latin (the Roman language)?
14. What was Rome’s 1st written law code? Why did Romans start writing laws
15. What happens in the Roman Forum?
16. The Roman territory grew geographically and economically mainly in response to
outside threats. What group of people attacked Rome and took over the city
around 387 BC?
17. The Romans soon defeated their attackers and took control of the entire Italian
Peninsula. One reason for the roman success was an organized army. Explain
how the Roman Army was organized.
18. What did Roman farmers do when they could not grow enough food to sustain the
19. The Romans fought many battles; however, the fiercest were the Punic Wars.
Complete the chart below.
a. Who was fighting?
b. When were the wars?
c. Why were they fighting?
d. How many battles were in the Punic Wars?
e. What was the outcome of the Punic Wars (be specific)?
f. Who won?
20. Who was the general of the Carthaginian Army?
21. How did conquering Greece change Rome?
22. As Rome grew externally, internal problems progressed. What changed about
Roman politics after the death of two Roman leaders: Tiberius and Gaius
23. Other leaders like Gaius Marius and Lucius Cornelius Sulla changed Roman
politics as well. However, what did Spartacus do that gained a place in Roman