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War and Propaganda High School
Standard: KASSS Standard 15.HS4
Evaluate and question multiple historical sources to pursue further inquiry for the purpose of synthesizing
insights about the past with insights from the future
I can use explain the purpose of war propaganda and can evaluate its use historically and currently
Exit Slip:
Are governments (historically and modern) justified in using propaganda during times of war? Create a claim and
counterclaim, backed with evidence to support your answer.
Practices of Inquiry: Guided Inquiry
Supporting questions (aimed at clarifications)
Gather relevant information from multiple sources from a wide range of perspectives
Develop and create claims and counter claims
Question Stimulus: What is the goal of war propaganda, why is it effective, is it still relevant?
7 min
Standards and target
Word Splash “What is propaganda”
Looking at Dr. Seuss image, Communism,
UK. Is this propaganda?
Discussing how it works
Determining prior knowledge of propaganda, formative
assessment for minute by minute.
Common examples to help define the term and reorient
To give some broad background knowledge to focus
Section 1: What are characteristics of war propaganda?
This section examines war propaganda from The Great War and has been divided based on the three big asks of
the CPI (Committee for Public Information), i.e. “To enlist, to ration, to buy”.
5 min
Teacher models first poster using a sample set Demonstration of expectations and “look fors” with
of questions.
sourcing and contextualization. Questions are located on the
bottom of the “Daddy” handout
4 min
Students in groups of 3 will examine varying
posters. G1 = Destroy Mad Brute, G2 = Spirit
of 1776, G3 = Sugar Rationing. Students
discuss within group questions they have and
the potential answers.
Students will use questions from previous example as a
basis for examining the images. Corroboration of ideas helps
students depend on each other first and teacher second.
Works best for clarification questions within inquiry
8 min
(5 to
3 for
Students Jigsaw so that each group has one
poster. Students collaborate and point out
major characteristics of war propaganda. One
representative from each group shares out
questions they ask and how they, as a group,
approached the source. Students individually
complete first section on the Frayer model
detailing major characteristics.
Students will look at three different historical sources to find
commonalities and agree upon general characteristics of
propaganda posters to complete Frayer model. Formative
checking for understanding based which is supported by
teacher observation as students discuss questions and
potential answers.
Section 2: How does war propaganda target individuals?
6 min
Students will look at the progression of the
propaganda by targeting one group, African
Americans from the Civil War to Vietnam (4
total). Students will complete section of
Frayer model
6 min
Whole group discussion about the progression
to answer the question.
Section 3: Is war propaganda still relevant?
5 min
Video “No Respite” ISIS propaganda video
aimed at US. Listing during or breifely after
major elements of war propaganda based on
learning from earlier
10 min
Socratic seminar to discuss characteristics of
war propaganda (section 1) and targeted
individuals (section 2)
By looking at a progression, students will see how one
group is targeted, in this case with appeals to history, liberty,
pride regardless if it is for or against the cause
Formative checking for understanding based which is
supported by teacher observation as students discuss
questions and potential answers.
Applying historical sources with a US context to an
international, relevant source that is anti-American.
Formative checking for understanding based which is
supported by teacher observation as students discuss
questions and potential answers.
Sourcing Question:
1. What are key elements of the image?
2. What is the image trying to accomplish?
3. What words are used?
4. How does the language work, i.e. words emphasized, punctuation, font.
5. How does this image make you feel?
6. To whom is this image aimed?
7. Who would produce this image and why?
Characteristics and Evidence?
1. What are key elements of the image?
2. What is the image trying to accomplish?
3. What words are used?
4. How does the language work, i.e. words emphasized, punctuation, font.
5. How does this image make you feel?
6. To whom is this image aimed?
7. Who would produce this image and why?
Characteristics and Evidence?
1. What are key elements of the image?
2. What is the image trying to accomplish?
3. What words are used?
4. How does the language work, i.e. words emphasized, punctuation, font.
5. How does this image make you feel?
6. To whom is this image aimed?
7. Who would produce this image and why?
Characteristics and Evidence?
1. What are key elements of the image?
2. What is the image trying to accomplish?
3. What words are used?
4. How does the language work, i.e. words emphasized, punctuation, font.
5. How does this image make you feel?
6. To whom is this image aimed?
7. Who would produce this image and why?
Characteristics and Evidence?
Figure 1 “Freedom to the Slave” 1863 Civil War
What is the major appeal?
Figure 2 "True Sons of Freedom" The Great War
“Liberty and Freedom shall not Perish” A. Lincoln
“COLORED MEN The first Americans who planted our flag on the firing line”
What is the major appeal? How does it compare with previous example
Figure 3 “Pvt. Joe Louis says” World War II
Joe Louis, the “Brown Bomber” was a heavy weight boxing champion who
enlisted in the Army in 1942. Louis served in a special division that aimed
at recruitment and war bonds.
What is the major appeal? How does it compare with previous examples
Figure 4 "Uncle Same wants you nigger" SNCC 1968
This famous SNCC (Student nonviolent coordinating committee) targeted
African Americans during the Civil Rights movement and Vietnam
What is the major appeal? How does it compare with previous examples?
1. What are the characteristics of war propaganda?
2. How does war propaganda target individuals?
Is war
propaganda justified?
Exit slip: (answer on the back)
Are governments (historically and modern) justified in
using propaganda during times of war? Create a claim and
counter claim, backed with evidence to support your
3. Evaluate the effectiveness of war propaganda.