Download Chapter 6 Review“The Periodic Table”

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Review“The Periodic Table”
1. How is the number of neutrons in the nucleus of an atom calculated?
2. All atoms are neutral, with the number of protons equaling the ___.
3. Isotopes of the same element have different _____.
4. Using the periodic table, determine the number of neutrons in 16O.
5. What does the number 84 represent in the name krypton-84?
6. What is the correct complete symbol for an atom of tritium?
7. Dalton said that atoms were indivisible and atoms of the same element were identical. Have any
changes been made to this?
8. The mass number of an element is equal to _____.
9. The sum of the protons and neutrons in an atom equals the __.
10. The atomic number of an element is the total number of ____.
11. How do the isotopes of hydrogen-1 and hydrogen-2 differ?
12. How many protons are present in an atom of Beryllium-9?
13. Calculate the number of neutrons in Lead-210.
14. Determine the number of electrons in an atom of Iridium.
15. About how many more times massive is a proton than electron?
16. How many neutrons are present in an isotope of uranium-235?
17. What is the atomic number for an element with 41 neutrons and a mass number of 80?
18. What is the maximum number of electrons in the second principal energy level?
19. Which of the following elements has the smallest radius: a) chlorine, or b) bromine?
20. The modern periodic table is arranged according to _____.
21. Which of the following elements are nonmetal: Pt, V, Li, and Kr
22. Which of the following elements is a transition metal: a) copper, or
b) cesium?
23. To what category of elements does an element belong if it is a poor conductor of electricity?
24. Which of the following is correct: a) In, 49 protons, 49 electrons or
b) Zn, 30 protons, 60 electrons?
25. What element in the second period has the largest atomic radius?
26. Which of the following elements is in the same period as phosphorus:
a) magnesium, or b) nitrogen?
27. Who arranged the elements according to atomic mass, and used the arrangement to predict the properties
of missing elements?
28. What is true about the electron configurations of the noble gases?
29. Which subatomic particle plays the greatest part in determining the properties of an element?
30. How does atomic radius change from left to right across a period in the periodic table?
31. How does atomic radius change from top to bottom in a group in the periodic table?
32. Each period in the periodic table corresponds to ____.
33. Where are the most reactive metals found?
34. Where are the most reactive nonmetals found?
35. What group doesn’t react at all?