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Evolution of Populations
In a population of organisms, they share a gene pool. Describe the term gene pool.
How does relative frequency relate to the gene pool?
Darwin knew organisms in a population differed from each other, but he couldn’t explain how.
Describe mutations and gene shuffling below and explain how they’re important for genetic variation.
Describe a single-gene trait and a polygenic trait, and how they are seen differently in a population.
Describe why evolution applies to and acts upon populations of organisms and not individuals.
Explain how evolution can affect single gene traits in a population.
Explain how evolution can affect polygenic traits on a population.
Directional Selection -
Stablizing Selection –
Disruptive Selection –
Describe genetic drift and how it might occur.
Explain the founder effect -
Describe the Hardy-Weinberg principle
Describe each of the five conditions necessary for keeping genetic equilibrium.
Random Mating –
Large Populations –
No Movement In or out –
No Mutations –
No Natural Selection -
Ch. 16 continued…. TheProcess of Speciation
Isolating Mechanisms
Describe how populations that may be evolving may be isolated from each other.
Be sure to explain reproductive isolation.
Describe the three ways in which populations can be reproductively isolated.
Behavioral Isolation –
Geographic Isolation –
Temporal Isolation –
Natural Selection seen in Nature (Answer in Class)
How did the Grants document andrecord data about natural Selection occurring rapidly in the
Galapagos finch populations?
Speciation in Darwin’s Finches
Describe how speciation probably occurred in the finches Darwin studied in the
Galapagos Islands. Be sure to describe why all bold terms apply to this speciation.
Rate of Evolution (add notes here in class)