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 Advertising is a form of communication
intended to persuade its viewers, readers or
listeners to take some action.
 It usually includes the name of a product or
service and how that product or service could
benefit the consumer, to persuade potential
customers to purchase or to consume that
particular brand.
The activity of attracting public attention to a product or
business, as by different types of media
A paid, mass form of communication
The business of designing and writing advertisements
The periods of development
Premarketing era
The mass communication era
The research era
Premarketing era
Indian rock art paintings from 4000 B.C.
Babylonian clay tablets from 3000 B.C.
Egyptians used papyrus to make sales messages and wall
Commercial messages and political compaign displays have
been found in the ruins of Pompeii and ancient Arabia
Lost and found advertising on papyrus was common in Ancient
Greece and Ancient Rome
Premarketing era
In the Middle Ages advertisements started to appear as
In the 1700s appeared the printed handbill for distribution,
advertisements in weekly newspapers in England
Since there was so many illiterate people in Middle Ages, they
used signs and images for: shoemaker, tailor or blacksmith.
As the economy expanded during the 19th century, advertising
grew alongside.
The mass communication era
From the 1700s to the 1900s
New models of communication technology (telegraph,
typewriter, faster printing presses) in the late 1800s
In the early 1920s, the first radio stations were established
 Since women were responsible for most of the
purchasing done in their household, advertisers and
agencies recognized the value of women's insight
during the creative process.
The research era
In the 1940’s television was invented and the first TV
advertisement aired in 1941, before a baseball game
It is the most effective mass-market advertising format with
high prices for commercial air time
The average cost of a single thirty-second TV spot during the
Super Bowl football game has reached US $3 million (2009)
The research era
The late 1980s and early 1990s saw the introduction of cable
television and MTV
The next competitive entry into the media game was the
Internet (1990s)
Advertising objectives
 The communication tasks to be
accomplished with specific customers
that a company is trying to reach during a
particular time frame.
 Advertising company usually strives to
achieve one of four advertising, and switchback.
Advertising objectives
 Trial
 Continuity
 Brand Switching
 Switchback
 The purpose is to encourage customers to
make an initial purchase of a new product.
 Companies employ creative advertising
strategies in order to cut through other
competing advertisements.
 The reason is simple: Without that first trial of
a product by customers, there will not be any
repeated purchases.
 is a strategy to keep current customers
using a particular product that is
designed to build consumer loyalty.
 Existing customers are targeted and are
usually provided new and different
information about the product.
Brand Switching
 as an objective when they want
customers to switch from competitors'
brands to their brands.
 to compare product price or quality in
order to convince customers to switch to
its product brand.
 when companies want to get back former
users of their product brand.
They may highlight:
 new product features,
 price reductions,
 or other important product information.
Types of advertising
Advertising can be:
 Local,
 International,
 Legal,
 Political,
 Financial,
 Religious,
 Charitable Etc.
Any media can be used for advertising:
 Wall paintings,
 Billboards,
 Street furniture components,
 Printed flyers,
 Radio, cinema and television adverts,
 Web banners,
 Mobile telephone screens,
 Shopping carts,
 Web popes,
 Bus stop benches,
 Human billboards…
Advertisement is not obliged to tell the
whole truth about the product, advantages
and disadvantages.
Types of advertising
Mass media are used:
• to show the way we should behave,
• important rules that we should
• what we should value.
 The TV commercial is generally considered the
most effective mass-market advertising
format, reflected by the high prices TV
networks charge for commercial airtime during
popular TV events.
Radio advertising
 is a form of advertising via the medium of
 Airtime is purchased from a station or network
in exchange for airing the commercials.
Press advertising
 describes advertising in a printed medium
such as a newspaper, magazine, or trade
 allows private individuals or companies to
purchase a small, narrowly targeted ad for a
low fee, advertising a product or service.
Online advertising
 Online advertising is a form of promotion that
uses the Internet and World Wide Web for the
expressed purpose of delivering marketing
messages to attract customers.
Billboard advertising
Billboards are large structures
located in public places or on main
roads, which display advertisements
to passing pedestrians and motorists.
Mobile billboard advertising
Mobile billboards are generally
vehicle mounted billboards or digital
screens for carrying advertisements
along routes, previously selected by
In-store Advertising
 any advertisement placed in a retail store.
Celebrities advertising
 focuses upon using celebrity power, fame,
money, and popularity to gain recognition
for their products and promote specific
stores or products.
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