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World History 8
Quarterly Exam 4 Study Guide
The period of European history known as the Renaissance roughly covers the time from 1300 to 1600.
The best synonym for secular is worldly.
To become known as an important patron, one most needed to be wealthy.
The technique known as perspective is most useful in the creation of two-dimensional art.
A person who produces work in the vernacular is one who writes in a local, rather than a classical,
The intellectual and cultural movement known as humanism arose from the study of classical Greek and
Roman culture.
The Renaissance was a rebirth of art and learning.
The kind of person who represented the ideal of the Renaissance man is someone who excelled in many
areas of study.
One important effect of the invention of the printing press was that it increased literacy and the use of the
The birthplace of the Italian Renaissance was the city of Florence
Italy’s location helped make it the starting point of the Renaissance because Mediterranean trade
brought wealth there.
Humanism is characterized by a focus on worldly rather than religious issues
How was Renaissance art different from the art of the Middle Ages? It was more realistic and portrayed
some non-religious subjects.
Michelangelo sculpted David and painted the Sistine Chapel
Shakespeare was an English renaissance writer who wrote 37 plays that are still produced today.
A government run by a religious leader is a theocracy
Indulgences were a way to buy entry into heaven by paying the Church for forgiveness of sins.
Martin Luther’s arguments against indulgences are contained in the 95 Theses
The Anger at the worldliness of the church was a factor leading to the Reformation.
John Calvin believed that God long ago decided who will be saved. This is called Predestination
The Mona Lisa and The Last Supper were painted by Leonardo da Vinci
Portugal was the European country that was the leader in developing and applying 15th century sailing
Bartolomeu Dias captained the first European ship to sail around the tip of Africa, now known as the
Cape of Good Hope
Prince Henry founded a navigational school on the coast of Portugal.
Vasco da Gama succeed in gaining a sea route between Portugal and India
The Line of Demarcation established a boundary between new lands Portugal could claim and those
Spain could claim
As part of the Columbian Exchange, livestock was carried west across the Atlantic?
Hernando Cortés conquered the Aztec empire
Why did Europeans see Africans as a better a source of labor than Native Americans?
Africans were strangers in the Americas, so they wouldn’t have allies or places to hide.
Christopher Columbus first landed by an island in the Caribbean Sea
Short Answer Section
Short Answer: Select 2 out of 5
1. What are the Three G’s that lead to the Age of Exploration? Explain each one.
2. Name two explorers, identify the country they sailed for and explain the impact
of their exploration.
3. Describe two differences between Renaissance thought and Middle Ages thought.
4. Explain the main cause that lead to the Protestant Reformation and describe the
impact the Reformation had on society.
5. Explain three reasons why Italy was the perfect location for the rise of the
What are the Three G’s that lead to the Age of Exploration? Explain each one.
The three G’s are God, Glory and Gold
God was the spreading of the Christian faith as they felt it was their
responsibility to make everyone in the world Christian
Glory is both individual fame and fame for the country. The person who
claims the land will always be remembered for it ex: Christopher Columbus.
The country will expand their country with the new land and more land
means more power.
Gold is wealth in actual gold and finding new resources or products to sell
which will bring money or wealth to the people which leads to more power
Name two explorers, identify the country they sailed for and explain the impact of their
Christopher Columbus
Amerigo Vespucci
Ferdinand Magellan
Never reached Asia. He reached the Americas, landing on
an island in the Bahamas in the Caribbean Sea
Claimed that the West Indies were not Asia but were in fact
new land
First person to circumnavigate or sail around the world
Hernando Cortes
Colonized the Caribbean Islands and conquered the Aztecs
Francisco Pizarro
Marched a small force into South America and conquered
the Incan empire
Juan Ponce de Leon
Landed on the coast of modern-day Florida and claimed the
land for Spain. He was looking for the “fountain of youth”
Francisco Vasquez de
Led an expedition throughout much of the South-West. He
went through present day Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and
Giovanni da Verrazzano
He explored the Eastern Coast of the U.S. and discovered
what is today New York harbor
Jacques Cartier
Claimed the St. Lawrence and Montreal in Canada
Samuel de Champlain
They founded modern day Quebec which they called New
Jacques Marquette &
Louis Joliet
Explored the Great Lakes and the Northern Mississippi River
King James
Gave money to colonize or build the 1st permanent English
settlement, Jamestown, in North America
Founded Plymouth in Massachusetts, this was the 2nd
English colony in the North America
They came to the new land because they were being
persecuted for their religious beliefs in England and they
wanted religious freedom
or the Dutch
Sailed west searching for a northwest sea route or passage
to Asia.
Henry Hudson
He explored three waterways – the Hudson River, the
Hudson Bay and the Hudson Strait
Describe two differences between Renaissance thought and Middle Ages thought.
Middle Age Thought:
Lots of religion
Focus was on the Church
Education was discouraged
Only the wealthy and upper class could be successful
Ideas isolated
Renaissance Thought:
Life became more worldly less of a focus on the Church
Humanistic idea that everyone had potential regardless of your wealth
Rebirth of the classics which showed an increase in education
The printing press and writing in the vernacular enabled ideas to spread
Explain the main cause that lead to the Protestant Reformation and describe the impact the
Reformation had on society.
The main cause was that the people were angry at the worldliness of the Church.
Martin Luther complained about this in his 95 Thesis.
Some of the things that made them angry were: the selling of indulgences, priests
were now marrying rather than just being married to God, priests were now
drinking, simony (the buying and selling of positions within the Christian church),
conflict between church and government
Explain three reasons why Italy was the perfect location for the rise of the Renaissance.
Surrounded by water- Trade
Trade- great wealth- patrons
Home of the classics