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Protein Structure Helps us
Understand Protein Function
If we do know what a protein does,
its structure will tell us how it does it.
 If we don’t know what a protein
does, its structure might give us
what we need to know to figure out
its function.
IIT Biochemistry: 17 Sep 2007
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Plans for Today
Methods of
Protein Structure
 CryoEM
 Specialty
IIT Biochemistry: 17 Sep 2007
Levels of Protein
Hydrogen Bonds
structure in
globular proteins
Tertiary Structure
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Warning: Specialty Content!
I determine protein structures (and
develop methods for determining protein
structures) as my own research focus
So it’s hard for me to avoid putting a lot
of emphasis on this material
But today I’m allowed to do that, because
it’s the stated topic of the day.
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Structures: Fourier
transforms of diffraction
Position of spots tells you how big the unit cell is
Intensity tells you what the contents are
We’re using electromagnetic radiation, which
behaves like a wave, exp(2ik•x)
Therefore intensity Ihkl = C*|Fhkl|2
Fhkl is a complex coefficient in the Fourier
transform of the electron density in the unit cell:
(r) = (1/V) hkl Fhkl exp(-2ih•r)
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The phase problem
Note that we said Ihkl = C*|Fhkl|2
That means we can figure out
|Fhkl| = (1/C)√Ihkl
But we can’t figure out the direction of F:
Fhkl = ahkl + ibhkl = |Fhkl|exp(ihkl)
This direction angle is called a phase angle
Because we can’t get it from Ihkl, we have a
problem: it’s the phase problem!
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What can we learn
Electron density map + sequence  we can
determine the positions of all the non-H atoms in
the protein—maybe!
Best resolution possible: Dmin =  / 2
Often the crystal doesn’t diffract that well, so
Dmin is larger—1.5Å, 2.5Å, worse
Dmin ~ 2.5Å tells us where backbone and most
side-chain atoms are
Dmin ~ 1.2Å: all protein atoms, most solvent,
some disordered atoms
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What does this look like?
Takes some
experience to
Automated fitting
programs work
pretty well with
Dmin < 2.1Å
ATP binding to a protein of
unknown function: S.H.Kim
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How’s the field changing?
1990: all structures done by
Now: many biochemists and molecular
biologists are launching their own
structure projects as part of broader
functional studies
Fearless prediction: by 2020,
crystallographers will be either
technicians or methods developers
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Macromolecular NMR
NMR is a mature field
Depends on resonant interaction between EM
fields and unpaired nucleons (1H, 15N, 31S)
Raw data yield interatomic distances
Conventional spectra of proteins are too muddy
to interpret
Multi-dimensional (2-4D) techniques:
initial resonances coupled with additional ones
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Typical protein 2-D spectrum
identify which
H-H distance is
responsible for a
particular peak
amount of
testing required
IIT Biochemistry: 17 Sep 2007
Prof. Mark Searle,
University of Nottingham
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Often there’s a family of structures that
satisfy the NMR data equally well
Can be portrayed as a series of threads
tied down at unambiguous assignments
They portray the protein’s structure in
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Comparing NMR to X-ray
NMR family of structures often reflects real
conformational heterogeneity
Nonetheless, it’s hard to visualize what’s
happening at the active site at any instant
Hydrogens sometimes well-located;
they’re often the least defined atoms in an Xray structure
The NMR structure is obtained in solution!
Hard to make NMR work if MW > 25 kDa
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What does it mean when NMR
and X-ray structures differ?
Lattice forces may have tied down or moved
surface amino acids in X-ray structure
NMR may have errors in it
X-ray may have errors in it (measurable)
X-ray structure often closer to true atomic
X-ray structure has built-in reliability checks
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Like X-ray crystallography,
EM damages the samples
Samples analyzed < 100K
survive better
2-D arrays of molecules
Spatial averaging to improve
Discerning details ~ 4Å resolution
Can be used with crystallography
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Circular dichroism
Proteins in solution can
rotate polarized light
Amount of rotation varies
with 
Effect depends on
interaction with secondary
structure elements, esp. 
Presence of characteristic
 patterns in presence of
other stuff enables estimate
of helical content
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Poll question:
Which protein would yield
a more interpretable CD
(a) myoglobin
(b) Fab fragment of
immunoglobulin G
(c) both would be fully
(d) CD wouldn’t tell us
anything about either
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Ultraviolet spectroscopy
Tyr, trp absorb and fluoresce:
abs ~ 280-274 nm; f = 348 (trp), 303nm
Reliable enough to use for estimating
protein concentration via Beer’s law
UV absorption peaks for cofactors in various
states are well-understood
More relevant for identification of moieties
than for structure determination
Quenching of fluorescence sometimes
provides structural information
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Solution scattering
Proteins in solution scatter X-rays
in characteristic, sphericallyaveraged ways
Low-resolution structural
information available
Does not require crystals
Until ~ 2000 you needed high
Thanks to BioCAT, SAXS on dilute
proteins is becoming more feasible
Hypothesis-based analysis
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Some proteins, like many
DNA molecules, possess
approximate fibrous order
(2-D ordering)
Produce characteristic fiber
diffraction patterns
Collagen, muscle proteins,
filamentous viruses
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X-ray spectroscopy
All atoms absorb UV or X-rays at
characteristic wavelengths
Higher Z means higher energy,
lower for a particular edge
Perturbation of absorption spectra
at E = Epeak +  yields neighbor
Changes just below the peak yield
oxidation-state information
X-ray relevant for metals, Se, I
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Levels of Protein Structure
We conventionally describe proteins at
four levels of structure, from most local to
most global:
Primary: linear sequence of peptide units and
covalent disulfide bonds
Secondary: main-chain H-bonds that define
short-range order in structure
Tertiary: three-dimensional fold of a
Quaternary: Folds of multiple polypeptide
chains to form a complete oligomeric unit
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What does the primary
structure look like?
