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Population Genetics
Handout VI
• Heritable changes within DNA
– Converts one allelic form of a gene to
– Rate  low and varies between loci and
between species
– Env. Factors  chemicals, radiation and
infectious agents  ↑number of mutations
• Source of all new genetic variation
• Raw material for evolution
Spontaneous mutation frequencies
at specific loci for various
• Probability  likelihood  an error will
occur + it will be repaired
– Synonymous mutation  no alteration of the
amino acid
– Nonsynonymous mutation  alteration of
the amino acid
Spontaneous mutation frequencies at
specific loci for various organisms
game tes
Consider a hypothetical
• p = f(A) and q = f(a)  assume large
population + no selection
• In each g.  a proportion u of all A a
– Number of mutati ons depends on u and p
A pop. of 100,000 A  u equals 10 -4 , 1/10,000 A  a
p = 1.0 10 -4 x 100,000 = 10
p = 0.1  10 -4 x 10,000 = 1
– The decrease in p due to A a = up
– The increase in p due to A a = vq
– Amount of A ↓ = increase in A (reverse mutations) –
decrease in A (forward mutations)
Mutation rate varies between loci
and among species
• ~10-4 to 10-8 mutations/gene/generation
• Mutation rate is abbreviated 
• Some mutations are neutral (no effect on
reproductive fitness)
• Others are detrimental or lethal (depends
on environment)
• If population size is large, effects of
mutation act slowly
Equilibrium frequencies
• Forward mutation rate ↑ q and a reverse
mutation rate ↓ q
• The population achieves equilibrium
– Nb of alleles undergoing forward mutation =
Nb of alleles undergoing reverse mutation
– At this point no change in allelic freq occur
– The equilibrium q = …
Equilibrium frequencies
Equilibrium frequencies
• The equilibrium value of p = …
• A population  initial p = 0.9 and q = 0.1,
u =5x10-5 and v = 2x10-5
– Calculate the change in allelic freq in the
first generation
Irreversible mutation
Allele A is fixed (p =1.0)
and mutates A  a at
rate of  = 10 -4
Reversible mutation
Allele A is fixed (p =1.0) and
mutates A  a at rate of  = 10 -4 ;
but allele a mutates a  A at a
rate of  = 10 -5
Effective population size
• Not all individuals contribute gametes to the
next generation
• Effective population size (Ne) = equivalent
number of adults contributing gametes to the
next generation
• Ne = (4 x Nf x Nm )/ (Nf + N m )
• If ♂=♀, Ne = N
Genetic drift
• Island population of 10 individuals  5
with brown eyes (BB) and 5 with green
eyes (bb); f(B) = 0.5, f(b) = 0.5
• Typhoon devastates the island  5
people with brown eyes (BB) die
• Allelic frequency of b, f(b) = 1.0
• Now imagine the same scenario for an
island of 10,000 inhabitants
Fixation of a new favorable
• May occur rapidly
• Selective sweep
• Tightly-linked neutral alleles 
hitchhiking during a selective sweep
• Linked regions of DNA around the
favorable allele are overrepresented in
the population  leads to excess of rare
alleles at linked loci
The fixation or loss of
alleles by random
genetic drift occurs
more rapidly in small
Sampling occurs naturally
The effect of genetic drift is inversely
related to population size
• Which gametes fertilizes the egg?
• What proportion of offspring survive?
• What proportion of offspring contribute
gametes to the next generation?
Large populations = small effe cts
A genetic
Small populations = large e ffe cts
A population bottleneck
Population bottleneck followed by
recovery or extinction
Genetic Bottleneck
A historical case
A severe genetic bottleneck occurred in northern elephant seals
European bison/ wisent
(Bison bonasus)
bison/ American buffalo
(Bison bison)
Bison bison faced extinction
around the year 1890
American bison
Before 1492
The Island of the Colorblind
• Pingelap island in Micronesia  pop. has
an high (5%) freq. of achromatopsia
• Achromatopsia is a rare, autosomal
recessive  total inability to distinguish
• A typhoon ↓ island’s population 
subsequent inbreeding increased the
recessive allele responsible for the disease
Tristan da Cunha
• A remote island in the south Atlantic
settled in 1817 by a Scotsman and his
• The current population can trace their
ancestry to about two dozen individuals
• Genetic structure reflects the distribution
of genes that happened to be present in
the small group of founders
Bottleneck and founder effects
• Sampling effects  occurs in natural
– From founder effects  a populati on is established
by a s mall number of breedi ng indi vi duals
– Populati on size remains small / many generations
– Subpopul ations are isolated
– Chance pl ays a significant role in determining which
genes are present among the founders
The Founder Effect
One ancestor carrie d allele for retinitis pigmentosum
Among their 240 de scendents living on the island today, 4 are blind by the
disease and 9 othe rs are carrie rs
The Dunkers
The Dunkers
• A religious isolate founded by about 50
families from Germany who settled in
Pennsylvania in 1719
• Allele freq.  ABO blood group, bent
little fingers, hitchhikers thumb  differ
• These differences  founder effect
The Founder Effect
Old Order Amish populations are deri ved
from a few dozen colonists
The community is closed
Allele and genetic disease frequencies are different from the
German ancestral and the surrounding l ocal popul ations
Neutral theory of molecular evolution
Genetic drift
in Drosophila
Genetic drift cause s allele fre quencies to change ove r time
Some alleles may go extinct: p  0
Other alleles may become fixed: p  1
Probability of fixation increases with time
Which allele becomes fixed is strictly random
Rare alleles are more likely to be lost (p  0)
Time to fixation/loss varies with Ne and initial allele frequency
Neutral mutations can be used to estimate time elapsed since two
populations/species diverged from a common ancestor
Balance between mutation and
genetic drift
• Mutation adds genetic vari ation/genetic drift removes
vari ation
• Infinite alleles model predicts that mutation and dri ft
balance each other to result in a steady state of
– Each mutation is assume d to gene rate a novel allele ne ve r
obse rve d
– Genetic drift ope rates as normal
– Hete rozygosity  H = (4 Ne )/ (1 + 4 Ne  )
– Neutral paramete r  = 4 Ne 