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Directions: Select the best answer for each item.
1. (8.P.1A.3) Some students investigate the rusting rate of four metals in saltwater. To best find the rusting
rates, they should measure the masses of the metals before the investigation and at —
a. the same time and day during each week of the investigation
b. different times and days during each week of the investigation
c. any time during the first week of the investigation
d. one randomly selected time during the investigation
2. (8.P.1B.1) Juan is going to design a kite for mass production. After doing research, Juan creates several
different designs and selects the one he wants to use. What are the next two steps Juan should do in the
design process?
a. Build a prototype of the kite and test it.
b. Build and finish full-sized kites.
c. Patent the kite design and sell it to others.
d. Redesign the kite and evaluate it.
3. (8.P.1A.3) A student predicts that more sugar will dissolve in warm water than in cold water. She puts
some water in a container, adds sugar, and then stirs. The amount of undissolved sugar is then observed.
When this student repeats the experiment to verify her prediction, the only thing that should change is the
a. amount of water used
b. temperature of the water
c. amount of sugar used
d. amount of time stirring
4. (8.E.5A.4) The movement of plates at this boundary is shown by the pair of arrows labeled __________.
5. (8.E.5A.4) This boundary is classified as _________.
a. A Hotspot
b. Convergent
c. Divergent
d. Transform
6. (8.E.5A.5) The diagram below shows two locations where fossils of Mesosaurus have been found.
Mesosaurus was a freshwater reptile that existed on Earth about 250 million years ago. Which statement
best explains why these freshwater Mesosaurus fossils are found today in some rock layers in both South
America and Africa?
a. Mesosaurus swam across the ocean between the
b. The continents were once connected as a single
c. Global warming has been raising the sea level in the
Atlantic Ocean.
d. The remains of Mesosaurus were carried across the
ocean by predators.
7. (8.E.5B.1) Which provides the best evidence for the theory that faults and volcanoes are results of tectonic
plate interactions?
a. Faults on tectonic plates are in constant motion, but volcanoes may not erupt for many years.
b. Faults and volcanoes existed long before there were tectonic plates.
c. Tectonic plates that have many faults do not usually have volcanoes.
d. Faults and volcanoes are often found at tectonic plate boundaries.
Use the Pictures to answer item #8.
8. (8.E.5B.2) The event that most likely caused this change in landform was __________.
a. A Meteor Impact
b. A Volcanic Eruption
c. An Earthquake
d. Long-Term Erosion
Use the Diagram to answer item #9.
9. (8.E.5B.2) Island Arcs, such as Hawaii, formed due to activity at a
a. Convergent Boundary
b. Divergent Boundary
c. Hotspot Fissure
d. Transform Boundary
10. (8.E.5A.3) The order of the layers of the Earth from thickest to thinnest is __________.
a. Crust, Mantle, Outer Core, Inner Core
b. Inner Core, Outer Core, Mantle, Crust
c. Mantle, Outer Core, Inner Core, Crust
d. Outer Core, Inner Core, Crust, Mantle
11. (8.E.5A.3) The layers of the Earth that are completely solid include the __________.
a. Crust and Inner Core
b. Crust and Outer Core
c. Inner Core and Mantle
d. Mantle and Outer Core
12. (8.E.5A.3) There is movement in the Asthenosphere because of all of the following EXCEPT __________.
a. Density
b. Gravity
c. Pressure
d. Temperature
13. (8.E.5A.3) Which of these best describes the relationship between Earth’s layers?
a. The hottest layers are closest to the core.
b. The more liquid layers are closest to the crust.
c. The lightest layers are closest to the core.
d. The more metallic layers are closest to the crust.
14. (8.E.5A.4) The movement of the tectonic plates is caused by
a. convection currents in the mantle.
b. the gravity of the iron-nickel core.
c. theMoho discontinuity.
d. the rotation of the Earth.
Use the following Diagram to answer questions #15-16.
15. (8.E.5A.4) The three pictures above are used to explain the formation of landforms on the earth's surface.
They are representative of which theory?
a. Continental Drift
b. Expanding Earth
c. Plate Tectonics
d. Seismic Mechanics
16. (8.E.5A.4) In which of the above plate boundary scenarios is new crust being formed?
a. Convergent
b. Divergent
c. Strike-Slip
d. Transform
Use the Diagram to answer items #17 - #19.
17. (8.E.5B.2) A teacher pushes on the ends of a piece of carpet. When the
ends come together the carpet bunches and folds. This model illustrates
a. Normal Faults
b. Reverse Faults
c. Strike-Slip Faults
d. Uplift Faults
18. (8.E.5B.2) The land formation modeled in this demonstration is __________.
a. An Earthquake
b. A Mountain
c. A Ridge
d. A Volcano
19. (8.E.5A.4) The type of boundary modeled in this demonstration is a _________.
a. Convergent Boundary
b. Divergent Boundary
c. Hotspot Fissure
d. Transform Boundary
Use the diagram to answer items #20-21.
20. (8.E.5A.4) Subduction Zones occur because
a. Continental Crust is less dense than Oceanic Crust
b. Continental Crust tougher than the Oceanic Crust
c. Oceanic Crust is blocked by Mountains on Continents
d. Oceanic Crust melts at the Continent’s coasts
21. (8.E.5A.4) The oldest crust in the diagram would be located at the point labeled __________.
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
22. (8-3.6) In some areas of the world, like California and Japan, earthquakes are a common occurrence. How
can this best be explained?
a. Both areas are located near the edge of the Pacific Ocean; the unstable sand causes earthquakes.
b. Both areas are on the boundary of active plate margins, the motion of the plates causes
c. Both areas are subjected to strong ocean wind and waves that causes earthquakes.
d. The strong ocean currents are undermining both areas causing earthquakes.
Answer the following in the space provided on your answer sheet.
23. (8.P.1A.3) A scientist performs an experiment to see if acids have an effect on the health of am particular
type of plant. Three sets of plants were treated with acidic solutions of known pH while the control set was
treated with a solution of neutral pH 7. (2pts)
a. What is the hypothesis of this experiment?
b. What is the conclusion of this experiment?
24. Compare and Contrast Divergent and Convergent Boundaries. Be sure to include how they Move and
at least 2 Features seen at each boundary. Draw the picture and label the different parts of the
boundaries in addition to your comparison. (6 Pts)