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DNA Structure & Function Assignment
1. DNA Structure Assignment (15 pts):
a. Go to
i. Click on “Tour of the Basics” link
ii. Summarize each topic below in a paragraph:
1. What is a gene?
2. What is a chromosome?
3. What is DNA?
b. Use your book (pages 291, 294) and website to create a labeled,
colored drawing of DNA.
i. Include these molecules in your drawing: deoxyribose,
phosphate, adenine, guanine, cytosine, thymine, nucleotides
ii. Be able to describe these vocabulary: Nucleotides, Nucleic
acids, Base Pairs
iii. Check out this site on DNA structure:
iv. Go to
1. Click on the “Build a DNA Molecule” link
2. DNA Replication Assignment (20 pts)
a. Draw/label & describe chromosome structure (pg 295-297)
i. Key words: Histone, Nucleosome, Coils, Supercoils
b. Draw/label & describe DNA replication (page 297-299)
i. Key words: Replication fork, DNA Polymerase, Original & New
ii. Exceeds option: Leading & lagging strands, Helicase, Okazaki
c. Go to this site:
i. Click on ‘DNA workshop activity’ link
ii. Follow the links for “DNA Replication”
iii. Click on the ‘DNA Replication’ link on the main page and
review the process—then fill in any missing info from your book
description from part c.
d. Check out these two sites OR just youtube DNA replication:
3. Protein Synthesis Assignment (25 pts)
a. Question Warm-up (use book pages 300-305)
i. What are the three ways RNA is different from DNA?
ii. What are the three types of RNA? What are their roles in
protein synthesis?
iii. What are the two parts of protein synthesis? What is made in
each part?
b. Draw/label & describe transcription:
i. Key words to include:
1. RNA Polymerase, template strand, mRNA, promoter
2. EXCEEDS: Include description of RNA editing
a. Includes: Introns, Exons, pre-mRNA, Poly A tail, cap
c. Draw/label & describe translation:
i. Key words to include:
1. Codon, Anticodon, mRNA, tRNA, ribosome, amino acid,
polypeptide chain, protein
d. Try out these two sites to apply your newfound knowledge:
1. Go to the “DNA to Protein” link
a. Explore “Transcribe & Translate a gene”
b. Explore “What makes a firefly glow?”
1. Go to the “DNA Workshop Activity” link
a. Explore the “Protein Synthesis” link
4. EXTRA CREDIT: History of DNA (20 pts)
a. Go to
i. Click on “Timeline” link
b. For each experiment:
i. Have date of research & name of experimenter(s)
ii. Description of experiment
iii. Conclusion of experiment
i. Pre 1920’s: Miescher’s research
ii. 1920-1949: Avery’s research
iii. Early 1950’s: Chargaff, Franklin, Herschey & Chase, Pauling,
Watson & Crick
iv. Late 1950’s: Crick, Kornberg
v. 1960’s: Brenner
vi. 1970’s: Kornberg
d. EXCEEDS (Extra Credit):
i. As many other scientists as you are interested in.