-ala-glu-val-thr-asp-pro-gly- …
Can be determined by amino acid sequencing of
the protein
Can also be determined by sequencing the
gene and then using the codon information to
define the protein sequence
Amino acid analysis means percentages; that’s
less informative than the sequence
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Components of secondary
, 310,  helices
pleated sheets and
the strands that
comprise them
Beta turns
More specialized
structures like
collagen helices
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An accounting for secondary
structure: phospholipase A2
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Alpha helix
IIT Biochemistry: 17 Sep 2007
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Characteristics of  helices
Hydrogen bonding from amino nitrogen
to carbonyl oxygen in the residue 4
earlier in the chain
3.6 residues per turn
Amino acid side chains face outward
~ 10 residues long in globular proteins
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What would disrupt this?
Not much: the side chains
don’t bump into one another
Proline residue will disrupt it:
Main-chain N can’t H-bond
The ring forces a kink
Glycines sometimes disrupt
because they tend to be
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Other helices
NH to C=O four residues earlier is
not the only pattern found in
310 helix is NH to C=O three
residues earlier
More kinked; 3 residues per turn
Often one H-bond of this kind at Nterminal end of an otherwise -helix
  helix: even rarer: NH to C=O
five residues earlier
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Beta strands
Structures containing roughly extended
polypeptide strands
Extended conformation stabilized by
inter-strand main-chain hydrogen bonds
No defined interval in sequence number
between amino acids involved in H-bond
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Sheets: roughly
Folds straighten H-bonds
Side-chains roughly
perpendicular from sheet
Consecutive side chains
up, then down
Minimizes intra-chain
collisions between bulky
side chains
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beta sheet
Neighboring strands extend in opposite
Complementary C=O…N bonds from
top to bottom and bottom to top strand
Slightly pleated for optimal H-bond
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Beta Sheet
N-to-C directions are the same for both
You need to get from the C-end of one
strand to the N-end of the other strand
H-bonds at more of an angle relative to the
approximate strand directions
Therefore: more pleated than anti-parallel
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Beta turns
Abrupt change in direction
, angles are
characteristic of beta
Main-chain H-bonds
maintained almost all the way
through the turn
Jane Richardson and others
have characterized several
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Collagen triple helix
Three left-handed helical
strands interwoven with a
specific hydrogen-bonding
Every 3rd residue
approaches other strands
closely: so they’re glycines
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Poll question
Remember that there are
about 3.6 residues per turn
in an alpha helix.
Suppose you had a helical
protein that was sitting on,
not in, a phospholipid
bilayer so that the side
chains point inward and
outward along the surface.
Which of the following
sequences would be the
most stable in this
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Assume side chain of
residue 2 points DOWN
into the bilayer:
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Tertiary Structure
The overall 3-D arrangement of atoms
in a single polypeptide chain
Made up of secondary-structure
elements & locally unstructured strands
Described in terms of sequence,
topology, overall fold, domains
Stabilized by van der Waals
interactions, hydrogen bonds,
disulfides, . . .
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Arrangement of individual polypeptide
chains to form a complete oligomeric,
functional protein
Individual chains can be identical or
If they’re the same, they can be coded for
by the same gene
If they’re different, you need more than
one gene
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Not all proteins have all four
levels of structure
Monomeric proteins don’t have
quaternary structure
Tertiary structure: subsumed into
2ndry structure for many structural
proteins (keratin, silk fibroin, …)
Some proteins (usually small ones)
have no definite secondary or tertiary
structure; they flop around!
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Note about disulfides
Cysteine residues brought S
into proximity under
oxidizing conditions can C
form a disulfide
Forms a “cystine” residue
Oxygen isn’t always the
oxidizing agent
Can bring sequence-distant
residues close together and
stabilize the protein
IIT Biochemistry: 17 Sep 2007
(1/2)O 2
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Hydrogen bonds, revisited
Biological settings, H-bonds are almost
Between carbonyl oxygen and hydroxyl:
(C=O ••• H-O-)
between carbonyl oxygen and amine:
(C=O ••• H-N-)
These are stabilizing structures
Any stabilization is (on its own) entropically
Sufficient enthalpic optimization overcomes
In general the optimization is ~ 1- 4 kcal/mol
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Secondary structures in
structural proteins
Structural proteins often have uniform
secondary structures
Seeing instances of secondary structure
provides a path toward understanding them in
globular proteins
Alpha-keratin (hair, wool, nails, …): -helical
Silk fibroin (guess) is -sheet
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Actual -keratins
sometimes contain helical
globular domains
surrounding a fibrous
Fibrous domain: long
segments of regular helical bonding patterns
Side chains stick out from
the axis of the helix
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Antiparallel beta
sheets running
parallel to the
silk fiber axis
Multiple repeats
of (Gly-Ser-GlyAla-Gly-Ala)n
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